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Smoking with your pets? Opinions? Share your stories?



dont ever let your pets get ahold of hash. it is messy. as far as bud my dog will eat it off the table.

Cookie monster

pets have TWO types of behavior, instinctual & learned. instinctual behavior would normally tell an animal to flee from smoke/fire, learned behavior on the other hand might attract your pet to you when you get stoned.

when you get your pants on, grab the house keys and the leash your dog KNOWS it's going for a walk and will act excited, but let's say instead of walking your dog you BEAT it every time with that leash it would run away from you anytime you grabbed your pants; if you did the pants/keys/leash thing and then sat down to a long casual breakfast every morning BEFORE walking your dog it would have a near zero reaction to you grabbing your pants. Learned behavior.

Finally, you sit and get stoned at home with your pet(s) present, you're very likely @ your mellowest, sitting in your favorite chair or couch and almost certainly willing to share those mellow vibes with your best furry buddy, it's no friggin' wonder your pet is attracted to you when you get high, YOU (whoever you are) have mistaken this learned behavior as some sort of acceptance or even yearning for cannabis in your pets.

If every time you got high you sat and glared & yelled at your TV set for an hour your dog wouldn't come near you nor would it run from you knowing your anger would be vented elsewhere, it would have ZERO interest in weed.

If you beat that dog with your bong do you still think it would still come running for a 'hit', I don't friggin' think so, it would run the other way when you reached for the bong.

OK, so now you think your buddy wants to get high so you buzz him up while he's sitting near you, he makes some faces, licks his nose and squints his eyes while you already being stoned laugh heartily. You've now LOCKED him into your world, if it's one thing animals know & understand it's human emotions, laughter and joy are contagious so expect your animal to greet your bong with this learned behavior and wanting the reward of your best love after putting up with having smoke blown in its face.

Your pet doesn't want to get high at all, it only desires the extra love & affection it gets based on your rituals. Learned behavior.

stop getting your pets high, they really don't have any choice in the matter.

but hey that's just my .02 worth.......

This post should be made a sticky.

Flying Goat

My best milk goat, Pearl, gave birth on 5 May to a lovely little doeling we have named Maya. We allowed Pearl to have time away from the rest of the "herd," letting her stay in the front yard & porch area...

Unfortunately, Pearl wandered... No, she didn't molest our veggie garden, surrounded by electric fence...

She stuck her head into our boat where I had put a few plants out to catch some sun... She munched down on my favorite female Blue Mystic, taking 1/2 its mass - it WAS 2-1/2 feet tall & at least that big across - bushy. No longer... It has been reduced to 1/2 its former glory... <insert goat burp here>

My LA Woman has been consumed entirely, even tho it was surrounded with a 3 ft. fence... And my Wess' Wonder Weed has been reduced in mass to 1/2 it's previous size...

No wonder she wanted a nap that afternoon!

Interesting to note - she did not even taste my herbs - oregano, rosemary, or thyme, altho I know she loves rosemary. She never even touched the tomatoes or catnip (another favorite) or the blueberries or poke salad... Nibbled just a tad on the taters (which are growing in a cage outside the fence), but ATE THE SHIT out of my precious Blue Mystic & WWW!

She knew what she wanted & went for it. Maybe some postnatal birthing aches or what? She does not like the smoke, but if you pull out your stash, beware! Naughty, naughty goat!


LOL bad goat!! They'll munch on just about anything but why your poor plants! There was some plants growing in the manure pile out in the horse pasture at my mums. They should have built a fence. LOL


Sorcerer's Apprentice
This post should be made a sticky.

I agree that there is much wisdom in this post....

But I've also seen a cat come up to a smoking pipe as it sat at the table and delicately sniff at it. He knew what it was. Smoke was not forced on him. (catnip was offered and often accepted.)

But I agree. Don't force animals or people to smoke with you.


By accident my shiba Inu got a hold of a haschcookie.
When it started to work, she was sitting in sitposition and just wobbeld back and forth.
I felt really bad for her and it never happened again.
When I smoke a joint I never blow it in their face because it can´t be good for respiratory reasons.


This post should be made a sticky.

Thank you so much fr this awesome article. Everybody who ones a pet should read it because so many people I know blow smoke in their pets faces.
I hate it because the pets are so helpless.

I also want it as a sticky!!!!!


I do agree on the learned behavior aspect, of course my buddy wants to be around when I've been smoking, we chill on the couch and he gets cuddles. However, I can say that smoke has never been forced upon the little guy. Birds have the intelligence of a 2-3 year old child, and have distinct likes and dislikes. Goes crazy for grape juice, strawberries, melon, bread. Hates nuts of any kind, and is actually physically affraid of bananas (don't get that one... he was an adopted bird) won't eat citrus and doesn't like blueberries. I only smoke in my bathroom with the window open, and he will fly out of the room if I light a cigarette. But he does seem very attracted to the smell of weed, and definately likes the taste of it. I don't take him out and have sessions with him like he's my smoking buddy. however, I find his affinity to the stuff very strong. I've had many animals over the years and never encountered one that liked it like him, dogs that mysteriously always appear when you're smoking, and cats that seem to find scraps on the table any time you happen to leave them out, but not one that puts on a one man band operation just to get at the stuff. He actually gets left in the cage the majority of the time til I'm done with the smokin thing just because he's that persistent that its right irritating trying to stick his beak in my face, chew on my doobie, or go for the pipe bowl, he's likely to get burned somehow if I don't put him away. Forget watering in the closet if you want anybody to not be ripped at. He can fly and has taken to flying right into the closet and landing on top of a plant. Bad birdie. I just felt a little like I was being called an animal abuser or something because my guys have the best life I can give them and they're healthy and happy. I don't blow shotguns for my finches and I don't hotbox my bathroom with my cat. but I thought I'd contribute a funny story if I could, my little buddy has got the personality of a little kid buzzing around on a sugar high naturally without my help. As tempting as it is be to sedate him sometimes... I don't medicate my pets.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I want to thank you all for the good vibes, reps & the confidence of being able to reach out to the members that see the common sense to the scenario I've described & quoted below.

pets have TWO types of behavior, instinctual & learned. instinctual behavior would normally tell an animal to flee from smoke/fire, learned behavior on the other hand might attract your pet to you when you get stoned.

when you get your pants on, grab the house keys and the leash your dog KNOWS it's going for a walk and will act excited, but let's say instead of walking your dog you BEAT it every time with that leash it would run away from you anytime you grabbed your pants; if you did the pants/keys/leash thing and then sat down to a long casual breakfast every morning BEFORE walking your dog it would have a near zero reaction to you grabbing your pants. Learned behavior.

Finally, you sit and get stoned at home with your pet(s) present, you're very likely @ your mellowest, sitting in your favorite chair or couch and almost certainly willing to share those mellow vibes with your best furry buddy, it's no friggin' wonder your pet is attracted to you when you get high, YOU (whoever you are) have mistaken this learned behavior as some sort of acceptance or even yearning for cannabis in your pets.

If every time you got high you sat and glared & yelled at your TV set for an hour your dog wouldn't come near you nor would it run from you knowing your anger would be vented elsewhere, it would have ZERO interest in weed.

If you beat that dog with your bong do you still think it would still come running for a 'hit', I don't friggin' think so, it would run the other way when you reached for the bong.

OK, so now you think your buddy wants to get high so you buzz him up while he's sitting near you, he makes some faces, licks his nose and squints his eyes while you already being stoned laugh heartily. You've now LOCKED him into your world, if it's one thing animals know & understand it's human emotions, laughter and joy are contagious so expect your animal to greet your bong with this learned behavior and wanting the reward of your best love after putting up with having smoke blown in its face.

Your pet doesn't want to get high at all, it only desires the extra love & affection it gets based on your rituals. Learned behavior.

stop getting your pets high, they really don't have any choice in the matter.

but hey that's just my .02 worth.......
a friend of mine has a dog w/epilepsy, when it has a convulsion he blows a toke of weed into the dogs ear, usually within a minute the seizure ceases. This to me is an acceptable form of cannabis medication for a pet or animal.

If you really need someone to get high with check your local Craigs List ads.......


Flying Goat

OK, so you're saying that when I'm visiting with friends/rellies & chilling with a nice fat one while admiring our handsome donkey... I'm supposed to refuse him smoke if he comes over to be social?

I would NEVER blow in his face, but if he sticks his 35 lb. head over the barbed wire to try to grab my hooter, what's a girl to do? Wish I had pix of little old me blowing smoke toward my 500 lb donkey & him straining to access it over the barbed wire fence...

It's only out of kindness I move nearer the fence... Seriously, he could rip my face off if he wanted to - yes, he bites! But all he wants is my 2nd-hand smoke from the blessed herb... Who am I to deny him? He spontaneously began to exhibit this behavior 3 months after we adopted him... He would come to hang out with us as we'd sit on the rock wall & visit... Then, he'd receive peppermints & hand-plucked taste treats like dandelions... But he'd ignore those in favor of hassling whoever had the joint... Amazing! As if I could FORCE a 500 lb donkey to do anything - from the opposite side of a barbed wire fence! A 1/2-crippled old lady like me!

My goats are the same... Most don't choose to indulge, but the herd sire is different... He EXPECTS it in the evenings after milking time... If we're out in the garden & don't attend - he CALLS us over!

I would NEVER force anything on an animal (unless restraint was required for medical attention), but I do like to give them little treats from time to time...

Only ONE of my cats likes smoke. The coon will chase you until you provide, but only ONE of the cats & ONE of the dogs has chosen to indicate any interest...

Not that I need anyone to get high with... BTW, I hold my animals in much higher esteem that most 2-leggeds...


when i first harvest or make butter my staffy loves it because there is always something he seems to get a hold of.
in one week he managed to steal a cookie then some bud and another cookie within days of
each other,when he does it its a case of oh,no not again because thats him in the house
till the next day and when you do take him out its embarsing if some one see,s how long
he is pee-ing for with him trying to hold up his leg up wobbling all over the place.
he always trys to snatch buds and i some times find chewed up ones on his bed.
we really try hard to not let him get stoned but he try,s hard to get stoned.
he also eats the roaches.


well quick lil story.. My neighbor has two dogs boxer & pitbull. Well these are just backyard dogs. I rately see him out there with them or feeding them.. i dont see a water bucket.. So i always when outside gettin high cos my 6yr old is to dayum nosey.. i take left over food and feed them. NOW i know table food is not good for them BUT, either is dieing of hunger or dehydration.. So anyhow as soon as i open the door they are hangin over the fence paws over like they are at the bar...

I also noticed when we get home and they, the neighbor dogs hear us after were inside i can hear the pitbull barking and yelping. If i look out the window he is hanging over the wall looking at the door.. Wanting food.. And NOW im starting to think puffage, cos i do get him high, the boxer wants not to partake. but the pitty loves it... so we puff and eat together.. lmfao.. Also this bastard used to hate me, and never NEVER ever let me even get close to pettin him, now he allows it.. I still dont trust him fully but were gettin tight like that.. I sometimes blow puffs at my pitbull he done mind it he chills with me doesnt bounce.. Anyhow puff puff puff pass over to tuffy the pitbull felon... peace n puffs..


thank you for helping your neigbour dogs out, this is awesome from you to do. That´s how I ended up with my dog. The neighbours stoppes feeding her right after she had 8 puppies.
Wondering arround with them till they were gone. And those bustards wouldn´t feed her for nothing, a chain rapped arround her neck on a pole with 8 puppies no water and no food.
We need m o r e people like you:thank you:


OK, so now you think your buddy wants to get high so you buzz him up while he's sitting near you, he makes some faces, licks his nose and squints his eyes while you already being stoned laugh heartily. You've now LOCKED him into your world, if it's one thing animals know & understand it's human emotions, laughter and joy are contagious so expect your animal to greet your bong with this learned behavior and wanting the reward of your best love after putting up with having smoke blown in its face.

Your pet doesn't want to get high at all, it only desires the extra love & affection it gets based on your rituals. Learned behavior.

stop getting your pets high, they really don't have any choice in the matter.

Wise words, Cookie Monster. I wish more people had this rational train of thought...


i Am SoFaKiNg WeTod DiD
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i came homw to this shit . he rolls his own now. 14 years young and lovin life on the couch now enjoyin retirement. shoots blanks now but i still let him tryt.loves his pot n bitches.


Our chow mixed breed when we went camping, I would blow a couple of hits into his mouth nose , by taking a hit cupping hands around his big nose & blow, he would only let you do it a couple times then he would walk away & lay down , but a little while later you hear crunching & look over & he would be scarfing down his food , munchies I guess. I don't think it hurt him , hell he was 14 years old when we had to put him down.


New member
My dog not like the smoke. It sneezing very funny. This happened at any smoke, weed or tobacco... He not sneezing never at cold air, but at smoke he did it twice or three times, in rapid sequence...
Dogs have some sort of instinctual relationship with weed, not everything is learned. When I first started smoking, I bought my first 1/8. Put it in tupperware within two baggies on a shelf. My German Shep found it while I was at work and ate half. I really hadn't introduced mj to him earlier as I was discovering it myself. Now, he doesn't care so much for buds as he does for live plants. He LOVES my plants and gets very upset if I go down to them without him. He's eaten a few seedlings too... wasn't so cute that time. ;)