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13 gal 8 xl Uc 2k PK


Well-known member
Thanks guys
Im gonna flip em sometime next week I think.
Stoney do you know if that can handle -0f temps.
I have some new pics Ill update a little bit later.


Well-known member
Here they are as of yesterday. They seem to setting up for the exploding growth period.
Ppms 650 ph 6.0 room temp is at 72f

Under the dress

Im hoping to flip em next week be for I leave for vacation in the mountains


Well-known member
I think Im gonna be flippin these in the next few days.
They bounced back great. T5s bushin them out real nice.
Ppms 550 ph 6.1
The hempys look like shit. The leaves have a shitty curl to em. Anybody know whats up with em. There on day 11 12/12.

Heres the PKs in the UC


The hempys looking down

Im planning on poppin a 13 gal 4xl in the corner where the hempys are after they finish up. The UC is way less work and I dont have to worry about the apprentice fucking them all up. Come on look at them hempys. Apprentices suck all he has to do is feed em every 2-3 days and look what happened.
Oh well at least the PK in the UC are finally rockin.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
They look over watered on my iPhone then I zoomed in and it looks like P to early on. Some strains don't like high P that early in flower. The cupping leaf indicated that or weak lighting and I know a 600 is right there. The highP is more of a problem in coco as it retains it and has nothing to buffer it like soil would over time. This is all speculation but from a quick look on the phone thTs what I think.
Best of luck and if wanna do easy coco I can give some pointers for a automated lifestyle. Makes 1 mix a week type res with a gradual flush to avoid lockouts. Set n forget.
Uc s look great. Real fast recovery! U are killin the wet stuff!
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Well-known member
Thanks guys
Im thinking its to much nutes. Im gonna do a flush with clearx tomorrow see if that helps. Thats what I get not being able to mix and feed em myself. Thats why Im going UC in its place. Set it forget it for weeks with minor add backs.


My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
Thumbs up I want some wet stuff soon myself! For now ain't broke don't fix for both of us lol. It will be so nice to drain water rather than throw away huge messy coco root balls all the time


Well-known member
Shit if you get one of these UC thingys it would be pretty hard to mess up. The system pretty much runs its self.
Draining water is nice dump dirt ick


Well-known member
The ladies are coming along just as I hoped. The ppms dropped 120 in 2 days. I popped it up to 650 ppm ph 6.0. Im gonna put em in the bloom room tomorrow. I keep on pinching and bending the tallest shoots keeping them nice bushy and even.
Its nice finally having a perpetual garden going. Once these are out Im starting 4 frostitutes in the rig.


Cuts about ready to go

BS 2.2 X OG KUSH the 1 front right already presexed and shes a girl

I can already see different pheno types


Well-known member
Ill have some juicy root porn tomorrow after I move em into the bloom room.
Thanks smoker


Well-known member
Thanks Mikeross
I mix it 3 parts perlite to 1 part vermiculite. Works great. I can usually get by watering evey 3 days.


Well-known member
Its finally go time. Moved em to the bloom room today. Pretty pumped because they seem to be the perfect size. These are really healthy and have a pretty even canopy.
The roots are really healthy as well.
set em into 700 ppm ph 5.8
Pics in a few

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