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Ken's Grand Daddy Purple


I've grown out mendo purps, kens gdp, and urkle. My opinion is mendo purps is more sativa, grows taller and stretchy. A little lanky. Stays green. Doesn't have a pungent purple grape smell is more subtle.
Urkle probably had the best purple smell. It also goes the most visually purple. Doesn't yield worth a damn.
Kens gdp is the best to run. It's fairly vigorous. Yield is ok. Not bad yield by any means. It can be green or purple depending on what it feels like doing. Smell and taste are fantastic. Very close to urkle, except kens is a little sweeter, like cotton candy.

St. Phatty

Active member
I keep trying to find Ken's GDP in seed form ... seem to be out of stock.

Sometimes I wonder if "Purple Urkle" is a marketing term (it's sort of fun to say ?), or a way for (perhaps) a dispensary to identify between 2 different purple related strains.

A dispensary in Santa Rosa that shared their GDP with me also sometimes sold Urkle.

I think it's possible that to figure out the breeding details, it helps to sit down with the dispensary knowledge-able-people (the owner) and ask them where it came from. They probably wouldn't say the grower's name, normal industry discretion.

But I think a lot of dispensary owners are just plain Cannabis Conneisseurs with some biz savvy. They enjoy a good Genetics History lesson.

it's even better if there's samples available !!! :woohoo:
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They carry the clone and seeds often at patient 2 patient in San Jose. Gdp and urkle are extremely similar. Only difference (from experience) is gdp can yield 2x to 3x more. Gdp is a little taller. And gdp can have a mild rush high initially before the couch lock sets in. Urkle tends to be straight couch lock from the get go. I find that when the plant is solid purple vs green (referring to gdp) that it's heavier, more narcotic couch lock. It also taste more deep grape flavor. When it's green, it can be slightly more uplifting initially, and the flavor is sweeter vs a dark grape

The problem with seed form is all the info relating to the clone version goes out the window as you'll have a different pheno

Also p2p grows all their own product. If they have bud, and a same named clone.. that's what it is

Psi Haze

I've grown out mendo purps, kens gdp, and urkle. My opinion is mendo purps is more sativa, grows taller and stretchy. A little lanky. Stays green. Doesn't have a pungent purple grape smell is more subtle.
Urkle probably had the best purple smell. It also goes the most visually purple. Doesn't yield worth a damn.
Kens gdp is the best to run. It's fairly vigorous. Yield is ok. Not bad yield by any means. It can be green or purple depending on what it feels like doing. Smell and taste are fantastic. Very close to urkle, except kens is a little sweeter, like cotton candy.

nice... I've made indoor football sized buds of Kens GDP that were from plants less than 24" tall.. they didnt purple worth a shit indoor but its cool.. lol.. i didnt much care for the smoke. you hit the head on it though regarding the mendo purps, and another guy in this thread who said people were complaining their shit didn't fucking turn purple...

.. I imagine this is true, breeders need to face the music.

I`m still trying to figure the relationship to the Urkle and Mendo and GDP, thing.. dude... I can taste it, I can see it.. if it looks and tastes similar to a smurf, they are related.. hehe..

Anyway, I grew the Bay Champagne a while ago.. made a BX3 and won an Overgrow photo contest for it. Champ and Urkle taste almost nothing like Kens GDP. Maybe a little Urkle. Urkle x Champagne, X BigBud 50% bigbud.


i really wanted (and still sort of do) champagne strain. i had some outdoor of it once from a collective and it was great smoke. but i dont think the one i had was a purple strain. didnt taste like the urkle or gdp anyway.

i think urkle and kens gdp taste similar and look almost damn near the same. except gdp gets bigger.

if i had to gauge i'd say urkle is near 100% indica, GDP is more like 80-85% indica, and mendo is somewhere in the 50-55% indica range.

i think that urkle and gdp are related. i think that if the meno is related, its no where near as closely related. seems more like a skunk relative to me. but it could be a hybrid that is more dominant from its other side and not the urkle side. the gdp and the urkle cut i had the leaves looked identical, growth pattern identical (other than gdp was slightly more aggressive, urkle was very VERY squat and did not branch out at all), and the smells are similar. urkle turns purple 75% of the time. it has to be very warm conditions for it to stay green.

i found that the kens GDP purples later in regular temps. like around week 9-10. most people cut her before that around week 8. if its warm she will only be 25-50% purple at most. maybe even just a slight green purple hue. but if your temps get down to the 60 degree mark regularly toward the end, she will go full on purple. especially if you have a proper nutrient fade at the end. right now im running her in hydro/dwc for the first time, shes going into 3 weeks of flower. its always been soil indoor and outdoor before. prior in soil, when i run her in these winter months she always goes near 100% purple. she likes the cooler mountain temperatures to really shine ive found. during the summer she'll be ok, but not 100% potency. ive found that the cherry pie (kens gdp x durban) does better overall in all conditions. cherry pie is consistent in quality 100% of the time. kens GDP is sort of finicky and does what it wants.. if it doesn't like the conditions the herb will be ok, but she wont show her true potential. not a notice strain to grow if you want to see her potential. cherry pie you can throw her in a pot of shit and piss and put her in the shady spot in the yard and the quality will still be as good as a plant babied and fed properly under 100% light indoors.

i cant get rid of the kens gdp it has a lot of sentimental value to me. it got me thru a hard time when i was younger almost 10 years ago when i was detoxing off a 6 month harder drug binge and it was the only strain that would level me out. i had to blow thru about a quarter a day, just smoke, eat, drink water, and sleep and repeat. took about a month of that daily to feel ok. took about 2 years after that to feel normally mentally again. but i think i do like the cherry pie better. its got all the strong traits of GDP, just much more consistent and i think the high quality is better.

i got my cut of cherry pie from san jose patient 2 patient. its real deal. first time i ran it it showed balls early on, i almost tossed her, then people online told me thats the good pheno and it never pollinates or grows seeds. turned out to be true. you can call ahead of time and place your order for clones (they have a separate clone phone number call the main number and ask for it) and they'll let you know when a strain is available.

mojave green

rockin in the free world
Before GDP was around there was a strain going around that I'm convinced was the parentage of all the good purple strains. It was the densest weed I have ever had that was basically 100% purple and tasted just like the GDP. Ever since the appearance of that strain people continue to crossed it with more non-indica dominant strains creating hybrids with new names that are always inferior to the original.
i do not know the parentage of the purp strains but this lapis mtn indica purped up pretty good indoors with temps from 70 to 80f.


looks fantastic.

ive heard stories of the original GDP (gross domestic product, not grandaddy purple) from up in the triangle was the original GDP. then ken came out with his verison, the kens GDP (grandaddy purple).

the gross domestic product was supposidly a very high yielding strain that went DARK solid 100% purple. they kept it very 'within the circle' so to say. it never made the public rounds like ken's did. few still have it in humboldt, and they dont give it out to just anybody. Ive had some of the bud, its more like a royal purple, very grapey, very dark, and very narcotic. it gave me munchies like no other.. even if i just ate the biggest meal i could hold down. id smoke a bowl of that, and be hungry again. i think i gained like 20 pounds in bodyweight in the month i had that weed lol. it made me want chocolate ice cream by the bowl 3 times a day. good stuff. hard to find.

Psi Haze

i found that the kens GDP purples later in regular temps. like around week 9-10. most people cut her before that around week 8. if its warm she will only be 25-50% purple at most.

ive found that the cherry pie (kens gdp x durban) does better overall in all conditions. cherry pie is consistent in quality 100% of the time.

i got my cut of cherry pie from san jose patient 2 patient. its real deal. first time i ran it it showed balls early on, i almost tossed her, then people online told me thats the good pheno and it never pollinates or grows seeds.

interesting post, dude... wow.. there is some shit going on. I never grew Ken's GDP from seed so I dont know that % of purples, I grew the famous NorCal clone. No purple unless low temps.

I was thinking about the squatness of the Urkle and how cool that was, Mendo Purps is much more fruity but less purple. NorCal Cherry Pie does NOT have Durban in it.. wow.. I think there is a massive confusion.. Cherry Pie = Kens GDP x SoCal OG Kush. I have the clone of "Cherry Pie" and "Cherry Kush".. Cherry Kush is a sativa hybrid with Durban, SD, and OG in it.. Cherry Pie is a squat indica.

yup... we are getting different shit. I dont do a p2p in San Jose. I am NorCal clone trade, bro.

Wendull C.

Active member
Cherry pie is (f1xdurban) x gdp not kens gdp for what its worth. The cookies was crossed to og not cherry pie.
Just for the record kens gdp is nothing like gdp. The cross of urkle to big bud.
Shit is getting mixed up here.

Psi Haze

Shit is getting mixed up here.

..it is, man.. I know there is no Durban in the Cherry Pie going around in NorCal. I've got the clone from probably 5 different sources on different occasions and all were the same. WTF is F1?

Anyway, I can taste the SoCal OG in what we are getting as "Cherry Pie", it is the dominant trait. ..I wished I knew.

SideWing.. I was in Oakland, SF, or Berkeley, about 15 years ago and found the Champagne there, although I forgot which club. Dude... The resin was great, 8/10. The yield was insane, 10/10. The taste was awesome, tasted like berries and a hint of skunk with a dry aftertaste, 9/10. (I reserve the 10/10 taste for only the finest blueberry, 1,000s of samples, only 3x 10/10).

If I had to guess, it was a Skunk x BlueBerry x Thai hybrid of some sort, bitchen pheno..


I'm pretty sure the f1 is a Durban that went hermi.. And it pollinated a gdp and an og in the room. The resulting seeds from gdp became cherry pie. The resulting seeds from og became girls scout cookies. That's why there's so many different phenos of gsc out there. It's unstable and pops seeds regularly. Cherry pie shows balls first 2 weeks of flower but they never develop...

I've had both gdp and kens gdp.. they are very similar. Except gdp has a more musky grape flavor and it's like a tranquilizer. Kens gdp is a little more uplifting initially, but has the strong body buzz still. Kens is sweeter too. A lot of people saying the Kens is not good or not like gdp not sure what cut you're growing but mine came straight from Ken about 6 years ago or so.


The club I got the outdoor champagne from was on like mission and 9th I think. Don't even know if it's still open. It was great outdoor though

The cherry pie I have is very gdp dominant. But it has Durban grit in it for sure.

Wendull C.

Active member
F1 is a strain that was given that name by a group of people. It does not refer to the first filial generation of anything. It might as well b purple something that r other.

Psi Haze

I lost my last post due to distraction by Ms.PsiHaze. lol.. I`m still seriously doubting the durban in Cherry Pie, and I`ve been growing my chit legally for 18 years in cali.

Psi Haze

I`ve NEVER seen more* than 5 leaflets on the cherry pie leaves, and i`ve had her big.... A durban???
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All this is opinion based. Something stuck with me over the years that might have some relevance. Way back before cherry pie was released or leaked.. there was one grower that supplied everyone from up on the hill. My buddy runs a collective in Sacramento. They were very tied in to the circles up north. He said something one time that stuck with me when he was talking about cherry pie. He said "our strain is part of the genetic makeup". He was referring to their strain "sweet n sour kush (happy lil trees)". It's not a wide spread strain, it's not the sweet and sour you see online. It's seed only (which I have like 50 seeds cuz it's not a stabilized strain, it will pop seeds).. now if that strain is the secret "f1" strain I don't know.. I didn't know much about cherry pie back then.. nothing actually. But for some reason his words stuck with me.

Wendull C.

Active member
I don't know man. Unless you bred it yourself we just get hearsay. I can say I got my gsc along with the cherry pie and was told my cherry was the Durban pheno. It throws balls but no viable pollen.
I was also told the GDP Dom. Pheno was great. Just never grown it.
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