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100% solution to Fungus Gnats?

Clackamas Coot

Active member

Feel free to quote me: "It's easier to prevent problems than it is to cure them."

It's my opinion and experience that neem tree products (in conjunction with yucca extract) will help a grower in this process, i.e. preventing problems.

I live and grow in one of the worst areas in the world with regard to powdery mildew and to a lesser degree, mite infestation.

Neem tree products have been my saving grace. Watching what other MMJ growers will do to combat these problems makes me shake my head.

Avid? Floramite? Are you f*cking kidding me? Weird - grow medicine using cancer-causing agents? Whoa!




Feel free to quote me: "It's easier to prevent problems than it is to cure them."

It's my opinion and experience that neem tree products (in conjunction with yucca extract) will help a grower in this process, i.e. preventing problems.

I live and grow in one of the worst areas in the world with regard to powdery mildew and to a lesser degree, mite infestation.

Neem tree products have been my saving grace. Watching what other MMJ growers will do to combat these problems makes me shake my head.

Avid? Floramite? Are you f*cking kidding me? Weird - grow medicine using cancer-causing agents? Whoa!


Okay I quoted you..

LOL.. I do have to say I never knew about the Neem tree.. I would like to eat some roots sometime.. I will look and see if any places serve traditional soups.. I'm curious now..

So I am feeling better knowing it's safe like that.. I have to admit that Neem oil seemed like linseed oil in my mind and I wondered how safe it was to spray our plants with neem seed oil..

I won't need anything till I rotate crops.. I have a feeling this is a seed crop with clones next..

Now I can try that meal.. I'll know if I like it or not.. I'm very familiar with my soil.. I like that 5-x-2 that's a nice ratio IMO.. It makes me think it would be good with Oak leaf mold..

My solution is to get some nematodes cuz it sounds fun.. I have a small gnat problem so the nematodes are a simple answer..

I'll need to order some supplies so I'll add a box to my list... There is always the compost tumbler.. JK!


cover your soil with 2 inches of dry perlite...they will disappear

That's the basic idea yes.. Agree..

Dry and inhospitable.. The basic pest controls are the best..

I will still be top feeding so moist is necessary.. Time to turn pests into food for friends I figure..

But your suggestion is correct if i was ready to cover the surface..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
the whole top perlite doesn't seem that good to me:

A. can never have a fan on the pots
B. I'm sure some of them can "dig" down to the "soil"
C. I hate perlite
A. can never have a fan on the pots
I have a huge fan running blowing straight on my plants and the perlite is going nowhere.
B. I'm sure some of them can "dig" down to the "soil"
Maybe but in my experiance they cannot.
C. I hate perlite
It takes a lot of energy to hate, put that energy towards killing gnats rather than hating a inanimate object.
That's the basic idea yes.. Agree..

Dry and inhospitable.. The basic pest controls are the best..

I will still be top feeding so moist is necessary.. Time to turn pests into food for friends I figure..

But your suggestion is correct if i was ready to cover the surface..

I top feed and it seems like the water goes right thru the perlite, the perlite never seems to soak up anything. Sand will do the same thing......


New member
To whom it may concern, If using 100% organics, especially organic teas during flowering, you will be more prone to fungus gnats. If you brew your teas beyond 24hrs fungal activity rises, this will increase your chances of these critters. DIATOMACEOUS EARTH-- can be mixed in whatever medium you use, and yes it is 100% organic, it is derived from salt water diatoms, it will help fight the larvae within the medium, should be sprikled around the base of the plant as supplemental control also on the floor of your grow space(not to much so the fan doesnt blow it alll over). Once they touch the stuff it dries them out internally and kills them (FACT). Also another cure would be SABADILLA--An insecticidal powder derived from the seeds of the Sabadilla Lily (Schoenocaulon officinale), a South-American herbaceous plant. It contains an alkaloid known as veratrine which acts as contact and stomach poison for insects. Sabadilla can be sprinkled on grow room floor, have never seen it mixed in grow medium. This info was passed along to me from a gardener with 30 years experience with all type of plant life, and it flat out works wonders, give it a try you will see the results. Of course other things like sticky fly tape, nematodes work but this is just my 2cts.


Got them Nematodes so it's on tonight.. It's a big container for what I need so that's a negative.. Cost was about twenty dollar so that is a negative but the company seems to offer all kinds of beneficials. Nice package and great information is a heavy bond paper.. They are Orcon a division of Organic Control Inc out of Los Angles.

I can honestly say I don't see any gnats now but this is a positive step.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
To whom it may concern, If using 100% organics, especially organic teas during flowering, you will be more prone to fungus gnats. If you brew your teas beyond 24hrs fungal activity rises, this will increase your chances of these critters.
A link, based on science, and not Stoner Joe anecdotal 'analysis' would be helpful as your statement flies in the face of established science.

Thanks for helping us understand your 'new science' as I'm sure it'll be interesting.

Or not.




New member
A link, based on science, and not Stoner Joe anecdotal 'analysis' would be helpful as your statement flies in the face of established science.

Thanks for helping us understand your 'new science' as I'm sure it'll be interesting.

Or not.


listen im not here to debate with you, I gave my 2cts and thats that, you are nobody to me so if u need facts look them up yourself, the use of 100% organics will attract insects simple as that, whether they take control of your grow room is up to you, I dont have to be a scientist to figure that out, movin on:Bolt:


I guess I can confess.. I was working with apple sauce..

That's why they gained a solid foundation..

Hell guys I try all sorts of stuff.. Why not? The microbiology will adapt to whatever food is available I believe..

Now that my "Nematode dogs" are on the hunt I may feed apple sauce in the liquid feed again.. Sort of like pumping up the gnats for food for the nematodes.. LOL I don't know..

So hey that Coot character is a scruffy old miner looking guy I hear.. Look out fellas.. Bakes a mean loaf also..


Next Stop: Outer Space!
listen im not here to debate with you, I gave my 2cts and thats that, you are nobody to me so if u need facts look them up yourself, the use of 100% organics will attract insects simple as that, whether they take control of your grow room is up to you, I dont have to be a scientist to figure that out, movin on:Bolt:

That's just flat out untrue. I'm sorry, but there are plenty of organic solutions to pests. Some plants like tobacco or garlic can be mixed with water and sprayed on the plants and it kills 100% of the pests on them, especially with tobacco. If you doubt, I would ask you to look up what the professionals use, and you will see that nicotine is one of the chemicals they spray with. A small bag of tobacco will last you ages, and give you wonderful pest control.

A 100% "natural" grow, will have pests of course. Organic though can definitely be done 100% with zero pests. Please don't believe the lies the chemical fertilizer companies have been pushing. We can garden without spraying petroleum products on our plants, and we can grow BETTER. I have no pests on my grow. When I was a chem grower, I had huge problems with them. Organics is nothing but good, and it's a shame more people don't understand that yet.


New member
That's just flat out untrue. I'm sorry, but there are plenty of organic solutions to pests. Some plants like tobacco or garlic can be mixed with water and sprayed on the plants and it kills 100% of the pests on them, especially with tobacco. If you doubt, I would ask you to look up what the professionals use, and you will see that nicotine is one of the chemicals they spray with. A small bag of tobacco will last you ages, and give you wonderful pest control.

A 100% "natural" grow, will have pests of course. Organic though can definitely be done 100% with zero pests. Please don't believe the lies the chemical fertilizer companies have been pushing. We can garden without spraying petroleum products on our plants, and we can grow BETTER. I have no pests on my grow. When I was a chem grower, I had huge problems with them. Organics is nothing but good, and it's a shame more people don't understand that yet.
Organics dont attract bugs are you kidding me, i didnt say that there wasnt other things to prevent bugs just what i use, READ THE POST and stop trying to debate my methods . Yes you can have a pest free grow, I never said you couldnt either. I simply told the originator of the post my ways of dealing with pest. If you have never heard of DIATOMACEOUS EARTH OR SABADILLA, then you need to do some studing on organics and organic pest control, I dont want to smell TOBASCO sauce all over my plantsor in my grow, I am a gardener of various plants not just this sacred plant. Furthermore, I am not a ROOKIE just because I just joined this site, people here love to argue about things without truly opening their eyes...I NEVER MADE A STATEMENT THAT WAS FLATOUT UNTRUE,LEARN TO READ!!!!:noway:


Tabasco eh... Going to look that one up!


You can't let anyone know where you tied your Goat my friend.. :noway: I should know..


Ask 10 organic soil people get 10 points of view ( hopefully )..



follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I had some pepper plants I put outside, and seemed the bees were sitting on top of my soil every time I checked on them. a couple days later no more gnats..


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
I used gnatrol and it worked. I might explore different methods later, but just letting people know it does it's job. I think some might say pricey though..

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