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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I count flowering from the first set of true leaves when doing a 12/12 from seed. Here is a plant I did turned out very well and was only grown under 100w of t5. I was very surprised how well she turned out. This was Heavy Duty Fruity from THSEEDS. I got 10g from her




seems like that if it takes a plant grown from 12/12 to finish longer in the flowering then it would if u vegged it for a few weeks n flowered it that it makes little sense? probally a two week veg is ideal, im just wondering if a plant vegged for two weeks or maybe three verses a straight into 12/12 grown one has any benefits like higher yeild and a finishing date maybe a week later or even earlier at times, ive never done the comparisson, i have no idea but ive seen a friends 12/12 from seed and the shit did take a longer then usual time to swell n fatten up, almost like weeks 1-5 of bloom were more like 1-7 for the 12/12er.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
12/12 from seed is all about the size of the plant when done. Most growers that use very small spaces need to use 12/12 from seed or the plant will out grow the space. This is the only reason to do 12/12 from seed.


New member
im suprised no one has mentioned one of the best advantages to this method, its harder to be detected using a constant 12/12 setting. if you are vegging it is more obvious to police and thermal imaging that you are growing from the fact you will have to have the lights on in darkness. 12/12 can be managed and distributed through the day easier, making it harder to detect.

Also, in a fictional scenario, do you think a 400w MHS would be sufficient for 10 Bubblelicious' or Northern Lights' in a 0.5m2 space?

Toodles :p


Now in technicolor
im suprised no one has mentioned one of the best advantages to this method, its harder to be detected using a constant 12/12 setting. if you are vegging it is more obvious to police and thermal imaging that you are growing from the fact you will have to have the lights on in darkness. 12/12 can be managed and distributed through the day easier, making it harder to detect.

Your lights should never shine out of the house/grow area. HPS light is highly suspicious indoors.

12/12 is the only time period in the plant's life cycle that is suspicious. The best way to bypass this on smart meters that may check for a 12/12 pattern would be to run your lights on a flip-flop alternating the light between two rooms, running 24/7.


New member
Ah, fair enough then :)

Well I have just about everything finished at the moment from heat leaks to design.

Ive decided to use a big container roughly 0.4m2 which will contain 10 strains, 5 Northern Lights and 5 Bubbleicous.

My medium mixture will be; 25% Claypebbles ( bottom of container ) , 35% Coco Fiber ( mixed with the soil and compost ) , 5% Compost and 35% Soil ( biobizz )

I will get some guano extract and use it when I see signs of flowering

Does this sound about right? Will any more nutes be beneficial or will the medium and guano extract provide the needed nutrients?




Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have used 14/10 seemed to work ok. I dont know if it effects yield I have not done any tests. I just wanted to see if plants would still bud with lower hrs of light then what everybody uses.


Greetings, I've only managed to make it through the first 28 pages of this 129 page thread, LOL. :)

I'm not strictly doing 12/12 from seed, but since I have the space in vegging cabs I feel it's advantageous to veg 18-24 hours per day for at least 2-3 weeks.

I'm growing some 15 bag-seed seedlings. The pot had an old school smell so I think it's Northern Lights or a hybrid with a NL smell. But I think it may be feminized because I can't detect any males yet. Is it possible for bag-seed to be feminized if it was grown from feminized seeds ?

The seedlings were vegged for about 2-3 weeks and have now been under 12/12 for about 2-3 weeks. Five are definite runts, and the other 10 are average to large-ish for their age.

I'm not very skilled at visual sex determination on young seedlings and my late 40's eyes don't see as well as they used to. BUT, the 10 largest seedlings now seem to be all female ! I'm guessing they are feminized and have a high chance at being hermies. I'd guess that's also why the grower ended up with so many seeds in his pot.

BTW, the most obvious signs of female pistils seem to be at the top of the seedlings. Trying to peer at the top branch/stem junctions from the sides may show a pistil or two, but looking down at the top seems much easier for most.

So is it possible I've misidentified the sex of some of these seedlings or is it possible to get 100% female from feminized bag-seed ? If there's anywhere specific I should inspect more closely for hermie nanners over the next few weeks, please let me know.

Thanks all !

Baba Ku

Active member
It is a very highly likely that the seeds you have were from a female that released male pollen. Probably not on purpose either.
That being the case, there will be the chance for those seeds to also carry the intersex trait. But that does not mean that they all will be. There is a chance that grown in a good environment and properly that there may be many that don't show intersex, but there is always a chance some can show it with little to no stress at all.
It is all a gamble to begin with, especially since you don't know the genetics of the seeds.
The smoke may not be that good, or it may be kill. It might hermie, it may not...
If you can keep up with it and cull any intersex showing plants, then you could end up with a sens crop. 15 plants are going to be hard to keep up with.


If you can keep up with it and cull any intersex showing plants, then you could end up with a sens crop. 15 plants are going to be hard to keep up with.

Thanks Baba Ku !

Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

The 5 runts will likely be pulled, perhaps even the 5 average growers.

For now I'm using the runts to test the hottest area of my cab, around 85F but occasionally up to 90F if the cab door is left open and the ventilation doesn't work well.

So maybe I'll be left with just 3-5 of these plants and watching for male flowers will be easier. No big deal, I like everything about Northern Lights except that the high is more indica, and I want to fill my cabs with mostly sativa high plants.

And I won't be crying too much if a few of my females get lightly seeded. I managed to clone only 1 cutting successfully recently despite 200 attempts, LOL, so seed is better for me.

But yeah, any seeds produced will have some hermies no doubt, and that will continue to be trouble going forward.

Tarus Bulbar

Here is a couple pics of my flower cab of Pure AK
and Critical+ These have benn flowering for roughly 3weeks

Cheers ICMAG

Tarus Bulbar

WOW Bro!! Those are some fat colas in ur tent!!
Whats the smell like on ur big bang cross?


Active member
12/12 Strain Report: swiss-xt by: kcBrains

12/12 Strain Report: swiss-xt by: kcBrains

1) your experience level.decent

2) Lighting 670wcfl - 4100k, 2700k

3) Container size 20oz wtr botts

4) Soil recipe/mix comp, erthwrm cast

5) Watering schedule every other day, suberge and top-water

6) Nutrients used - fish, earthjuice meta-k, molasses, raw honey, raw milk

7) Time until sexing usual...4-5wk

8) Total flower time 14wk

9) Conclusion three girls made it to the end from five. this was done at the same time as nirvana ice and dinafem super silver, post on that later.

three plants ranging from 7.5gram to 12 gram per.......smoke is excellent, buds are very smelly..(fumigated a whole room with friends after opening the jar ...took 10 seconds to fill the room)

heavy drinker, tall grower, supercropped in wk 4-5 w/o any yield compromise, do believe it was the right thing to do as ive got 26"of vert space.

any questions feel free to ask, thanks for readin'


Sweet collas 007 , impressive looking.
Started new grow and decided to go 12/12 from seed once again ,since I was really amazed with this style. Planted 4 regular plants (3x powerplantXafgan - local cross; 1x Sensi seeds Skunk#) , out of them I selected 3 females (I might pass one cuz she s kinda "sicker" from start) . After selection I added 3feminized WWs - as I remember WW likes 12/12 from seed =) . 250W this time.



one of rejected plants:



I haven't read the whole thread so please excuse me if it's been beat to death.

I haven't seen anyone mention using this as a quicker way to do selection in seed packs. For example.. If I am popping ten seeds of four strains for 40 plants and only have a 5x5 tent or something, what if you end up with 36 females or soemthing and they have way outgrown your space.. 12/12 from seed would fix this problem by taking almost 8 weeks off of my normal seedling/veg stage. (I always wait until they show preflowers.. usually about 8 weeks from germination)

My question is will the plants true expression show when starting them at 12/12. I've seen people say that the plant doesn't grow to it's potential unless it's been vegged until "mature" (showing sex).

Would love to try this in the corner of a flower room to get through some seeds I have stocked up without having to devote an entire room.



Typically 12/12 from seed will show sex within several weeks - almost like a veg stage but with 12/12 lighting. Also have so many plants in a small area is great for 12/12 as there doesn't tend to be as much side-branching. There is a small reduction in yield but overall length of time is shorten a bit, but the flower period is lengthened - meaning say you have a 75 day strain (meaning 75 days from start of flowering), with 12/12 from seed it's going to take a few weeks more (about 2-3). Not too much difference from the traditional 18/6 veg to 12/12 bloom length of time but you're not using that 6 hrs of electricity for the first couple of weeks & you can have different plants in different stages all in the same room.

Feeling pretty good so if this doesn't make sense, let me know.

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