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Miracle Gro Shows intrest in Medical Marijuana market


Active member
I've used MGMC with mixed results. I had some plants that loved it and thrived well through harvest and others that crashed and burned. I think their time-release chemical fertilizer is too unpredictable to be used in a true med grow where consistency, controllability and predictability are almost priceless. I've never used their organic stuff, though. Results may be different there.

That being said, it's good that a major mainstream company is courting the idea of servicing the cannabis industry. It shows how cannabis is making inroads toward legalization, or at least greater acceptance in the mainstream, once again.

sure guys do you really think that mg or scotts are gonna throw millions at new research and product development?with the madness thats out there right now all they would have to do is change a few ingredients and say;Guaranteed to increase bud size three time what you get now.i dont know maybe you guys are right,I, on the other hand have a big problem with the validity of big business and corporate domination and i really dont think that it will matter from a legal standpoint if they switch or not.The fed is not gonna change its stance because one company starts making cannabis grow products.

If they want to succeed in the medicinal cannabis industry, they had better do their homework and put out a product designed specifically for cannabis. If they don't, their foray into this realm will be very short lived and they would lose a shit-ton of cash in a, potentially, VERY lucrative market segment. If they put out a shit product, people are going to know very quickly and will write off MG as a result. They're not stupid; they know quite well what they're doing when it comes to marketing and research. Also, it should go without saying that losing money isn't in there best interest. I, for one, welcome them into the fold and hope their product is absolutely kick-ass!!!
here is something that might concern you;since 1995 scots has taken over 9 companies not to mention the original miracle grow company its self. It is described as a multi national corporation i see future cannabis specific companies on this same chopping block,even as far as taking over seed companies and obtaining pattens.I mean corporations are devels let them in and they turn the forest into a wall mart parking lot


Active member
For those that seem to have some sort of vendetta against Scotts, perhaps you could describe the MG mix that sucks so bad. I mean, each of you seem to just list MG as the bad mix. There are several MG mixes including potting soil, potting mix, moisture control, organic mix, etc....

DO get off your "I hate capitalists....because people like us are supposed to hate capitalists" kick. And if you are going to throw stones at a product, wouldn't it be better to know what you were talking about? May even be a good thing if you had actually used the product before you trashed it?

The mixes they offer have been formulated to support the sort of grows that their marketing targets. If they purchase a company that is already mixing for cannabis growers, what makes anyone think they would proceed to fuck up the mix?
Wait...I know who...those who make it a point to take on campaigns they really know very little about. Oh, and kids.

I so hate when adult boards get all muddled up with silly kid shit.


I agree with Blugrass! I dont get why other people on this thread are so against them getting into the market. I dont think Scotts or Miracle Gro go to where they are now by making shitty products. They know what they are doing and their baseline miracle gro product caters to the market is was intended to. If they truly decide to cater to the medical marijuana market, i can guarantee they will change their marketing. I think Scott's marketing budget is a tad higher than AN!

And like i said before, Scott's is already in the MMJ world, most just might not know about it. Check out this thread in the Nutes forum, has to do with Jacks/Scotts mixes and people are killing it with this!! I use it in my cab grow. It was the only time I was smiling while buying $100 worth of nutes because i knew this was the last time i bought nutes......ever!! 25kg bag @ 1/2 tsp/gal goes a long way!!

The only product of Scott's I personally have a problem with is the MG organic choice. It isn't the results that I have problems with either but what the main ingredients of organic matter are. You might as well be growing in toxic waste.


Active member
and people complaining they took over smaller companies, more often then not its a godsend to the smaller companies when a big company makes an offer. if its not a good deal they can refuse.. Not everything is some kind of conspiracy


Active member
You mean like temper tantrums and swearing. Actually Scotts in my mind are a very good and very solid company that make extremely good products which are sold at very fair prices. There are very few hydro manufacturers (if any) I would say the same about so if you're slinging insults at me then you have it all wrong. Scotts HydroSol is a very good base for a hydro fertilizer regime but again I would stress that I am sure they will cater for the market with the appropriate products. MG I'm afraid if lacking and needs work but again I would state that Scotts will likely bring other products onto the market and if they don't then good luck to them. They just aren't going to sell much MG to hydro growers (as for soil - screw soil and I won't speak for soil growers). Bottom line you can tell everyone they're wrong but those who have used MG aint listening and no matter how much table thumping you do "say it to the hand".
lol...please give me a break here...
First off, try to realize that there are others posting on the board, and if I direct any comment directly at you, I will address you directly.
"say it to the hand"...lol...again please....

Look, from what I gather MG is looking at purchasing an already established company if they get into this market. Surely you don't think that means that they will start bagging up the same MG in Walmart and start selling it as grow medium for pot?
They are a bit more savvy than that, don't you think?

You know, if a person picks up a bag of MG that states it feeds for several months, and then they proceed to bitch about the taste...well, that person needs to hang out here and learn some more. It is just that simple.
There are already several MG mixes for different applications. To think there won't be one that is specifically formulated for growing pot (if they get into that market) would be ignorant.


Active member
That's where you're wrong ---- Scotts would love to see legalisation. They would not market at all to med unless it was legal on a state basis. Love the fear mongering though.

excuse me for offtopic but this is rubbish.

Comes there total legislation (Means total cannabis freedom) the market of cannabis expands to such degree that kids just stop growing for profit. There comes the real competition for them nutrients, since the REAL quality of weed shall go up big time.

Corporations did alot of calculation on maryjuana several decades ago. Don't you think they can count? That's all corporations do is count. That is the main reason why MJ and especially Hemp as whole is ilegal today, because economically it is just an unprofitable commodity.

Once again I am sorry for offtopic.

Keep it organic and simple. Peace


Active member
and people complaining they took over smaller companies, more often then not its a godsend to the smaller companies when a big company makes an offer. if its not a good deal they can refuse.. Not everything is some kind of conspiracy

Next thing you are going to convience me is how caring about their consumers corporations are ...

Again. Big Corporations concentrate on Volume and Marketing. Not Quality. that's a fact. Comes there legalization - overall weed quality goes up. MG shares go down.

Such corporations profit on existance of black market big time. Why do you think my local hydrostore made more money, than a HUGE super market? Exactly because there is no competition at the time.

Again I repeat: Corporations profit on MJ being ilegal.


Active member
Again. Big Corporations concentrate on Volume and Marketing. Not Quality. that's a fact.
Before you start calling more rubbish (of which I agreed with) you may want to start a neater pile of your own trash.
Quality is indeed a very big variable when it comes to developing a business plan for any product or service. A firm plan in place would have taken account for the level of quality they put into the product vs the revenue effectiveness.

You know, rubber tire companies can produce passenger car tires that can last up to and over 300,000 miles. This I know. But do they? Hell no they don't. They need us back in less than 100k miles so they can keep up their revenues. They could offer these tires to the public, but the cost is way more than the general public will pay, even if they do last and last and last. They weighed all this out when deciding on what the composition of the rubber compounds for their products are, and how long they want them to last. The amount of miles that tires normally get now is where the market drove them to.
As far as the 300,000 miles tires...they do exist. Michelin for one puts such tires on their own fleet big wheel trucks.
Are we mad because they don't offer those to us?
Can we safely state that Michelin is a crappy tire company putting out less than the best?


Active member

Quality of product is the least important aspect of establishing ANY business. Sad, but it is the truth. McDonalds does not make the best hamburgers in the world. They sure do make a nice business with real estate and franschise.
CocaCola isn't the best drink in the world either. The brand tho sells like crazy, that's a fact.
I agree, there are GREAT corporations that make TOP quality products and that is why they are TOP companies in the world. But that does not include the niche of MJ Nutes nowadays.

And to put it simple. Who do you think makes a better product a corporation of 10000 men put to make just one product. Men who are paid a boring salary of say 10$ an hour or so. Or say 3 men who are very dedicated?

Corporations will alway prioritize Volumes over Quality. Otherwise why would they need to grow and counquer new markets? And the more the growth - the worse the product, because more men are put to new unaquainted objectives.

So think twice.

Product is just a top of Iceberk as Robert Kiyosaki says.


stone fool
I support a global boycott of all Scott garden products, with good reason.

If you work for Scotts, can you smoke weed? Fuck no, they not only drug test for weed, but they also drug test for tobacco. If you work for them, they own you 24//7, you can not smoke weed or tobacco, not even in your own home. This is not just pre-employment testing either, they inforce this policy. This is the policy of that prick ceo, he is the worst kind of corporate overlord, and unamerican.

And I used mg for a couple years, you can not flush it to clean smoke, passible, but not clean.

Fuck Scotts - support the global boycott of all their products!

the way i see it if you think that mg is good for growing cannabis in then your dumb,and ya i think it would suck if these companies that have been so against cannabis and its cultivation,suddenly want to take over what we have struggled so hard to build .The only kid shit I see here is your maturity level when it comes to knowing something.you assume a lot and demonstrate your ignorance of real issues and I dont got any problem saying it.


Active member
Lol - this crap makes me laugh the most. who struggled hard? There were high profits for a bunch of mung nuts to make so we jumped in. You really think we are some kind of unified group of freedom fighters? Grow up!

You certainly aren't, sir. Yet many of us do share a picture of freedom in our ideas. And yes we do like to be a counterweight to them corporations.
Look at say icmag's organic soil forum for instance. JayKush, Suby, mad librettist, vonforne and others with their knowledge put a HUGE splinter right in the heart of corporations.
Why? Because people with help of those noble minds I mentioned can get educated enough not to be dependent upon the predatory market of corporations.

So, not fighters, no. A natural counterweight.


Active member
Did you know that organics is a 30 billion market alone in the US? So should we boycott organics?

And no weed growers aren't predatory fer F's sake!!! Jesus - Then start selling your pounds for the same price as a pound of tomatoes. Again - grow up! Weed growers are the greediest bastards in the market. Face the facts.

before jumping in with acusations, you might want to check on your reading skills. I did not call weed market predatory(although trust me at some parts of the world it is nothing but that)

And as you keep on suggesting to people to grow up, might you first learn to talk on a distant topic without personally ofending anyone and trying to devote that energy to the subject of the matter instead.

And buy the way. In a 100% free world average weed is almost free, because it grows everywhere. That is what corporations hate to see happening.

As for organics market. See... Another good example of how corporations want to profit on something that is actually almost free or is much cheaper in reality.


Active member
the way i see it if you think that mg is good for growing cannabis in then your dumb,and ya i think it would suck if these companies that have been so against cannabis and its cultivation,suddenly want to take over what we have struggled so hard to build .The only kid shit I see here is your maturity level when it comes to knowing something.you assume a lot and demonstrate your ignorance of real issues and I dont got any problem saying it.
Right off the bat....just what MG mix are your talking about? Do you even have a friggin clue as to what mixes they offer at present? Have you grown in them all? Hell no you haven't. I would suspect a smart person like you to not have even tried any of it at all.
And I see you are real smart...because when you call someone "dumb" it is usually a show of just how smart you are. Take for example the word you used; "your" as in "your dumb". See, Jr...it is "you're dumb".
Now a fifth grader knows more than you do.
So, are we supposed to think you just spouted off something of value, or just spouting off ignorant shit? The latter is obvious.
You "don't got any problem saying it" but you seem to have other problems that point to you not having much on the ball.
Before you drop trou in the ring to show off your junk, you should probably realize that you need to be hung better than a two year old child to win the prize.
DO try to get a grip, and when you go back in the fall, try your best to absorb at least some of what they are trying to teach you.
Maybe when you grow up you will have something to grip, but as of now it's obvious you are still using thumb and forefinger.


Active member
Right off the bat....just what MG mix are your talking about? Do you even have a friggin clue as to what mixes they offer at present? Have you grown in them all? Hell no you haven't. I would suspect a smart person like you to not have even tried any of it at all.
And I see you are real smart...because when you call someone "dumb" it is usually a show of just how smart you are. Take for example the word you used; "your" as in "your dumb". See, Jr...it is "you're dumb".
Now a fifth grader knows more than you do.

Dude, he didn't call anyone dumb directly. He just expressed his opinion which seems to be touching the topic. You, however made a wall of text full of insults.


Active member
Just where is it that weed is free again??

Ditch weed or just any even good quality weed grown outside without care will be free in a 100% free world where there are no boundaries. It's theoretically speaking you know. It's what should happen if ever a 100% legalization kicks in. It's a dreamworld for now.
The only weed that would cost anything would be a well grown high quality weed.

Adam Smith once said: the cost of any good should be measured by the amount of Labour and quality of skill applied.
So that means that in such a world a product will be valued equivalently to it's quality.

That's not the case of real world today however. Marketing and Branding have overtaken it.

And if you travel alot you should see how in civilised countries people are more dependent on brands than those of poor countries of traditional economy.

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