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Heart Attack Proof...


So I saw a story on CNN about this guy dr. caldwell esselstyn who says with a low fat/no nuts/no oil added vegan diet you can actually reverse heart disease and prevent it from ever occuring...

So I bought his book called Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease...was like 10 bucks...cheap on amazon.

This shit blew my mind...all of the studies coming out recently about how animal protein is the root cause of alot of cancers and diseases ect...as well as how even extra virgin olive oil has enough saturated fat in it to clog your arteries.

I've been a no holds barred carnivore/milk/cheese guy for my whole life and i'm 36....I've been starting to worry about my health the last year or two...

So...I was sold...switched my diet 18 days ago today...

In that time I've gone from 247lbs to 230lbs....without working out at all...just changed my diet...

I also found out that I've basicly been constipated my whole life and had no idea...sounds gross but my shits are now epic...so easy and so huge...and I truly undestand the term "regular" now..

My energy has gone through the roof...my skin is really really soft and healthy (i know...sounds kinda gay)...my hands used to get shaky if I hadn't eatin in a while and I would get dizzy...(think I was starting to become diabetic or something was going on)....and that is totally gone now...

Now...benefits for my wife...

I don't sweat as much as I used to...and when I do...it doesn't smell...my farts no longer smell at all....my skin is not oily at all....and I can go much longer in the sack before tiring out lol.

I am now a low fat vegan for life.

The craziest part...in 2-3 years...I'll probably be down to like 170.....I weighed 185 in highschool...

I'll update as I go....me and the olady took some before and after shots (she's on it to....she's tiny 5"2"...started at 118lbs now 113lbs and her stomach has tightened up considerably in just 2 weeks).....so maybe I'll post em once all is said and done...


sweet dude, glad you and the mrs made a change...my girl and i have blth quit tobbaco, and i try to cook good food with veg everyday, its hard with a days work too, but i try hard. i think in time we will have to overhaul the whole diet. :yes:

The majority of food we are programmed to consume are non required/detrimental to health. :nono:

Please keep us posted.:lurk:


Ya...Ornish's isn't nearly as strict though...and we went all in...

Basicly it goes like this...my wife and everyone in her family lives to be a bazillion...

Everyone in my family dies of heart disease or cancer before 70....

So...figure why not remove the common denominator between me and my family history....

Finding out you can live heart disease and cancer free regardless of family history is a huge deal for me lol...

Its amazing how easy its been to cook like this...I feel like a damn chef lately...and the food bill has been cut in half because taco bell and kfc a couple times a week adds up...


I eat tons of beans...rice...veggies and fruit...

An example of dinner....yesterday we had homemade veggie burgers and baked french fries...make the burger out of black beans...some flour...rice....nutritional yeast...flax sead meal...mushrooms and jalapenos....

Mixed it all up in a food processor and fried it on a pan that I sprayed with cooking oil then wiped it off so only a tiny layer of the spray was left...

It was really really good...

I've also made a pineapple/mango salsa that we poured over rice and had beans on the side...

It sounds boring..but I gotta be honest...I went from only tasting like 10 different flavors to tasting hundreds...

I'll never go back...it is the cure...

And believe me...a year ago I would of laughed my ass off if you said I was gonna be a low fat vegan in a year...

I love steak...nothing better than bloody ribeye. I used to be the guy that would steal the fat off other peoples plates that they cut off their steak...

But after realizing what that animal fat and protein do to the human body....its was a no brainer..


Active member
heres a traditional shaolin diet ,i tryed it its tough to follow for westerners cause it basicly deals with fresh foods,so it can get expensive of course not if your on a farm.
im gonna give it another go ,soon.
when i tried it i felt really energentic,and felt alot lighter ,and i dont think ive felt any intestinal discomfort on it whatsoever.it makes you feel goooood.


h^2 O

hmm that's not too bad...I could swing that. I really need exercise too.


Active member
Re: Heart Attack Proof...

I went paleo about 4 months ago...along with crossfit 5 days a week...has made me a believer. Say goodbye to pizza, chips, processed food...i recently started cutting out diet soda. Cavemen never had obesity, heart disease...or any of the type x diseases that we have come to acquire in only the last 10000 years...which coincides with the advent of modern agriculture

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ruger 500
heart attack

heart attack

hew alaskia did you know there was a studie was done on the eskimos and heart disease and found there was none ,not one case,they surmise two things to there health ,high fish oil consumption wale blubber and such and ph of the bodie fluids ,no sodas and such ,google ph studies that revese bad eye vision in less than two weeks ,

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^this is all fine and dandy but make sure you get enough iron, and protein. otherwise you will die just as badly as a heart attack.

Protein is responsible for the evolution of the human brain. Meat made us smarter, but just like everything humans have taken it way too far.


Active member
ICMag Donor
^this is all fine and dandy but make sure you get enough iron, and protein. otherwise you will die just as badly as a heart attack.

Protein is responsible for the evolution of the human brain. Meat made us smarter, but just like everything humans have taken it way too far.

meat didn't make us smarter,our branch of the monkey tree ate magic mushrooms thats what caused us to seperate from cheeta...


Active member
everything in moderation. i eat lots of veggies and fruits but i wouldnt want to live off em solely. veggie burgers aint worth firing up the charcaol grill . yuck and i have tried several


So whadayu eat for breakfast, dinner, and lunch? Do you have to cook every day?
The standard western diet makes you bigger and taller and our lifespan has been steadily increasing; so it's definitely not all that bad.
One of the advantage of your low fat, low calorie diet is that it can make you live longer. They call it calorie restriction. Takes too much discipline though.