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1000 watter in a utilities included small ass apartment


Active member
Montana, my attitude is educated, aggressive defense of my rights. What is disgusting about that? Rights I purchased. Rights the Landlord sold, and now wants to take back without compensation. If a Landlord wants to take it up a notch, and get extralegal and unethical, I go to WAR (assuming I can't move out).

How often have I done this? NEVER. I spray EM on my landlord's property to help out. I alerted my landlord to a foundation problem that would not have affected me. I posted these tactics here to remind burnt rope that fucking with peoples' dignity and privacy is playing with fire. The discussion of methods is pure banter, not at all serious. And I never will do these things, because when I move to a new state i always look up the housing laws for the state and municipality, and I always try to force at least one change to the lease - and that is for show.

Landlords are people. Not special people. They deserve respect, as long as they respect you, but remember that for them the temptation is great to invade your privacy.


what state is that?

In CT and NY you cannot sign away your right to be secure in your home.

FYI if you are a landlord watch who you fuck with. If you pulled this on me you would be in for the worst year of your life. Every bit of cooperation you would have to wrest from my hands via legal challenges. Little problems you can't prove were caused by me would start to crop up. Invasive weeds would suddenly swarm your property. The drains would clog monthly for years after I left. I would sit around researching ways to cause damage and depreciation to your property long after I leave, in untraceable ways. I would look for ways to harass you via regulatory agencies and the court system.

Bullying someone like me would not be worth it like it was with that scared little kid. And that's been the case since I was a kid in school and my first landlord tried to fuck me over. Your word is your bond, and your tenant's privacy is not yours to take away. There are a lot of people like me in this country. Watch yourself.

I've been reading this thread with amusement , but this is too much. I'm a landlord and I would tell you, watch who you mess with. I guarantee I can be just as devious as you and might be way crazier. I can harass you just as much as you can harass me and I probably have much more money to dedicate to the task. You talk like you can do devious things and get away with them but the landlord can't??
That said, I agree with some of your points. 1000 w is no big deal and I don't consider it stealing. If electricity is paid with the rent then it's paid.


Active member
I don't do devious things. Or get away with them. Even if I sound like I do. I was trying to create a useful boogeyman.

I have a clear, open, and honest relationship with my landlord, based on boundaries.

I set those boundaries with the landlord, from day 1, by mutual consent. They usually explore those boundaries, often with an uninvited entry not long after move-in. It always results in a sit-down, and clear agreement that everyone will be friends as long as the contract is respected and it does not happen again. I do drop a made up story about calling the police on another landlord.

The worst have been in NYC. 4/4 landlords tried to keep my deposit. One returned it after going up the chain of command, one thanks to Eliot Spitzer's office, and the other two were preempted by me keeping the last month. One even claimed residential law requiring escrow and interest did not apply because the lease was "commercial". The law disagrees - if a landlord rents out living space, illegal or not, it is covered.

So yeah, I know a landlord can get away with devious things. In fact, they don't seem to stop trying. I'm actually quite patient, but if a landlord puts my freedom and that of my family in jeopardy, things will change awful fast.
I have zero problems dealing with such things legally. As you seem to, so respect to you.
BUT I have zero respect for bogeymen and they do nothing but put a bad and childish face on our occupations and hobbies. As I have said before, leave the propaganda to the government. We need to show our best sides, the legal and legitimate sides if we are ever to be taken seriously.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
im sure there are plenty of nice landlords out there - and my respect to them. but there are also plenty of nasty ones - and anyone who has been ripped off for their deposit after leaving the property in a decent state will sympathise with mj's point of view and there are some good legal observations in his posts.

if he has been banned for what he said here then i think that is way over the top. i have seen at least two thread titles here recently talking about killing neigbours or inflicting violence on them - much worse than what has been said here but i dont remember those posters getting banned. heres one


Green Smoke

MJ was banned because he is a troll, plain and simple. His trail of flaming people spread far and wide across these forums. He may have some intelligent and useful info, but chooses to deliever it quite inapropriately. This thread wasn't the first time he's caught the attention of the mods.


Active member
That's to bad MJ was a smart guy.

If your concerned about the landlord noticing the increase in elec use, then tell him up front you host gaming parties(or whatever, severs, etc...) and your electricity use has been double that of your neighbors in the past.
Tell him you just wanted to let him know that upfront so he doesn't think he's getting screwed by massive power use, and if he wants, you will to split the elec bill with him.
I think he would respect that, and it should eliminate any worries on your part about him coming in to search for the huge power draw.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
MJ was banned because he is a troll, plain and simple. His trail of flaming people spread far and wide across these forums. He may have some intelligent and useful info, but chooses to deliever it quite inapropriately. This thread wasn't the first time he's caught the attention of the mods.

i've seen him disagree with people, and state his arguments in a forthright manner. ive seen him debate subjects robustly and require people to explain and justify thenselves. and ive seen him point out bluntly when people are talking sh1te.

but ive never seen him troll or flame anyone in the way that i see over and over again by people with much less to offer this community - who seem to get away with it, along with the insulting and bullying behavior that i also see regularly.

most importantly he actually had some expertise, information and enthusiasm to offer this place - and i cant understand why he was banned when so many others dont get banned.

but it's not my decision - all i can do is read his posts and compare them with others i read and wonder why.


Green Smoke

but ive never seen him troll or flame anyone in the way that i see over and over again by people with much less to offer this community - who seem to get away with it, along with the insulting and bullying behavior that i also see regularly.

Had you visited my thread on Friday you would have seen just that. He was so out of line it was sick. I asked the mods to delete it all, and thankfuly they did.

most importantly he actually had some expertise, information and enthusiasm to offer this place

Maybe he did, but he didn't bring it to my thread. He came off as arrogant and ignorant. And he wouldn't stop. He made a pure mess out of my thread. I reported him and I don't regret it a bit. BTW, as I understand it, he's only gone for a day, so he'll be back pissing people off soon enough.
Hehe I like MJ. Just not his way of conversing. He borders on troll as he about never acknowledges or gives credit to others opinion everything seems like it has to be a damn fight about what he knows best.


I at least have to wonder though, was Burnt warned for his behavior in this thread? If MJs behavior was abhorrent enough to warrant his banning.

MJ did not seem as trollish to me in this thread as Burnt did, but I cannot speak on MJs behavior over a prolonged period as I had only just encountered him in this thread.

I have long since stated my opinion as a user of large amounts of power, that the op will likely be alright so long as he makes adjustments in his life to minimize the singular impact of the light.



Haha what a shitfest this thread turned into. Gotta say I agree 100% with MaryjJohn on the land lord issues. I have been lucky enough to only have one landlord who was a total douche. He definitely got what was coming to him. I moved in there september 1st, was out of there by september 30th. Stupid fuck seemed to think he had the right to enter with out my consent and threaten my family and pets!

Oh by the way, to the OP: Last year I rented the main floor (3 bedroom) apartment in a triplex. There was a 2 bedroom above me and a bachelor above that. Immediately when I moved in i started running my 1000w HPS for random times during the day, few hours here, few more there etc until I had my set up ready. then straight to 12/12 (I vegged them at a different location, from seed) and my landlord was never the wiser, and she knew i toked because I have gotten high with her once.

Also, to all those who say using the electricity to grow (when included) isn't stealing because it is in the lease agreement, I don't know about where you are, but here (Ontario) I have signed more then one lease where there was a provision stating that I would not use the unit for unlawful purposes (i.e. GROWING MARIJUANA!!!)

Budley Doright

Active member
I at least have to wonder though, was Burnt warned for his behavior in this thread? If MJs behavior was abhorrent enough to warrant his banning.

MJ did not seem as trollish to me in this thread as Burnt did, but I cannot speak on MJs behavior over a prolonged period as I had only just encountered him in this thread.

I have long since stated my opinion as a user of large amounts of power, that the op will likely be alright so long as he makes adjustments in his life to minimize the singular impact of the light.


See alexis I told you that you werent the sharpest pencil in the box....

Your pal was banned because of another thread....

so in short no I wasnt warned.....

I am however at a loss just why you think I might have been....


<<grins back>>



I was always told if I had nothing good to say, I should forgo saying anything. I am done with speaking to you.

I have removed any insults or banter that I posted in this last post as I aim to be above such reproachful things.

May you always find safety and shelter, may your crops grow well, and may you never find the law at your back. Though we do not agree I wish no ill vibes be sent your way. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Peace and good will to you.


To the OP of this thread and the Mods of this lovely forum, I apologize for any breaches in decorum that my to and fro with the Burnt here may have caused. Generational gaps and different world views will inevitably lead to many cases of failure to see eye to eye in certain situations. I should not have allowed him to bait me for as long as I have, nor should I have posted such an inquiry in the thread. I was just surprised to hear that MJ who had appeared helpful, had been banned. Curiosity overwhelmed restraint for which I apologize.

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And yes, I have been through very similar circumastances. Landlord is IN my house two days before I`m supposed to be out. Place isn`t cleaned, their are clear tupperwares with leaves in them. Guy was an ex cop. We pulled up and I had a heart attack. I grabbed tupperwares and through them into truck, good thing he was just an asshole and not a nosy one. Guy took our deposits for about 1200. Revenge loomed on my mind... until like always, I remembered that he will get his own and I certainly dont need to sink to a level lower than his.

do you really think i would go do all that work of getting plants and bugs to destroy property? lol i would have ya too scared to rent out to anyone. revenge crosses everyone's mind but it's how you act that matters, not what you say. at work people come to me all the time wanting to form a union, quit, or start damaging property... they never do, 99% is just blowing off steam cause they had a bad day at home, work, or whatever. heck what i would worry about are the idiot kids that think the walls are great for target practicing or graffiti. can't forget the broken doors and windows either. ask what happened and no one knows. sorry bout the rant just kicked 3 family members out cause they just didn't give a fuck. worst part is i gotta tell the landlord and fix it myself.
I live alone, and as green as I can. I use an iron stove for heat and only a/c my bedroom/office. When I put in my 1000w @ 12/12, the electric went from about $75 to $180ish @ ~ .25 per kw. I added it in the fall when I stopped using the a/c - Bill with a/c was about $275-300 when used all day almost every day. Everyone in my region had that happen though. So, when I went 'online' with a bulb, my bill dropped about 100 (would have been 200 less without). Does the Electric company know I use wood heat? Not likely, and I've seen the guy check the meter so I know it's not a 'smart' one. It's still getting colder, so now would be a great time to add another one for me.

In an apt, they know you have central heat and air, and the whole complex is likely on one or just a few meters, and they will know when a tenant is using more than average use. Depending on how many units your meter is spread across, your 1000w is likely not going to make an obvious difference. If it does, expect notices of inspection - if you are cutting into someone's profit margin (which you are) they will likely try to rectify the situation if possible (that's about $1100 a year extra the management company is paying for your one light - you KNOW someone in that food chain would rather keep that in their pocket)!

It seems to me ignoring off-topic comments, such as personal criticisms, tends to make them go away, or at least inhibits their ability to perpetuate.

Valid thread, caution is key ;)
Why 1000w hps

Why 1000w hps

may i ask why 1k hps?

I didn't want light to be the bottleneck in my system

The price in ballasts and fixtures isn't significantly different, so it was a better value to me

I have enough room for it to spread the light out, and enough ventilation, and 12' of available vertical space (12" for the pot, 24" on top for the light/vent system, 18" clearance for a plant - they can get a little over 7' (80") if I let them
may i ask why 1k hps?

Why not a 1K HPS? They are more efficient than a 400W, and very close in efficiency to a 600w. For example If using Hortilux bulbs, a 400W comes out to 137.5 LPW, with a 600W it's 146.66 and with a 1000W it's 145. 1000W lights also provide great light penetration, 600W's are very nice as well but 1000W's can penetrate several feet into the canopy and can give you monster colas. With my aircooled hood and 6" inline i can keep the light as close as want pretty much although obviously you don't want to get TOO close.

1000W's are also a good price. They aren't that much more than a 400W and they are the same price or alot of the time less money than a 600W.

Does that answer your question?

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