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Vote NO to legalize cannabis....Or else

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I sometimes wonder how many of the bootlegger gangsters back in 1933 were going around telling people to "vote NO on amendment 21."

Indeed. As with any change, there will be some losers. With legalization, there are obviously a helluva lot more winners.

In CO, the only losers so far are outlaw growers, and it's become a helluva lot harder to bust them because of the personal growing provisions of A64. The smell of pot, smoking or growing, is not grounds for a search warrant. That's huge. For John Q Stoner, there's no bullshit- just pop into a nearby shop, show your ID, make your selection, pay up & leave happy. The med scene hasn't changed much at all, other than some municipalities getting goofy. Personal growers can stick to plant count limits for a totally low stress experience. Small growers were previously sitting ducks.

It's less than perfect, but it'll do rather nicely for the vast majority.

I did get a laugh out of the "Well, most people only get probation!" comment earlier. It's still a huge PITA getting busted & a real trick bag to boot. Mandatory appearances for the probation officer & piss tests, too. Privacy? You don't have any. Screw up at all & clang! You're in jail. Second offense? Now you're their bitch for sure, & they luvs fuckin' their bitches. Your property can easily become their property, and they can give you the giant cornholio just to see the look on your face. Not here. Not anymore. Stay legal & stay happy, Libertarian illusions not withstanding.


Active member
I sometimes wonder how many of the bootlegger gangsters back in 1933 were going around telling people to "vote NO on amendment 21."

And look how that turned out!!
People are still going to PRISON for making their own liquor ..right?

Just take a look at big tobacco..The government protected us from any poisons added to that product without our knowledge...No they did not!

Would it not be the same for cannabis??

No... they will never ever let that happen again cause they care so much about the people of the USA.

So if it legal..... you will still go to jail for being in possession of cannabis not grown by the government!
So now you are in jail for the same thing you voted to legalize.

You guys are all Totally missing my point and trying to discredit me by slanderous suggestions as if that somehow changes the facts.

I am all for legalization as long as it will not be run by the likes of the ATF
And I still get to choose what put into my body...not the government of Big Pharm.
To me that part is a no brainer!

Also seems strange the way some have responded it would seem a little suspect to me as this is a cannabis site.

I am just trying to make people aware of what has already happened in other states!


Active member
Here it is legal and they are unhappy with the results!
That should speak much louder than an uninformed opinion or someone that has not experienced it first hand!

Rally To Save Medical Cannabis In Washington State

When: June 19, 2013, 12 noon

Where: The State Capitol campus, Olympia

Why: The Washington State House and Senate have both added budget amendments that, if passed, will turn control of medical cannabis over to the control of the same Liquor Control board that has publicly stated that medical cannabis is the biggest external threat to the success of their recreational pot stores. The goal of the legislation is to “bring medical cannabis laws into compliance with I-502”. That’s a solution that just won’t work for patients.

What will bringing medical cannabis into compliance with I-502 likely mean to patients?

-If patients must “conform” to I-502, they will be limited to one ounce, just like recreational users.

-They will pay the same 25%+25%+25%+10%+ tax rate as recreational users.

-They will lose their right to personal grows.

-They will lose their right to collective growing, which will also eliminate all the current access points for those that don’t grow, leaving them without medication.

That’s not all!

-They will further restrict doctor recommendations for patients, making it nearly impossible for most patients to get legal recommendations.

-They will set a 21 year old age limit for patients, leaving thousands of sick young people without access to medication and force them to choose between driving or complying with I-502’s “zero tolerance” policy for DUID.

It is not the fault of medical cannabis patients, nor their access points, that the legislature has failed to work with us to come up with common sense regulations. Turning control of our medicine over to the state’s liquor distributor and taxing our medication is certainly not an acceptable solution. We must convince our legislators to work with patients, not the LCB, to come up with solutions that will work for everyone and will not punish patients simply for their choice of medicine.

If you can’t attend the rally, please contact your two Representatives and your Senator. Here’s where you can go to find out who they are and how to contact them: http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/

You can also express your concerns to your legislators by calling the legislative hotline at: 1-800-562-6000

The message is simple: We don’t want the Liquor Control Board, the states’ liquor distributor, writing rules for controlling medical cannabis and we want that provision stricken from the state budget bill.

If you don’t take action, this could very well be the end of medical cannabis.

For further information on the rally or how you can help, please call: 206-612-9044 or send an email to steve@cannacare.org

State Capitol Campus Parking Information

Campus Map


Active member
The horse is dead on this debate. It has to be.

The simple answer is regulate it like alcohol. Done. Now everybody get busy!

If alcohol taxes went berserk and it was $500 for 1/5 would you want to make your own for pennies?
If you do you will be imprisoned..Seem Fair?

If cannabis prices reach $800 would you not want to make your own?

Should a man go to the penitentiary for this...no way!

They can not tax your personal grow or charge you a unfair price if you can make it yourself!

That is where the problem was in Canada...the government wanted more money so they just changed the rules to better make money!

If I was the owner of a dispensary I would have a sign in the window stating my product was guaranteed to be contaminant free or your money back!
Poor business practices will put a company out of business fast

History shows hand made products and small companies usually have the best craftsmanship...no?

Remember I am on your side!!
We see the nasty side of legalization already....could it be done right ....sure.

Will it? ...not so far!

I said all I can say ...do the research or hold you head in the sand and say it is not happing.

Peace to all
:smoke out:


Señor Member
If cannabis prices reach $800 would you not want to make your own?

Should a man go to the penitentiary for this...no way

What world are you living in, man? People are going to the penitentiary for this RIGHT NOW. Legalization will only make that number drop drastically. I want whatever you're smoking.
Is it not obvious to everyone where this is headed? Why are the dominoes falling so fast for medical marijuana, and yet edibles are under heavy fire? Why is a THC to CBD ratio considered unique novel and useful permitting patents and copyrights. It is rumored that genetic modification has been successfully applied to cannabis so that clones can't be made and viable seeds won't be generated. It's the very same strategy that has been applied to soy beans, corn , sugar beets, etc placing 90% of world control in the hands of one company. Genetic control coupled w enforcement through civil lawsuits for copyright infringement and IMF loan compliance in poorer countries also criminal penalties will lead to plea deals disclosing identity of bigger growers will be the effective mechanisms eliminating grower diversity. Every one I hope is aware of push in EU for laws eliminating buy sell or trade of seeds of all plants unless on list and then royalty must be paid. The toll bells are ringing and every step in this game recently has made consolidation and homogenization all the easier. I am sure that big seed companies and distribution web sites have been approached re: buyout and we won't know until damage is done. The whole Iraguay fiasco is only trial run for bigger fish to poison. If you don't see this playing out then start paying attention cause private prisons will replace possessors with growers and they are setting us up for failure now.
sorry but this is just pure idiocy plain n simple.
There is no debate on the subject, just those who would like to pretend there's 1 so they can keep profiting as much as possible.

simple argument of "If you grow when it's illegal for yourself, what stops you once it's legal n the sky has fallen chicken shittle?"
Answer is NOTHING.
Shows exactly how absurd this idiocy of "don't vote to legalise" is.

Only greedy fucks n the idiots following their lead don't want to legalise.
I've 0 intention of paying much attention to either, not like they can stop anything the gov itself couldn't stop anyhow so fuck 'em.
See all of yas with common sense in the future, Darwinism can take care of the rest.

Point of last ramble was that the powers that be love creating consumers while eliminating all but a few producers. Legalization will not include personal growing unless personal growers form better lobby. I hope so but we are talking about a bunch of stoners. Hmmm


Active member
I am living in the real world based on facts....you?

Yes I know people are going to jail now...I got that you keep saying that.
What would make you think I am so ignorant that I do not realize people are going to jail for cannabis and you need to repeat it?

With your current train of thought people will still go to jail just for a different reason..same cannabis.
where is the gain there?
Decriminalization maybe; This would keep all those people you are so worried about from being imprisoned for a plant....you must be against that for some reason as it has been brought up several time and you have not even acknowledged it once?...Hmmm

And you think the only solution to this is legalization??
Try to think outside the box.
I provided you with loads of real life examples of how it has not been effective in the past yet you ignore the truth...strange!
I also provided you with up to the minute details of other places that have already legalized it and are unhappy cause it is not working to the satisfaction of the majority.
Yet you continue to ignore this too.
or at least comment on it.

Here is a question for ya!

What are the many benefits of legalization over decriminalization?

If you refuse to provide facts to back your argument then it is all just hot air and I have no time for fact less opinion!


Active member
Is it not obvious to everyone where this is headed? Why are the dominoes falling so fast for medical marijuana, and yet edibles are under heavy fire? Why is a THC to CBD ratio considered unique novel and useful permitting patents and copyrights. It is rumored that genetic modification has been successfully applied to cannabis so that clones can't be made and viable seeds won't be generated. It's the very same strategy that has been applied to soy beans, corn , sugar beets, etc placing 90% of world control in the hands of one company. Genetic control coupled w enforcement through civil lawsuits for copyright infringement and IMF loan compliance in poorer countries also criminal penalties will lead to plea deals disclosing identity of bigger growers will be the effective mechanisms eliminating grower diversity. Every one I hope is aware of push in EU for laws eliminating buy sell or trade of seeds of all plants unless on list and then royalty must be paid. The toll bells are ringing and every step in this game recently has made consolidation and homogenization all the easier. I am sure that big seed companies and distribution web sites have been approached re: buyout and we won't know until damage is done. The whole Iraguay fiasco is only trial run for bigger fish to poison. If you don't see this playing out then start paying attention cause private prisons will replace possessors with growers and they are setting us up for failure now.
Finally facts


Active member
Point of last ramble was that the powers that be love creating consumers while eliminating all but a few producers. Legalization will not include personal growing unless personal growers form better lobby. I hope so but we are talking about a bunch of stoners. Hmmm

I agree!


Active member
And look how that turned out!!
People are still going to PRISON for making their own liquor ..right?

Just take a look at big tobacco..The government protected us from any poisons added to that product without our knowledge...No they did not!

Would it not be the same for cannabis??

No... they will never ever let that happen again cause they care so much about the people of the USA.

So if it legal..... you will still go to jail for being in possession of cannabis not grown by the government!
So now you are in jail for the sane thing you voted to legalize.

You guys are all Totally missing my point and trying to discredit me by slanderous suggestions as if that somehow changes the facts.

I am all for legalization as long as it will not be run by the likes of the ATF
And I still get to choose what put into my body...not the government of Big Pharm.
To me that part is a no brainer!

Also seems strange the way some have responded it would seem a little suspect to me as this is a cannabis site.

I am just trying to make people aware of what has already happened in other states!

I'm having trouble getting any of that to match with personal experience here in CO. We don't have to buy govt weed. It's legal to grow our own w/ simple plant count limitations. There's no home possession limit, either, for any amount you could conceivably have grown there. We can carry around up to an ounce for no reason whatsoever, give it away, & share it. Buy it right over the counter, too. No med card games unless you elect to play, either.

There's a whole long list of chemicals disallowed in the production of retail cannabis, as well. Outlaw growers have no such considerations unless they're self imposed.

And, uhh, here in Denver I could toke up on my front porch if I had a mind to & the cops can't bother me, because it's my property. To my knowledge, that's not true everywhere in CO.

I'm just an old Hippie from the 60's- you know, back when any amount in possession was a felony. But I'm listening, so go ahead, tell me just how fucked up this deal really is, OK?
Gram paw Smurf - there will be a very fundamental difference in that there has not been a profit motive for big business to pressure govt to enforce. When legal and big busines sees big profits enforcement of grow laws will be out on overdrive and the civil and criminal penalties will be severe enough to deter. The pot will be genetically marked and black market product will be obvious. A million dollar fine coupled with 10 year prison sentence would shut down many growers. You need look no further than farmers at home to see how easy enforcement can be when big business chases big profit. There has been like two civil lawsuits filed a day by Monsanto against farmers in the US for copyright infringement over last two years and Monsamto is 177 - 0 in those suits and the farmers are left bankrupt. Game over


Active member
sorry but this is just pure idiocy plain n simple.
There is no debate on the subject, just those who would like to pretend there's 1 so they can keep profiting as much as possible.

I am not saying a word about profit..how absurd of you to say so!
Just wast to hold on to my right to grow legally!
And I do grow legally

simple argument of "If you grow when it's illegal for yourself, what stops you once it's legal n the sky has fallen chicken shittle?"
Answer is NOTHING.
Shows exactly how absurd this idiocy of "don't vote to legalise" is.
I am growing legally now legalizing would take that away and send me to prison for doing what is currently legal.

That is why it would be extremely absurd and complete idiocy to vote to legalize it.

Only greedy fucks n the idiots following their lead don't want to legalise.
Or people that just do not wat to be imprisoned for what is currently legal!
Can you imagine going to prison for what is currently legal?
Now that is absurd!!

I've 0 intention of paying much attention to either, not like they can stop anything the gov itself couldn't stop anyhow so fuck 'em.
We can't stop the government from doing what they want so let them do it ..take some anti-depressents and watch the world collapse .... now that is about as absurd of a statement I have heard in a while!

See all of yas with common sense in the future, Darwinism can take care of the rest.

Did you know Darwin admitted he was wrong on many facts with his own mouth.
Do the research!


Talk about absurd ...you did not even read the whole post or you would not have posted like you did


Active member
What are the many benefits of legalization over decriminalization?

If you refuse to provide facts to back your argument then it is all just hot air and I have no time for fact less opinion!


Active member
I'm having trouble getting any of that to match with personal experience here in CO. We don't have to buy govt weed. It's legal to grow our own w/ simple plant count limitations. There's no home possession limit, either, for any amount you could conceivably have grown there. We can carry around up to an ounce for no reason whatsoever, give it away, & share it. Buy it right over the counter, too. No med card games unless you elect to play, either.

There's a whole long list of chemicals disallowed in the production of retail cannabis, as well. Outlaw growers have no such considerations unless they're self imposed.

And, uhh, here in Denver I could toke up on my front porch if I had a mind to & the cops can't bother me, because it's my property. To my knowledge, that's not true everywhere in CO.

I'm just an old Hippie from the 60's- you know, back when any amount in possession was a felony. But I'm listening, so go ahead, tell me just how fucked up this deal really is, OK?

Ready to listen?
Canada had the same situation for many years ..but they are here now...are you next..we will see.

Canada - Government Threatens To Share Medicinal Marijuana Patient Information
Health Canada has warned it will share with law enforcement the private information of citizens in lawful possession of medicinal marijuana unless they comply with a new order within six weeks’ time. Today (March 14), the federal government posted a notice online stating that medicinal-marijuana licence holders are required to destroy all marijuana they have and provide written notice stating that they “no longer possess marijuana (dried marijuana, plants or seeds) obtained under the old program”.

If participants do not comply with the requirement to notify Health Canada, the Department will notify law enforcement,” the release states. Licence holders have until April 30, 2014, to meet the terms of the order. Another Health Canada website provides vague details on the consequences of not complying with the new directive. "The Department will take compliance and enforcement action," it states. "This includes informing law enforcement of your failure to notify Health Canada as required under section 259.3 of the MMPR. In addition, the Department will continue to cooperate with police, and provide information needed to protect public safety, as appropriate." A “notification form” is available for download on the Health Canada website. There are more than 16,500 British Columbians licensed to possess medicinal marijuana. When the Conservatives’ new Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulation takes effect on April 1, licence holders will only be allowed to purchase dried cannabis via mail order.

The Health Canada directive issued today—on a Friday afternoon when government officials know media outlets are least likely to report it—contradicts information included in a September 2013 briefing note prepared for B.C. Attorney General and Minister of Justice Suzanne Anton. “Health Canada, citing privacy concerns, does not intend to disclose the addresses of former licensed grow operations once they are no longer permitted to legally grow marijuana,” that memo states. It’s unclear what has changed that has led Health Canada to believe it can turn over the information of citizens licensed to possess medicinal marijuana without violating individuals’ privacy.

For months, Health Canada has refused the Georgia Straight’s repeated requests for an interview on the topic of the new rules governing medicinal marijuana. A message left today requesting clarification on the March 14 notice was not returned. In a media release, Sensible B.C. campaign director Dana Larsen called for demonstrations against the Health Canada order. “Patients across Canada registered with Health Canada in good faith, to protect themselves against arrest for cultivating their own medicine,” Larsen said in the release. “Now they are being threatened with police action if they don’t destroy their perfectly good medication.”

I know ther is no way that will happen to me.
They said that in canada too!

Washinton wants an end to it...there was arally to raise awareness!

Rally To Save Medical Cannabis In Washington State

Rally To Save Medical Cannabis In Washington State

When: June 19, 2013, 12 noon

Where: The State Capitol campus, Olympia

Why: The Washington State House and Senate have both added budget amendments that, if passed, will turn control of medical cannabis over to the control of the same Liquor Control board that has publicly stated that medical cannabis is the biggest external threat to the success of their recreational pot stores. The goal of the legislation is to “bring medical cannabis laws into compliance with I-502”. That’s a solution that just won’t work for patients.

What will bringing medical cannabis into compliance with I-502 likely mean to patients?

-If patients must “conform” to I-502, they will be limited to one ounce, just like recreational users.

-They will pay the same 25%+25%+25%+10%+ tax rate as recreational users.

-They will lose their right to personal grows.

-They will lose their right to collective growing, which will also eliminate all the current access points for those that don’t grow, leaving them without medication.

That’s not all!

-They will further restrict doctor recommendations for patients, making it nearly impossible for most patients to get legal recommendations.

-They will set a 21 year old age limit for patients, leaving thousands of sick young people without access to medication and force them to choose between driving or complying with I-502’s “zero tolerance” policy for DUID.

It is not the fault of medical cannabis patients, nor their access points, that the legislature has failed to work with us to come up with common sense regulations. Turning control of our medicine over to the state’s liquor distributor and taxing our medication is certainly not an acceptable solution. We must convince our legislators to work with patients, not the LCB, to come up with solutions that will work for everyone and will not punish patients simply for their choice of medicine.

If you can’t attend the rally, please contact your two Representatives and your Senator. Here’s where you can go to find out who they are and how to contact them: http://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/

You can also express your concerns to your legislators by calling the legislative hotline at: 1-800-562-6000

The message is simple: We don’t want the Liquor Control Board, the states’ liquor distributor, writing rules for controlling medical cannabis and we want that provision stricken from the state budget bill.

If you don’t take action, this could very well be the end of medical cannabis.

For further information on the rally or how you can help, please call: 206-612-9044 or send an email to steve@cannacare.org

State Capitol Campus Parking Information

Campus Map

What do you think they are just whiners??


Active member
Gram paw Smurf - there will be a very fundamental difference in that there has not been a profit motive for big business to pressure govt to enforce. When legal and big busines sees big profits enforcement of grow laws will be out on overdrive and the civil and criminal penalties will be severe enough to deter. The pot will be genetically marked and black market product will be obvious. A million dollar fine coupled with 10 year prison sentence would shut down many growers. You need look no further than farmers at home to see how easy enforcement can be when big business chases big profit. There has been like two civil lawsuits filed a day by Monsanto against farmers in the US for copyright infringement over last two years and Monsamto is 177 - 0 in those suits and the farmers are left bankrupt. Game over

More facts good deal!


Active member
Don't be Absorbed!!!!

Ignorance is bliss I guess!

I did not think people were still so naive!

Do the research people!!

Or head in the sand works fine for those to frail for reality!

I stated many facts on my side of the argument and others have too!

In a court of law this would be decided in the favor of no legalization..But in favor of decriminalization.

The reason the judge would site is lack of evidence(facts) to determine why legalization should be instated instead of decriminalization!

Unless facts are presented we will assume this is the best solution!

But yall can stay in the bliss bubble if it makes you warm and fuzzy?

I prefer the cold hard facts of the real world..harsh as it may be we need to face them.

I have nothing personal to gain by swaying this argument!!!
All I am asking is to be aware of what is happening behind the scenes.

I wish you good luck with legalization to those that want it..But consider yourself warned!


Active member
In Colorado, it's every adult's Constitutional Right to grow cannabis in limited quantities. Politicians can't change that. Only a vote of the people can change that. State LEO's are only empowered to enforce the law, not make it up, and so long as that Constitutional Right exists, there will be no law to the contrary. The chances of Coloradans voting to change that are approximately zero.

In following State law, DoJ guidelines effectively grant such growers immunity from their efforts, as well. That's only temporary, I'm sure, because our success with legalization will force reclassification of cannabis at the federal level over the next few years.

Washington State is a whole different story. It's not a constitutionally protected right to grow your own in WA, nor is MMJ constitutionally protected as it is here in CO.

What it amounts to is that we already won the battles they're still fighting. We won't be going back any time RSN, either. Bet on it.
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