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I need help, I can't figure this one out!

They look good dont beat yourself up. Little leaf curl on some but you'll get it worked out. When the roots grow deep the plant may shed its big leaves and grow smaller dark green leaves for flower and is normal.
Commercial farmers dig drainage ditches below the base of the plant. The better water flow allows the PH to often drop back to suitable levels. Might be worth a try if you need better drainage.


Maybe you could up the energy a bit focusing on putting as much energy as you can into foliaring on calcium, and micros in balanced ratios... I have read and have experienced what I thought was an increased ability to metabolize higher EC at the roots if the leaves and stems can suck in some of the harder to absorb nutrients.... That or the higher salts in the leaves pull more moisture from roots... Not sure but seems to help inside.. it might help outside too...


New member
If you are in native red clay and there are oaks around you you probably have fusarium wilt. The plants only started showing signs in the hot part of the season when soil temps raise. The sickness is only on a random side of the plant and it started on the bottom branch. If all that sounds right suppression is all you can do for now get some regalia, rootshield wp and serenade max. After this is all over cover crop with legumes it help fight it off and also fixes nitrogen back into your soil.


Hey guys , sorry it took me some time to give everyone an update, between mending plants and full scale harvest I've been more then busy.

About a month ago I got infested with root eating springtails, onychurus armatus I believe, caused by compact soil and over watering, they eat the capillary root tips.

Anyway long story short I'm most of the way through harvest, no plants died, but some got close. I just wanted to thank everyone who helped me along the way, I do appreciate the advice that everyone gave me.

Hopefully I can get the property i want and be partner less, then next season will be redemption farm 2017!

Thank you all again for the help that was given and if there is something left unanswered let me know and I will try to answer the best I can!? I know i dropped the ball a while back with this thread, but I do want it to be finalized in the hopes it will help others in the future.

Thanks again.


I attached a pic from mid September of the plant that started this thread and a pic of some trimmed bugs from that plant and a big from a plant next to it.

I can't thank everyone enough for the help I received!


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