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1.8lb+ per light vert tree grow?



Green Mango and especially Incog........I tried to give input early on in this thread about this setup with hoods over the tops of plants and bare bulbs hung vertically having been done on numerous occasions over the yrs with folks trying new things and .......

Completely proven to be ineffective while causing environmental equipment to work harder for more overall amperage draw that increases bottomline costs per harvey.......and.....it was negated/ignored and then....

All this bullshit sprang forth....I assure all here that I try to help folks

Incog.....Go hate somewhere else....Shafto.....

Good luck....




It's ok, because we LIKE hanging bulbs vertically.
Some of us without glass some with, I'm not saying don't discuss it... but you don't need so much fire.

Maybe try lighting one up?


Active member
this setup with hoods over the tops of plants and bare bulbs hung vertically having been done on numerous occasions over the yrs with folks trying new things and .......

Completely proven to be ineffective

with all due respect to dhf and his efforts to help the community, shafto is proving that his methods works. there is more than one way to skin a cat, as shafto is illustrating in this thread.

i don't think its accurate to say that one method is better than another, when different people have varying degrees of success with any particular method of growing.


with all due respect to dhf and his efforts to help the community, shafto is proving that his methods works. there is more than one way to skin a cat, as shafto is illustrating in this thread.

i don't think its accurate to say that one method is better than another, when different people have varying degrees of success with any particular method of growing.
Only try to help and keep folks from making costly mistakes I made over the yrs Zor.....

This setup works if yas got deep pockets and get decent results to pay the bills....and....many ways to skin a cat......but what`s most efficient and less costly per run rules the day.......Damn.....

I said I`d stay outta Shafto`s thread....Sorry...but.....

My 2 cents from all those yrs....HempKat....You da man....



Active member
DHF you just can't help yourself can you? I think you have a condition of some type my man. Letting stuff like this just go would be better for your health.

Deep pockets? Probably built that room for less than you could imagine for a 12ker.

I know what you think works, we've been over that already. I think differently and provided my reasoning as to why. I think you have trouble understanding some of it and that's part of the problem, the other part is you thinking you know the absolute and only best way there is to grow, which is ridiculous.

Time to let it go DHF.


with all due respect to dhf and his efforts to help the community, shafto is proving that his methods works. there is more than one way to skin a cat, as shafto is illustrating in this thread.

i don't think its accurate to say that one method is better than another, when different people have varying degrees of success with any particular method of growing.


Only try to help and keep folks from making costly mistakes I made over the yrs Zor.....

You mad DHF? Somebody tells it how they see it and you get mad?:moon:
Shows your maturity level... i've been proven wrong many times, i take it with stride... everytime someone does something YOU don't agree with you wanna rain on their parade... Get a grip and get a life... If you grow so well, then why don't you? I find it very difficult to even consider the recommendations or ideals of someone who doesn't grow. That's like taking your car to a guy who USED to be a mechanic...

What a joke... you and your damn followers... sorry Shafto... just get tired of seeing this guy piss on everyones "non-compliant" posts...

Everytime i see a "it's done like this" or "you should do this" post reminds me of why i stopped coming to ICMag...

Shafto, if you will please start another thread and send me a link to your outcomes with your hybrid runs...i'm exiting this post with my dignity intact. I'm tired of seeing DHF spew his self-righteous shit all over your post


DHF isnt saying you can't grow good weed with this setup.. he's only saying that from his own experience, its pushing a little past the point of diminishing returns having to pay extra for cooling and wattage.


The diminishing returns will depend setup to setup. You're either limited by wattage or by space. If by wattage, then efficiency, in terms of gpw, is the way to go. If you're limited by space and not wattage, it's a whole nother ball game. Even in Cali, the cost of electricity is far dwarfed by the amount of product returned. More lights, along with more cooling etc, will lead to larger harvests.

Sure it's less efficient. But for space constrained rooms, sometimes less is more.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

It's ok, because we LIKE hanging bulbs vertically.
Some of us without glass some with, I'm not saying don't discuss it... but you don't need so much fire.

Maybe try lighting one up?

Bingo, I mean if you're happy with your setup and you feel like you've fine tuned it to where you're getting great results then what's your real motivation to try something different just because someone says it'll work better? In fact some might even feel insulted by the suggestion from a relative stranger that the way they do things is bad or at best not as good as it could be.

Now I don't know about you guys but unless it was a CFL only grow if I was using 5 or more bulbs I'd be running a commercial grow op. If I am, I'm going to be even more reluctent to try something new and seemingly contrary to my way, if I'm happy with my way. Because my way is tired and tested by me and I can count on it. Something new can lead to negative as well as positive change, if something goes wrong. Such a mistake could allow competition to take my market.

People should try to understand that when they talk to one another about something as personal as grow style. Rather then saying something like "You're doing it all wrong and if you want to ever see a decent crop then you need to..." one could say, "You know, if you ever find yourself not getting all you hoped for then you could try....it's worked great for me. You're still getting the advice across but in a less confrontational manner.


half cat half man half baked
The bigger reason though? Simple, the IR heat hitting your hand is also absorbed, which makes your hand hot, the moving air from the fan removes this heat from your hand, and it doesn't feel as hot. Same thing as feeling a cool breeze when you're in the hot sun. Same amount of IR heat hitting you from the sun (which travels here with the light) but the moving air cools you off and removes heat.

P.S. Please feel free to point out where exactly I was arguing against the laws of physics.. I really am quite curious, quote me and explain yourself concisely.

Ya might want to brush up on your biology homie because we are working with plants that have feelings, just like us :] Stoned two birds at once..:joint:


Active member
Day 24 in the hybrid room. Plants seem to be "feeling" ok.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I don't know, the one in the back there looks like she's feeling a bit depressed? :)
Impressive round Shafto!

I read a bit of the discussion over the reflector in a vertical setup. I say a hole in the middle large enough to dispose the heat of the bulb would get you some extra efficiency. But that reflector has to be replaced after a number of hours. I would do it without reflector after all.


Active member
Day 55. Proof and pudding continue their love affair. Top colas are the biggest in the room, thank you 600 w/ reflector. Biggest OG kush nugs I've ever had.







Proof and pudding are subjective at best......Dialed environment plays the biggest part of allowing the reflectors to stay in the room , but glad you`re having good luck with your plants and bigger tops from the reflectors.......

Canopy management sideways and horizontally is everything........even with reflectors.......


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