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12/12 Closet Grow (Blue Mystic,PPP,Angel Dust)


What's up fellow ICmagers!! This is my first attempt at growing beans 12/12 from seed. I have been around a couple of indoor grows, grown outdoors, and have read massive amounts of information on this site to help me on this grow. My personal experience is somewhat limited growing indoors so all thoughts, opinions and suggestions will be appreciated.

I decided to start four beans and run them at 12/12 from seed. Basically what I have done is put them in the same room (closet) I've got three sativa dominant ladies chuggin away in. I had a little extra space and some flouros I used to veg my sativas so I figured what the hell and threw them in there too.

The beans are 1 Blue Mystic (Nirvana) 1 PPP (Nirvana-freebie) 1 Angel Dust (grodoc.. I think, cant remember) and 1 bag seed (chick who had the bud said it was Columbian Gold, but I dont know for sure. It looked golden and the high was super strong tho). Ill include pictures of the other ladies Ive already got goin too, but the purpose of this thread is to document the beans runnin at 12/12 from start. Oh and also I have a Lemon Skunk in there from a cut I got from a buddy of mine. Once the Lemon Skunk showed new growth I put in the closet with all the others. So here we go...

The first picture is of the four beans i popped and have been running under 12/12. The top left (largest plant) is the "bag seed/gold". The top right is the Blue Mystic. Bottom Left is the angel dust and the bottom right is the PPP. Ill post pictures of the lemon skunk and the three big sativa (not sure what strains, but Ill tell you what I know of em when I post the pics).


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alrigt, this is a picture of the lemon skunk im growin from a cut a friend gave me. im not sure its been in the closet. Im thinking 20 days. I also forgot to mention the other four beans in the above post are all on day 17.


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other ladies in the closet

other ladies in the closet

here are some pictures of the other ladies ive got in the closet. Im just kinda throwing these in there for shits and gigles. Im really posting this thread to track the progress of the others, but since these are so far along I figured what the hell. The strain of these are unknown....or not sure. I got the beans from and old timer who has been planting outdoors for over 40 years or so. One of them (and Ill point it out) might be a top 44 crossed with Ice. I got my seeds mixed up at some point so maybe some of you more experienced growers who are familiar with these two strains can help me out.


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This one is the top 44xIce (maybe..I think)


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New member
Looking good mate !

How do you vent out? I am also in a tent (within a closet)
and have finally dialed in my setup for flowering.

Good luck - ill be checking in :underwater:


Thanks panda kush...The closet its in is quite huge actually. the ceiling in it is about 12 feet hight. the temps and humidity always stay at optimal levels so only venting i do is when I leave the door ajar when the lights are on.... seems to work well up to this point. I was worried when I first started that not enough fresh are would get in, but it doesnet seem to be an issue. Anyone know what I could do to bring in fresh air with out having to cut a hole in the wall?


other pictures to look at while little guys are growing

other pictures to look at while little guys are growing

Here are some other pictures of the other three ladies. I would of included these in the other post, but it was getting late and it was taking me forever to upload the ones I already had posted. I bought new camera yesterday and I have to say it is amazing how technology has advanced just in the last five years... face recognition!! WTF... I think my camera is a rascist tho. It doesnt seem to want to recognize really dark skinned people... not on the TV anyways.

Of the three larger unknown ladies in there, one of them looks way way different than the others. It looks the purest in sativa characteristics...might even be some fuckin hemp or somehting. It looked like shit most of its grow and almost mutant. It is also the most sensitive to nutes, light changes, ect. It just looks like something you would run up onto on the hills of some equatorial Country. Ill try to get some clearer pictures so maybe you guys could help me out with what it may be. Anyways, its growing like mad and continues to stretch while the others have stopped.

This picture is sideways, i know. Ill take some better pics of it when the lights come on later so you'll be able to get a better look.


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other pictures of two better looking ladies....

other pictures of two better looking ladies....

disregard this post please.... I gotta figure this camera out


lookin good man! let me know what you think of that angel dust, i was thinking about grabbing a pack. cant beat it for the price.


more info on grow

more info on grow

I forgot to mention what lights, grow medium, nutes ect...

As for the lighting I have about 700 watts in there. There is a 250 watt HPS on the top of the canopy and then I have the rest flouros in specific areas to give the younger plants a bluer spectrum of light. Ive read this is better during the ealy stages of growth. Once the bigger ladies get don then Ill rearrange and but the beans started at 12/12 and lemon skunk directly under the HPS with the flouros on the sides for extra lighting. For soil I am using some standard miracle grow potting mix with 20% permilite added for extra drainage. Nutes used on larger ladies is a mix of Flora nova bloom with a touch of black strap molasses. The molasses is from a cane grinding a friend had. Around these parts many people will have these "cane grindings" for fun like an oyster roast or pig pickin... i wouldnt think you could get anything better than home made black strap. i didnt have any decent nutes to use during veg so for the first two weeks I just let the nutirients in the soil do their work. I heard Miracle grow is kinda hot so i didnt want to burn them up anyways. I did add a light mixture of miracle grow to the larger ones a little later in the veg process. They only vegged for 20 days. As for the smaller guys Im following the same procedure except adding the miracle grow solution. Hopefully in a few more days they'll be showing their sex and at that point I could use the Flora nova bloom and black strap as nutes for them. next go 'round ill be purchasing some proper veg nutes for I think Miracle grow aint the best for MJ.


cracker420...thanks for stopping by. The angel dust looked like a winner on seed boutique and it was cheap so I figured what the hell. Ill be sure to post any and all info I findout about it. Im not sure if its lady or dude yet. the only bean of the four I know will be a chick is the Blue Mystic. I bought fem seeds of it. I got some Papaya on the way too so if they get here in the next day or so I might pop one in and include it in this journal.


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noob.. thanks for stoppin by. yeah the ceiling is high. It is just the way this place is built. It an older building and has seen some renovations in it's day. I could punch a hole in the wall to another small closet, but i dont own the place. I have thought about it tho and could most likely repair the hole. if I get a higher wattage hps bulb then I might have too.


The gold "bagseed" plant is lookin like a male. Ill know for sure either tonight when the lights go on or by the next day. Ill post a pic to show you guys whats goin on with it. I Kinda figured it would be a dude by the way it looked and its early vigor. On a positive note the blue Mystic is shootin off pistils already. A little surprised Im seeing signs so early with the 12/12... day 19. Incredible!!! If I could get a decent harvest off these than I would almost rather grow all ladies this way. By my calculations it cuts at least 3 weeks of the grow time. Im sure this also would be heavily dependant on the strain too.

Pics coming soon..


thanks for stoppin back in Nicedreamz!

Well everythings lookin great. The bluemystic is really taking off. The columbian gold turned male and has since been dumped. The other two the PPP and the angel dust both turned female!!!

Blue Mystic


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other pics

other pics

these are some pictures of the other ladies in the closet... theyre startin to fill out and are currently on day 44. The other ladies Im runnin 12/12 from the get go are on day 26. I havent really ran into any problems... lookin forward to tasten these guys. I need the older ladies to hurry up cuz i got another batch well on its way.


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