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100 push-up a day challenge


The Hopeful Protagonist
Hey guys, I am by no means here to criticize in any way,shape or form.....Just a simple observation that struck me as funny, well hilarious actually.

The "100" club of exercisers

pack a bowl

Hippie Lettuce

smoke 1 sun

smokes alot

Something about the line-up just got me.....I'm terrible I know.

Sorry if I missed any of you, this IS NOT intended as an insult in any way. In fact I commend you all.

Carry on :smile:




Garden Nymph
LOL! that's awesome..i'm a little slow today, so i had to read that like three times.

anyway, i'm not exercising. just wanted to say that women should do push-ups, but i'm a lazy ****.


lol omg so sore today more or less, been able to do more reps but holly crap its getting hard. I'm curious if tomorrow is going to be sore or back to more normal. Either way somethins workin


Active member
If your not gonna join in then don't come in here and insult us. :dueling:

LOL,Its called humor Dog,cant help it if its probably true.Heres my routine,
up at 530,load the truck,ride to the job,unload the truck,carry a 40 footer and a couple 32's around,install,tear-off,fabricate,repair.......all while carrying a 30 lb pouch around,up and down the ladders at least 30 times a day...........do that for 25 yrs,push-ups,pft.....I got that all day long,I'm F.I.T,6'1 190lbs.....not everyones a turnip!


european ganja growers
am in guys
day or 2 late but ill make it up ....100 a day yeh...ive not done any exercise for months...just recoverd from cancer and TB, my body weight it back up to what it used to be so now its time to get fit:woohoo:.. at the moment i do 7 situps a week (sitting up out my bed:laughing:).....bring it on ,,,just away to pack a bong and get stuck in ...................

done ..45 pushups 80 situps

keep it green


I've been doing a fair few push ups for quite a while now (150-200 per day, sets of 50), and my chest, back and side muscles have never looked so good!!

So anyone who says push ups don't work, then you're wrong!!

A recent (very good looking) girlfriend said she loved my side muscles (from push ups) - the best she'd ever seen in fact (and this is "beautiful" Italy, and she's 30), and that I'd got a great back and chest too!!

There's proof in the pudding for ya!!



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
I did a push up yesdterday when I read this...it was good...and so is this thread..inspiring to read..DD
if i do just pushups without doing anything else, i get sort of hostile.
sun salutations from yoga are a good full body workout and you get the arm workout. 108 is a special number in yoga, some religious significance that i'm not entirely sure of. i doubt i could do 108, but i'll do some of those and then do the pushups.


this is crazy so far I've done one set of twenty and one of 10 pu and 20 su lol 10 years ago in the navy i could do 1000 pu easy i've gotten soft...


Caught up with me yesterday, boy...

Only did 2 sets of push/pull ups, and today I'm hurtin. Taking today off to eat tunamelts and stretch.

58 days to 1 arm pullups.
LOL y'all are hilarious..wanted to go jogging decided it was too cold...si chopped firewood, and now am doing another rep....


ICMag Donor
10 today. 1 more than yesterday and yea i'm sore.

For someone just starting out, is it better to do them daily? or every other day?

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Just starting out, I'd stick to EOD. Harder today, than yesterday, to get these 100 done! Tomorrow I may just do 10 x 10, and take most of the day to do it, instead of getting them done asap!
Gotta go stretch!
Depending on soreness Blynx, either every other, or do less one day, just to kinda keep the muscles awake..like three...then do more on the other day, like push it...or do reps.

I'm post-stomach virus...and haven't done sh*t since that happened in Nov....except chopped wood and shovelled snow..hehe
So I do one day on...one day half as much...but once you get a feel for what you can safely do, it's good to push it.
Peace..off to do a rep!

Good idea by the way...ICers are gonna kick butt!


well to finish off my work out for today I sprayed 2 lts of penetrator and liquid light my forearms felt like rocks afterwards so I decided that was enough...


I wont be hitting 100 today arms are just too sore, I'm giving it a good go but I just can't I guess my body is making me take a rest day. I'm being honest at least I'm hoping tomorrow my arms will be feeling better. They are pretty stiff so I figure if anything its a good sign. you guys feeling it in your stomach/abbs too?

I did notice this however, I'll be the first to admit my pushups are far from perfect especially keeping proper breathing and counting seems like something simple but in out in out and counting is proving to be difficult lol I dunno how the guy in the one video can hold a conversation while doing it but he prolly has 10000000 more under his belt than I do.
So in single sittings I've gone:
day 1, 8 reps.
day 2, 15 reps
day 3, 22 reps
So I am finding I'm improving in how many I do at 1 time. I think improving my breathing is whats helping. I also got rid of those perfect pushup things they ended up hurting my wrists more thnan just using my hands do.


A few more days and it shall pass.

I am not felling anything in my abbs except the captain crunch I had for breakfast! I should probably do more sit ups ha ha...

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