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10 Commandments of smoking MJ


sunshine in a bag
if you are annoying when you are stoned

go be annoying somewhere else, or, just sit quietly on that loveseat and just keep to yourself.

also, if you are at my place, and you just smoked my weed, don't go and eat all my food.

Moldy Dreads

Active member
If you are packing bowls and there are a bunch of guys and a girl, ALWAYS pack the first one for the girl, she'll remeber it later ;)


sunshine in a bag
If you are packing bowls and there are a bunch of guys and a girl, ALWAYS pack the first one for the girl, she'll remeber it later ;)

nothing against girls, but the times ive ever smoked with them has always been retarded

keep in mind...they were like 18-21 year olds, dunno if they are in a tard stage or something around then but...

i hate smoking blunts, but sometimes my friends do when there's a bunch of people who want to smoke at a party/gathering or summat, and there were 5 of us, and we were passing around the 2nd blunt, and I was pretty stoned off the first one so i didnt mind what was happening:
this girl, either never smoked with other people or just had no consideration for other people. i just stared at her as she hit it like 8 times, small little hits, and like held it in her mouth and then immediately blew it out. then she would say something about how it wasnt hitting right or it wasnt good nug, and then pass it ACROSS the blunt circle to her fat buttertroll friend, who would also hit it like that.
we just decided, to never smoke with them again.



Active member
Don't blow smoke in someone's face unless it's a person of the opposite sex and you both are ready to get it on...otherwise it could mean a fight. Very rude behavior..

i agree it is very annoying if someone blow smoke into me, but i don't fight over this cuz it is not so big deal, i just step couple of steeps away from that person and opposite of wind blow ;D


Active member
this girl, either never smoked with other people or just had no consideration for other people. i just stared at her as she hit it like 8 times, small little hits, and like held it in her mouth and then immediately blew it out. then she would say something about how it wasnt hitting right or it wasnt good nug, and then pass it ACROSS the blunt circle to her fat buttertroll friend, who would also hit it like that.
we just decided, to never smoke with them again.


probably were just a rookies in smoking weed ;D, i also know some guys who do that or just don't inhale and after 2 or 3 joint's they saying i am not stoned altough i am so stoned i can barely keep my eyes opened ;D


natural medicator
nothing against girls, but the times ive ever smoked with them has always been retarded

keep in mind...they were like 18-21 year olds, dunno if they are in a tard stage or something around then but...

i hate smoking blunts, but sometimes my friends do when there's a bunch of people who want to smoke at a party/gathering or summat, and there were 5 of us, and we were passing around the 2nd blunt, and I was pretty stoned off the first one so i didnt mind what was happening:
this girl, either never smoked with other people or just had no consideration for other people. i just stared at her as she hit it like 8 times, small little hits, and like held it in her mouth and then immediately blew it out. then she would say something about how it wasnt hitting right or it wasnt good nug, and then pass it ACROSS the blunt circle to her fat buttertroll friend, who would also hit it like that.
we just decided, to never smoke with them again.


how about the newbie girl smokers........

this happened at my house once......

girl 1: how do I smoke this?
girl 2: pretend you're giving a blowjob

I didn't know whether to laugh, watch as the girl tried to blow the blunt, or get mad at how she slobbered all over it.

Part of the reason I always keep a lighter with me when smoking blunts......sometimes ya gotta dry/flame off the slobber from the blunt

Moldy Dreads

Active member
Do not pass a joint with tobacco mixed in without warning everyone about the sin you commited.

Also, if you lace any food item with MJ, you must let everyone know what's in them. Once I made some ultra potent hash cakes, and I told everyone loud and clear, well my dumb ass buddy didn't say anything to his wife....well she and him ate half the flipping tray (I guess they deserved it) but halfway through the movie the chick walks in the room pale as a snowflake and says "someone call 911, I'm having a heart attack." LOL

Needless to say it was a buzzkill trying to convince her not to call 911..


My Not To Do while smoking wit me List: (probly more but i can't think of any, atm)

Don't babysit-talk after ur done smoking don't talk wit the blunt in ur hand:noway: The blunt went out was ur ever gunna pass it?

Hit it 2 times n pass-depending on wat wer smoking but 2 hits in n hold n out is ok(wit oil or kief blunts hit it once n pass so it don't sit for a second)

Don't run the blunt- Have u ever seen someone hittin the blunt not puttin ther mouth on it n hittin the outside smoke mostly n hella running the blunt

this pisses me off:wallbash: learn how to fuckin smoke b4 u ruin my blunt!! (my blunts never run wen its jus me n close friends who kno how to smoke)

Don't fuck up the rotaion- Like said b4 ^^^^ don't pass to ur friend if u think she'll get skipped b respectful if it ain't ur blunt pass to the left u don't own it so don't try n change its rotation:)

And its ok if ur extremely stoned n u accidently forget whos next but jus ask don't hold it or pass it to the rong person(sumtimes ppl think ur skipping them intentionally)

Don't slob the blunt , dont "Nigga Lip"-(no racism intended, jus wat ppl call it wer i'm from in cali wen u put ur hole lips on the blunt n leave wetness)

1 of the worst things to shock u wile smoking a blunt is gettin a wet cold nasty lip after hittin the blunt after someoens slobd it......if ur lips r wet wipe them or the blunt b4 u pass nasty fucks!!! haha

Don't cough on me- i understand sum blunts or bowls can b harsh but cough into ur arm not on the back of my head or in my face

DO NOT COMPLAIN- if ur gettin smoked out sit ther n b happy don't complain if thers not enough to get u high then sit ther n don't smoke u'd b in the same spot u wer b4 i was gunna smoke u out

To MATCH means to MATCH- Exact would b preferd but its understandable to b off .'s but don't try n match me a pinner j to my blunt or a .2 if u say ur gunna match i don't mind wen friends r low "hey i only got .3 left i could put it in on a blunt" thats fine i'll put in .3-.9 dpendin on the occasion

Don't trick someone into coming to match u then put them in the akward position of "o, you only hav that.....i thot we wer gunna match.....fuck well i'm not guna hate lets smoke.......

That shit gets me mad ppl do it all the time wen they kno ur a kind hearted person

Moldy Dreads

Active member
That shit gets me mad ppl do it all the time wen they kno ur a kind hearted person
Seriously, or "man, my boy would never leave that much leaf on his nugs"

Well then go back to your boy's house muther f......


Trying-to-blend wrote
Don't let it show, keep it low!

I have a Pelican Ipod case that holds everything. "Sneak a Smoke" (smelly) pipe is in a small food jar,and Walgreen's pill fob for reloads. Fabric softener smoke filter(exhale of course). Mints etc.

I can't afford the hand and mouth stinkathon of the joint experience. hehe :yoinks:

BEFORE YOU SMOKE, use the eye drops.

Don't over smoke. Everyone's limit is different.


Pull my finger
When we "fog out" the car. If one opens the door for any reason whatsoever, he must immediate;y get out and the doors will be locked so he can not return until the session is over. When you go to the land, you gotta keep the doors shut.

I think we sharked that from the Luniz when we were kids.


New member
Dont scheme peoples herb...
had a friend who would call me all the time and be like..."Yo man what up", i'd say "nothin chillin, bout to smoke a joint", he'd reply "aight cool i'll be there in a minute"...what??? who invited you to come smoke this joint with me. The funny thing about it is, he would really show up...of course with no herb, and because i'm just whatever, i'd smoke him out...don't do this!!!
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stoned agin ...
smoke up the people who smoke you up, and return the favor, it s a great pleasure of sharing with the brotherhood/sisterhood of weed.

dont bogart it or cat's ass it.
Don't lip it..don't babysit it until it goes out..don't spill the bong. If someone is smokin you out, say thanks, no doubtaboutit.

On the subject of cigs, depends on whose house you're at hah. Respect the rules of the house is the number one rule though..


The Hopeful Protagonist
When we "fog out" the car. If one opens the door for any reason whatsoever, he must immediate;y get out and the doors will be locked so he can not return until the session is over. When you go to the land, you gotta keep the doors shut.

I think we sharked that from the Luniz when we were kids.

Player, give me some brew an I might just chill,
but I'm the type that like to light another joint
Like Cypress Hill
I'm steal doobies spit loogies when I puff on it,
I got some bucks on it, but it ain't enuff on it
go get the S-t. I-d-e-s
never the less, I'm hella Fresh,
rollin joints like a cigarrette
so pass it cross the table like Ping Pong,
I'm gone, beatin my chest like King Kong,
it's on, wrap my lips around a 40,
and when it comes to get another stogie,
fools all kick in like Shinobi
no, me ain't my homie to begin with,
it's too many heads to be poppin at my friend hit it
unless you pull out the phat, crispy
five dollar bill on the real before its history
cos fools be havin the vaccum lungs,
an if you let em hit it for free,
you hellar "dum-dum-dum-dum"
I come to school with a taylor on my earlobe
avoidin all the thick teasers, skeezers, and weirdos
I be blowin up the land like where tha bomb at?
give me two bucks,
you take a puff, and pass my bomb back
suck up the dank like a slurpy the serious bomb
will make a nigge go delirous like Eddie Murphy
I got more growin pains than Maggie
cos homies nag me,



I get sick just thinking about this one. A 'personal' bowl for myself and many other icmaggers is probably enough to send most people on a moon mission. It's amazing how many friends will come over and let themselves get stoned into the couch while I'm trying to get high on my weed. Then you go over to their house for a...uhh.. well...a session...hah... and they load up their little .2-.3 bowl and expect you to take a tiny little corner hit off of it then chill on it for a bit. It's totally cool in isolated and infrequent events but I think it happens all too often.

:laughing:Do We Have The Same Friends???:laughing:


nothing against girls, but the times ive ever smoked with them has always been retarded

keep in mind...they were like 18-21 year olds, dunno if they are in a tard stage or something around then but...

Tard stage...rofl.....Look Up! Feyd! There's usually a big sign over those group homes they have...:laughing: It's not nice to give the mentally challenged weed....:D

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