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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow



12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow

photo: courtesy of Atmosphere

This thread is devoted to an excellent method of growing our favorite plant. “12/12 From Seed” is a proven way to grow pot, and produces yields up to 1 gram of dried bud per 1 watt of electricity consumed (eg: a 400 watt HPS light is able to produce a harvest of 400 grams). It is a very good choice for growers who have a limited amount of space to set up their gardens. The cannabis grown this way is potent, sticky, and yes…stinky. Most pot plants suffer no ill effects from being grown under this light regimen.

Typically, in traditional method, the cannabis cultivator will start their plants with a lighting regimen that provides anywhere from 18 to 24 hours of light a day, called the ‘vegetation’ phase, to make the plant grow as large as possible, increasing the amount of ‘budding sites’ on the plant. Once the plant has grown large, it is forced into flowering by switching the lighting regimen to 12 hours on/12 hours off. This results in plants that produce copious yields, but take up considerable space.

“12/12 From Seed” eliminates the vegetation phase. As soon as the seed sprouts through the surface it is given a light regimen of 12 hours on/12 hours off. Plants grown this way do not grow as tall as they would if given a vegetation phase. The shape of the plants is also different, losing much of their natural ‘bush’ quality. Our plants tend to be shaped like a “pole,” with the main bud formation happening along the main stem of the plant. This allows the grower to fit more plants per square foot/meter. It also makes possible gardens in spaces that growing larger, bush-like plants would be impossible. The shorter height of these plants also works in concert with the limited penetration distance that exists with any/all forms of indoor lighting.

Other than the difference in the lighting regimen, growing cannabis using this method is the same as the more traditional way. You still need to learn about the other important factors in growing a healthy garden, such as; proper nutrient levels; maintaining the correct PH level; controlling temperature, humidity, and odor; and providing ventilation. Because we are starting from seed, most of us use soil as our medium, although other mediums may be used. Other than that, all other personal choices to control the environment is the same as growing any other way.

This method does have its critics. Most of these critics have never tried to grow this way, they are just passing along commonly held mis-information without having actual experience. The main criticism is that the yields gotten from this method are miniscule and not worth the time involved. We challenge that, with the experience of a grower called “Atmosphere” who gets 1 gram of dried bud for each watt of electricity used (that would be a harvest of 8 ounces from a 250 watt HPS light!). “Atmosphere” had a thread back on Overgrow, which is where many of us first encountered this method, and he is held in high regard among folks who grow this way. He visits this thread and provides solid information based on years of experience.

Some critics claim that the amount of the main cannabinoid, THC, produced by plants grown this way is less than plants that are allowed to mature with a vegetation phase. This opinion is based on a study done many years ago, well before modern gardening techniques took hold, and almost certainly did not test any plants that were grown using this lighting regimen. New tests must be done, that’s all there is to it. More importantly, the empirical evidence from those who have grown this way, and the experience of their friends who have smoked these plants, is that this cannabis is just as potent as any they have ever smoked (strain variety taken into account, of course). If there is any difference in THC percentages, it is minute, and not noticeable to the cannabis consumer.

So pull up a chair, and watch what we do. Keep an open mind, and observe our results. Try growing some of your own crops with this method and then make up your mind as to whether there is some mighty fine ganja to be grown this way.
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Suggested Protocol for this thread: the 12/12 Strain Report

Suggested Protocol for this thread: the 12/12 Strain Report

The “12/12 From Seed” method would be well-served by a dedicated “Strain Report” section. One factor that has yet to be gauged regarding this method is how each particular strain’s genetics responds to this lighting regimen. Because this method will be of particular interest to those who have limited space to set-up their gardens, knowing how each strain behaves with this method is of the utmost importance before choosing the seeds.

We strongly encourage all who are growing a crop with this method to compile notes, and photos (if possible), of the entire grow as it progresses. Once the crop has been harvested (and cured and tasted if possible..) then post a report on it. This compilation can be done on your own computer, or you can initiate a post in the thread and periodically update it through the EDIT function (remember, there is a limit to the amount of info that can be put into one post, so there will be a need to be brief, and keep it to one photo only) Here comes the most IMPORTANT part…we need to reserve THIS title given to these reports:

12/12 Strain Report: ___________ by:__________

The blanks being the name of the strain that has been grown and the seedbank it came from. If we only use those words in the post title then when we search using those words we will go straight to the desired strain report. This will benefit everyone who grows this way, yourself included. Picking the wrong strain for your particular space requirements will end up being a major headache, and its best if we can avoid doing that. This will go a long way in helping us do that.

Here is some important information to include in your report:

1) your experience level...just put a short note in there about how long you've been growing pot.

2) Lighting...type of light and its wattage.

3) Container size...can be container volume or dimensions. This can affect plant and bud size.

4) Soil recipe/mix...just like a cookbook, don't forget the perlite %

5) Watering schedule...what is your technique?

6) Nutrients used...and the schedule you employ when adding them.

7) Time until sexing...how long from the time it sprouts until it shows its sex.

8) Total flower time...how long did you flower it, mention trichome and pistil appearance at harvest.

9) Conclusion...your general satisfaction level, things you might do differently next time.
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Important Links To Help Those New At Growing Pot

Important Links To Help Those New At Growing Pot

If you are new to cannabis cultivation, there are some important things to know that are true for all cannabis growing. It doesn't make sense to list these things here because they have been well covered in other areas of the IC website.

Here are some links for ya:

For soil information:

For designing your grow space:

For designing real small grow spaces:

A good cannabis cultivation glossary (thanks to nitetiger...):

For diagnosing sick plants and bug infestations:

For harvesting, drying and curing your bud:
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Sample: 12/12 Strain Report

Sample: 12/12 Strain Report

Alright...say I want to grow a garden with the "12/12 From Seed" method. I only have about 30" of actual usable space for the plant when you subtract the space required for the light and container, so I need to make sure I find a plant that stays pretty short.

I have other particulars that I am looking for in a strain, and I decide Nirvana's Northern Lights is a good match with my wants and my pocket book. So I get to the 12/12 thread, and use the search function for that thread. I type in these words: 12/12 Strain Report: Northern Lights by: Nirvana. I hit 'enter' and this is what I get:

12/12 Strain Report: Northern Lights by: Nirvana

1) your experience level...This is my second garden, and the first I have tried with 12/12

2) Lighting...CFL's, 12 mounted in shoplight reflectors, 23 watts each, 276 watts total.

3) Container size...individual pots, 5.5" x 5.5" x 6" tall. Approximately 1 liter.

4) Soil recipe/mix...Foxfarm Ocean Forest organic soil and perlite, 2/3 FFOF, 1/3 perlite.

5) Watering schedule...I use the pot lift (test for weight) method, make sure to let the soil get pretty dry between waterings. Wind up watering every 2-3 days once plants get full grown.

6) Nutrients used...just plain PH'ed water first 5 weeks, Pureblend Pro Flowering formula for soil, every 3rd watering (about once per week), at the recommended strength on the container. Flushed last 2 weeks by only watering with plain water.

7) Time until sexing...6 plants total, 2 showed female at 14 days, the other 2 showed female on day 15. Also 2 males showed up, they were shown the door on day 12.

8) Total flower time...Just about 52 days (I let 2 go to day 58 just to get a more couch lock effect), trichomes picked around 30% clear;50% cloudy; 20% amber. Pistils were approximately 50% orangy dried, the other half seemed still alive and whitish. Decent bag appeal I'd say...frosty too.

9) Conclusion...I really liked growing Northern Lights by Nirvana, would definately do it again. I really had no problems, except for my shortest plant (12"!) which had one big FAT cola, super dense, it got mold in it, had to make cannabutter. I had shitty ventilation, thankfully I had low RH or mold may have been worse. I got at least an ounce of great weed from each plant (sizes: 12"; 16"; 17"; and 23") and that was with a crappy light set-up.
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Strain Report form (copy and paste to use)...(but not this line you stoner)

Strain Report form (copy and paste to use)...(but not this line you stoner)

1) your experience level...

2) Lighting...

3) Container size...

4) Soil recipe/mix...

5) Watering schedule...

6) Nutrients used...

7) Time until sexing...

8) Total flower time...

9) Conclusion...
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Frequently Asked Questions...

Frequently Asked Questions...

This post is under construction.

Feel free to suggest sensible content to include.
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Future Reference Post #2

Future Reference Post #2

Just kidding about the hummingbird and the pot plant...though it does seem to have potential.
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Future Reference Post #3

Future Reference Post #3

OK...this is the last blank post.

Let the conversation begin!

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Thanks Haggis...

I look forward to watching your garden grow. Any chance you can post that pic of your AK48...its a damn fine example of the shape of a plant this method produces.


No Prob's Hal.

Here it is.. :joint:

Just to add, if you see a bit of bud missing from the right hand side of the plant approx half way up....that's where I just couldn't help myself and had to have a little sample.
I know it shouldn't be done, but when you ain't got a smoke....temptation often sets in.

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This sounds like an interesting method! As a micro grower, I'll probably give this a try soon. How does 12/12 from seed affect the flowering time? I'm looking forward to seeing some grow reports, I'd especially like to know how large different strains get so I know what to put in my cabinet :chin:


Hey Serious...

This is a microgrowers dream method. For evidence, observe Haggis' picture of his AK48 plant....about 14" from top to bottom.

The flowering time is unaffected by the light schedule. Every plant has a slightly different gene mix, even within the same strain, so there will be slight variability in flowering times, but that is also true for those who employ a vegetation phase.

Thats one of the things we are hoping to get going with this thread, a "strain report" that will document grows and how they respond to this lighting regimen. I can tell you from experience that Nirvana's Northern Lights stays short and pole shaped when grown this way, and Haggis has his AK48 that seems to show the same.

If you want to read up on this method further, there is another thread that has recently been abandoned, but continued here in a more useful set-up. Here is a link:


Don't post anything in it though, we're trying to move everything over here.

Welcome to you...and come back and visit often.


Hey, thanks for the warm welcome! :wave:

That AK48 looks really good, but I think I could fit something a little taller into my cabinet - maybe I'll give it a try with some sativa leaning strain! Anyways, I'll be watching :lurk:


I'd stay away from the sativa leaning strains if I was you, at least until we get some data on them. I am currently growing Nirvana's Bubblelicious, which is supposed to be like a 50/50 indica/sativa mix, and 2 of the 5 I'm growing are topping out at about 37", the others are around 30".

What kind of space do you have to work with?

I gotta go somewhere now, I'll get back to this later tonight.


Hey Hal, glad to see you got a fresh thread going. I'll update your little questionnaire when I have more time. For now I just have pics of my ladies. They are 7 weeks into 12/12, they were under a 125 watt envirolite for the first 2 weeks (still under 12/12) and then I upgraded to a 250 watt with a coolshade.

I have 6 plants going, 4 bagseeds which I got incredibly lucky with (the 4 on the outside of the picture) 1 white rhino (green house seed co.) on the bottom in the middle and a 'the church' also from ghsc top middle.

Side shot

bagseed plant

White rhino

Oh, lots of LST going on if you couldnt tell.


Active member
I have some pics of Nirvana AK-48, and ICE, currently vegging... were sprouted under 12/12 found my males and ripped em.... but to no avail my girls were already infected...but aaah... now I have some new lineage..... ICE-48 ha.... meanwhile... what I am finding is that the plants have fully developed seeds in calyx' that must have been hit with pollen. Yet they have reverted to a veg state and sustained new growth for a few weeks.... the seeds are now hard and brown/tiger-striped... and the calyx' is turning yellow (dying off I assume) but the rest of the plant is thriving....

Just a future reference if you have some beans and want some more immediately... I know I've screwed up many a seed and lost strains... so this is, shall we say.. my backup...

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I don't know if you caugh my post in your other thread, but an alternate strainguide for this method would be neat.

It would go something like:

growing medium type: # days until showing sex: # days at finish

This would give a more intimate view of the strains we are dealing with.


Hey Jack...

Good to see ya dude, thanks for stopping by. I think I covered that in one of the very first posts, it took me a while to type it up, you probably posted while I was still putting it together. See post #2 on the first page of this thread...that makes the suggestion for doing these strain reports, and #4 shows a sample of one of these typed up, and that is followed by a form that can be copied and then pasted in the growers own strain report post.
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