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007's Summer 2010 Grow


Well, its been getting cold here fast, with the temperature dipping to 0 C on the forecast many nights. It's also been rainy as all hell. So we harvested yesterday. I've got 10 or so plants hanging right now. We'll be lucky to get an 8th of an oz off them all. At least we'll get some trim out of it all.

I'll post pics once we dry a few more days and trim down some more.

What went wrong?

1) Unusually cold weather. Summer here has sucked. It's been around 5 degrees cooler than usual throughout summer, with a last frost coming about a month late.

2) Nutrition not dialed in. I wasn't aware there was a hydro store in town, and not wanting to have nutes delivered to my house, I struggled with store-bought nutes not suited to flowering cannabis. Had I started hitting the plants with flowering nutes on the day of the solstice, they probably would have budded up far better. There's wispy calyxes all over, but not any real budding to speak of.

3) Not enough plants. I should have vegged far less and put out far more individual plants. An ocean of small shitty plants would yield a decent amount.

4) Watering not consistent. There were some dry weeks where I was unable to get out to my plants. If I used a reservoir and an automatic watering system, my plants would have been able to capitalize on growing weather whenever it came.

I guess better luck next year.

Thanks so much to everybody that followed along.


oh well, at least you got some plants to harvest. as you said all you can do is learn from it and plan accordingly next year. you might want to consider some auto strains if the weather gets that cold that early. i also have a list of things to do better next year lol. seems you'll be puffing on yours before me :joint:

grats on the harvy btw. :wave:


Thanks for the vibes gaius. I really appreciate your and everybody else's involvement in this thread.

I've got far more trim than bud. I'm thinking about getting a silkscreen for kief. It's definitely not enough to warrant investing in a bubble bag. Although maybe once my cabinet takes off...


High of 26 degrees C here today. The weather can be very erratic. Too bad it got so cold for a while. I wouldn't be surprised if it had snowed out there soon after we harvested. If it hadn't been for that cold period we could have pulled a more respectable harvest.

The buds were extremely difficult to trim. Almost not worth the time it took. But we did get about an ounce off the whole crop. It doesn't taste amazing, but it does have a sickly dank almost dieselly tinge to the smell, although you can't really taste it. It does get us right ripped though, so that's always good. At least I won't have to drop $60 for a quarter oz any time real soon.


hi 007, nice set up you got there, i'll stay here for watch that babes grow.. greetings from Chile.

Pd: sorri for my english. :p


Hi hyg, nice to have you here. Unfortunately the grow is over. It was a pretty poor harvest. I've been using isopropyl alcohol to make "QWISO" hash though, and that's got me pretty satisfied.

I've got another grow on the go. I'll take pictures and get a new thread going once I get my new light in there and the plants move beyond the seedling stage. I'm growing Green House Seeds' Trainwreck.

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