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Did You See BOG Genetics On Geraldo?


Bubblegum Specialist
Yup, last saturday Geraldo at Large showed Tim's plants at the Casa Collective in Susanville and he showed off the new Blue Kush in testing and a 12 ft. Lifesaver plant both of which he said were Bog's. :)

Ya know if you see this segment you will realize that even though it was a Republican oriented show on FOX they showed it in a good light stating that legalization in California might be in store given all the financial troubles the state faces.

Did you know that the Golden State was considering legalization in the congress and a tax of 50 bucks an oz for anyone over 21? The medical marijuana would stay the same and not be taxed extra. I think this would be a great idea as I am in favor or full legalization. :)

Hope you can catch the show again if shown or on the internets... LOL BOG

Here are some of my BOG Genetics


  • 3SourBubble.jpg
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doin it big i see!

one day i will smoke your genetics! lets hope the world doesn't go nuts by then, or if this 2012 shit has any merit. lol

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor

Would like to see that vid. Anyone with a link please share...

And how about a re-release of all your gear at sbay or boutique? This would be appreciated by many.


My k+ to you and all your genetics.



as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
how about a re-release of bogglegum direct to seedboutique?

I miss the mother i killed a few years ago!

i hear ya bro, when we moved i lost my mom as well..all my moms actually..
another release would be awesome..


i saw this on the video section on here good work Bog you have come a long way since OGROW hope ya stay safe and keep it green ! OD


Active member
so all previous customers that werent shit outta luck all those years? are NOW shit out of luck? When the hell am I gonna be able to get more lsd beans


Screw the exclusive arrangement - not like it would be the first time...


cant stop wont stop
haha right on BOG thats cool shit.. gonna haveta check it out forsure.
i understand for some legal reasons you're not releasing anymore beans?

im knee deep in some shit myself but god damn i'd love to get some of your highly prized genetics


Holy smokes, where can a cali med patient get some of his gear? I didn't know nothin about this, stoked.


Bog is just trying to stay with in the lines of the law.
Possible to explain that one? I honestly have no idea what you mean...

Cali law has no jurisdiction outside Cali. How can his making yet another "exclusive" deal with the highest bidder have anything to do with our access to the beans.

Remember - there have been a number of "exclusive" BOG suppliers, any one of which have subsequently lost their ability to deliver his product, for a number of different reasons (mostly his pursuit of $$$).

Agreements (and good friendships) have been cast to the winds at his whim - whats another now???

Will Cali leo kick his ass if he sells, or allows to be sold, in a jurisdiction they can't control?

Plse, enlighten us...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Great show on Geraldo, wish everyone could grow so beautifully!

Sorry to say we can not post the video here because of copyright infringements, but if you search on youtube you will certainly find it.
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