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131 cfl watt grow experiment, very crude set up; in flowering

OK today When i check on my girl i noticed one of the lights was a bit to close and a couple fan leaves got scorched near the top, no big deal though, not much damge to plant, and none to the bud. I did take a few pics before it happened last night.




These are today







I also worked on moving the plant from one part of the entertainment center to another. I now have tons more space in wich to work with. Temperature dropped 10 degrees F with all new space for ventilation. Also I had only about 8 inches of vertical space left to work with in old space. New space has about 2 feet if needed.

Still work to be done.


not a bad looking plant coming from shwag seeds...... wish you luck!

I can't wait to see what you come out with, hopefully you will blow you're friends socks off with some good!

just an idea... have you ever hjeard of LST? you might be able to manipulate that girl and come out with a bigger yield... check out some of the other posts on here thats how I first heard of LST
DAY 35 update with pics

DAY 35 update with pics

For the past 5 nights I fed my girl just plain water, no nutes. Just for a small cleaning period. Today i started with nutes again.

1/4 tsp mix per quart. I fed a whole quart. 9 hour later i checked on her and noticed she needed more water, thisty girl.

At the first watering/feeding she had a nice leak, wich i collected with a towel, about 4oz. About 2 hours after the 1st inital i made sure to pour the small bit in. At the 9 hour check i gave about roughly 20 more oz, with NO DRAINAGE. THIRSTY GIRL INDEED! I was really surprised. I'm learning her needs.

I keep slipping up on these lamps, its the small table lamp I have in for additional lighting for buds near the bottom. Getting too close and burnng the fan leaves. Its a bit irrating but overall not much damaging. No buds were harmed.
The 3rd pic in the line up shows where i had some burnage.

Overall though, aside from the slight light burnage, I have to say each day gets better. I notice new changes, small but i take note. I still just amaze myself, "I have buds YEA!". Smells a bit fruity and woody. Can't quite describe it. Not too pugent yet, but crystals are getting packed in, i know that much.
Enjoy the pics and thanks for reading.


Well-known member
wsup bagseed. she looks dammm fine. rock on brotha man.
cant wate to see the finished buds. keep up the good work and ull have a nice harvest.
Day 40 Update

Day 40 Update

Looking good.

And the Last pic is a schwag shot, uncompressed from Mexico. No particular smell or flavor to speak of to be honest, but nice soaring high.
Better close up these times. I can't edit for shit, I'm not a photographer.





Some viable seeds for sure, I might save them. Not all weed from Mexico is compressed junk. Sometimes its actually fluffy, like the specimen above. Not too seedy.

Man I bought a rip bag the other day for $15, I was desperate. FULL OF SEEDS AND MOSTLY SHAKE. Bud wasn't compacted, compressed. But the amazing thing was the few buds that it bad, wich were tiny, tasted FRUITY as hell!! Not much bud from Mexico is fruity. It was an awesome stone also, i couldn't stop smiling.:D Afterwards I didn't feel so ripped off, I got a bunch of viable seeds outta it.

I saved those seeds and marked them for next grow!! That maybe sometime down the road, I might try some LST next time when i do, but this time i wanted one single cola. I wasn't sure how many females outta 4 i would end up with, why LST a bunch of males?
I wish i hadn't rolled a Jay outta the second bud on the left,:yeahthats before i took the picture. Yeah that bud had a joints worth (.7g-.9g) connected where that stem sticks outta the top. Tons of red hairs, i got stoned and decided it would have been a good idea after the fact.

I always come up with great ideas after i get stoned, typical.
Goes to show you how a little love can make the difference between schwagg and chronic.

Ain't it the truth.
Air, food, water, & a little TLC for the THC. Thats all you really need. My setup is purely "ghetto" IMO. Bare necessities and such. Most people would say I'm doing it all wrong too, I'm sure. Seems to be working fine to me, i really have no idea what I'm doing. I guess i have a green thumb, must be genetic. My grandfather (who also worked in Horticulture Industry in Mexico) and his son my father, both grew weed. I'm a 3rd generation "farmer", and most likely 3rd Gen toker. I wonder if Grandma and grandpa blazed it up?

I've smoked shwag now for 10 Years. The seeds the bud came in, I would describe as easily being, "A top 10 schwag bag in my life." At least one extraordinary bag of schawg per year on average. This year has been an excellent year for schwag in South Texas, at least twice this year I've stumbled on something extraordinary(One being this week, the extra fruity schwag bag, very unique for something from Mexico. Never seen anything like it really, must have Dutch genetics or something.). But i have seen my fair share of crap through the years, this year is no exception.

Only way I would be able to get seeds from a Hybridized Line is if Texas hops on the MMJ bandwagon. I've also considered going to Canada and bringing some back in the future.
Thats just a dream of Mine anyway, smoking some bud in Vancouver BC. Probably As close to Ganja Disneyland (Holland) as i could ever get.
size comparision pics in week 7

size comparision pics in week 7

I am antcipating this grow lasting 12-13 weeks. I'll feed nutrients for another 2 weeks and begin flushing. I don't wanna take any chances so I'll cut off a little earlier so I know the smoke tastes clean when the time comes.

I have been slowly adding a bit extra feed each time into mix, the dilution rationis about the lowest recommended when i 1st started. Miracle grow doesn't really offer good instuctions on a schedule (once every 2 weeks?), its all just based on how i feel. Increase in feeding strength and frequency. Watering nearly twice daily, feeding days are also increased with additional feeding when 2nd watering. I don't feel I've been over doing it, I'm being very cautious. Less is better, but I want it to be a healty size and worth my efforts. No harm so far, keeping my fingers crossed.

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