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med-man method - seed popping


Active member
I agree that plants root like crazy in coco--I use a seed starting mix that is fine peat and coco and it works a treat. Pure coco dried out faster than I expected.


Well-known member
Seed Popping Mishap

Seed Popping Mishap

I'm hoping I can get some opinions on a problem I'm having. I just planted a bunch of seeds that came from the same mother, but two different batches. The seeds that I grew over a year ago have come up acceptably well. The seeds that I just removed from a fresh grow have a terrible germination rate. Most of the few that have popped their heads up, don't seem to know which way is up. They came up kind of sideways, and two are now dead due to the roots being exposed. I simply threw a bunch of seeds in each of the pots and started watering because I have so many seeds from each batch.

The only thing that I can imagine is that the seeds are too fresh. The seeds did come from two different fathers. I am in a hurry to get a test started to find out which father makes the best children. After planting, I actually continued to dry the fresh seeds for a few days more before putting them in a vial.

I'm attempting a replanting, but I am putting the seeds between wet paper towels so I can keep an eye on their progress. I'm going to put them in the pots when tap root starts to grow, and I can easily orient the root down.

What do you think?

Thanks in advance,



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
couple variables
1- different genetics
2- different batches
3- different ages

i always age everything i have, bud or bean at least a month.

i remember living in the bahamas, and the sativas they grew would have sprouted healthy seed in them. thats how they new how to harvest these long flowering kinds. so i dont know if too fresh could be a reason?

were both batches identical or was there stress/other unmentioned variables?



Well-known member
couple variables
1- different genetics
2- different batches
3- different ages

i always age everything i have, bud or bean at least a month.

i remember living in the bahamas, and the sativas they grew would have sprouted healthy seed in them. thats how they new how to harvest these long flowering kinds. so i dont know if too fresh could be a reason?

were both batches identical or was there stress/other unmentioned variables?


Thanks for your response.

Another variable not mentioned is that the older, good germination, batch was lightly seeded. The newer batch had moderately to heavily seeded buds.

I have made seeds many times. This is the first time I have attempted to sprout them before thoroughly drying them. After re-reading my post, the phrase that stands out to me is "in a hurry".

Here is the strange story. One of the reasons I'm doing this test now is that the male that pollinated the troublesome batch was from a package of seeds purchased that did not have a good germination rate. Out of six seeds, I got only one to sprout and it was a male. It happens to be a beautiful specimen of Thai x Haze and, as it turns out, an expensive male. I thought that I would like to test this male's progeny and preserve the genetics. Could it be that it is genetically predisposed to having a bad germination rate? I would suggest that it is more likely that it may be genetically predisposed to not liking my particular method of planting seeds.

Here is a photo of the male pollinator in question:

The seedling in my avatar is a picture of it as a young seedling.




The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
sweet thai bliss,

i would say definitly worth the work and wait.

let them dry first at least. seeding numbers shouldnt matter. and try sprouting at least 10-20 next go. so then you will have 5-10 to work with based on your pased trial :)



Active member
Some suggest drying for three months for optimal germination rates. I am drying a batch of seed now and the fresh seed wouldn't germ for me, but I'm going to try again in a couple of months.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i do notice with one of my pain killer crosses that the rates suck. i never released that batch due to that issue

so both the males and fems will play a role genetically



Bug Scissor Hand
transplant them, dont use so much nutrients with smaller plants, let them dry out before feeding them.

ps how are they "dieing"

in 5 to 10 they start to wilt over night ,the roots start dieing on seedling . I root clones in cloner then put in coco with no problem.


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
do they rot at the soil line? base of stem?

if so just give them brighter light.

seeds have different hormones that dominate their life stages.

clones grow different, they are already off a mature pant with differing needs then a little seedling savey?



Bug Scissor Hand
do they rot at the soil line? base of stem?

if so just give them brighter light.

seeds have different hormones that dominate their life stages.

clones grow different, they are already off a mature pant with differing needs then a little seedling savey?

no in the roots zone. Im thinking too wet or too much something . im testing 3 varietys now 1/2 in coco 1/2 soil I know all the ones in soil will do fine. the ones in coco if they make it past 10 days will b fine


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
let them dry out before feeding. water logging any plants will kill them

good luck



The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor

everything has to be complimentary for plants. light : nutes : current plant stage : fresh air : room temp.

if any of these are out of balance then expect losses



Well-known member
Props to Medman using his method I got 20/20 germination! Of course good genetics helps too haha peace sdd:thank you:


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
thx dude :)

all that matters is a productive garden of most gains and least losses



I also followed his method except for the coco I make my own mix. The 48 hour soak works great. I once had someone tell me that once the seeds crack to take them emmediately out of the water because they could die within hours. But I guess thats a lie because almost all my seeds poped within 18 hours and were left for the remaining 30 hours to complete the 48 hour schedule. Again MED-MAN you rock keep up the good work buddy.


couple variables
1- different genetics
2- different batches
3- different ages

i always age everything i have, bud or bean at least a month.

i remember living in the bahamas, and the sativas they grew would have sprouted healthy seed in them. thats how they new how to harvest these long flowering kinds. so i dont know if too fresh could be a reason?

were both batches identical or was there stress/other unmentioned variables?


Seems like you've traveled quite extensively, did you search/acquire any genetics? Were those Bahamian sativas landraces? Do you have plans to visit India, or another Himalayan country to search for obscure thunder strains? The Hindu Kush & the Annapurna ranges have genetic diversity at different altitudes, India's ranges are the same. I'm scared a radical Muslim might wanna kidnap me and cut off my head :tiphat:


The TRUMP of SKUNK: making skunk loud again!
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
hey i love seed

i have travelled my whole life

bahamian seeds come from jamaica and south america. and were really hallucinogenic

in bag seed mostly from import stuff

Does anyone else use worm castings?

Does anyone else use worm castings?

I like to germinate putting the seeds in some lukewarm water in a glass.
Then I put the seeds in peat cups with a mixture of coco coir and worm castings from my worm farm. I also add layers of worm castings in my medium and use RO water.
The crop before last there were still worms living in my pots at the end when I emptied the medium! I was absolutely amazed!
I have found that seedlings started in coco coir and worm castings get a really good start, growing big, fast!