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200+ plants, cops said they would be back in hour with warrant, what to do?


Well-known member
They have equipment in their cars to get a paper warrant on the spot, you don’t even have an hour anymore...


I have avoided a number of issues just not answering the door. As the song says, if you have a warrant then I guess your going to come in, but unless that door gets kicked down, its not going to open on its own. Knock and talk is a voluntary interaction. When I lived in KC they showed up at my condo a few times but I just didn't respond, they knocked, I casually and quietly went over to look through the peep hole, then went and had a drink to wait and watch for them to get back on the elevator and leave.

Raids are a different boat. The above would have just been noise complaints or heavy weed smells in the hallway, possibly asking about other crimes in the area.


Well-known member
Get a good lawyer...If you are in a country that subscribes to UN or international law, and you have deep enough pockets or a sharp pro bono lawyer, you can take multiple human rights defences to court, to the supreme or constitutional courts, or even international courts AND YOU WILL WIN and overturn your countries laws..

I've said this for years, as precedent was set in an Argentinian case in the mid 2000's and we mostly on here all subscribe to similar legal systems and low and behold, in the interim, in my country, a legal expert who I discussed this very thing years ago with, took on a case pro bono of a couple who were bust and took it to the highest court and won...The couple (RIP Jules) did not spend many nights behind bars and by the time the case was concluded the entire drug laws of our country had been overturned and anyone can grow as much as they can argue is for personal consumption, freely possess seed, oil etc, and the onus is now on the state to prove any transactions have without doubt occurred with weed, for them to even get a warrant. Many cases involving kilos have since been thrown out of court and apologies given to citizens, precedent setting cases involving 10kw plus have been thrown out of court and weed and gear returned to the rightful owners, in some cases where rastas were accosted by police and had their weed stolen with no charges laid, they complained to other police who duly went and arrested and charged the other officers and gave the rastas their weed back..Times have changed..and if it was not for us few who said no..fuck off and get your mittens off my weed f#ckers! it would have never have changed at all.

The coppers put their mitts on your crops, get a good lawyer and tell em in no uncertain terms to fuck off! The time for that shit is over when you decide it is!

My lawyer has been to geneva and had meetings with the highest UN councils in years past, they are well aware their declaration of human rights basically gives us all the right to do as we fuckin please so long that we are not fucking with others right to do the same, or any other rights for that matter, like the jesus said ( no not tom hill!) do unto others as you want done unto yourself, we need no other law if that and common sense are followed and all law is basically in that spirit and to that end, and not that I am a bible basher as it is a foundation of most civil societies, to leave those alone that do not affect you..We had the highest court here recognise that if one, in ones private or personal space, is affecting no one else then one has the right to be left alone plain and simple. Which at least makes drugs pretty much legal to consume or even make, unless you are being an ass about yourself.

The UN is well aware that you have the right to grow what you want and smoke what you want, I say they are just pussies for not standing up for human rights and for catering to the powerful, wealthy and elite..but that is another story, it all started with a seed and overgrow the fuckers..for the same matter in a big international case right now, I hope dinafem get the best lawyers, and fuck them up and put the man back in his place, the declaration of human rights by the UN protects trade as well f#ckers, nevermind personal use/cultivation!..and if dinafem was or was not paying taxes, the relevance is argueable, they still would have been taxed on multiple layers even if one layer was purposely missed, no one can avoid paying tax, it is built into the cost of everything...I am sure if the man allowed all to be above board and afforded the business the same level of protection and assistance that a normal one gets then theyd pay as much in tax than any other business does, mute charges, and if they are paying the man at all, then the rules that the man must live by say he must let them be as he has a finger in their pie, the man owes now in return as he has already taken for rendering services. The state is in an unlawful position until it engages with the cannabis industry to create a lawful framework that incorporates and respects everyone's rights. In most businesses the majority of fingers in the pie are the states but that another topic, anyway in just logic, then the man, if not rendering the services and protection paid for, must fuck off or be eaten! Natural law;) It is either symbiosis or war...and the war on drugs was lost decades ago, before I was even born. Only option left for the powers that be is symbiosis.

This shit has gone on for long enough..In our country the cops can not anymore come busting your door down, and it is because we took the fight right back to them and won! Do the same.
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