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11 logical dimensions that seem to make sense.... well maybe



Careful, religious talk is taboo, according to TOU

We are talking philosophies of Buddhaism here, bro... same as TM and other meditation.

And last time I checked Freemasons and Rosicrucians weren't religions.

That, plus were have managed to all be cool about it and find common ground not differences, unless of course you are looking to cause some sort of friction yourself.

sac beh

sac beh,
Many of the early scientists of the Enlightenment Period were also from the Rosicrucian order.
The cathedrals in Europe were built by the Freemasons.
I belong to both organizations and am an engineer, and have been practicing Buddhism for nearly half a century. The concepts are quite congruous I assure you.

But you have the absolute right to believe anything you wish, and I totally support you in it.

Well I did say that the metaphysical and physical aspects of thinking do feed off each other. But in the end I think you're just listing some non-causative correlations. Sure a scientist or engineer could be a Rosicrucian or a Freemason. There are many more examples of great thinkers having all sorts of beliefs about imaginary beings, supernatural powers and such. I still don't get the point.

Do you honestly think I could learn equally well or better about our physical world by reading a book about Tarot than reading a book about String Theory, which is the leading scientific theory attempting to account for most all physical observables, both atomic and macro? (honest question, not sarcastic).

I don't belittle metaphysical ideas, especially not Buddhist, but you'd need to give me more reason to believe their accuracy than just groups of correlated events and ideas.


The Voice of Reason
just a friendly warning, it is a good thread, and once judeo christian gods get brought up, threads usually go downhill and get closed, don't see how pointing out that fact or wanting the thread to stay open is remotely frictional.


Active member
the free masons here,and i know this cause i looked it up beleive in ONE GOD,

when actually we are each are own thinking GOD' making this world filled with gods living on tha ultimate god and that would be a place without emotion that treats us all tha same 'which would be EARTH

Tha real temple of god imo is on and in tha side of each of our heads'


Active member
when actually we are each are own thinking GOD' making this world filled with gods living on tha ultimate god and that would be a place without emotion that treats us all tha same 'which would be EARTH

Tha real temple of god imo iz on and in tha side of each of our headz'

well pls read my post a little ahead of that where i mention i do not subscribe to that theory.


Active member
I had thought about joining the masons at one point, but I am unwilling to profess belief in a god, and so I am unwelcome from what I read.

I'm a theological atheist, and a philosophical buddhist.

buddhism is compatible with most any belief system.

me too


Sac beh
Wisdom must be gathered not given. I have opened a door for you and it is up to you to choose whether or not to explore what is on the other side. This is the Tokers Den and I assure you nothing will be settled here, as it is part of the very nature of man to define things in the nature of his experience. I cannot see through your my eyes, nor you through mine. If this were not the case war would have ceased to exist long ago.

I prefer to agree to disagree.

sac beh

My only point, by the way, returning to the thread topic is if we're going to divide up existence into dimensions, I'm going to question the accuracy of arbitrary divisions and tend to agree with ones that have the support of lots of people who have studied the topic of the basic compositions of the physical world. If we don't stick to scientific rigor in these questions, then we have no way to judge between competing beliefs about any number of fantastical beings and levels of existence.


Active member
well pls read my post a little ahead of that where i mention i do not subscribe to that theory.
thats tha beauty of thinking' it enables us to come to our own theorys and conclusions on things whether rite or wrong to another. imo


The Voice of Reason
My only point, by the way, returning to the thread topic is if we're going to divide up existence into dimensions, I'm going to question the accuracy of arbitrary divisions and tend to agree with ones that have the support of lots of people who have studied the topic of the basic compositions of the physical world. If we don't stick to scientific rigor in these questions, then we have no way to judge between competing beliefs about any number of fantastical beings and levels of existence.

I can't wait to read hawking's new book


The Voice of Reason
^hes got a new book? whats it called?

the grand design
The Grand Design

By Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow. Bantam, 198 pages.

Quantum physics not only explains the universe, but also creates a universe for us to explain.

Say what?

Such circular talk could easily be dismissed as nonsense if it were not set forth by one of the pre-eminent scientists of our generation: Stephen Hawking, a professor of applied mathematics and physics at Cambridge University, prolific author and atheist who is almost totally paralyzed from Lou Gehrig's disease.

In Hawking's words: "We create history by observation, rather than history creating us."

It's just one of many mind benders required to process quantum reality. Observation of a system alters its past. This paradox of scientific inquiry forms the basis of modern physics and warps the origins of the universe. "There is no model-independent test of reality," Hawking writes. "It follows that a well-constructed model creates a reality of its own."

Hawking's latest book, "The Grand Design," teases the reader with its suggestion of divine purpose in the universe. But don't be fooled. Hawking's cosmos is strictly based on materialistic determinism, with no room for free will, with no need for a God.

Hawking breezes through the history of science to show how we have arrived at the culmination of modern physics. The so-called M-theory is our consolation prize for failing to come up with a single unified theory of the universe. The M-theory is a grab bag of ideas - Newtonian physics, general relativity, quantum theory, string theory, the uncertainty principle - that we need to understand the cosmos.

Little in the subatomic realm conforms to our everyday existence. The eloquence of mathematical equations breaks down when rendered in plain speech.

Consider these simple propositions: Before the Big Bang, time did not exist. The universe appeared spontaneously out of nothing. Our universe has an infinite number of histories. Time behaves like space. The M-theory requires 11 dimensions and allows for parallel universes with laws that could conflict with the principles enumerated above.

"The universe does not have just a single existence or history, but rather every possible version of the universe exists simultaneously in what is called quantum superimposition," Hawking explains.

Read more: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/20...spins-paradox-into-complex.html#ixzz10252acns

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