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Smoking weed while pregnant?

Moldy Dreads

Active member

I do not mean to intrude, and I ran a search to no avail.

I am not pregnant, nor is anyone close to me.

This is a friend of a friend, who is very pregnant ( not sure how far along ), and she is smoking weed. Good weed. (My Casey Jones)

I for one do not agree with her choice, and now feel bad about being the catalyst.

I also want my friend to talk to her (not my place), but I want to know if this is as dangerous to the fetus, as i think it is...

TIA, and I once again am sorry to intrude...

I know several women who smoked or vaped while pregnancy and their kids are fine. I was just visiting with one girl who's daughter is like a genious, she logs onto the internet, finds her photo albums, goes to youtube to play her videos, and she's 2 1/2 years old, amazing. I think it actually helps mom relax a bit when in stressfull pregnancy issues, but that's just my opinion..


Active member
Just spent several weeks looking up information on this. I've come to the conclusion that the only issues with smoking cannabis during pregnancy are:

1: Smoking anything can lead to low oxygen levels contributing to low birth weight.

2: There's some evidence that links heavy cannabis users with mental differences in the child later in life.

So, drink it or eat it and don't spend your pregnancy stoned off your ass like an idiot and you'll be fine. So will the kid.


I would definitely not smoke weed during pregnancy. The baby has no choice, I do. I want to alter my state, not my kids. thats just me tho.


I think its a choice, I personally disagree with getting anyone high without their consent.


perhaps there is no way to change her mind, it is still her baby, just like it is her choice to abort (many people would argue).

so at least she is using high quality homegrown. maybe she should invest in a vaporizer. at least she isnt smoking blunts of regular.

or maybe some literature on why she shouldnt be doing it.

imho, it is pretty damn shitty to force someone else to smoke weed/ injest any drugs, including caffiene and sugar (pretty hard to avoid, though). especially when they are still developing.


I like to smoke weed while I'm trying to get pregnant.
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Active member
first: grab an incense and light it.
second: hold it in front of your face.
third: have somebody pull a plastic bag over your head and the incense and hold said bag in place.
fourth: breathe deep

i would have to say DON'T smoke or drink during pregnancy.

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
I found out I was pregnant after I was already little more than 2 months along. I freaked out a little because I had been a daily smoker. As far as alcohol goes, I usualy am a regular beer drinker, but I had no desire, or taste for any alcohol at all during my unknown pregnancy. My body knew I was pregnant, so the thought of having a drink wasn't appetizing to me. Anyways, I quite smoking for the duration of my pregnancy. It isn't fare to the child..... period!
My son will be 3 in Nov. and he's such a healthy, smart lil guy! Seriously, this kid hardly ever gets sick. He was an early walker, talker, could recite the ABC's before he was 2. I am a blessed mother!


I personally smoked the entire time I was pregnant with both of my kids. My nearly eight pound babies were perfect at birth, and have grown up amazingly. My daughter is getting ready to start 1st grade and is very intelligent for her age. My 10 month old is developing normally, if not too quickly! I had HORRIBLE morning sickness with both, and the only thing I could find that would help was taking a toke here and there.

My vote is it is okay...personally.


Active member
My son will be 3 in Nov. and he's such a healthy, smart lil guy! Seriously, this kid hardly ever gets sick. He was an early walker, talker, could recite the ABC's before he was 2. I am a blessed mother!
You provided cannabinoids (which help with the formation of nerves and with brain function) during most of the first trimester when all that was forming. I'm not surprised. :D


i smoked cannabis during my first pregnancy on the instruction of my doctor.
i've had depression since i was thirteen ,and was in quite a bad place before i found out i was pregnant.i was on a high dose of anti-depressants and beta-blockers for extreme panic attacks.
when i found out,i stopped smoking.the morning sickness didn't make me feel like smoking anyway.
my gp said i should keep taking my medication,she even suggested upping the doses.i thought this was uncalled for ,as i had been coping ok with no cannabis.
got sent for a scan and the baby didn't seem to be growing properly.
had further tests and an appointment with an oby.
everything turned out to be ok with the baby but he was quite concerned with the meds i had been taking.
he said with counselling and a daily dose of cannabis i should be able to continue the pregnancy without the anti-depressants and beta-blockers,which could have caused more problems than the cannabis.
i have to say he was right ,i had a good pregnancy,and i haven't needed meds since. my son is three and full of life,happy and healthy.best thing i ever did

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
perhaps there is no way to change her mind, it is still her baby, just like it is her choice to abort (many people would argue).

so at least she is using high quality homegrown. maybe she should invest in a vaporizer. at least she isnt smoking blunts of regular.

or maybe some literature on why she shouldnt be doing it.

imho, it is pretty damn shitty to force someone else to smoke weed/ injest any drugs, including caffiene and sugar (pretty hard to avoid, though). especially when they are still developing.

Try being pregnant....I know from a man's standpoint it's easy, but for a woman...it's just not and a man will never begin to understand what it means to be pregnant....both physically and mentally. Stress is just as bad for a pregnant woman as sugar or caffeine are....tell a pregnant woman that it's shitty to stress out a developing fetus. How can she avoid that one?


New member
How long does it take for the pregnancy hormone to show in urine?I'm 6 days late. I have never been late before, normally have a 29 day cycle. I tested after being 1 day late - negative. Then tested after being 5 days late in the morning, however I don't think I did the test correctly as I should have dipped the tester stick in the urine. Result was negative.My breasts are bigger, not tender really. My stomach is bloated and I have slight cramping. I feel more tired than usual lately too. I think I may be pregnant. When should I test again and how long can it take before the pregnancy hormone shows in urine?
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If i had a read this post about a year ago I would have ranted about how bad it was for a women to be smoking ANYTHING while pregnant but due to semi personal experiences my feelings have def changed. Now I am no doctor or any professional at all but I have seen the benefits (on both the baby, the mommy and the daddy) from smoking OCCASIONALLY while pregnant. My nephew who is only about 5/6 months old is already starting to stand, crawl and talk. (I love my sister to death dont get me wrong but my nephew doesn't come from a very smart genetic tree, so seeing this is quite a shock to me) He can already point out things and has already figured out that when you smile and laugh people give you kisses (oh its really as cute as it sounds!!) So do i approve of people smoking while pregnant? no...but I def don't not approve..its all up to them on if they do it or not..just do it like everything else, in moderation...at least till its scientifically proven that its perfectly healthy for you and the baby.


Try being pregnant....I know from a man's standpoint it's easy, but for a woman...it's just not and a man will never begin to understand what it means to be pregnant....both physically and mentally. Stress is just as bad for a pregnant woman as sugar or caffeine are....tell a pregnant woman that it's shitty to stress out a developing fetus. How can she avoid that one?
its just my opinion... do what you want. if i were pregnant, i wouldnt smoke, or have caffeine or alcohol. maybe a little coke here and there.


I would have no problem vaporizing if I was preggo, but I would not *smoke* it, because its the smoke thats harmful(in anyform smoke is not good), but vaporizing is still good for the mother, and then the fetus doesnt have to be subjected to what smoking is involved, like lower birth weight... weed is not the problem, its the method thats used that could be a problem, I'd much rather a mom smoke pot rather than do meth or any other shitty drug


Cannabis 101
My mother smoked when she was pregnant with me, it didn't affect me in any bad way, the first time I tied cannabis it felt like I've done it before and very natural to this days I smoke with my mom every day.


You can get a epidural. However,no pain killers are given. The difference with the pain medication that is given at the hospital, is that is does not cross through the placenta, where THC can.

Except for the fact that epidural's actually make contractions too strong, cutting off oxygen to the fetus, in turn having to give petosin which just slows the contractions down to nothing, making it even harder to deliver, causing more stress, and the process repeats over and over sometimes. I think that's worse than something that we've been injesting for thousands of years. Our brains actually have specific cbd receptors. It's also been shown that cannabis smoke isn't even the same as other smoke, such as tobacco. Cannabis smoke dilate's the lungs, counter-acting asthma...I should know, I have bad asthma, everyone in my family does. It has also been shown that instead of causing lung-cancer, it's a preventative. I'm not gonna take the time to site sources cause you can find this all over the internet, here, or The Emperor wears no clothes. Isn't it painfully obvious that the same people that spread propaganda about the dangers of cannabis are the same people spreading this bs. What about all the death's from prescription drugs and all the proven birth defects from those...you still take those too?

My mom is a nurse and smoked cannabis while she was pregnant, KNOWING SHE WAS PREGNANT, and I turned out fine. She had terrible morning sickness and didn't wanna take the CHEMICALS they give you in pills. In fact I was an accelerated student in school, always had excellent grades, started taking the actual SAT in 8th grade (got a 1350/1600, in 8th grade, scored a 1490/1600 on the 3rd and final time), never had any developmental delays. My brother on the other hand...my mom was very young when she was pregnant with him, didn't drink or smoke anything the whole pregnancy and he ended up with some minor issues...add, social nervousness. Sooo...what happened to me?

All I'm saying is that there is a lot of bs now in the medical world, and if you actually sit down with these doctors and get them to tell you the truth you'll realize all the reports are founded by drug companies with a motive...for you to buy their drugs, not grown your own.

If you wanna know what's worse for your fetus than cannabis....all the fast food, vitamin pills, and pollution in the air. We're sitting here asking if cannabis smoke is bad for your fetus when pregnant women are injesting GMO's everyday that our gov't won't even test and are banned in most places in the world. Wanna know why most of the world banned them...because GMO's are proven to cause birth defects and kill people and the livestock they feed them to.

Doesn't it mean anything that all the things you were taught about cannabis is wrong, and you still are willing to believe the other crap spewed out to you by the gov't. THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY AND OUR GOV'T ARE DIRECTLY LINKED...THE GOV'T REGULATES THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY. These are the same people that openly came out about their mind control studies...if they doing things like that what else are the doing and lying about. It's all about the money people.



Wanna know what is realy gonna affect you child's development....the social setting you're in, the education you give your children, the love you give them, that's what's really gonna affect the growing and developing mind more than anything else. I've been smoking cannabis since I was 12(14 when I started daily smoking) and honestly, my intelligence is a lot higher than most of my friends and colleagues. So what does that have to say about cannabis and brain development? There are so many conflicting reports on this is should a huge slap in the face. When most things that have been studied end up being non-conclusive it's usually because someone doesn't want you to know the truth. Think about it, if something is inconclusive it's usually because that's not the thing causing the problem.

There are lots of other things to worry about then cannabis...something that was a major part of our lives until recently, a staple in our food supply, clothing, industry...changed so quickly and look at what has happened. OUR BRAINS ARE SETUP TO ACCEPT CANNABIS...doesn't that say something. It's part of us, and we are part of it. LIVE, LOVE, BURN.

On a side note...I know I'm not a woman but I do a lot of research about this stuff because our children are very important and the medical industry just exploits us by using our love for our children to gain profit by making up false reports and diagnosing false or inaccurate diseases just so you buy a pill for you kid. Everyone needs to watch these two documentaries:

The Business of Being Born
The Medicated Child

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