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Ulei Rick Simpson


New member
Salutare tuturor,

Am o problema uriasa iar dupa multe zile de cautat pe net am descoperit acest forum unde sper sa gasesc pe cineva care ma poate ajuta/indruma.
Povestea e in felul urmator, acum 1 saptamana tatal meu a fost diagnosticat cu cancer la ficat, refuz sa il tratez in modul traditional(chimioterapie/radioterapie),
sunt total impotriva acestor metode de tratament. Dupa mult research am inteles ca exista un ulei extras din marijuana ( Rick Simpson Oil ) concentratiile am intels ca ar
trebui sa fie ceva de genul 95% THC restul CBD. Incerc cu disperare sa gasesc o sursa de unde as putea cumpara dar fara rezultate. M`am gandit la un moment dat sa merg in
Olanda in speranta in care as gasi acolo sa il cumpar dar dupa ce m`am documentat am inteles ca acest ulei este interzis si acolo deoarece este incadrat la drog puternic
psihoactiv. Ar fi varianta in care sa il fac singur dar am inteles ca iti trebuie anumite strainuri iar calitatea conteaza f mult, sa nu fie crescuta cu toate prostiile.

Am mare nevoie de ajutorul vostru, orice fel de informatie ajuta, imi cer scuze in avans daca nu am respectat vreo regula a forumului dar sunt disperat.....

Multumesc anticipat !


Organic LED Grower
Salutare si bine ai venit pe forumul ICMAG !

Cred ca vorbesc in numele intregii comunitati daca spun ca ne pare extrem de rau pentru vestea proasta cu care ai inceput acest an si ne bucura in acelasi timp faptul ca esti dispus(a) sa incerci sa iti ajuti tatal cu un tratament alternativ.

Din pacate nu cred ca ai sanse prea mari sa gasesti undeva in europa acest produs de vanzare, dar ai nimerit in locul potrivit pentru a invata cum sa-l faci chiar tu. Daca varianta asta ti se pare potrivita (in situatia ta mie mi s-ar parea cea mai buna alegere) te putem ajuta cu sfaturi sa cresti una doua plante din care sa prepari tratamentul pentru tatal tau.

Trebuie sa tii cont ca in scop medicinal nu iti trebuiesc plante foarte potente (cu continut mare de THC), dar pentru un ulei cat mai eficient ai nevoie de aproape toate partile plantei, nu doar de flori.

Ceea ce probabil te va descuraja un pic este timpul necesar (de minim 3 luni) pana la obtinerea unei plante potrivita pentru prepararea uleiului (este improprie denumirea de ulei, intrucat este un extract hidroalcoolic extrem de concentrat din care ulterior se elimina alcoolul), insa scopul final cred ca merita orice efort si asteptare.

Daca vrei sa mergi pe acest drum te putem sfatui ce ai de facut.

Mult succes in demersul tau si sanatate tatalui tau !


New member
Multumesc mult de tot pentru raspuns si indrumare. Intradevar pot spune ca e foarte greu de cumparat... am gasit cativa vendori dar nu par de mare incredere... unii vand acest ulei la preturi astronomice, 2000-3000$.

O sa imi continui povestea, sunt consumator de marijuana, fumez on a daily basis asa am si ajuns la acest ulei, stiam de el de ceva timp despre el dar va puteti imagina ca nu m`am interest foarte tare tinand cont ca a nu am avut nevoie... dar uite ca nevoie a venit si am ajuns pe acest forum dupa foarte mult research. Imediat cand am aflat despre ulei si ca il pot face singur evident ca mi`am contactat dealerul si i`am zis daca poate sa ma ajute... stia despre ce e vorba dar a zis ca nu recomanda sa folosesc iarba care o vinde el... ca ar trebui un anumit tip de iarba si de o calitate superioara.

Problema mea este ca sunt in imposibilitate sa cresc plantele tinand cont ca traiesc intr`un apartament cu 2`o camere si din cate stiu miroase foarte puternic iar timp de 3 luni... ma gandesc ca ajung in puscarie inainte sa apuc sa fac uleiul si sa il pot ajuta pe tatal meu.

Incaodata va multumesc din suflet pentru raspuns si astept indrumare incontinuare.
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Iti doresc succes si bafta in procurarea uleiului, si multa sanatate tatalui tau! Eu vreau doar sa completez ca e tot una daca cumperi acea iarba si faci tu uleiul, sau ca iei uleiul gata facut. Ma indoiesc ca in Romania poti cumpara iarba de calitate premium la un pret de 4 Eur / gr. Iti spun asta ca pentru a putea face acel tratament, vei avea neovie de cel putin 500gr de iarba, care costa cam tot pe acolo. Ai putea aprofunda un pic, sa trimiti un mail in stanga-dreapta, poate te ajuta cineva, de ce nu si lui Rick Simpson pe pagina oficiala/facebook? Nu stii niciodata...

Cealalta varianta, ar fi cum a zis hempfield, cresti un numar de plante ( nu 1-2 ) care cu ajutorul nostru speram ca iti vor da 500gr, doar ca va dura 3-3luni jumatate.


Organic LED Grower
Cred ca itsmehigh vrea sa zica ca ai nevoie de 500g de planta verde. Doar pentru ca Rick foloseste cantitati mari de materie prima cand prepara uleiul asta nu inseamna ca nu poti face in loturi mai mici.

Din 1-2 plante crescute la regim de 12/12 direct din samanta poti obtine suficient ulei pentru cel putin 2-3 luni de tratament daca folosesti absolut toate partile aeriene ale plantei (inclusiv ramuri). Trebuie sa tineti cont ca acest ulei nu trebuie , de preferinta, sa produca efect de high, deci nu este nevoie de cantitati mari de flori, dar este esential ca planta sa fie crescuta cat mai curat, de preferinta organic si sa se foloseasca toate frunzele, inclusiv cele timpurii.


Some kind of shaman
In plus, cum ziceam, ai posibilitatea sa faci si maine un ulei bogat in CBD, pur si simlu cautand pe net sau la niste plafaruri ceai din frunze de canepa, si urmand procedura deja descrisa. Te costa circa 200 ron/kil, si obtii din el 10-20g rasina pura (tu nu o vei obtine pura), ci vei obtine poate chiar peste 100ml de extract daca faci extractie alcoolica dar asta nu va fi o problema.

Ceaiul respectiv e legal si pot sa iti garantez ca are 1-2% canabinoizi, oridecare ai cumpara. Costurile... sunt infime. Doar alcoolul costa. Cum spuneam, 200 lei kilu de planta, 500 lei 5 kile de alcool (recuperezi jumate daca iti faci un recuperator). 700 lei pentru 20g de rasina 100%, sau 100g extract 20% (adica ceea ce vei obtine fara water curing realizat inainte, din canepa industriala), ceea ce este o "oferta" imbatabila.

Asta daca chiar vrei sa urmezi calea asta.

Daca vrei sa cultivi, poti gasi soiuri mai putin mirositoare. Eu am acum un Malawi Gold care n miroase mai de loc si e in flower. In plus, poti sa iti faci un sistem SOG, si nici macar sa nu mai astepti sa ajunga la maturitate, le tot clonezi si gata, mergi pe 20/4. Desigur, chiar si asa iti va trebui un sistem cu filtre de carbon dar... se poate, cu conditia sa nu ai vizitatori. Delicat oricum.

Iti recomand prima metoda, mai ales ca in felul asta nu o sa il droghezi pe moshu'. Adica, ok, noi ne mai drogam, dar tre' sa fii sigur ca si lui ii place...

A, si ai putea sa faci la ceaiul ala (daca te decizi sa il cumperi) un water curing inainte ca sa il mai concentrezi si sa mai scapi de unwanted whatever... Sigur, va trebui uscat la loc dupa aia.


pure dynamite
parca se gasea si ulei cu cbd de vanzare in ro.. frunzele alea pentru ceai ma gandesc ca nu-s organice, daca sunt, atunci ii ok, daca nu.. pacat ca nu e vara sa poti culege direct de pe camp canepa nelimitat..


New member
Am gasit o sursa in Olanda, http://www.thehealthcure.org/ ce parere aveti despre site ?
Am ajuns la acest site prin recomandarea unei organizatii tot din olanda care invata oamenii cum sa isi produca uleiul.

Am schimbat cateva emailuri cu ei si par de incredere, am primit o gramada de informatii plus au insistat sa ma duc in olanda sa il iau direct, nu e ca si cum mi`au cerut un transfer prin western union sau mai stiu eu ce prostie.

Nu am comandat inca nimic dar intentionez sa fac asta. Pareri ?


pure dynamite
Ce pret? Oare nu iesi mai bine daca mergi acolo si cumperi weed si iti faci uleiul si vii cu el acasa? Acolo ai putea gasi si laborator care sa iti testeze materialul ca sa fii sigur ca nu contine contaminanti sau pesticide.
Dar mai am o intrebare.. Ziceai ca simti tu ca daca ai creste cateva plante ai ajunge la parnaie inainte sa le termini de crescut. Tu ai idee ce inseamna sa faci trafic cu un drog din tabelul 1 peste o granita? Pedeapsa este de vreo 3 ori mai mare decat pt grow, si nu ai nici o sansa sa scapi fara sa ajungi la parnaie macar cativa ani.
Un grow il faci in casa ta si daca nu stie nimeni risti mult mai putin, parerea mea. Acum tu stii cat de mult te grabesti si cat vrei sa risti.


Some kind of shaman
1. Frunzele de ceai de pe net sunt organice. Se gasesc si la magazine de tip Plafar. In plus, la unul dintre producatori contin si THC, chiar binisor.

2. Da, spre surprinderea mea se gaseste ulei cu CBD pe net, in Ro. E drept, nu stiu cat CBD au in realitate (stiu cat spun, dar...), mai ales ca pe site-ul pe care le-am vazut scriau aia la un moment dat tot felul de prostii (cum ca ar avea THCV, etc). In tot cazul, este ieftin, mult mai ieftin decat cel din Olanda.

3. Te mananca pielea Sercoane. Rau de tot! Eu as zice sa uiti de Olanda, ca e destul sa aiba aia o potaie taman in ziua cand treci tu pe acolo pe la punctul de control, si nu mai moare taicatu' de cancer, ci de inima rea!

Daca vrei neaparat cu THC, ia-ti soiuri cu miros slab (C99 - parca, Malawi Gold - asta il cresc io si nu vrea sa miroase pacatosu, etc, sunt destule). Da' eu incep sa cred ca tu vrei sa cresti mai mult pentru tine :D . Nu de alta, da' pana la ora asta aveai deja uleiu' facut.


New member

Sunt consumator dar nu am vrut niciodata sa cresc pentru mine, too risky for me, ma multumesc cu ce iau de la "cunostinte".

Dupa mai multe discutii cu astai de la thehealthcure, se pare ca imi pot trimite prin DHL, ceea ce nu e rau deloc si riscul e mai mic decat sa trec eu granita cu asa ceva.

Cum aveam uleiul facut pana la ora asta ? daca eu trebuie sa cresc plantele 3 luni ? it takes too long, eu incerc sa gasesc o varianta cat mai rapida pentru ca taicamiu nu are timp din pacate.... pana reusesc eu cu tot procesul sa fac uleiul sunt sanse mare ca el sa nu mai fie aici, deasta sunt dispus sa risc.


New member
Si inca ceva, ce stiti despre legea din RO pentru medical marijuana... citessc niste chestii pe net cum ca derivatele(gen: uleiul) sunt acceptate la noi in tara, atunci nu ar fi o problema sa trec granita ma gandesc....


pure dynamite
citesti prost. au fost niste dezinformari prin presa ca s-ar da voie la mmj. dar practic, nu cred ca s-a dat drumul la nimic. iar ca sa ai voie, trebuie sa iei aprobare de la ei inainte, si sa in cumperi din tara, nu sa faci trafic international crezand ca e legal (nu, n-o sa ajute faptul asta in sala de judecata..).
ce-i mai tare ca daca iei aprobare, si ai noroc ca dupa acest proces sa mai ai ce face cu uleiul, nu o sa ai oricum de unde sa il iei legal. mmj in romania. o gluma.


Some kind of shaman

Cum aveam uleiul facut pana la ora asta ? daca eu trebuie sa cresc plantele 3 luni ?

Tu, daca tot intrebi, catadicsesti sa si citesti raspunsurile?

Postul #6 de mai sus, si #154 de aici:


Sau vrei sa iti dau eu comanda de ceai de frunze de canepa? Cu posturile #154/155, ai tot ce ai nevoie sa iti vindeci tatal de cancer, DACA are zile, desigur... Uleiul cu CBD majoritar e mult mai bun decat cel cu THC majoritar, si il poti face la tine in bucatarie.

Insa eu ma indoiesc, daca ma iau dupa semne. Primesti mura in gura si nu vezi. Vezi orice altceva mai bine zis. Nu, nu ma mira, 90% dintre persoanele care au cancer sau persoanele din preajma lor, care eventual au grija de ele, (re)actioneaza la fel. Stau sa ma intreb daca ai citit 10% din cele doua posturi...

Desigur, exista posibilitatea ca pur si simplu sa nu fii in stare sa iti faci, si atunci se mai explica. Desi reteta o poate face orice gospodina (sa puna la scazut o zeama). Singura chestie dificila e sa nu dai foc la casa....

Adu tu prin DHL droguri... Cine stie, poate ai fi vreun norocos?!

Poftim ti-am dat mura in gura pe PM, sa nu zici ca e cineva suparat pe tine.


pure dynamite
N-as fi sigur ca toata smecheria e CBD-ul. Am vazut mai multi oameni povestind despre lupta cu cancerul care spun ca secretul ar fi dozele mari de thc. Si poti combate cancerul mult mai rapid asa. CBD-ul lucreaza si el, dar mai incet. Probabil conteaza si tipul de cancer, si mai ales sa nu fie prea tarziu atunci cand te apuci de tratament. Una e tratament, alta e operatiune de reinviere. Totusi, cannabisul ajuta si pe ultima suta. Poate usura voiajul.
In locul tau as fi avut deja plantele in pamant. Dupa cum ti-am zis, sucul raw de frunze face minuni.



dar daca va place varianta lunga na poftim:

We have placed some simple information below for you regarding the oil, cancer and other serious conditions that will help you including the links needed, some of the information you may already know so please forgive anything duplicated or irrelevant:

We do not sell the oil, we do not provide the oil, we do not have any oil, we simply show others how to make their own oil by following the free and simple instructions on our website.
On the website you will find the full written instructions, the dosage for cancer and other serious conditions plus a "how to make the medicine" video.

We do not communicate with anybody outside of this official verified public Facebook page, anyone who privately messages you would be a scam / fraud. ( you will see by Ricks "note" posted below that Rick does not answer any emails etc. any longer ).

We do not advise asking where to get the oil from on a public page as this attracts fraud, many fake profiles pretend to be Rick or another reliable source - do not talk to fake profiles / companies - all the information you will need to make your own oil is free and simple to follow on Ricks official website ( you can also click a "translate" button for 72 other languages if needed ).

The advice we give is to make your own oil, it is not difficult, Rick says if you can make a cup of coffee then you can make the oil.
If you are not able bodied, we advise to ask real friends or family to help you.
The oil is made from cannabis and contains a high level of THC and therefore it cannot be posted / shipped ( no matter what you read or are told ).

We do not recommend CBD only oils, they are not the same cannabinoid and will not have the same effect ( Rick Simpson mentions cbd being an antagonist in the video below "Questions for Rick Simpson" @ 6:31 ).

Even if you live in the US or another legal country / state.. we would recommend to "make your own" as buying a "ready made" version from a legal dispensary may mean the difference between life and death depending on the condition being treated if the oil is not strong enough or made correctly.
We do not advise to let anyone make the medicine when money is concerned as many people / companies have been known to make short cuts to make extra money.

We do not recommend a particular dispensary where to obtain the oil from, if you are in the US / Amsterdam or another legal country / state and look for a dispensary who claims to sell RSO ( Rick Simpsons Oil / Phoenix tears) then please note that it was not made by us ( as we do not make it ).

If you do travel to a legal dispensary it would be advised to look for one who displays an authentic dated valid laboratory test certificate for that particular batch showing the full cannabinoid analysis.
A decent typical home made RSO may contain a THC content of 90%+, and a cbd content of approximately 1 to 2% plus all the other cannabinoids, terpenoids and flavonoids working together like an "entourage effect", the very best oils are 95%+ THC.. some have been tested at 98.5% THC..
Dispensaries ( with many of the strains available to them ) should be able to produce an oil with a very high THC content.. check before buying. ( some tests we have seen show little to only 50% THC.. such oils are not authentic oils and are "watered down" versions ).

As many dispensaries are interested in their profit margin, many will use low grade materials to make an oil from, including leaf, stems, stalks and even roots, some have been known to bulk their product up by adding other oils.
As there are no standards enforced upon such dispensaries the oil is usually not strong enough and will not have the desired effect to help with serious conditions such as cancers.
For this reason we always recommend that you make your own oil, such dispensaries are ideal to obtain the cannabis from to make the oil, we must use indica or indica dominant strains with a minimum THC content of 20% to 25% + for best results.

If a patient / care giver is thinking of travelling to a legal country / state to take the 60Ml of correctly made oil over the average 3 months for serious conditions such as cancer, they should also be made aware that they will need to continue to take a "maintenance dose" when the 60Ml had been taken ( as mentioned below ).
Cannabis / oil cannot be taken legally out of any "legal" country / state.

This is another reason why we recommend to make your own.
Several strains mixed together can make a great oil, as the research has not been done to know what particular name of a strain of cannabis is best suited to a particular condition.
We advise to mix as many strains as possible ( when possible ) to try and cover all the bases.

In many situations a patient / care-giver may have to source their own starting materials ( cannabis ) from other places - such as discreetly asking real friends and family to help them.
Cannabis is popular in every country in the world, so in reality many people can find the cannabis with ease just by simply asking friends and family, most recreational users do not shout out about the fact that they use cannabis, so many people maybe surprised who can get the cannabis for them.

In Ricks film “Run from the cure” he refers to the oil as “Hemp oil”.. this confuses many people as they think of it being “Hemp seed oil”.. Rick has apologised for the confusion however the video has gone viral.
The oil is in fact a type of “Cannabis oil” ( named RSO “Rick Simpsons Oil” or “Phoenix tears” ) this is to differentiate it from the many other types of cannabis oil that are prepared differently.
Ricks oil is not a “Hemp seed oil”.
The oil Rick speaks of is made from the buds of the female cannabis plant and not from crushing the seeds from a hemp plant. Ricks oil is a purified decarboxylated cannabis oil.

Rick also advises for cancer patients to ingest the seeds from 2 different apples each day to obtain the vitamin B17, the seeds do contain trace elements of cyanide - the lethal dose for an adult is said to be 1700+ seeds in 24/48 hours - so a few won’t harm - many private cancer treatment centres use B17 - cancer hates B17. ( the seeds should be split or chewed or they may pass through the body whole ).

Stay away from sugars - cancer loves sugars.

There are two main types of cannabis, Rick recommends "Indica or indica dominant strains" to make the oil with for internal conditions such as cancer:
Indica = relax.
Sativa = energise.
If we use the wrong type of cannabis strain(s) ( Sativa or sativa dominant ) it can keep the patient awake and be unpleasant as they cannot rest and some may want to stop the protocol altogether.
We do not want cancer patients ( or anyone ) all high and trying to dance & paint the house etc. - so we use Indica or indica dominant varieties.
Most cannabis dealers / dispensaries know the strain of cannabis they sell - a simple Google search will tell us if its indica or sativa ( or a mix of both plus the % of the indica ).
In some situations we have to use what is available - ( so make a smaller batch with an ounce or 2 ) while you look for better indica strains.
To make better oils..when possible mix "several strains" of indica or indica dominant cannabis with a THC content of 20 to 25%++( the higher the better ), and a nice low cbd content of around 1% ( 1 to 3% is fine - the lower the better ) - the mixed oil will be great for many conditions, use dry buds for best results ) no leaves or large stems ).

When the patient takes the RSO ( Rick Simpsons Oil ) many people find if they are using any medications such as steroids / painkillers / morphine makes horrible side effects when mixed, so many people reduce the medications by half on day one - then reduce and stop the medications over 7 to 14 days - mixing the medications with the oil can produce undesirable side effects - the symptoms / side effects of the medications can be exacerbated,
The main conditions / medications we warn about are the heart, blood pressure and diabetes and to closely monitor the levels over 3 months or so.

The use of ingesting hemp seeds / hemp hearts is recommended in the patients diet when they are using the oil..
Ingesting a capsule or 2 of shop bought hemp seed oil ( cold pressed hemp seed oil ) 40 minutes to 1 hour before the RSO dose will help to create new receptor sites for the oils molecular structure to bind onto.

When the cancer is gone or the condition is under control ( usually when the full 60 Mls of correctly made oil are ingested ) or for general good health benefits, we recommend to take a preventative / maintenance dose of between 1 to 2 ML per month, this tiny amount equates to the size of between "half to a full dry grain of short grain rice" per day, usually taken an hour before bedtime.
This maintenance dose is essential as we have known of a few cancer patients who did not do the "maintenance dose" and the cancer returned, if the oil is made correctly and a maintenance dose is followed ( forever ) it will keep it away.

We do not recommend any scans to be taken / ordered until the full 60Ml of correctly made oil has been taken over 90 days ( as per dosage instructions ).
When possible ask for a MRI scan or an ultra sound or x-ray, the use of CT scans may be required in some cases, but in many cases a MRI would also work to know if the cancer / tumour / tumor is shrinking or has gone.

Rick does not like CT scans as they use very high levels of radiation and in many cases do more harm than good, in some cases a CT scan is the only thing that can work, but stay away from them if / when possible.

If you decide to make your own oil:
Make sure you have all the equipment ready to make the oil as soon as possible when you find the cannabis, an ounce can make 3 to 5 ml of oil.

Rick says you need 60ml ( the average starting point for cancers ) - that's 16 ounces / a full pound of indica cannabis - smaller batches of oil can be made from an ounce or 2, by using less cannabis and alcohol / solvent.

Make sure you have a fan & rice-cooker with 2 temperature settings.. high / low - heat - warm etc. ( but not the on / off version ).
We cover the cannabis with alcohol for just 3 minutes each time ( x 2 = 6 minutes total soak / smash time ).

When making the oil for the first time - pay attention to the unmarked paragraph 28 on the section marked "PRODUCING THE OIL" regarding "decarboxylation", this is the vital key stage to change the oils molecular structure to fit the receptors in the brain ( CB1 ) and the body ( CB2 receptors ) without full decarboxylation the oil is weak / worthless.
On Ricks website note the limited few alcohols / solvents Rick recommends to use.. ( use the ones stated only for best / safest results )

IPA Isopropanol / Isopropyl 99.9% is one of the two alcohol / solvents Rick uses ( it is available in almost every country ) - 5 litres will be enough for 5 to 8 ounces & 8 to 9 litres will be enough to make the full treatment - when following the instructions to the letter, no traces of the alcohol remain in the final medicine.
Buy the 99.9% alcohol on eBay or Amazon now ( ASAP ) to be ready to make your own oil, if you cannot find the IPA in your country, simply log into another countries eBay and order from there.
Try and get as close to 99.9% as possible, other versions are available, 99.9% is ideal, 99% is good, 95% not so good, 91% is poor, the higher the %, the less water is in the product and the more effective the alcohol is at stripping the cannabinoids from the plant..
Some oil makers do not like the 99.9% IPA as it can make a darker oil with all the waxes & chlorophyll - it can make a darker greener oil that's not as pure as it can be ( PPM ) parts per million..
To simply overcome this we freeze the IPA for 5 to 12 hours before use ( it won’t ice ) - then do the 2 x 3 minute quick washes as per video / instructions. ( we freeze the IPA and not the cannabis ).
Oils produced from the 99.9% IPA can be from yellow to red depending on the strains used ( when spread thin on white paper ).

Best wishes
Rick Simpson and his team.
- -

Rick's video "Run from the cure":

Ricks website:

Full written instructions to make the oil:

Dosage information for cancer and other serious conditions:

Video showing how to make the medicine:

Questions for Rick Simpson: ( Rick mentions cbd being an antagonist @ 6:31 ).


Important message from Rick Simpson [January 2015]
To Whom It May Concern

Due to the extreme workload that Mr Simpson has been under for the past 12 years, he is now physically and mentally exhausted from the ever increasing demands that the public have placed upon him and one must remember that Mr Simpson himself has medical issues, which were caused from the head injury he received in 1997. Often the public seem to think that in his position he would have the oil he requires to keep his medical problems under control, but much like those who contact him for help, he too has great difficulty in obtaining the oil he requires and often he has been forced to go for weeks or even months without the medication he needs.
Imagine if you yourself were in his position and you were dealing with countless e-mails everyday plus you are expected to do interviews and travel to foreign countries to give lectures on a continuous basis and also you had to deal with all the patients who come to you directly for help. We believe that this would be enough to cause anyone to become exhausted from all the effort, which would be required and since Mr Simpson is only human, he too has finally reached this state.
Those who are close to Rick have had a hard time convincing him to slow down, but now even Rick himself has come to realize that he is not superman and he knows that if he tries to continue on serving the public as he has in the past that it could put him in an early grave. So to prevent this from occurring, Rick will no longer be able to deal with the vast number of e-mails which come in, but he will still try to do as many interviews and lectures on this subject as possible, in the hope of bringing an end to the corrupt laws and restrictions more quickly, which still stand in the way of this natural medications use. Most of the questions that Rick is commonly asked, are already answered on his website anyway, so in the future the public will have to be more self reliant and take the time to go over the information he has already provided in the interviews and many lectures he has given, plus the books he has written on this subject.
In the near future we will be putting up even more information on the www.phoenixtears.ca website, to help the public find the answers they are looking for more easily and this will allow Rick to devout even more time, to bringing the truth to people everywhere. We understand the desperate situation that many patients are in, but they must come to realize that educating the masses, is far more important than trying to deal with everyone's individual medical issues one at a time. Since Rick does not have the funding to hire and train the staff, which would be required to answer your questions, at present there is little more that he can do, so we hope that you can understand the reason why he will no longer be able to answer the e-mails, which have been coming in from people everywhere.

Best Wishes,
Rick Simpson.


:plant grow::greenstars:


Some kind of shaman
N-as fi sigur ca toata smecheria e CBD-ul.

Pai normnal ca nu ai de unde sa stii din start dar ai cu ce incepe inca de a doua zi. In plus, cu exceptia unui ceai de canepa din comert, restul au ceva de genul 80% CBD/20%THC. Daca decarboxilezi un concentrat din asta, si il admininistrezi in cantitati decente, vorbesti in limbi straine necunoscute :D


@eska: :artist:

Egy újságíró keresve sem találhat jobb interjúalanyt Rick Simpsonnál: ez a jó kedélyű kanadai öregúr elképesztő odaadással és hozzáértéssel beszél arról, ami az ő asztala. Ez pedig nem más, mint a Phoenix Tears, egy rendkívül erős marihuána kivonat, avagy kenderolaj, ahogy ő nevezi. Állítása szerint emberek ezreit gyógyította már ki vele a rákból, s az egyetlen ok, amiért nem terjedt el világszerte, a bűnös profitérdekek között keresendő. Prágában beszélgettünk.
Cannabis Kultusz: Az ön által kifejlesztett kannabiszkivonat valóban képes gyógyítani egy sor gyógyíthatatlannak mondott betegséget, például a Sclerosis Multiplexet és a rákot is?

Rick Simpson: A történelem során a kendert mindig is orvosságként kezelték. Ha a legerősebb kenderfajták virágából – amit ugyan szokás marihuánának is nevezni, de én nem szeretem ezt a szót – kivonatot készítesz, és rendszeresen fogyasztod, akkor azzal nagyon is jót teszel a szervezetednek. Hadd tegyem hozzá: senkinek sem javaslom, hogy cigarettába tekerje és elszívja, és nem pusztán a dohányzás káros mivolta miatt. A gyógyhatás ugyanis akkor érvényesül, ha a hatóanyagokat nagy koncentrátumban tartalmazó kivonatot fogyasztod. Cigarettába tekerve a hatóanyagok 90 százaléka elszáll a füsttel. Kanadában emberek ezreit sikerült már meggyógyítani, köztük rákosokat, ízületi gyulladásban és Lou Gehrig-kórban szenvedőket is. Kiváló eredményeket értünk el az AIDS-szel, tehát az úgynevezett gyógyíthatatlan betegségek terén. Ez a legnagyszerűbb orvosság ezen a bolygón. Az egyetlen ok, amiért a kendert törvényen kívül helyezték, az a gyógyszeripari cégekre vezethető vissza. Túl nagy pénzek forognak kockán, amikért eladhatják a kemikáliákat.

CK: Miért nem csinálnak a kenderolajból is pénzt?

Rick Simpson 2RS: Miután kigyógyítottam magam a rákból 2003-ban, elmentem a kanadai kormányhoz, a rákellenes ligához és úgymond az összes fejeshez, aki döntést hoz ebben a kérdésben. Mind elutasítottak, merthogy a gyógyszerem alapanyaga a marihuána. Ez nonszensz! A marihuána nem okoz függőséget, nem káros. Nézd meg ezzel szemben azt a szemetet, amit gyógyszerként adnak! Kemoterápia és sugárkezelés a rák ellen?! Ez elmebaj! Szerintem ezek az általános gyógymódok okozzák a rákot! Hogyan gondolhatja bárki, hogy annyi méreg, amitől az ember haja kihullik, segíthet egy beteg emberen?! Ez őrültség!

CK: Ha mindez ennyire nyilvánvaló, akkor miért tartunk még mindig itt?

RS: Mert kimosták az agyunk – nem- csak a miénket, az orvosokét is. Az 1800-as évek végén és a századfordulón az orvosi szakirodalom faltól falig a kenderről szólt. Kenderből készültek a gyógyszerek világszerte. Aztán hirtelen, a 20. század elején az Egyesült Államok akkori elnöke, fejesei és még néhány gazdag cimborája összejöttek, és létrehozták az orvosi alapítványokat. Az empirikus tudományon alapuló gyógyszereket félrelökték, helyettük vegyszerekből kezdtek előállítani orvosságokat. Hogy miért? Mert a „haverok” mind vegyiparral foglalkoztak!

Micsoda szégyen, micsoda hazugság! Szerintem manapság az orvosok nem tanulnak a gyógyszerekről, ők csak a gyógyszergyárak dílerei. Ha pedig megnézed a halálozási statisztikákat, a túladagolásos halálesetek nyolcvan százalékát gyógyszerek okozzák. Ezzel szemben hány embert ismersz, aki kendertől halt meg? Egy sincs. A kender egy természetes antibiotikum, úgy gyógyít, mint semmi más.

Run From the Cure - Rick Simpson filmje a kenderolajról

CK: Mit gondol, eljön még az idő, amikor a szakirodalom újra faltól falig a kenderről fog szólni?

RS: Azt tudom csak, hogy az összes törvény és jogszabály, ami valaha is hatályba lépett a kender ellen, mind hazugságban fogant.
A kender nem árt senkinek, ez a legnagyszerűbb növény, amit ember termeszthet. Ötvenezer különféle dolgot lehet készíteni belőle, nem beszélve a gyógyszerekről.
Az olaj ráadásul erősíti is a szervezetet, segít megvédeni az egyes betegségektől. Szerintem minden nő, férfi és gyerek ezen a bolygón naponta kellene, hogy fogyasszon egy keveset az olajból, hogy megőrizzék az egészségüket. Persze sokan mondják, hogy tartsuk távol a gyerekektől, de ez megint csak nonszensz. A földön a legegészségesebb gyerekek azoktól az anyáktól születtek, akik kendert fogyasztanak Jamaicában. A 80-as években tanulmány is készült erről, utána lehet nézni. Az iskolákban manapság egyre több diáknál fordul elő figyelemhiányos rendellenesség, amire az orvosok vegyszereket írnak fel, például Ritalint. Miért nem kenderolajat adnak? Az nem ártana nekik! Ez egy olyan gyógyszer, amit egész életedben szedhetsz, nem válsz függővé tőle, és nem is ártalmas.


CK: Eddig mit tettek annak érdekében, hogy felszámolják ezt az elmebajos állapotot?

RS: Három éve nyilvánosságra hoztuk a kezelésekről szóló dokumentációkat, készült egy film is, amit mostanra már emberek milliói láttak (A „Run from the cure” című film teljes egészében megtekinthető a Youtube-on – A Szerk.). Az egész világon vannak csoportjaink, százezrek készítik el és használják ezt a gyógyszert, mert megosztottuk a titkát. Egy edény kell hozzá, egy kevés oldószer és egy font (kb. 450 gramm) jó minőségű kendervirágzat.
Az instrukciók ingyen olvashatók a phoenixtears.ca oldalon, ahol az adagolásra vonatkozó információk is megtalálhatók. A kezelést ugyanis kis dózisokkal kell kezdeni, általában öt hétig tart, amíg a páciensek eljutnak addig, hogy egy adagjuk 0,3 gramm olaj legyen.

CK: Ha teljesen biztonságos, akkor mi szükség van a dózis lassú növelésére?

RS: Ezekkel az apró lépésekkel lehet kialakítani a szervezetben a THC-val szembeni toleranciát. Ha egyszerre nagyobb dózisban kerül az olaj a szervezetbe, akkor sem történik semmi baj, legfeljebb sokat alszik tőle a páciens. Sokan mondják, hogy nem tudnak bevenni egy grammot 24 órán belül, de egy hónap után már képesek rá. Én az interjú előtt fogyasztottam az olajból. Úgy nézek ki, mint aki be van tépve?

CK: Egyáltalán nem.

RS: Azért nincs ilyesmiről szó, mert a szervezetemben kiépült a tolerancia a THC-val szemben, a pszichoaktív hatása így már nem, csak minden egyéb jótékony hatása érvényesül.

CK: Ki lehet gyógyulni a rákból?

RS: A legtöbb belső daganatot, a legkomolyabb rákos megbetegedések esetében, ha a pácienst még nem érte túl sok ártalom a kemoterápiától és a besugárzástól, akkor körülbelül 90 nap alatt gyógyítani lehet. Ha idejönnél hozzám, hogy most diagnosztizáltak tüdőrákot nálad, akkor egy hatvangrammos kezelést javasolnék, mint mondtam, szép lassan növelve a napi mennyiséget. A harmadik hónap végére megszabadulnál a ráktól.

A Cannafest 2010-en készített videónk, benne az interjú Rick Simpsonnal

CK: Hány embert sikerült eddig a phoenixtearsszel meggyógyítani?

RS: Lassan tíz éve, 2003-ban kezdtem ezzel foglalkozni, azóta évről évre többen keresnek fel. Pontos adataim nincsenek, megbecsülni tudom, nagyjából ötezren lehetnek. Közülük csaknem minden második személyesen keresett fel a legkülönbözőbb betegségekkel.

CK: Elképzelhető, hogy előbb-utóbb kereskedelmi forgalomba kerül az olaj?

RS: Nem hiszem, talán nincs is rá szükség. Az elkészítése egyszerű, minden tudnivaló ingyen elérhető az interneten, nem kell érte fizetni.

CK: Sokan nem is sejtik, hogy létezik a kémiai gyógyszerek alternatívája, őket hogyan lehet elérni és meggyőzni?

RS: Ez rendkívül nehéz, mert a mainstream média sokszor szándékosan tartja vissza az információt. Tavaly Csehországban például megkeresett egy hölgy a legnagyobb cseh napilaptól, interjút kért tőlem, amit el is készített, remek munkát végzett. Végül mégsem közölték le az újságban.

CK: Miért?

RS: Mert a szerkesztők tulajdonosi ellenőrzés alatt állnak. És mit gondolsz, kik a tulajdonosai a legnagyobb médiumoknak?

CK: Akkor hát mit tehetünk?

RS: Talán, ha csak egyszerűen egymás mellé állunk… Elvégre ez is Isten növénye, ami ártalmatlan, sőt a legpotenciálisabb gyógyhatású növény a földön, amit ezer és ezerféle módon használhatunk. Kinek van joga azt mondani, hogy nem lehet a mienk? Nem hal meg tőle senki, nem okoz függőséget. Hogyan mondhatja bárki, akár egy kormány is azt, hogy nem termesztheted meg ezt a növényt a saját egészséged érdekében? Az embereknek rá kell ébredniük arra, hogy valójában mi is történik, aztán egyesülnünk kell. Ha már sokan vagyunk, akkor odaállhatunk a frontvonalra, és azt mondhatjuk, hogy „ide figyelj, akarjuk az orvosságunkat, úgyhogy pofa be!”. Muszáj lesz engedelmeskedniük.

CK: Szerintem ez nem lesz ilyen egyszerű.

RS: Márpedig ilyesfajta nyomást kell gyakorolni. Beszélni kell róla, minél szélesebb körben, fel kell mutatni, hogy még csak nem is valami újdonságról van szó.
A legnagyobb gyógyszergyárak az 1800-as években kender alapú gyógyszereket gyártottak. Akkoriban vált gyakorlattá, hogy a gyógyszergyárak kivonatokat készítettek gyógynövényekből. Mind közül a kender volt a legismertebb, és gyakorlatilag ugyanazt az olajat állították elő, amivel most én is gyógyítok. Ez az egész hisztéria a profitról szól. Ha te egy gyógyszergyár vagy, és készítesz egy gyógyszert, ami teljes mértékben hatásos, az nem viszi előre az üzletet. Ők nem akarnak meggyógyítani, sőt, az orvosok sem, mivel kimosták az agyukat.

Ha az anyukád azt mondja, hogy a méreg jó lehet a nyavalyádra, vagy a besugárzás jó hatással bírhat, akkor azt gondolnád róla, hogy megőrült. De ha ugyanezt egy fazon fehér köpenyben mondja…!?
És végigmész a programon, csinálod hetekig, amit mond. Hazudnak nekünk, és még csak nem is tudnak róla! Ezen kell változtatnunk.


pure dynamite
Dar de ce am traduce ca idiotii un text din maghiara cand omul vorbeste engleza, si cu siguranta nu a dat interviul in maghiara.. WTF??

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