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12/12 From Seed: A Different Way To Grow


New member
If you go 12/12 from seed, is it OK to transplant them as theyre growing? Like start them in cups and then transplant to gallon pots as they get bigger? Or do they need to be started right in their final containers?


thanks gonzo will do brother.
i just start my next run which i will try this out on.i am doing mazar-i,super g, and 1 zindica and will be using hell's angel to teach my girl to grow with.the ha beans are a fast flowering sativa so we will see how well they do .peace


POTential_ said:
I'm all ears

The thing is verry simple due to logic.
If u think you live near to equator your day is going to be always 12/12.
Ofc regions like that developed their own strains but ofc we can plan there any strain.

So during my few 12/12 grows Ive noticed few phases (its straight from my notes :D lol), times of each are diffrent and depends on genetics:

a)Small(hmm till for example second-third part of leaves) - no ferting..

b)regular veg - no preflowers just a regular growth- I use my classic veg nutes with high N ratio, when "something" seems to begin (first preflowers at the auxiles near main stem,plantie seems to slow its growth - here you have to be really carefull at genetics) , I try to go to the NPK with higher PK ratio- I simply mix 1/2 dose of flo npk and veg npk.That is also the time when I start using flo boosters.

c)preparing to jump - plant slowed down its growth(genetics,genetics,genetics),preparing to create budding sites- still mixing veg npk with flo npk (Im hoping for getting middle effect), at the end i start ferting with system:
1 - flo npk
2 - flo npk mixed with pk + booster everywhere
3 - pk
and so on

certainly im going to reach pk side

d) regular flo - boosters , pk , from time to time flo npk, no rule about this.

these are mine general rules , that I created for myself and it has nothing to do with REAL knowledge/science.

Would be reat if anyone of founders can tell something about them,.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Anybody doing 12/12 with aeroponics?

Anybody doing 12/12 with aeroponics?

Seems like a match made in heaven for aeroponics.

You can push the shit out of plants with an complete DWC assault. Made my fair share of learning mistakes getting up to speed.

I am now combining twin bubble stones with fog and spraybar misting in a 10G tote. 3-4 weeks until harvest.

Can't wait till my next grow to take on 12/12, but why not 24/0 or 18/6 for 7-14 days then switch?

Will also be dumping hydroton for SureToGrow media

All under 90 watt UFO. Just added a 2600 lumen 150 watt equiv softwhite; will add another ASAP for max coverage below the canopy
Ive read this entire thread now, and let me start by saying there is a huge wealth of information in this thread and i think im about the 20th person to request this thread to get sticky'd. Maybe the moderators dont agree with this method its the only reason i can think of why it wouldnt be already.

I started 40 plants under 12/12 from seed in 12oz containers under a 250w hps. On exactly day 20 the first one showed sex (male). Just wanted to let ppl know about how long it takes before they start to show sex using this method. The strain is bagseed the ones that showed sex first were the tall lanky sativa looking plants. I also had several plants that didnt take well to this method and after 3 weeks of 12/12 from seed some are still like 1 or 2 inches high but on their 6th node or so its wierd, which others are like 8 - 10 inches and beautiful. It may not have been the 12/12 method that caused the small plants, they may just be runts (bad genetics).


Active member
Okay look, from the day you flip to 12/12 (if you're growing normally) you give veg feed for two weeks or when you start seeing pistils form (whatever happens first). Then you switch over to flower feed for the rest of the grow. The flower feed will have Nitrogen in it but at a lesser amount that the grow feed. Ya digg? Don't be adding no veg feed or heavy nitrogen in flower, that is a bad bad bad bad bad bad idea. Note that it is normal to see the lower fan leaves begining to yellow throughout flowering and deficienices are usually pH related rather than nutrient related.

Please make sure you pH is in check, don't ever go adding MORE nutrients because you think a plant is deficient of something. I see so many n00bs adding cal/mag for no reason other than they see a mag deficiency.. The real problem is an OVERBALANCE in the media so dont feed MORE, feed LESS at the correct pH.

Last tip is that if you're a n00b make sure you get runoff when you water, aim for 10-20%... So if you water 10L make sure 1L comes out. This will ensure you are flushing out previous nutrients that weren;t used, stale gasses and other crap you dont need in there. Do this and you will get bumper yields and wont worry about nute levels. less is more.

^^ good info right there !


Active member
Here is my grow method for anyone who wants to compare.

use 1/3 worm castings 1/3 perlite 1/3 coco coir. i add 2 tablespoons per square foot of both lime and bone meal.

I grow in the same containers from seed or clone to harvest.

I grow straight into 12/12 lighting regimen to get my plants to stay short because i have about 25 inches of actual growing height in my area.

I drop a couple grains of superphosphate on the surface of the containers once i see the first round shaped heads forming just to kick start flowering.

I never add liquid nutes ever unless i see a REAL nutrient deficiency. and when i do its usually a fish emulsion mix at about 1/3 to 1/2 strength which takes care of leaves that are yellowing too early on in the flowering period. sometimes i can get a slight mag/cal deficiency from the coco but the amount of lime used normally coveres these bases, otherwise i feed plain tap water thats had about 48 hours to sit and let chlorine evaporate. every now and then i add molasses to the water feeding.

So the plants are fed strictly water throughout their lives with the occasional fish emulsion added (usually about 2-3 times in a plants life) and molasses added every week or so. The plants are fed strictly water only for the last 3-4 weeks of flowering and this promotes leaves to yellow and fall off the plant when gently touched. Though i grow from clone / seed to 12/12 lighting i let the plants flower for about 2 weeks longer than usual from the first sign of white hairs, eg. if the plant is an 8 week flowerer i cut it at 10 weeks. but i do like a stoney high. remember my flowering timing starts from the first sight of white hairs. so the actual lifespan of my plants is usually about 13 weeks from seed and about 11 weeks from clone.

obviously the timings for the particular actions will change when dealing with some seriously stretchy and long flowering land race sativa's but i think i'll keep my description short and uncomplicated.

Things that i know i can do to make my grow better:
1. change the bone meal and superphosphate to bat guana and guano teas
2. use a rooting booster on clones and seedlings
3. innoculate growing medium with beneficial bacteria and fungi a few weeks prior to planting.

The smoke that i get from plants treated this way is the tastiest cleanest weed that i have the opportunity to obtain in my area. I have been smoking for 10 years now and growing for 2. It has taken me 10 years of smoking to realise what a true clean smoke can taste like. I seriously doubt that many people understand the degree to how clean a smoke can really be. The most expensive nugs i buy just dont cut it anymore for me in terms of smoking taste, but the high is pretty similar.

Any comments or questions would be appreciated :)


ok so i started mine on 12/12 last night .i am doing super-g , mazar-i-sharif , my last zindica ,and my girl is doing love potion. i am thinking of adding a few more we will see though


Active member
im doing 2 mazar x masterkush and they are turning out too small, maybe that strain does need about 10 days veg to attain a worthy size to harvest.


Here's my last batch of 12/12 from seed. L & R are Romulan X ? and the middle is a sativa but was in the bag. It's all good.


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Active member
nice pics wilson :)

piosh, if you're in a bad mood, keep it to yourself... we're all having fun here figuering shit out...

ana koret

New member


Not a expert of 12/12 from seeds, just a try whith a few WW ( Dutch Passion ) Royal Haze ( Dinafem ) Orient Express ( AceSeeds ).

Picture 1 is WW
Picture 2 is Royal Haze
Picture 3 is Orient Express
Picture 4 is Orient Express supercrop.

Potting sol with 1/3 perlite and pot of 5 liters.
400W MH first month then HPS ( 400W )

Some détails : White Widow---> height : 60-70 cm
weight : around 30 gr
cut : around 85 days

Rozal Haze---> height : 60-65 cm
weight: around 25 gr
cut : around 85 days

Orient Express---> height : 65-75 cm
weight : 35-40 gr
cut : around 85 days