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131 cfl watt grow experiment, very crude set up; in flowering

Hi to everyone here at IC Mag. I've been reading lots of stuff the past few months on this site and figured it was time to share my grow experiment. I love this site btw, its great! I've learned quite alot. This isn't my 1st try at growing. I've made it about this far before before my plant had an accident and i had to start all over.

My stock of seeds come from Mexican raised plants south of the border. i live in South Texas, and needless to say we get the best schwag bar none. I dare anyone in the continential US to say their region gets better schwag. Trust me theres plenty o' crap out there but you gotta have the right connections. My brother brought home a 1/2 oz @$25 US (wich is the going rate and it was 'semi-bricked'), about 2 months ago that knocked my socks off. Hints of sandalwood, bright greenish almost yellow color, perfectly cured. Won't see something like that for awhile, thats for sure. I wouldn't doubt it has some dutch genes in it somewhere, since mostly all the stuff nowadays i see is hybridized stuff. All sorts of flavors and smells.

I sprouted 4 seeds June 12th actually doubting anything would happen since the weed was 'semi-brick'. I thought the seeds were rather small and too black in color.

I used about 40% perlite & 60% Organic Choice Miracle potting mix. Not actually soil. Thats it. I slowly upgraded the light since i didn't see the purpose in exposing seedlings too 8,000+ Lumens. After 1 1/2 weeks feeding starts with all purpose miracle grow 20-8-16, 1/2 tsp fertilizers per quart of filtered water from local dispensing well @ 25 cents a gallon. Feeding started of the bloom formula 15-30-15 last week

I'm using 1-65w cfl, 3900lumens(supposedly a 300w replacement)
1-40w cfl, 2700 lumens
1-26w cfl, 1650 lumens

133w & 8250 lumens. Sufficient enough for 1 plant, i assume, maybe 2. When sprouting seeds from schwag your gambling since you don't know the genetics and the fact the seeds aren't femenized. So i just pray God doesn't bless me with 4 females, cause Lord knows where i would put them.

I converted an old entertainment center, (everyone uses Flat screens these days bigger that the EC) that i had collecting dust into a grow space. Its very ghetto with cardboard, duct tape, and foil. Only materials needed.

I have no thermometer.
No ph kits.

This is really a small budget operation. I bought lights, fixtures, 1 gallon pots, timer, plus all i mentioned earlier. Some one was kind and bought me a $20 fan. Total budget was under a 100 dollars including the bag of weed!

I started the seedlings off in 20oz gatorade bottles covered in ductape. After sexing them 5-6 weeks later, I ended up with 1 female.Here she is @ day 17 since inducing flowering. Sitting at around 15 or so inches in height.

I will post a pic or 2 of the progress weekly.
Thanks for reading and i pray my experiment runs smoothly this time with no problems. Assuming it does run smooth i hope you'll check back on my progress. I would appreciate feedback if it will help me in anyway. Thanks again.
is she mag defficent?
I really haven't the slightest idea. I'm a noob.

I did read the sticky on sick plants http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=11688

I would say its probable but not a major issue at this point, or so it seems. I'm really just doing my best not kill the thing. I'm just doing what i think is best, since I've never done it before and have only studied it. If horticulture was a class i was taking now I'd be a C- student, lol. I know my soil and nutrients and even my ghetto environment could be far better. I know theres someone out there saying 'm doing it all wrong. I
know what I'm doing, its called an experiment. No big deal.

I'm just taking what studied and seeing what happens. So far I'm please with my results and seeing what i can learn along the way. The investment was quite minimal; if the plant would live another month I'd amaze myself. I'm just trying to take nothing and turn it into something. If i accomplish something that would be great. Ultimate goal. Then one day i go nuts and raise a jungle, who knows. I'll just let nature take its coarse.

Wish me luck.


Active member
looks good so far, but since you're using miracle gro i suggest you get ready, its gonna become mag def and possibly cal. miracle gro lacks a lot of micros. i suggest getting some lime to topdress get the kind with magnesium. i use espoma garden lime. costs like $4 for a 5lb bag. 1/2cup treats a cubic foot of soil. so you will have that bag of lime through maaaany grows. just measure a tablespoon or so into a bowl or something and dissolve it with hot water, water your plant with it. it will last you the rest of the grow.

http://www.espoma.com/p_consumer/basics_01.html this is a good generalized plant def chart.
yeah thanks. I just wanna show you don't need a fancy set up to grow some good "tomatoes". Food, light, air, and some TLC. Thats about all you need.

I've been wanting to show the undergrowth theres some good pistil growth there, its just hard to get a good picture. In a week or two they should be more evident.

Theres just one question, since my fertilizer is Miracle grow, how often should i feed it now?I've been doing every 4-5 days, with 2 waterings in between. Each feeding is only 1/2 a tsp of ferts in a quart of water. Each watering is about a quart. And then where does that leave me with flushing? I've never gone this far in a grow yet. I guess thats 2 questions.
Looking great man, you'll be smoking great bud in no time.

Thanks man, I'm glad someone likes my "little girl". Pics been posted a couple days and noone commented, i was a bit worried. I am new here so I'm not expecting a lot of "attention" if you can call it that.

I can hardly wait to see what each day brings, I notice something new everyday, and the plant seems to be gaining about 1/2inch to an inch a day. I'll have to find a new space I'm thinking in about 2 weeks if it continues like this. Not looking forward to that happening. But its doable.
also tomorrow I'll be exchanging the 26w light with a 40w.
Its only a slight boost in lumens (only 1,050, making it 9,300) but I'll take what i can get.

These next few weeks are gonna be exciting, My 1st real buds. I've always wanted to grow, but weed is so cheap here, homegrown or hydroponics are just not that popular.

The weed market in South Texas is mostly commercial. Its hard for hydro to comptete with 50 dollar ounces of Mexico's finest imports. Everyones so quick to say something negative about commercially grown weed from south of the border, but not everyone lives in SouthTexas.

We see stuff the other parts of the country won't ever see, cause its too good. We keep the best and move the rest. (most of the time). We do occasionally get crap, but not that often. My source is quite reliable 60% of the time its great. 30% its excellent, and the other 10% is crap. Sounds about right. I'll go along time before getting something that diappoints. Its usally in Summer, like now. As it gets hotter outside the weed gets more brownish looking. I have no idea why. Fall comes around the weed is really good. Christmas is usally the best.

Anyway, I'll be posting some pics soon, maybe by Monday. I want to show a noticable difference, since the camera I have isn't great I wouldn't think you could tell a huge difference. Plus I'm not much of a photographer. So I'll give it awhile.
And TGIF! Broke and dry, I need to get paid NOW!


hi cfl bagseed ,its always nice to see new growers here. w e l c o me !two years ago i made a cfl grow with 144 watt .the quality of the buds was very good and the the yield was good.
good luck for your grow . your plants looking nice and healthy
Just a quick question but what do you do about the smell of the plant? Or is that not an issue?

Well I'm not all concerned about the smell. I live in a house that I don't need to keep it a secret from other people in house. And the Odor so far isn't that strong to be honest. It will start to smell though, I know it will. Buds are nowhere near being fully developed.

When that time comes I'll just need to buy some type of air freshener that deodorizes up to 24hrs at a time. I should be set since I have just one plant and shes 18 Inches at the moment.
hi cfl bagseed ,its always nice to see new growers here. w e l c o me !two years ago i made a cfl grow with 144 watt .the quality of the buds was very good and the the yield was good.
good luck for your grow . your plants looking nice and healthy

Thanks alot for commenting, I'm just an amature. I've never grown any type of plant ever! I think I'm doing fairly well.

My wattage just got boosted up to 145 watts today.
I got greedy and kept the one light i intended to have replaced. I now have 171 watts at nearly 11,000 lumens for a 1 1/2 foot tall girl.

Pics of the progress tomorrow, I'm starting to see crystals...


looks good for some schwag nug seeds. I hope you come out with better buds then what you used to start... keep us updated I would really like to see the final result...

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