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the dark little island

lost in a sea

isnt it a funny thing really being "british" or "anglo-saxons" with some flemish,nordic,germanic blood mixed in there, and some spanish/basque blood from when they moved up the west coast of europe on a couple of occasions and settled in cornwall and wales, or the vikings specifically shipped in from Angeln in germany by the romans, brought over to northumberland to keep the remaining gauls at bay in scotland, who shouldnt be called "pics" because that was a generic word used for wildmen and not their collective name.. funny that kilts,tartan, bagpipes and haggis all came from Greece, not particularly scottish identity at all lol,, England was actually named after that tribe brought over from Angeln so that word has nothing to with this island either..

are you proud to be british? why?

what do you think this country is about? where should it be going?

how do men like these


how do they ^ make their way through the halls of power to be what monsters they are...

i'd say the highest eschalons of the puppets that run this farse of a ghost zombie slaveship are unbelievable perverts with scripts to follow...

So how does Blair not get thrown in the haag for those numerous warcrimes ?

2 million (innocent civilians mostly) in Iraq murdered and he was paid and instructed to it anyway, he doesnt give a shit to this day because it was his job from day one, another lizard eyed internationalist with guaranteed immunity, its our souls that are being tarnished in actions like that, our names dragged through the mud through association, shamed,, these are terrible scars for all of humanity, not just those complicit here in the disunited kingdom, that have been done to us all as a race in an extremely methodical and calculated manner, even as far as being aligned and coinciding with stars and the zodiac and numerologically significant to a clique of what are just the old banking families of europe that in the last century have claimed the rest of the earth, and that know the blueprints, the script, writing history today to control tomorrow..

so how does someone like SIR Jimmy get fed girls in the grounds of schools? lived to 84 years the piece of shit and he was fucking proud to have gotten away with it till his death,, he fucked us all.. not just the 200+++ children he abused whilst working for the beeb , which is still full of paedos at the higher levels btw, one girl that killed herself, 2 given stds etc etc there are pictures of him with all the royals and getting his peerage and he had some very high up backers.. the man was good friends with gary glitter for fucks sake.. sickening.. the BBC is the most putrid zionist mind controlling sociopathic "media" institution in the world,,, you telling me the royals and BBC didnt know he was a paedophile? besides its common in the circles they writhe through,, its days are numbered anyway, the bbc i mean, before it is split into part state and part privatised, 1984 is here, has been for a while..

sorry im ranting, im so fed up with this blatant storyline playing out.. im sick of hearing cuts for this and that and hikes on everything supposedly because of oil, which is the lowest its been for years per barrel, and austerity etc etc and at the same time 50 million for the centenary of the world war.. which we have to continually masochistically beat ourselves over because it was all our fault and we have to remember the mistakes ohh no it wasnt a shady cabal of bankers that made themselves billions out of killing millions or anything, the same ones that have owned this country since the rothschildes took over,, or 8.5 billion for the olympics,, an unbelievable waste of our money, as if being -400% in the red GDP wise because of the massive national credit debt, that cannot be "cured" btw, we as a country have and millions of people already going with out food and heating wasnt bad enough we let the snakes in parliament waste what very little productivity we have left on things like a big sports tournament or remembering a war that their aren't even any survivors left to tell us what it was like.. and its not about money or any bullshit like that its all fictional stress cooked up to crash whatever they want, ordo ad chao..

to be honest i think we are all being raped and molestered and manipulated like some ventriloquists dummy.. thats how i feel and the sad thing is i think i can comprehend the probable moral fall and depression of britain, europe, usa and the west in general,, but i think that it could potentially destroy many people that aren't ready to have to confront certain ideas, those who have been mollycoddled and protected from the actual reality of this place from birth and have become institutionalised to the point of loving their cell because they think that continuing their ignorance of the pain, caused in the first place by their apathy, and thus being complicit in what they didnt stand up against they have aquiesced their freewill to an extent on behalf of demons like Tony B liar who destroy our spirits, our souls our empathy, and compassion by scarring us as deeply as they can and our relationship as a collective.. fuck British there is no such thing, colour,creed, religion we are just humans with so little differences yet we are crippled and divided by the well calculated actions of agents like B.liar and they end up in such high positions of power because they have proven to those financially or legally backing them that they will do their bidding in return for the luciferian egotistical sycophantic power that they are allowed to wield with impunity.. this is all just rhetorical..

just think how much division and wasted effort/money has been squandered just on football alone..

the uk just has the most fucked up covered over manipulated history and we are just really brainwash victims of this conditioning centre.. there is no real precedent for what we are now.. maybe rome, babylon, sodom and gomorrah but this place really is just on another level in some ways..

i dont know,,, the whole globe is changing at the wim of a handfull of "elites" where do you run?

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lost in a sea

what's the point? everything im saying has been said over and over but people dont want to hear the words.. they dont even want to challenge them because that causes even more dissonance..

humanity has burned in its own ignorance and self caused amnesia before, just doesnt mean it has to happen again..

maybe David rothschilde will guide humanity with the promethian flame..

to fix the problem just kill the inbred political/media/banking/royal class before the sacrafice us again and let people know the truth about who was lying and why and what our culture in Gaul was.. all people should know why their anticedants lived like they did because so many peoples have had their culture and history fabricated to create a particular nationalistic effect, and let people here again live naturally instead of this fake plastic bullshit world placed before us, simply we need to heal as a race before this all gets much worse and spirals downwards..
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Active member
actually, the world is better than it has ever been.

lost.. if people would listen, what then?

do you want a bloody revolution?

if so, then you have to wait for a better time

the audience that would listen, has no power in comparison to the one´s that wont listen.

they have it too good.

if i were you , i would rest and bide my time.

that or move to some country that is ready to listen (some countries are really fed up with their officials and would happily kill them at the right provocation.)

but the royals of britain are kinda like the bible..

people gloss over certain facts about them, so they can believe in that image of power.

a point of pride.

they want to be kings too.

its like a poor person, that buys soap instead of food, so at least they can be proud of how clean their empty table looks.

let go of the darkness in the world.

things get better all the time, it is the purpose of evolution, love.

step into the light and enjoy your life.

roll it large

the fix bit was a joke mate

the whole worlds fucked up nothing is gunna change that not in this lifetime anyway

I totally agree does any one think rupert murdoch will ever do time for hacking emails, phones and setting up hackers to pirate the competitions satellite cards that caused them to go out of business giving him the monopoly he won't even get a fine let alone spend the rest of his life in jail.
Don't even get me started on the homemade farce of 911 responsible for killing well over 100,000 people way more than saddam husan did in 30 years all to gain control of our global freedom security everywhere in the name of false terrorist plots that now will become more real because almost everybody in Iraq or Afghanistan has lost someone and now every other police officer as soon as they get a gun use it to kill a solder who are unfortunate victims as well.
The pig bankers/arms dealers/drug dealers/suppressors of freedom caused all this including the recension they hid all the money then got bailouts from us that our grandchildren will be burdened with forever!
Ok rant over.

lost in a sea

actually, the world is better than it has ever been.

mate that is the most subjective statement ever ever ever!

its this Jimmy savile thing that has got me going and the lies surrounding it even now its finally come out..

do i want a bloody revolution?

do i want more bloody wars more like, do i want another world war killing millions of people in iran and the middle east probably the asia pacific region as well and north and south korea, israel and palestine etc etc

i dont want those things to happen and they are well planned to occur, couldnt really be anymore obvious until that first nuke hits..

the same people that are forcing these conflicts that caused the other massive wars and monetary depressions/ money debasement of the last 300 years that has caused misery for the masses and monopoly for the banking elite bloodlines..

revolutions come in cycles, i want to tear that whole paradigm apart, the various institutions and concepts that perpetuate the misery and control and blood shedding..

but one thing is for sure unless you either have a very warped notion of rights and freedom and life in general or are just very insular this world is not better than it ever has been.. this modern world is alot of things but none of them would i put in the better category,,

if your saying that faster communication, food availabilty and things like that are better, imo they are hardly worth taking all this bullshit just to have supermarkets spoling us and google spying on my browser information and storing it in databases in israel for military corporations like lackheed martin..

lost in a sea

David Icke has entered the building.

man you funny!

how many brain cells you must have to formulate that!


the fix bit was a joke mate

the whole worlds fucked up nothing is gunna change that not in this lifetime anyway


lol i know thats why i said David Rothschilde the messiah i have a strange sense of humour,, your right people want their mobiles and macdonalds more than they want control of their own destinies and rights..


cant re Member
heres my take on it.

governments are always bad. theres always something people dont like, but in a democracy your never gonna keep everyone happy.

my gran says she never talks about politics or religion. pretty wise I reckon because most of the worlds issues fit into those catergories.
the bbc is shit, they take the piss, through our tv licence we are basically paying for twats like jonathan ross to get rich.
paedos have been around forever. the ancient greeks liked little boys etc and sickos of everykind have always existed. rapists murderers etc. but because of our social networking and vast media networks we are so much more aware of things, but no closer to actually stopping it.
so is britain really getting bad? look through history and theres most likely periods which would be nice to live in, others definately not.
i am proud of being british, not as much as i used to be though. our football team is always shit, even if they were good most people cant afford to sit in the pub and watch the game.
i think national pride is most likely on a nose dive.
i honestly avoid misery in my life and try to find happy things to indulge in.

dont watch the news...ever! its always depressing. i think they should have regular news followed by ''good news'' this would be the days compilation of kind or happy stuff only. acts of bravery or whatever.


Registered User
Lost... Bit of a nihilist over here, so can offer you some solace in that eventually none of this will matter at all... Nothing will be left, the human race will become extinct. In the grand scheme of it all... We will be erased entirely and the universe won't skip a beat.

Putting that aside, what we need is to kill off all the bad people and leave only the good ones. It won't matter in the end, but then again I hold secret pleasure in doing horrible things to cheney/bush... ;-)


cant re Member
Lost... Bit of a nihilist over here, so can offer you some solace in that eventually none of this will matter at all... Nothing will be left, the human race will become extinct. In the grand scheme of it all... We will be erased entirely and the universe won't skip a beat.

Putting that aside, what we need is to kill off all the bad people and leave only the good ones. It won't matter in the end, but then again I hold secret pleasure in doing horrible things to cheney/bush... ;-)

i dont agree with that.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i dont agree with that.
Statistically speaking--we will go extinct one day, 99% of all species that have ever existed on this little rock are extinct.
The only way the human race can avoid extinction is if we can make it off this planet---and that's a mighty big if.
To basically echo what Azad said and answer why likes of Jimmy Saville and Tory bLiar can get around like a protected species is......
.......Shit floats.


cant re Member
Statistically speaking--we will go extinct one day, 99% of all species that have ever existed on this little rock are extinct.
The only way the human race can avoid extinction is if we can make it off this planet---and that's a mighty big if.
To basically echo what Azad said and answer why likes of Jimmy Saville and Tory bLiar can get around like a protected species is......
.......Shit floats.

hmm well thats your own opinion really. all the other animals which became extinct were not intelligent enough to solve the problems which killed them off.

we have 50 billion years before the sun engulfs the earth as part of the suns life cycle. thats planty of time to get into space considering the speed of technological advancements. give it a couple of thousand years we should be good.

we could all become extinct but theres a million possiblities. no one knows the future...


Registered User
Who knows...? We might uncover a stargate and learn that we are part of an intergalactic war where macguyver becomes a colonel in the air force and one day we learn to ascend beyond corporeal existence and transcend all space and time. Oddly, more plausible than any religion to date.


I'm impressed by all the accents.
Pity that there's a North/South divide that some hold so true.
I dont give a **** ,shrug