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I'm going to get a little Yummy here...


donut engineer
Bare with me. I promise this won't be an endless cycle of whiny ridiculousness. I just need to ask you guys something because honestly I have no one else I can confidently turn to about this...

I have a girlfriend. We were (are?) in love. This is the first person I feel I could really be with. I'm have not good with personal relationships and am a bit of a misanthrope. She is also a bit of a misanthrope. We are both a bit afraid of being alone and are reaching the baby-making/marraige age.

I have a budding career but put that aside to stay with her "in town" near a University where she works. I've got a job here for next year making good salary, and generally like the area, though staying here is professionally limiting. However, I'm staying for her, and felt it was the best decision to make.

Recently she's had a really tough go at work - she got a bad review and has not been taking it well. I've been extremely nice to her - doing all of the cooking, cleaning, shoulder to cry on. And frankly she's been not nice to me. She yells at me if I interrupt her while working (even if it's something small). She is easily set off if something doesn't go her way.

Last night she pestered me repeatedly about not wanting tomatoes in the dinner and kept calling me a "sissy". I tried to make light of it but she kept calling me a "sissy" and mocking me. I was being nothing but sweet before but then she came out of left field with it. When someone calls me a "sissy" it hurts because I was bullied relentlessly as a child and they used to call me then. I've since grown up but it still hurts (the Yummy inside me). I asked her to stop but she kept doing it.

When I couldn't stand it anymore I called her a sissy for moaning about all of the difficulties she's been having professionally as of late. She basically became defeated after a bad review and just said "fuck it, I'm not good enough to do this". It upset me more because her setback was minor and I'm basically staying here for her career and I felt she was just giving up.

Anyway, she was really upset at me. I apologized for saying it and explained why I did it (felt pestered).I then told her about my childhood and she laughed at the fact that I was bringing it up. She refused to accept she was being hurtful and won't apologize, but continues to tell me how much I hurt her. Earlier today she brought it up on chat, then promptly signed off while I was mid-sentence.

I'm beginning to think that we're not a good match. Every time I do something wrong I apologize and we make up. Every time she does something like this it's never her fault, and she refuses to accept she did anything wrong. I don't want to be with someone who is mean or abusive or inconsiderate, and I think she can sometimes be those things.

Now, for the big questions: how much of this back and forth hurtfulness is common in long-term relationships? Is it acceptable? Do you feel you're better off alone in a situation like this? Am I just being a big sissy or do you think I have some merit in being upset here?

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
had a girl that was great when we first started dating. we lasted 4 years but in the end she was not worth it. She was emotionally draining. Since then I have made it a point to be with only women who add not subtract to the relationship. If I am constantly helping her with little in return then what is the point. we want to grow in relationships and if you see being bad now, what about when kids, mortgages, budgets... come about. I am a firm believer that most north american women are plain confused. personally i would not marry a canadian lady because i can't find many to call ladies. common problem I hear from many friends and here as well.
Now i have been incredibally pesimistic, if you found your self agreeing more than disagreeing or vise versa to the above that's an indicator as to your own sensor.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit brother..?? Hope yer doing better today.. Yea i see her as a ME person.. In other words its all about her.. As you can tell when you talk to her about yourself she wants nothing to do with it.. As for her not apologizing that will not change only because she is never wrong.. right? Infact i see her getting worse cos if you are always saying your sorry, that will create the he is always wrong attitude and im not.. It seems she already has it.. And if she is a quitter now imagine when it really gets tough in yer relationship? It will be one of you always having to leave.. And for you to sacrifice career for her and she dont even acknowledge it is selfish and that goes back to its all about her... There is absolutely no room for name calling in a relationship you guys are in this for total support like you gave her after her bad review. They must have given her the bad review for a reason>??? :chin: Maybe its due to her poor attitude at work and the all about ME thing.. Who knows.. But i see this as a one sided relationship atm..
And you sound like you deserve someone that will work hand in hand with you.. As for the back & forth in a relationship everyone has those, but it shouldnt entail name calling and pure selfishness. It sounds like you will be the only person playing for your team in this relationship.. As much as ya dont want to hear it.. I would start looking to get that better paying job and a less selfish woman.. Just my opinion though.. Hope it gets better for you.. peace n pufs



Active member
its all about compromise. consider getting a dog and staying single.lots of other women out there and looking for her can be quite fun LOL


A foot without a sock...
Hey Funk,

she refuses to accept she did anything wrong

Man, is that a bad pattern to recognize...someone who can justify any of their bad behaviour(s).

Life's too short to be with anyone like that, homie.


donut engineer
This is all good feedback and I feel like it's really hitting the nail on our head in terms of our relationship. I'm surprised how dead-on B.Friendly and SackO are...

I re-read the post and realized I'm being very one-sided. A few things:
  • She encouraged me to "do what's best for [my] career" and not worry about her. She did not ask me to stay, I decided to.
  • The job I have (it's just an offer at the moment) is actually pretty bomb; good work, good pay for the area and not too strenuous. I'd have to stay here for it, but this is a college town, so I won't really be lonely.
  • She said when I called her a "sissy" that it felt like I was calling her "a loser" for crying about her situation. I feel like she was being defeatist about it, not a loser, and explained that. She still felt it hurt too bad.
  • Our fighting has been a pattern of stuff like this. We're both pretty hot-headed when it comes to fights.
  • Our sex life is not good



And for future reference, DO NOT APPOLOGIZE for saying something that you meant. She (if this is the whole story) is being completely unreasonable and it seems to me that shes acting that way so that you WILL break up with her.

Also, in the future, be sweet to your girl (different girl, this relationship is ruined) but DO NOT place her above you. You two should be equal, if not you should be higher (imo)

Your situation is not common in healthy long term relationships. It is NOT acceptable. You are better off alone. You may be a sissy, but when it comes to the situation you described, you are completely correct in being upset.

Unfortunately, men nowadays have grown up with a weird idea, that we should be sensitive, but no one on TV or the movies does it correctly. So a girl finds a guy thats nice at first but after time she gets annoyed with being the dominate figure(in her mind). She will take this out on you and then on the rebound get with some guy that treats her like dirt which is a breath of fresh air after being with a "sissy". Girls are just as f'ed as guys tho. Find a good girl. Dont find one with the same faults that you have. Find one that is way way better than you and you cant go wrong.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
This is all good feedback and I feel like it's really hitting the nail on our head in terms of our relationship. I'm surprised how dead-on B.Friendly and SackO are...

I re-read the post and realized I'm being pretty subjective. A few things:
  • She encouraged me to "do what's best for [my] career" and not worry about her. She did not ask me to stay, I decided to.
  • The job I have (it's just an offer at the moment) is actually pretty bomb; good work, good pay for the area and not too strenuous. I'd have to stay here for it, but this is a college town, so I won't really be lonely.

the part where she encouraged you to do whats best for you is her test to see if you are easily swayed towards her likes and dislikes. And if she can have pretty much total control.. peace n pufs..



donut engineer
I would take the better job waiting for you Out Of Town. She sounds pretty worthless to you right now.

I don't have a job offer out of town, though it wouldn't be hard to get one...

Honestly, I kind of like this town. I've done the rat race thing and I'm kind of sick of the hours and stress. Pulling a 35-hour-week in this place with good pay and lots of hot young tail wouldn't be a bad option for someone in my position (single, making money)
I dont think you guys are gonna make it in the long haul. Her calling you a sissy is a very bad sign sounds like deep down she is blaming you for her failings at work and life. She sounds like the type of women who will suck the life right outa ya. For a women to not even acknowledge your feelings when you open up is another bad sign. Sounds like the others our spot on with the selfish tag. I was married and am now divorced. I knew after 4 years in the relationship it was over but didnt leave her for another 3 years. Those last 3 years were the worst of my life.

You have to ask yourself some questions. Do I enjoy life with her? Do I love who she is right now or just some memories of her? If she stays exactly the same as she is now would I be proud to call her my wife? You cant expect her to be wiser, smarter, or a better friend in the future. Things usually get harder not easier and to tell you the truth I think she has her eye on someone else the way you describe her attitude.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
keyword SINGLE!!! go for it dood unload that xtra bad baggage it seems it is not going to get better.. People that are about themselves will NOT change.. My best friend was going thru it.. The girl was just plain and simple selfish and evil... Called my friend gay cos when he would come home from work and kiss her.. First thing she would say is ohh what did you do wrong? And then it would start WW3.. So he wouldnt want to tap that ass when SHE wanted to get frisky 15 minutes after accusing him of wrong doing.. So he basically was always set up to fail.. I dont know if i worded that all the right way, but you get wat im saying.. good luck and get single.. peace n pufs..



Active member
Ahhh ... sorry about that. You said work in your field there was limited and I ASSumed you had Greener Pastures more than just in your sights. I'm sticking with her being worthless to you ... Her career took priority and she fucked it up ... she sounds Angry and doesn't seem to care about your feelings. Ditch the bitch bro ... Describe the scene to one/some of our fine young IC Ladies (cough cough re-post a version of this or a Link in the Womens Forum) and see what they say about the matter ... I might just do that for you ... I just might ...

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
That all sounds really cold of her. I'm not gonna say anymore because I would have to know you both to actually give you decent advice. All I can say is that if you hurt more than you are happy with her, then it's not healthy. I think she should apologize for calling you names....she was doing it to make herself feel better and used you. She was unable to deal with her emotions about work and wanted to bring you down to her miserable level. We all can do that, but just make sure she's not doing that all the time.

Okay, I said more than that....but do what you know is good for you:)


Active member
You sounds like you have it figured out, funker, with the above statement.

This is a very big trait in women, this "i'm not wrong because..." justification of of bad behavior.

My little bro is in the same boat right now, they've broken up about 6 times already. Seriously, when is enough enough?

Life is too short and there is way too many young ladies out there ready for a young dude with a good position in town with a good paying job. Honest.

Let me ask you this. Are you the one who opts to solves every problem you guys encounter and find yourself explaining the reasoning to her? If so, that's a main point to consider right there. It goes to show you her "flee" response, that if there's a problem, well - she can always go.

I want you to know, however, that that is rare. I find myself explaining myself to my girlfriend whenever we have a fight but that's really the only off-part of our relationship. She's a hotheaded irish girl who doesn't like to be told she's wrong, but i always have fun explaining to her why she is. lol.... Gotta make things fun, i guess.

I feel for you man. It hurts to put yourself out there for someone only to get the cold shoulder and a refusal to take the problem at hand head-on. Let us know how it goes!!

- SubN


ok man

sorry for saying it like this but

your a sissy if you stay with this girl

she's a bitch and you are too good for her

i'd dump her right away

either you take charge, or she will



just do it
im narrow minded so take this with a grain of pot, to me, it sounds like she runs the relationship, the first couple months pretty much define who is going to be in control, and my guess is you gave her all the control right off the bat, she has taken this control and now she views you as her bitch,treating your woman good is fine, but if you are doing the cooking and cleaning and being mr. sensitive ass kisser, i wonder why she views you as a sissy? maybe she is craving an inconsiderate alpha male, after what you said about her, i doubt its even worth trying to salvage, but if you want to, you could do a 180 and start treating her like shes treating you