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Massive Outdoor DK 09 Corn Field Grow

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ICMag Donor
first preparations for my 1000+ plant guerrilla grow in corn has slowly started although theres some time before the actual grow can start.

season starts here outdoor in mid may when theres little chance that frost can still harm the plants
my plan is to start indoor germination from start may and putting out in my own garden from mid may where they will grow for one month until the corn fields are safe to use regarding pesticides from mid june.

still the ground here is cold, wet with occasional snow and frost

were are all awaiting better weather and the coming of spring

after a break doing other important things ive started again on turning the rest of the harvest 08 stash into hash and seeds


these are seeds that have been picked one time for stalks etc but still needs final handpicking to remove all the cracked and immature seeds

this picture shows the process of rubbing the plant material unto a metal net to remove leaf bud and leaf material and smaller stalks that fall into a bucket and the collected material with later be pured with alcohol to extract resin oil called "nol" here
Just a small batch of Thyphoons being sorted

after having several small tests fields out last year for seeds and gaining experience in guerrilla growing both in Corn fields and in forrest soil im going to use only corn fields for my guerrilla grows this year

much better hidden, less work and soil is a lot better and already fertilized to some degree by the farmers
actually it only has one limit
this being that it must be fully matured and ready for harvest at end September as the farmers harvest their corn here in start November
this require early strains but im so lucky that my danish country have had many outdoor farmers that for years have conserved and improved genetics locally that are both potent, early and mold resistant

my plan is to plant 1200 plants in 6 different fields but this might be adjusted to some degree depending on available fields and seeds etc

i need to have seeds for each field in larger numbers if not to have to work too many different fields but im so happy to have many seeds left from last year and many good friends who sends seeds either as pure donations or as having their own seeds tested in larger numbers outdoor.

ill take pix all the way to the process and also harvest pix witch unfortunately i didnt take so many of last year due to being stressed alot at that crucial time
this year im going to take many pix all the way trough and maybe even some video i might later compose into an inspirational guerrilla grow guide tutorial
youtube/dvd as the videos from Browndirtwarrior was a great inspiration for me and if i can do the same to others as it did to me i would be happy
but this depends on finding a good night capable video cam for e decent price because my guerrilla grows are done in corn and mostly inspected and cared for during night times

i have a lot to seeds to chose from all being early enough for corn field grows
which strains and crosses im running this year have no yet finally being determined but heres just some of the candidates at this early stage:

danish passion
danish passion x oldfarmer nepal
Early Dane
erocket x danish passion f3
Freja SAGASEEDS early semi og maybe even real Autoflower
guerrilla gold x danish passion f3
mighty might x b3n7/erdpurtxroyal dane
royal dane
royal dane x erocket/dp f2
royal dane x oldfarmer nepal

heres some candidates that are either in limited numbers or just on the edge of a late September harvest
might do smaller grows for seeds anyway
time will tell:

afghan x oldfarmer nepal
big bud x oldfarmer nepal
mighty freeze
hindu kush/leb27 x oldfarmer nepal
purple peace
royal dane/heavenly erdpurt x b3n7

i just cant wait to get started outdoor but until then im starting and indoor grow room that should be operational soon but i have a little work left after finishing the last seed picking and pollinator runs

heres a little shot of Royal danes and erocket x danish passion in summer 08

happy growing season for everyone in 09!

Doobie Nyce

upsetting the setup
ICMag Donor
Awesome!I've never seen a successfull cornfield grow. 1200 plants sounds like so much fun!!

I live in an area with a limited grow season too, I am going to try GG#3 this year. Danish passion is one I'd like to try sometime also.

Im sure you will have a productive season, peace man!

Hindu Killer

Active member
G...do you reminber last yr or 2 yrs ago..you said corn? No way? I listed the very things you have now learned from experience. Ive been doing it awhile. Not in the UK however. We put one month old starts out in the end of June...to the first few wks of July. Helps to water them in good....irrigation is the only hassle in corn..that and hrvest timeing.....so as to not lose a crop to the combies.

Id suggest you tear a corn plant out..put in Mj, keep it in the rows!


1200 plants sound quite heavy gunnar. hope you know what you are doing :)

Which one of this strain is the earliest one?

Go for korn, im just making a couple of bonsai mums in order to start earlier


1200 plants from seed? oh brother your in for a tough summer, have fun killing early, mid , and the worst late flowering males + herms,if not you will have 500 plants of seed,i guess what im saying is your better off with clones, good luck :)


i guess what im saying is your better off with clones, good luck :)

I would second that, I would imagine it being damn near impossible to clear out all the males etc., clones are the only way to go for something that large.

Good luck on the road ahead!


guerilla grower
hooooah Gunnar.... great BIIIIIGGGG plans...
Can I take a place here for this massive show?
Stay safe with this project bro...


your dog is so cute :D just love dogs..

thats a huge plan you got hope not too much will be busted. here in germany they sometimes do helicopter flight to spot hidden locations in corn fields. is that corn forage maize for animals ??

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
Going to be a great experiment for you

I will def be back to see your progress, Good Luck!!!

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
A 1000+ plant guerilla grow! That should secure the personal stash for next winter :D

I know, only a fraction of that will actually be harvested. Mold, snails, herbivores, nosy f....rs, I'v been an outdoor grower too.

I've heard that corn and Cannabis don't mix well, both are nute hogs and rival for the water. How far up north can you grow corn anyway?


Active member
A 1000+ grow , it gives me nightmares only thinking about all the trimming.

Hell i trimmed for 3 months on my greenhouse harvest and outdoor harvest of 17 plants in total.

But 1000 , good grief.

If u need seasonal workers let me know :D i'll trim for food and weed:D


Well-known member
Nice pics love the hash. Big plans and a lot of work the only advice I would give is if its going to be seeds (I love seeds bro I am a seeder too) than I would keep different strains in separate plots so you can at least try and have a schedule to pull the males. I got to agree with Brad that trying to keep all those individual male flower times from multiple strains straight will be a nightmare.

Good luck to you bro I am expanding with my seed grow this year too and wish you the best.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sounds like it's going to be a great summer for you! I wish I had a sack of Leb27 seeds like that. My freind had a few in his garden last year that was real early and surprisingly had a great punch to it. I treid to make a DC x Leb27 last year put failed but I was succesful on making a DC x Purple Peace. The Purple Peace that I grew was actually done mid September here (43 Lat.). I love all the Danish early genetics!! And can't wait to see how they all perform for you this year.


Active member
ICMag Donor
tnx a lot for all the positive vibes my way
it will surely be inspiring on the way to achive my goals and thruogh all the hard work that waits ahead.

The old saying; you cant learn an old dog new tricks dont apply to me ;)

all the strains mentioned first i either know or is pretty sure will finish in corn at end september latest
from own experiences from own grows it would say the Early Dane would be one of the earliest and many finish starts September given optimal conditions
but theres also new exiting crosses among there i still have to see how perform esp the mighty mite crosses and mighty freeze

i guess i might also be living from your motto:
No Nutz No Glory
since im going to make hash from all of it a few males is no worry
sensimilla in the fields where im not planning seeds is best for optimal kief production but a few males is no big deal
i keep all the spots several kilometers apart any way
for fields where seeds are planned i select the best looking males from the earliest ones and pull the rest

1200 plants from clones would be 1200 females yes, but it would need some facilities to make all these clones i dont have yet
also a lot of extra work
keeping motherplants from those early strains id also dificult as many of them will be AF after some time, even under 24/7
since i have tons of seeds im going natures way although there will be males also
maybe after next season ill be playing around with feminizing seeds, but as of yet i nor have the time or place
maybe a successful harvest this season will help in getting better facilities for future breeding ;)

your more than welcome
i hope for a succesful harvest and entertainment for the viewers
might also make some video if i manage to find a cheap decent night video cam for the job

tnx for tip
dont seems like the cops use helicopters here yet, but maybe in the future of more growers starts doing corn grows here, but for now im just enjoying this brilliant way of guerrilla growing with little danger so far.
last year i gad 7 fields in corn
lost one due to a farmer harvesting early but all the others went well and give me a lot of seeds and some really nice hash
i also had a small plot in forrest in shitty soil and didnt bring my own soil except some furtiliser and the result was so bad that it wasnt even worth the gas driving out to collect it
own garden or corn is the way to go here!

Rosy Cheeks:
well my 100 plant, or so, grow last year give me plenty of stash and seeds so im sure the future grow will do the same
the stash from 08 is the reason im hopefully going to keep my property in these hard times
hopefully 09 will pull in good and allowing my to expand mu future breeding capabilities

actually i had about less than 1% mold from the corn plants wheres as i had much more mold from plants in my own garden and many of them being the same strains
i guess the open fields gives more sun and air movement
i had deers chew up a few plants in one of the fields but thats about it

last year i was out late due to a hectical period with many personal things to do beside growing
i put the plants on the night of the 25th of July but this year ill start putting them out in mid June as soon as the soil in the fields are safe from pesticides
i water them with a mild nutrient solution and spray some pellet fertilizer around also

trimming is a bitch and last year showed me that replying on other for help can be fatale for the harvest if you cant trust them enough
this kinda grow would also need expensive big trimming machines and a big crew
by turning it all into hash theres almost no trimming work
just a shot preperation of the plants for drying
just pull the biggest leaves of and its ready for drying
later you will have to pick the dried material of the steams and crush them for the pollinator but its a job that goes gradually and can be done over time without loosing a lot to budrot of not trimmed on time etc
all it actually takes is a big drying room for all those plants and it should be ready bu that time and of course some bigger pollinators

hamstring and Guyute54:
since im not very impressed with AF genetics regarding potency and yield, early danish genetics is the only way to go in corn
if been talking to other danish growers and there should be some interesting new crosses made this season
most the crosses was ones i thought about doing myself but time restrictions regarding my own big future grow has made me think about "outsourcing" some in order to get them done

09 seems promising and exiting as ever and i just cant wait to start


ah i see, your making hash, well thats diffrent, hehehe goodluck i wanna see you pull this off!!


1000 + plants, woweee, thats an awfull lot Gunnar. Please be carefull.
Dont want to discourage you, but........
1 plant will need about 4sq meters.
4sq/m x 1200 =48000 sq/m which is nearly half a hectare.
Thats an awfull lot of someones corn that going to get chopped out. Even if you harvest them, those holes in the fields are going to be noticed. You might find some unfriendly people looking for you by the end of all this.
There may also be some small time growers in the area who could do without the unwanted attention, should it go tits up.
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