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150w HPS Club and Resource Guide......


Buteo Jamaicensis
thanks blue :wave: i got one hashberry and 3 stankoniaCPs. imo odorsoks are overrated, they work good for vegg and early in flower but those last weeks it just doesnt cut it. when i ran a lone chem d/sour d it ate thru the sok like it wasnt even there. man, how to describe the bottle rocket... once all was cured i tasted swt#3 first, then LOC, then bottle rocket. swt#3 has a nice grapefruit smell to it, but in the taste category it got its ass kicked by the LOC. then i tried the rocket, in all honesty, then first inhale felt like i got hit in the head with a hammer compared to swt#3 and LOC, no joke. and the smell when cracking open the jar is undescribeable.

hashberry, 4 headed monster

stankonia macro

as far as the light, it was one off of ebay so it came with a vertical reflector. during my first run in had a centralized hot spot created by the rounded reflector and it would cook anything - leaves, stems, buds, that got touched by it.


nice pics bro! so would you recommend the LOC? how was it as far as yeild and height? thinking about picking up a few g-13 crosses myself. -bluebuds


There you are some my shots:

hps 150w

DUrban x hh
54 day 12/12




I officially joined the 150 club tonight! My light came from e-conolight today, so of course I had to remote the ballast, remove the CFL light bar, and rewire the whole damn thing tonight, didn't I? Anyway, it's done and the temps were the same running 84w of CFL and 150w of HPS as they were running 195w of CFL's. There is a hot spot directly under the lamp on the plant side of the plexiglass, but it's not even hot enough to heat up the plexi so it won't hurt the plants. I'll just make sure that the taller plants end up to the outside. I did not realize how effing BRIGHT a 150w HPS is in a cab with a 2 sq. ft. footprint! Can't wait to see the nugs form on these clones!!!


Here are my Karmatrain babes went in under the 150 on Sat. the other pic is the Cripple Creek mum that I flowered without filling the screen (on purpose I couldn't wait cause I want to try the KT!)

Grow on!

Soon this will be KT instead:


Shady Smoka

Active member
I want in

I want in

Hey Pipedream, SugaBear and others.
This is my first post ever. I am currently growing NYCD in a bubble DWC with a 150 watter. Ive been reading this thread for a few weeks (still only half way through). This is my first grow so I'm a newbie.
So, do I make the cut for the club? :joint:

Will post some pics tomorrow


Hello all. Here's a nice nug, too bad that's the whole plant. Poor girl almost died after transplant.

This fan is a new addition to the flower room:

4 two gallon bags and enough room for 2 more. I thought I'd try four plants before I attempt squeezing six. The footprint is only 15" x 23". Three are fimmed and one (right front) is gonna grow natural unless it stretches too much. I'm gonna compare the colas for future reference.


The St.

hey everybody, havent been around too much lately, but heres some pics of my girls at day 44 of 12/12 they were vegged for about 5 weeks if i remember correctly( :joint: )... they are ak99 x freezeland, mighty39, and an unknown from boreal genetics. covered in trichs, very frosty! they got about another week to go. i had some troubles with them before the transplant and theyre a little nute burned, but ive been flushing them for a while and theyre doing much better.

Peace all!!!


Buteo Jamaicensis
bluebuds said:
so would you recommend the LOC? how was it as far as yeild and height?-bluebuds

yes i would blue. it yeilded much better than any of my swts, nice rockhard chunky buds too. if it would have had more vegg the yeild for the LOC would be a 1/2oz-1oz per plant dry easy. no stretch at all, very manageable, no nute deficiencies all anytime. and the purple hues with the heavy citrus taste make it even better. i just got some of the romulan(LOC x G13), I hope its just as good.

looking good the St, zathir, disco, and greese


Active member
hey guys

I thought Id put some pic in here to, since Im running 150 too.
Ive got 1 White Satin & 1 Kalichakra at day 62, and prepairing to harvest in next 14 days probably.

...well here they are


Kalichakra buds




Greeseyder said:
Looks nice DD! What are you running now?

thanks Greeseyder, this is just some ol indica bag beaner. I don't have a safe addy so bag seed is the alternative. This stuf smells like lemons or grapefruit, can't really tell at this point. The most developed plant is a female, waiting on the other three.

Great buds, Propoline and The St.

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Active member
shady smoka : welcome to the 150 club (my favourite thread in icmag) !

just thought i would check in and put up some pictures of my menage a trois freebies :

these plants are still in veg (2 months vegging and soon to outgrow my veg cab). i dont know what sex they are yet because i am having a tough time learning how to make clones and get them into flower so that i can determine sex . regardless, you can see that these are some heavily indica-type plants . the pics dont actually show how WIDE the leaves are on these plants, but they are , by far, the widest, lushest leaves i have grown in my relatively short growing career. the burn marks that you see are from the plants touching the cfls.


green_grow, are your lights on 18/6?, 24/0? If they're on 18/6 you're probably getting close to preflower stage.

Indica clones seem to take a little longer than sativa when it comes to developing roots. I don't know if you've been rooting clones in soil but Rapid Rooters are pretty cool. I know you didn't ask but here's how I do it and I hardly ever lose one:

Cut clone on a 45 degree angle for absorption. Scar the stem (below dirt line) with a clean razor blade or similar (this is important.)

Rooting hormone helps me but some do not use it. If you do, cover the stem (below dirt line) and don't "cake" it on. If you get too much just remove the excess.

Moisten the RR (not wet)

Put the clone in the hole. If you have to, use a probe to make to hole big enough to get the stem into the RR without wiping the rooting hormone off the stem. Now using your fingertips, lightly press the RR against the stem to get contact of the RR 360 degrees around the clone stem.

Moisten the clone leaves (not soaked.)

If you have a humidity dome skip this part - a plastic pop bottle cut in half makes a good humidity dome. Drill 4 or 5, 1/4" holes in the bottle bottom for ventilation. Spray a film of water in the pop bottle. Stop spraying before droplets collect and run down the sides. Put the bottle over the clone and rapid rooter to maintain moisture.

For The First Week:

Every other day check to see if the RR is moist. Re-moisten if necessary (not wet.)

Don't re-moisten the clone leaves with spray, the mist on the inside of the bottle will take care of them for now.

When the bottle dries, inspect the RR and maintain moisture (not wet)
It's okay to lightly mist (not wet)the clone leaves if the bottle has dried.
Re-mist the bottle and place over clone.

The idea is to maintain moisture of the clone leaves because there are not yet roots. Moisture in the RR is for the roots whenever they decide to sprout. Even before the roots sprout the RR has to be moist to condition the plant stem for the changes necessary to develop roots. Too much moisture on the clone leaves will cause the clone to depend on foliar hydration, the root will not develop and the stem may rot.

For The Second Week:

This is basically the same as the first week with a little difference:

Maintain moisture in the bottle and the RR but do not re-moisten the clone leaves when the bottle dries out. The moisture inside the bottle should be enough to keep the clone from completely drying out. When you stop re-moistening the leaves, the clone will be forced to grow roots for the increased moisture it needs that it isn't getting from the leaves.

Once you start to see roots penetrate the RR:

Stop all re-moistening of the leaves.

Stop re-moistening the dome.

Keep the RR moist (not wet.) It may be necessary to keep the dry dome on the clone for several days until the roots start to get bigger (depending on the heat and air exchange in your veg area.) The dry dome is to give you more time between a moist RR and a dry one. If the RR dries out at this point you'd have to be quick on the spot or it will die.

Once you have a half dozen or so 1/2" to 3/4" long roots it should be good to plant in dirt. Hope this helps.

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Active member
some rep coming your way for that, my good man !

18/6 on the lights . i want to veg it for another week then put it into flower. i am trying to get a mini-perpetual going but have had a couple of minor setbacks due to a plant dying and some clones not rooting . pushing onwards, relentlessly . :canabis:
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Proudly Growing My Own Since 1969

First off, Happy Easter to all of our members to whom this day is special and observe it. Its sunny and warm here and I hope its the same where you are.

Sorry I haven't been posting much. I've been intentionally spending less time in front of the computer. Been trying to be a bit more active and get out some. Lots of coffee runs to meet friends, time at the library, and lots of short walks. All of the hours sitting in front of the keyboard was killing my back and brain cells.

Its great to be able to welcome some new members to our small club. Fresh blood and ideas are what make this place special. I look forward to seeing a couple of new set-ups and lots of bud-porn. I'm always looking to ripoff some good ideas and learn something new.

The bud pictures everyone has been putting up look fantastic! I swear many of them are as nice as those grown by folks using 600 and 1k lamps. Granted, they may get more at a time, but I don't think they are any prettier, or have more frost.

Here's wishing everyone a fantastic Spring and a wonderful Outdoor Growing Season.

Warm Regards, PD



Active member
Can any of you electrical geniuses help me figure out what kind of capacitor is needed for a lil 70w hps?

Here's the specs:

volt: 120.60hz
current: 1.6amp
starting: 2.1amps
lamp: s62 hps


Ganico I'm not a electrical genius but i do have the same ballast 70w hps with a capacitor to look at.You need a 29uf 330vac 60hz i don't kno if u can find one to buy tho.

Thanks for all the help from before guys.Heres some pix of my little setup..I'm using a mogul bulb and socket and 4 26W 64k cfl in a L65cm X 48cm X 90cm space.


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