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Do girls have a lower tolerance..?

My buddies at the Cannabis shop I frequent, tell me I am a fathead, and I would have to agree. I certainly do have a tolerance as I smoke like a fiend. I was at a party recently and a friend not associated with medical pot shop told me I was burning him a huge doobie, I felt it was fairly small compared to what I usually smoke to myself. LOL He got ripped. It was a combo of Blueberry and Cindy 99...I love it when I get a real-stoner ripped on my bomb pot.


Just my two cents....

I definitely think that women can smoke just as much as men. Ask anyone who has met me, and they will tell you I can smoke like a champ!!! LOL!!

Happy smokin all!!! :joint:


I can only chip in my experiences - I spent a goodly portion of my teenage years smoking much weed with both guys (mostly guys) and gals and I saw a lot of first timers & long timers up close and I have to say the only constant I observed was how new the person was to smoke & if they were uncomfortable to begin with. I did notice the fellas were a lot less likely to stop hen they'd really had enough and the new guys would smoke more than they needed to "keep up" with the other guys - which would usually end up with them suddenly "feeling sick" & leaving early. Now the girls, just seemed to smoke what they wanted & didn't have any pride tied up in how much they could "handle." I always felt sorry for the young fellas & the burden to "man up" - such bullshit they had to deal with when it's really all about how you're feeling. Luckily most folks reach a point of "Hey, it's my damned head - Im'a smoke what the f- I want!" and throw out the peer pressure - and they smoked happily ever after :jump: For real.

Please don't take this as a slam on the fellas - most of the dudes I hung with were awesome guys that were well above that behavior - but sometimes the new guys would feel they had to keep up anyway. (Which led to a lot of talking downs, hair-stroking & putting to bed of the unfortunate guys by me and my gal friends) But I guess it's a part of growing up, rite of passage for some guys maybe. I know it can be with alcohol.

On a more biological level - I think body weight has very little to do with it. It's not like drinking and from what I understand a closer analogy would be to anti-depressant concentrations in the brain where it is observed there are no appreciable differences between men and women's dosages. Of course since MJ is verboten - we don't have more precise data on such things, but from the little I've gleaned, blood pressure & body weight have little to do with "tolerance" per se. Your blood pressure may interact with your weed intake or any other medicine or substance that can efect your circulatory system in that it may effect beats per minute and may, in rare cases result in syncope - loss of consciousness due to sudden loss of blood to the brain due to low pressure - but that has nothing to do with tolerance & everything to do with a pre-existing condition. Tolerance is sensitivity to & becoming inured to a substance over time - this phenomenon falls under a reaction of someone with a physical condition to a substance (which if it's happening w/marijuana will likely have a good chance of replicating with other substances that produce similar triggers) and yeah, if someone's passing out - it's no joke, that should be looked into.



I am male 29 years old, i am agree with ur discussion, according to me 75% girls have a lower tolerance. Just i am talking about my wife, she is 27 years old. she can't live without food after 5-6 hours, she gets blood pressure problem if she trying to hungree along 7 to 8 years in a day, while we mans can do it.

Zenonzyta01, your lady - it's likely a combination of low blood pressure - but more importantly LOW BLOOD SUGAR! I'm shouting b/c I know of what I speak :frown: and it's caused me a lot of weakness & worsening of health that I just wouldn't want anyone else to go through - it's a condition that gets worse with time and should be nipped in the bud early. Make sure your lady-love eats frequently, small meals are best, and don't let her let her blood sugar drop like that. It's not a certainty, but it could be a sign of a pre-diabetic condition - and that is no fun at all. I got a condition or two that makes me sort of forgetful about stuff like that - I got a fella around now who is kind enough to remind me when I forget & it's improved my health tremendously. I'm just writing this out to ya b/c it can be such a drag on her health, making life hard for her if it's allowed to go on. If she just doesn't have time - make sure there's like cereal bars & drinks she can mix as a meal in a pinch - I need my blood sugar leveled out & I use this thing called glycemic index - I've got energy like a normal person now (haleluliah! - you have no idea how good it feels just to feel normal after years of aching, weakness, difficulty concentrating & faintness) my headaches, fatigue & stamina have all been effected for the better. I appeal to you b/c in my case - it was my guy who realized how serious the problem was & basically saved me by seeing the problem when I couldn't. Good luck & best wishes.


Def not. I smoke just as much, if not more sometimes, than my boy and his friends. My little 18 year old bod and lungs dig it :joint::joint:


I once thought that women might have a lower tolerance to it, but i think it may have to do with their size comparatively as well.
if your 1/3 bigger than someone.. it might take more active ingredient per body weight.

i didnt read this whole thread but you are wrong here my friend, i only weigh 145 sometimes less, and some of my friends easily weigh 220 or more and they get high easier than/before i will. im not saying you are a liar but it varies person to person, maybe size has something to do with it but my case makes that statement false


New member
I've smoked my boyfriend under the table...wait...everytime! :woohoo:

He taps out after 4 bong rips and I'm just warming up :joint:


i think that YES,generally i find myself and my girlfriends we cant hang nearly as much as the guys lol.i know ME,i am satisfied with a quarter joint..or half a joint of frosty TRIM lol.i do NOT like getting 1000% wrecked you know,i like getting lightheaded,and chill,

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