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1000W 3x3 ScROG (Round 2)


"easy growing type"
ya thts the one an only downside to growing its soooo fucking stressfull at times

Damnit and I ALWAYS do the paper towels too. This is all my fault. Its the curse of that haze bitch fucking up this grow too. Shit shit shit!!


"easy growing type"
ya, theyre like peat pellets right? when i used peat pellets none came up

Yeah but they're not made of peat. They're supposed to be constructed of compost. Just decomposed natural material with bark and they add a mild dose of GH micro into the mix. GREAT for cloning from what people say but I haven't heard too much on seedlings.


o well once again good luck and i hope they germ so i can see a bush fest! Could you still take em out and do the paper towel or too late you think?


"easy growing type"
o well once again good luck and i hope they germ so i can see a bush fest! Could you still take em out and do the paper towel or too late you think?

Actually yes, but not the paper towel because presumably after 3 days they should have cracked. I will use a surgeon scalpel and slowly cut into each pellet so that the tap root is visible. If it looks like its progressed into the pellet then I'll leave it be but if it hasn't then I'm re-transferring into another pellet just alot higher this time. I'll have an update by tomorrow but these suckers are gonna have to sprout or I will feed them to the borg.


Active member
Good luck on this current grow... ive been using rapid rooters since 2004, and ive never
turned back. ive always used them for clones, and have about a 95-100% success rate.

three months ago i germed a LaWoman and 10 Easy Ryder fems, and all but one rooted. the one that didnt was my fault, as i was impatient and tried to help it along and ended up crushing the seed. it only took 36 hrs for the first to pop, and the longest took 4 days.i had multiple roots on the first to pop after 3 days.

my method is simple. i use RO water ph'd to 6.0(ish) and add 1/4tsp of thrive alive per gallon. i soak the plugs in the solution, then squeeze about 75% of water out. i put the seed about 1/4 inch into the RR, then break a tiny piece off the bottom and plug the hole loosely. i put about 1/8th inch of solution in the prop tray, making sure the water doesnt youch the plugs. i place the dome on and within 6 hrs it is nice and humid in there.

after 24 hrs i checked the seed by pulling up the torn off piece and observed no change. when i woke up the next day i checked again and two of the eleven had popped. i left the little piece i used to plug the hole off to lighten the amount of work the seedling had to get to the surface. 72 hrs and all but 3 of the 11 had cotyladon leaves. i used a 2 bulb 2ft t5 about 2 inches from the top of the propagator dome.

i dont even bother trying anything else. ive converted at least 5 people to rapid rooters over the last 6 years. theyre on the expensive side, but well worth the 15$ for the 50 replacement plugs.
till next time,


"easy growing type"
Good luck on this current grow... ive been using rapid rooters since 2004, and ive never
turned back. ive always used them for clones, and have about a 95-100% success rate.

three months ago i germed a LaWoman and 10 Easy Ryder fems, and all but one rooted. the one that didnt was my fault, as i was impatient and tried to help it along and ended up crushing the seed. it only took 36 hrs for the first to pop, and the longest took 4 days.i had multiple roots on the first to pop after 3 days.

my method is simple. i use RO water ph'd to 6.0(ish) and add 1/4tsp of thrive alive per gallon. i soak the plugs in the solution, then squeeze about 75% of water out. i put the seed about 1/4 inch into the RR, then break a tiny piece off the bottom and plug the hole loosely. i put about 1/8th inch of solution in the prop tray, making sure the water doesnt youch the plugs. i place the dome on and within 6 hrs it is nice and humid in there.

after 24 hrs i checked the seed by pulling up the torn off piece and observed no change. when i woke up the next day i checked again and two of the eleven had popped. i left the little piece i used to plug the hole off to lighten the amount of work the seedling had to get to the surface. 72 hrs and all but 3 of the 11 had cotyladon leaves. i used a 2 bulb 2ft t5 about 2 inches from the top of the propagator dome.

i dont even bother trying anything else. ive converted at least 5 people to rapid rooters over the last 6 years. theyre on the expensive side, but well worth the 15$ for the 50 replacement plugs.
till next time,

Hi redbudduckfoot,
Thank you for your suggestion. I'll definitely try it this way on my next run. I was going to cut into the pellets but I'm second guessing myself and thinking I might make things worst than they are. At the moment I just removed the piece I plugged them with at the top so that if indeed any have cracked they can follow the bright light. All I need is 1 of each so I have my fingers crossed. This is all my fault though and I deserve it for being hasty and counting my chickens before they hatched.


"easy growing type"
Ok worst fear confirmed. The Train Wreck seeds are dead. I opened up all the pellets and I found only 1 with a healthy taproot which was moved into soil. The others did not even crack WTF!!!!

Now are you ready for the funny part.. The Lemon Skunk seeds I ordered from ... all cracked today! I see 5 little necks coming out of the same Rapid Rooters planted the same way as the Train Wreck (water logged and all) WHAT THE FUCK!!! I'm really pissed off right now! If the Lemon Skunks popped from ... and the Train Wrecks didn't well you know where I'm going. I am really pissed the fuck off right now.!


"easy growing type"
i've gotten some dud seeds from .... i think they either carry old stock or just don't store them right. only going through the boo now.

I feel better now. I punched 3 walls nearly broke a knuckle and sent ... an e-mail. Back to the task. The Lemon Skunk is sprouting like a fucking champ. I just really wanted train wreck. LoL Even the ... died - Fast shipping doesn't mean shit if quality isn't there. Ok Rant and anger passed I have Lemon Skunk from the beautiful .... Do you guys think Lemon Skunk is worth the effort or should I just order the TW from .... Hell I'll order from ... again but they HAVE to send me fresh seeds. I ordered Lemon Skunk but I just wanted to keep it as a mom for a rainy day. To me I haven't heard to many raves about it. Unless you guys tell me different. So how bout it. Anyone out there try the Lemon Skunk.


New member
Sometimes you can take a scapel and help crack a stubborn seed shell. I had some trainwrecks that sat in towel for three days and nothing.....After the seed is nice and moist take the side of the seed without out the circle(very important) and at the seam attempt to chip a small portion of the seed away.

I got a 100% germ rate on 12 seeds 5 Big bud NL 5 Train wreck 2 Skunks. Granted I had to help the train wrecks along a bit. They all then went into Rapid Rooters and placed in an areo cloner. About 2-3 days later when the tap root pokes out the bottom I split the plug in half removing the seedling and transplanting to 3" net pots and neoprene collars wtih an expossed root system.

I'll work from mothers for awhile but when it comes time to sprout....paper towel, to plug, to net pot works well for me running areo!

Good luck on the Grow!
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"easy growing type"
Sometimes you can take a scapel and help crack a stubborn seed shell. I had some trainwrecks from ... that sat in towel for three days and nothing.....After the seed is nice and moist take the side of the seed without out the circle(very important) and at the seam attempt to chip a small portion of the seed away.

I got a 100% germ rate on 12 seeds from ... 5 Big bud NL 5 Train wreck 2 Skunks. Granted I had to help the train wrecks along a bit. They all then went into Rapid Rooters and placed in an areo cloner. About 2-3 days later when the tap root pokes out the bottom I split the plug in half removing the seedling and transplanting to 3" net pots and neoprene collars wtih an expossed root system.

I'll work from mothers for awhile but when it comes time to sprout....paper towel, to plug, to net pot works well for me running areo!

Good luck on the Grow!

Hi clstclandestine,
Thanks for the info and I believe you are correct. Reminds e of the original LR2 seeds from 07. The shells were rock hard and required a precrack with needle nose pliers. The pic in my avatar was one an LR2 I precracked using this method. So if other people are experiencing issues with Train Wrecks it could very well be just that.

Fortunately I may have 1 survivor. The one that had the taproot and was transferred to soil poppd today in soil but with a full helmet. The shells are definitely hard man. I just covered it with more soil to moisten it a bit but tomorrow I may try removing the helmet.

I think I'll be using the Krypto controller buckets this grow. I've already assembled the 90degree 1/2 in barbs and floats - I have all the other materials ready. This grow should be nice.


"easy growing type"
New supplies

New supplies

Ok guys I'll be uploading some pics of the babies tonight as well as the supplies I purchased today. Tell me if this wasn't a steal...

(4) 3x3 Flood Trays - American Hydroponics
(4) Sets of In-Flow and Out-Flow Flood and Drain Fittings
(2) Reservoirs - 1 - 35 Gallon Black and 1 - 40 Gallon White
(5) Timers -HydroFarm
(4) Maxijet 1000's
(125) 5"x5" Square Plastic Hydro Grow Cups Black
(2) Tall Seedling Starter Lids
(8) Plastic Seedling Trays
(17) Seedling Starter Packs
(1) 6" 200CFM Inline Fan - HydroFarm
Some Tubing
No Stands
$200 even from a seller on Craigslist. I just picked up the materials and they are right here in front of me!!

Looks like this grow is headed to the flood tables with as many clones as possible for my 3x3 tent and my thousand watter. Oh I am happy as a mofo.


"easy growing type"
Sounds good look forward to the updates.

Hi theweedman.fr,
Thank you for stopping by. I'll be updating real soon on the hydro portion of this grow. Unfortunately I started from scratch so it's taking a bit but I purchased fem seeds. Hoping for the best ;)


"easy growing type"
wow im going to check cl right now.

Yes greenwithenvy,
I went crazy one I got home. The cab ride was scary man it wouldn't fit so we put the trays in the trunk with the trunk lid open. That ride was tense, every time he sped up I got so nervous. I will take pics of the equipment I purchased one I get the room picked up. Thanks for staying tuned Green :)


"easy growing type"
I was really impatient with the slow potting mix process so I removed all the plants from my mother/clone area and threw them under my 400W in my 3x3 tent. I also grabbed the home-made T12 fixture and threw it in a day later after noticing one of the G13's had stretched badly.

Here is a wide angle of all 9 plants in there new 5x5 containers (courtesy of a friendly seller on CL) I have over a hundred of these pots. I've been using Miracle Grow potting mix for these soon to me donor moms. The 400W is HPS and the Floros are Daylight 6500K at 30W each.

A closer wide angle shot.

A wide angle overhead shot of all plants together. From the looks of it the G13 may be the first to run in ScROG but needs to be sex'd. It's the only plant that is not certified female.

A closeup of my #1 G13xNYCD plant. Cotyledons have dropped and lower leaves seem eater away but this is because it was in a small amount of soil before. These pots have more soil and it's already nutrient rich. I will not add nutrients until my plants ask for them - the Miracle Grow is sufficient for now.

Here is my #2 G13xNYCD - A pinch gone wrong has triggered what appears to be 2 additional top colas. Plant has not been topped and I do not top. Pinching is enough for me.

Here is my #3 G13xNYCD - Here is the reason I pulled the floros from the mom/clone chamber. In just 24 hours I saw this nasty stretch. I know stretching is normal under HPS but not in my house biatch. You can see some bruising on the stretched stem. I crushed the hurd right in the center to prevent further top growth as I'm focusing side branching. All G13's are 29 days old and have been pinched. These plants have been growing slow due to being exposed to only 150W of floro power. I added them under HID yesterday to speed thins up. Light cycle is 24/0.

Here we have my #1 Trainwreck at 12 days old. I had a few complications with the train wrecks at the beginning. I started with 5 TW's and 1 free .... Unfortunately only 4 survived. I took a photo of this one because she is certainly the daintiest little think looking all Perrrfect in form.

Here is my #4 Trainwreck. I number them by appearance btw.

I didn't photograph each plant individually nor the LemonSkunks because I'm focusing this effort on the up and coming hydro grow. I am expecting that the addition of the 400W will speed up the process. Lights will remain on for 24 hours a day everyday until we start getting branches to clone off. Then I'll flower a sample to tell sex on the G13's and also to determine ovule production speed on the feminized seeds. The fastest budder wins the first cycle. This will be a 36+ plant flood and drain on a 3x3 bed of hydroton.

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