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1000watt First time grow



looks like the bomb to me!!! I love seeing pic of bud at various stages of flowering.


Since I have started this indoor grow(being first time), I wanted to share the problems that I have had....and still are having. Hoping that one of the many experienced growers could help this newbie!!

First thing is that TEMP is my biggest issue with a sealed environment. I built the room with the a/c in the VEG room(mistake 1). Then planned to have both rooms transferred air between each other(2-6" fans) with a carbon scrubber cleaning both rooms(save cost on 2 scrubbers).

When both rooms were up and running The Veg room temp was 74F, and flower(2-1K bulbs) was 90F( top canopy). Keep in mind the lights in flowering are vented with a 6" fan. The flower room and veg are only 6' 10" tall which plays a roll in heat issues. The plants are about 8-12" from the lights. I should of put the a/c in FLOWERING were most of the heat would be made. But originally I was only going to use 1K bulb not 2. I just added a second 1K bulb last week....digging me a bigger hole in heat issues! :yoinks:

I do run CO2 in the room....but I don't want to run the room at 90F. I have tried a portable a/c(10MBTU just bought it, taking it back today)....it didn't cool the room enough and just sucked the CO2 out of the room. Not only that the room didn't get below 84F with BOTH of the a/c's running, oh and the a/c(wall mount) in VEG is only a 6M BTU(way to small!!)

I have tried the "calculating a/c size thread" I should have at least a 10M BTU a/c to cool both rooms together. My solution is to add(today) a 15M btu a/c(wall mount, can't use a MINI SPLIT) to the flower room, and not using the a/c in the veg. That should be enough to cool both rooms. Cooling the HOT room first then VEG.

This should be enough....or should it??

Second issue is going through CO2 fast(CO2 gas on a monitor). The room is leaking somewhere...and I will have to figure that out after this first harvest. Until then I have changed the CO2 from being 24/7 to ONLY when the lights are on in flowering. Both rooms are getting CO2 at 1500ppm....which is good! I have heard that 1 tank should last anywhere from 2wks to 1month at least. Depending on the size. What should I expect?


Very nice system Bef , So the veg room is relatively under control not as much problem there as bud room.. 2 * 1000 Watts running in bud and cooled which is good but 8 - 12 inches is not enough from the top of the canopy IMO using 1000 watt lights , I dont know how you havent got leaf burn or heat stress running at that height..But I think your room height is stopping you there rite using a nearly 7 foot tall room. I would try and have a bigger gap there if possible or a light mover. You said your getting a 15BTU a/c today for flowering room , that should be more than perfect for your size (big power user). You must have some sort of C02 control running , if not you should get a good one that will connect to C02 , fans and temp to control the room and not just C02 , 1500ppm is the max people run C02 at , you could pull that back to 800 - 1200 for the time being and save yourself some C02 as 1500ppm is for the perfect setup and plants only use that amount when everything is dialled in so Id pull back on it till you do dial in..Heat issue is a big c*unt It fu**in cracks me up but you can beat it....and you probably living in a hot climate too huh. I was thinking bout running my lights at night when outside is cooler and daytime temps are easier to control then..you could try that , coz When its hot outside midday and lights are on things can get very hot very quick even with good ven and a/c..I dont use C02 Bottled meself , I have a burner so I cant help you out with the tanks but when I bought my burner it was coz of the cost on C02 tanks , they were too expensive for me to run. All in All your plants look very good and I hope they swell for you in the next week or two coz looking back at your pictures they have made solid growth from day 22 to day 31 and now 40 , I feel with all the equipment your using they buds should be bigger but I think this is your 1st grow so if it is , your amazing and you will be a Bud King for sure..


Thanks Resin,

I will turn back the Co2 ppm..... that makes sense. I was going to do that....

I do live in the southern west coast(were it's just about legal :woohoo:)...and it does get about 105F during the day in the hotter parts of the summer. So I do run my lights from 6pm to 6am.....lot cooler..even with the room under the house(basement).

I'm thinking of changing over to the CO2 burner next grow....but thought they put off too much heat....and I didn't want to add to the temp issue at hand. But I think that with the new 15BTU a/c(wall mount) the temp is shouldn't be a problem. It's a 12amp a/c with a 11EER rating...so it should run more efficient then the current 6MBTU that runs almost all the time. The a/c should be in by tonight......I have a girl over last night so nothing was done.....:joint:

Take a look at the leaves on the bottom of the one plant....notice that they are turning yellow...I have seen this before on this forum.

IS that normal towards the end of flowering right?? The ladies are starting to take all the nutrients out of the leaves for the last HOORAAA!! RIGHT!!????


I have the same issue with temp in my flower area. The temp average is approx 88. I am running a 400w. I added a second fan and another inlet for air from outside of the tent. the temp dropped to 84.

I plan to expand my grow area and added a light mover with a 600w. I considered 2 400w or a 1000w, but HEAT!!! Therefore, the light mover will work and I can control the temp. I will go from a 2'x2' to 2X4. I read that the 400w will work, but I will add a light mover (cheaper) and maybe upgrade to 600w.

I get approx 80g in a 2x2 area with 4 plants.


Oh, can you show photo of your bloom area setup? I like what I see so far. Keep up the good work.


Take a look at the leaves on the bottom of the one plant....notice that they are turning yellow...I have seen this before on this forum.

IS that normal towards the end of flowering right?? The ladies are starting to take all the nutrients out of the leaves for the last HOORAAA!! RIGHT!!????



Day 48 flowering





nice those bud really fatten uped in the last 48 days!!!!! at first the were kinda whispy now they look like the bomb


Thanks Lord and Shaun....

I forgot to post this one....she's taking on some weight. It's crazy...I know it's nothing like what I have seen here on ICmag...but I've really learned a lot about these two strains this first grow. Next harvest will improve.......:joint:


Looking very nice Befri
and got the next lot ready too, i bet they will turn out even better now you know what and what not to do


Harvested some of the plants this weekend....with all the issues I had for my first time growing we did ok. Could be better...but the next run will be 100X better....for sure. Here is just a few shots of what I ended up with. I will do a dried report.....I still have 3 WW to pull in the next few days to trim and dry. :woohoo:


IS that normal towards the end of flowering right?? The ladies are starting to take all the nutrients out of the leaves for the last HOORAAA!! RIGHT!!????

That is exactly right my friend I have seen this in many grows. The buds are absorbing the nutrients, one thing that I like to do is after the majority of the leaf is yellow just pluck them off cause the plant is using energy keeping them. You will see great results very quickly by doing this. The grow looks great man, you have seen some ups and downs but it is a total learning experience, I love it.


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