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Bayer Monsanto Merger Will Steal The Marijuana Industry

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4 genes for all cannabinoids. I have my doubts, but that's an interesting baseline to work from. I'm not sure all cannabinoids have even been identified yet.


Active member
- The amount of scare mongering, fear laden nonsense about GMOs and OMG monsanto, bayer, and other corporations on this website is utterly.........

- Ya'll should really listen to Sam about what he says when it comes to GMO cannabis products. There are only a handful of studies doing what could be considered genetic modification of cannabis, and less groups doing such projects, and none of them are "evil", "nefarious" individuals/projects, unless you believe entering genes for resistance to powdery mildew or other cannabis pests and diseases into cultivated cannabis lines is "evil".

- The lack of knowledge people spout about monsanto and monsanto products, like round-up, is.... It's amazing the lies that gets made up and repeated without any research (this website is not the only one - the internet is replete with this kind of nonsense). Most come from that bad documentary about monsanto, and bloggers. Reading the wikipedia on glyphosate would do many people here well, but that would only be a (poor) starting point (even wikipedia now has fallen prey to money/politics and so is starting to lack in offering all sides and balanced information on any particular issue, especially "politicized" issues). https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/glyphosate

- Most people act like "gene manipulation" is some nefarious thing, you are manipulating genes through environmental practices, nutritional intake, exercise, etc., etc. (ie. this is not just for you but for anything alive). Food and exercise will cause the expression or down-regulation of various genes within your system, like any organism. This is genetic manipulation!

- Patenting cannabis (and plants, and products) is a good thing, and its going to happen more and more; you heads better get used to it: it's called *legalization*. Why wouldn't I want to make products and patent and sell those products? Plants breeders have used this to protect themselves and their work, that's the whole point (I can make something and sell it myself make a company out of it or better just sell it to a company who can do all that and put my product(s) in every store possible).

- None of the crap you hear about monsanto and any of the scary stupid gmo stuff, farmers dying, and everything else, that you hear about monsanto, is true. Not to keep trying to generalize and be a jerk BUT honestly most of you have barely any modicum of understanding of how actual plant breeding works, and it is different for any particular plant/crop, and then how the business of making marketable products (ie. like seeds) factors into that. Monsanto would only be interested in cannabis in a fully legal market across the usa, and perhaps only also globally too- as they are a multinational corporation and is not interested in a small market in only a few states, or even only one country.

- You guys should be more worried about actual multi-million dollar corporations that ACTUALLY are opening up giant mega farms and opening as many stores as the laws in any state will allow, and then moving on to other states, companies like Dixie, Bhang chocolates, Arcview, etc, etc, IF you are really worried about "big cannabis corporations", and "the man", those are the corporations to be concerned over... If you're a dork lol, those are the good guys making bank, opening mega farms, and doing it - and you're just probably mad you aren't the guy who isn't, not anyone's fault but yours! Remember the old saying "there are only 2 kinds of dealers in the world, those who need forklifts, and those who don't ;-D

- Gw Pharma's products are expensive and not readily used. There are also other products like marinol that are often not prescribed (probably as much as it should be, and also as a product its not, great. Its quite narcotic). With medicalization and legalization more and more Gw's market share, surprisingly enough that they still actually have any, will shrink. I cannot imagine given the state of affairs, they will ever maintain as a company long long term, and continue producing products, unless dispensaries actually carry their products as medical marijuana, and I doubt Gw wants to sell to dispensaries, and dispensaries want to sell Gw products - they will prefer to first sell their own, and then other products from a producer such as Dixie, Bhang, etc...

- And more and more legitimate pharmaceutical companies will be looking into cannabis and developing their own products (and perhaps bayer will buy them too)... Gw only wants to market and sell to legit doctor doctors, not your weed doctor, but actual real balls to the wall doctors. And 99.9% of all doctors won't ever want to use weed based products, no matter how much it works, or the science, or yadda, it'll take 20 years or more for that to change, and ONLY can and would change with legalization both nationally and internationally, as doctor-science groups are all connected to the government and international governmental agencies, and thus they'd all have to come up together and come up with some scheme-y scam to deal with it, and avoid the inevitable lawsuits that are going to come in the next 20-40 years as we prove efficacy of cannabis products, and people cry foul as to why this wasn't used, and how could this propaganda be allowed, and *aren't you fucking doctors??*.. *You're supposed to be doctors..*

- With that sentiment above I can understand the distrust of science, medical agencies, government, especially from the heads, since come on I'm also a head, I suffered from this BS, you can't imagine, from day one, I suffered, and had a cure at my fingertips denied to me. This IS a (drug) war, and we Are soldiers. But as someone who has a strong formal science background, I am able to critique, though lay people I fear will take such criticism from the wrong angle, forgetting the EVERYTHING that science/doctors/medicine does for us, all the good. Oil and oil companies are the only reason your existence is possible, you don't hear people thanking exxon executives though; but you *really* should, if you think about it, as funny as that may sound to you now, if it wasn't for them, you really wouldn't be here, and there is no way to really deny that. "But what about all the bad they do"... Uh, what about all the GOOD they do? The vast amount of good.. People don't see that. And it's easy to point finger and call someone a demon, label a rock, a monster.

- AND LET THEM! LET bayer buy them! You dont want CBD and THC products in every supermarket isle next to asprin and bandaids? Because OK well it won't happen overnight, and I'll say it won't happen even in 20 years, BUT I bet it will happen in 40 to 50 years. SO what. That's what's happening with weed. It's going to be Dixie elixir (or whoever buys them) next to the coke and pepsi. OR! Coke or pepsi buys Dixie and sells their products under the Coke/pepsi co umbrella - this happens ALL the time with many many products; this is many people's entrepreneurial dream (and cannabis is a new way to allow this!!!). Yet some of you seem so against this; you better realize where the river is flowing rather swim upstream, but then again some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...

It is public knowledge that research technology from GW Pharmaceuticals has been shared with Bayer since 2003...and then shared with Monsanto since 2007.

And...ahem, drum roll please, then is it any surprise that in 2009 (2 years after Monsanto's research got department got involved with GW Pharm) that GW Pharm announced it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a new breed of cannabis. Imagine that....

I think what we have (quoting a line from "Cool Hand Luke") "is a failure to communicate".

First, can we agree on wiki's definition of GMO? "A GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there."

So, is "manipulating gene location" (which what GW Pharma did) equivalent to altering a plants genome so that "its DNA contains one ore more genes not normally found there"? Of course not. So whoever suggested that GW Pharma is producing GMO cannabis plants is a little off their rocker. Those words did not originate from me, please re-read my statement which I quoted above.

Second, let's carefully read and parse the words GW Pharma published on their website about Plant Breeding & Cultivation. Understand that GW Pharma, a publicly held company and has a special duty to insure all their statements are accurate, not necessarily "the whole truth"...but the words stated must be truthful.

By manipulating the genes at these four positions, our scientists can precisely control the cannabinoid composition of a plant.

How does one "manipulate genes at these four positions"? It was not GMO--because no "new genes" were introduced (right?). Sam says "classic plant breeding". OK Sam, what "classical plant breeding" technique was used to "manipulate genes at these four positions"? Inquiring minds want to know.

Clonal propagation does not involve genetic modification.

This statement might be truthful, but it is limited to just "clonal propagation"--it does not include "non-clones" or the "mother" plant (the statement could have read "Our plant breeding and cultivation does not involve genetic modification"--but they did not say that...and there is a reason why these specific words were chosen). If GW Pharma genetically modified a mother then "clonal propagated" those cuttings, then that statement would still be 100% accurate (since "clones" were not genetically modified). Sometimes--"what is NOT said" is more telling than what IS said.

BTW...standing on a mountain top and shouting "fake news" does not nullify the accuracy or authenticity of any article. A proper rebuttal with contrasting facts and sources is the best way to rebut claims made in "fake news" articles. Problem is...GW Pharma did genetically alter a cannabis plant which they did patented--this a "fact" and not "fake news".
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Smoking corporate weed will be like drinking watered down liquor.
Buy your seeds now, make more seeds, grow your own.
Only way corporate will succeed is people buy their weed.
I for one, will never buy corporate weed. This household has a moratorium (not word im looking for) on buying corporate weed .


"OK Sam, what "classical plant breeding" technique was used to "manipulate genes at these four positions"? Inquiring minds want to know.
Read the paper, it is clear that it uses classical breeding to reach the goals.
Every hybrid seed in the world is "manipulating genes", but not GM or GMO as most science people know it. That is why everyone said you are wrong and GW does not us GMO methods at all, they read the paper or know the difference between classical breeding and GM or GMO plant breeding. I have discussed their methods in depth several times in various IC threads, they are all classical breeding, same with their other "single cannabinoid" varieties, classical breeding.

When you posted:
"And...ahem, drum roll please, then is it any surprise that in 2009 (2 years after Monsanto's research got department got involved with GW Pharm) that GW Pharm announced it had succeeded in genetically altering a cannabis plant and patented a new breed of cannabis. Imagine that.

"So, if the cannabis technology has been shared by all 3 (Bayer+Monsanto+GW Pharm) for almost 10 years know--then isn't the "the sky is falling" crowd a little late to this parade"?

To me it certainly seemed to imply that GW Cannabis was GM, GMO or somehow not bred using classical methods? I mean what was the drum roll for? But I know that they use no GMO's.

I think what we have (quoting a line from "Cool Hand Luke") "is a failure to communicate".

First, can we agree on wiki's definition of GMO? "A GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the techniques of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found there."

So, is "manipulating gene location" (which what GW Pharma did) equivalent to altering a plants genome so that "its DNA contains one ore more genes not normally found there"? Of course not. So whoever suggested that GW Pharma is producing GMO cannabis plants is a little of their rocker. Those words did not originate from me. Sam?

Second, let's carefully read and parse the words GW Pharma published on their website about Plant Breeding & Cultivation. Understand that GW Pharma, a publicly held company and has a special duty to insure all their statements are accurate, not necessarily "the whole truth"...but the words stated must be truthful.

By manipulating the genes at these four positions, our scientists can precisely control the cannabinoid composition of a plant.

How does one "manipulate genes at these four positions"? It was not GMO--because no "new genes" were introduced (right?). Sam says "classic plant breeding". OK Sam, what "classical plant breeding" technique was used to "manipulate genes at these four positions"? Inquiring minds want to know.

Clonal propagation does not involve genetic modification.

This statement might be truthful, but it is limited to just "clonal propagation"--it does not include "non-clones" or the "mother" plant (the statement could have read "Our plant breeding and cultivation does not involve genetic modification"--but they did not say that...and there is a reason why these specific words were chosen). If GW Pharma genetically modified a mother then "clonal propagated" those cuttings, then that statement would still be 100% accurate (since "clones" were not genetically modified). Sometimes--"what is NOT said" is more telling than what IS said.

BTW...standing on a mountain top and shouting "fake news" does not nullify the accuracy or authenticity of any article. A proper rebuttal with contrasting facts and sources is the best way to rebut claims made in "fake news" articles. Problem is...GW Pharma did genetically alter a cannabis plant which they did patented--that is not "fake news".


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Sam, then why did you keep trying to put words in my mouth?

I never said GMO, you did--and implying that I did was....well, IMO rather dishonest. So you agree, that genetically altering (which GW Pharma did) is not the same as "GMO".

The purpose of the "drum roll"--was to let the "sky is fallling crowd" see that all "their fears" are kinda old business...and did not originate from the proposed Bayer+Monsanto merger proceedings (late to the parade).

I know both of us are old fuckers and are set in our ways...but implying something that was never written does not foster a healthy debate--as evidenced in these past few pages. I think you will find, we are on the same page--if you took a moment and comprehended what I wrote (listening to what others say is a very powerful gift).


It was implied as you see from the posts below,
If I misunderstood maybe you can see I was not alone?
No problem, I was just clearing the air, classical breeding was used.


Doc, it still is not introducing genes from another species in order to protect the plant from pesticides. It is an advance over field selection of the best parent plants. It is an advance from the techniques that demonstrate hybrid vigor in corn or other plants but it is not GMO as I understand the term.


I don’t know Doc, I don’t necessarily construe that as genetic engineering in the GMO sense. Genes can be manipulated with traditional breeding techniques.


Most define GMO as organisms produced with some form of transgenics which is the addition of genes from outside the target organism. More recently, gene knockouts have become much more common, especially with the invention of the CRISPR techniques.

This is not what GW is doing.

Conventional breeding techniques are combined with DNA analysis techniques to determine which trait comes from which genes. Breeders use this information to better select crosses for their ideal traits. This is just a more selective form of selective breeding which goes back to atleast Gregor Mendel and his peas.

Traditional Breeding techniques can be used with analysis of cannabinoid content to breed plants that contain mostly a single target cannabinoind, i.e CBD-only, THCV-only. This is a harder route given modern techniques, but it has been done, even by members in this very thread.


Active member
-Smoking corporate weed will be like drinking watered down liquor.
ITS FUNNY YOU MENTION THAT! :-D Given how corporatized the wine, beer, and liquor industry is ;-D

-Corona tastes just like Coors to me (I hate beer, its all piss water). My point is they are ALL corporations. From IBA to PBR, Budweiser and so on..

-Even the small guy and his brand is abiding by all rules, laws, and regulations in putting out a product. They ARE a corporation. I can buy 10 dollar wine or 1000 dollar wine, both corporations' brands have the same alcohol content, both taste sweet or bitter or something in between, and both can come from big huge multi-million dollar operations or a small vineyard, just like a smaller brewery, that does a few million in sales...

-Is Jose Cuervo "watered down"? LoL? Pretty sure they are a pretty good tequila that commands a price always - and they are the big boys. The smaller guys are the ones on the bottom shelves in plastic bottles. Crown royale isn't in plastic bottles. They also aren't a tiny distributor, they are making bank and I can't imagine a store that wouldn't carry them. Jack Daniels?

-My point is, I don't think you have any clue what you are talking about - there is room for everyone, IF you have balls and do it, and make a product. If you want to sell something lower priced, lower quality, it'll sell. The higher stuff sells too.. And both can be done either on small or mass scale.

-And will be. Don't think weed, top notch super duper quality fuck you everything else sucks weed, won't be grown en masse acres and acres worth on multi-billion dollar space stations with the highest paid astronauts producing it and using courier space aliens to bring it back to earth; because motherfuckers are already doing this and you're way behind. WAY behind.

Buy your seeds now, make more seeds, grow your own.
-Yeah do that, and while you wait months and months to get that you will! - go to joe blow down the road who doesn't know crap and his stuff is great and all but you can get just as good or better at the store AND it's been tested, regulated, etc..

Only way corporate will succeed is people buy their weed.
- You know every store, every thing you eat, EVERYTHING in your life is basically done by a corporation, people working togeth.... Oh fucking forget it. Hippies are clueless :tiphat:


Active member
Sam... Sam


You're wasting time with someone who doesn't know what marker assisted selective breeding is.

And thinks gmos are some kind of evil monster demon living under beds, deep in the crevices of shoes, etc, etc....

Trust me. Corporations to them are THE MAN and THE MAN is evil.

Meanwhile they bought their computer, cell phone, food, car, etc., etc, all from these men, and women, and complain about their awesome life, smoking joints away.


Probably blogging on fb and ig about 'privilege' and how we need to stop farming so much food to feed all these people too. Please. They will give you endless material, as they do me. They also waste all the time. All the time. :-D

- BTW everyone... IF gw pharma.. OR anyone else for that matter, wants to use monsanto, obama, korea (either one), batman, or rando supervillan from the last 20+ marvel films to make GMO weed... GO FOR IT!!! DO IT! I'll smoke it first to make sure it A. Gets me high, and B, doesn't make me or anyone else blind. But mostly to check if it gets me high. Could care not too much about the blindness as long as I'm feeling reallllllllllllllllllllly toasty ;-D


Well-known member
In the past a typical modus operandi of Monsanto was to buy a market leader in the segment it was trying to enter. A lot of big biz operates this way. I would think they would still apply this technique if cannabis ever becomes legal on the grand scale and they wanted to enter that market (consumables). In the mean time I’m sure they are laying foundations, especially in regards to industrial hemp. They also would buy companies that had technologies/products that may be competition, to enhance or table it.

Isn’t the arrangement/partnership with GW Pharma and Bayer basically a marketing/distribution agreement, to help market their (GW) products?

If there ever is global legalization I would be more concerned about big tobacco.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Sam, if I said what you said--I said, I too would be in opposition. But the problem is, I did not say, what you said I said. I think we have beaten the deadhorse to death now.

Canna, yes I know what "marker aided selection" is. I just wanted to have Sam agree/admit that one can manipulate the genetics (as did GW Pharma) via a process other than GMO (which he quickly pinned on me). The issue/topic I am addressing is all about having words crammed down my mouth that I never said. Again I never said GW Pharma used GMO, but those that piled on (like you) believe that is what I said. Talk about "false news", lol add a dose of "reading comprehension" deficit and you end up with a oversized "word salad" of "jibberish".

BTW if you were trying to insult me--gonna have to work harder, lol. IMO, stereotyping or "pre-judging" someone you know very little about--is never accurate.
DocTim Noone is trying to judge or stereotype you

The article you posted as well as your further posts use wording that implied the use of genetic modication. It may not have been your intent but that's how many will receive those posts. It's not others cannot comprehend what you wrote, but like the article you posted, wording like that is what's used by sensationalist media to spread bad science and it works very well.

The reason myself and others attempted to clarify, is to stop the spread of misinformation. There are ALOT of people and numerous threads in the past few months that spread the belief Monsanto or GW has truly genetically modified cannabis, which is untrue. When people not familiar with modern breeding see your posts , they will think transgenic organisms and Monsantos "Roundup ready" GMOs.

Now moving past that, it appears what you were saying is that GW has patented specific cultivars with a genetic signature that can be tracked that they are keeping pure with cloning?
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Well-known member
I'd bet half my seeds stash that this guy is in the Industry.
You agree with patenting Nature?!
None of your points are really valid - they just show your bias towards it being ok to rape Nature for profits and limit a patient's acces to natural medicine.
How much did you buy those canna stocks for?

- The amount of scare mongering, fear laden nonsense about GMOs and OMG monsanto, bayer, and other corporations on this website is utterly.........

- Ya'll should really listen to Sam about what he says when it comes to GMO cannabis products. There are only a handful of studies doing what could be considered genetic modification of cannabis, and less groups doing such projects, and none of them are "evil", "nefarious" individuals/projects, unless you believe entering genes for resistance to powdery mildew or other cannabis pests and diseases into cultivated cannabis lines is "evil".

- The lack of knowledge people spout about monsanto and monsanto products, like round-up, is.... It's amazing the lies that gets made up and repeated without any research (this website is not the only one - the internet is replete with this kind of nonsense). Most come from that bad documentary about monsanto, and bloggers. Reading the wikipedia on glyphosate would do many people here well, but that would only be a (poor) starting point (even wikipedia now has fallen prey to money/politics and so is starting to lack in offering all sides and balanced information on any particular issue, especially "politicized" issues). https://www.epa.gov/ingredients-used-pesticide-products/glyphosate

- Most people act like "gene manipulation" is some nefarious thing, you are manipulating genes through environmental practices, nutritional intake, exercise, etc., etc. (ie. this is not just for you but for anything alive). Food and exercise will cause the expression or down-regulation of various genes within your system, like any organism. This is genetic manipulation!

- Patenting cannabis (and plants, and products) is a good thing, and its going to happen more and more; you heads better get used to it: it's called *legalization*. Why wouldn't I want to make products and patent and sell those products? Plants breeders have used this to protect themselves and their work, that's the whole point (I can make something and sell it myself make a company out of it or better just sell it to a company who can do all that and put my product(s) in every store possible).

- None of the crap you hear about monsanto and any of the scary stupid gmo stuff, farmers dying, and everything else, that you hear about monsanto, is true. Not to keep trying to generalize and be a jerk BUT honestly most of you have barely any modicum of understanding of how actual plant breeding works, and it is different for any particular plant/crop, and then how the business of making marketable products (ie. like seeds) factors into that. Monsanto would only be interested in cannabis in a fully legal market across the usa, and perhaps only also globally too- as they are a multinational corporation and is not interested in a small market in only a few states, or even only one country.

- You guys should be more worried about actual multi-million dollar corporations that ACTUALLY are opening up giant mega farms and opening as many stores as the laws in any state will allow, and then moving on to other states, companies like Dixie, Bhang chocolates, Arcview, etc, etc, IF you are really worried about "big cannabis corporations", and "the man", those are the corporations to be concerned over... If you're a dork lol, those are the good guys making bank, opening mega farms, and doing it - and you're just probably mad you aren't the guy who isn't, not anyone's fault but yours! Remember the old saying "there are only 2 kinds of dealers in the world, those who need forklifts, and those who don't ;-D

- Gw Pharma's products are expensive and not readily used. There are also other products like marinol that are often not prescribed (probably as much as it should be, and also as a product its not, great. Its quite narcotic). With medicalization and legalization more and more Gw's market share, surprisingly enough that they still actually have any, will shrink. I cannot imagine given the state of affairs, they will ever maintain as a company long long term, and continue producing products, unless dispensaries actually carry their products as medical marijuana, and I doubt Gw wants to sell to dispensaries, and dispensaries want to sell Gw products - they will prefer to first sell their own, and then other products from a producer such as Dixie, Bhang, etc...

- And more and more legitimate pharmaceutical companies will be looking into cannabis and developing their own products (and perhaps bayer will buy them too)... Gw only wants to market and sell to legit doctor doctors, not your weed doctor, but actual real balls to the wall doctors. And 99.9% of all doctors won't ever want to use weed based products, no matter how much it works, or the science, or yadda, it'll take 20 years or more for that to change, and ONLY can and would change with legalization both nationally and internationally, as doctor-science groups are all connected to the government and international governmental agencies, and thus they'd all have to come up together and come up with some scheme-y scam to deal with it, and avoid the inevitable lawsuits that are going to come in the next 20-40 years as we prove efficacy of cannabis products, and people cry foul as to why this wasn't used, and how could this propaganda be allowed, and *aren't you fucking doctors??*.. *You're supposed to be doctors..*

- With that sentiment above I can understand the distrust of science, medical agencies, government, especially from the heads, since come on I'm also a head, I suffered from this BS, you can't imagine, from day one, I suffered, and had a cure at my fingertips denied to me. This IS a (drug) war, and we Are soldiers. But as someone who has a strong formal science background, I am able to critique, though lay people I fear will take such criticism from the wrong angle, forgetting the EVERYTHING that science/doctors/medicine does for us, all the good. Oil and oil companies are the only reason your existence is possible, you don't hear people thanking exxon executives though; but you *really* should, if you think about it, as funny as that may sound to you now, if it wasn't for them, you really wouldn't be here, and there is no way to really deny that. "But what about all the bad they do"... Uh, what about all the GOOD they do? The vast amount of good.. People don't see that. And it's easy to point finger and call someone a demon, label a rock, a monster.

- AND LET THEM! LET bayer buy them! You dont want CBD and THC products in every supermarket isle next to asprin and bandaids? Because OK well it won't happen overnight, and I'll say it won't happen even in 20 years, BUT I bet it will happen in 40 to 50 years. SO what. That's what's happening with weed. It's going to be Dixie elixir (or whoever buys them) next to the coke and pepsi. OR! Coke or pepsi buys Dixie and sells their products under the Coke/pepsi co umbrella - this happens ALL the time with many many products; this is many people's entrepreneurial dream (and cannabis is a new way to allow this!!!). Yet some of you seem so against this; you better realize where the river is flowing rather swim upstream, but then again some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill.


Active member
Lots of people mentioning fear of tobacco companies--as long as Asian countries are allowing them to sell single cigarettes to children outside of schools, there's not much of a financial incentive for them to put lots of capital into the industry. There have been a few startups in the cannabis space (in California and Washington specifically) recently, who have tried to replicate the Altria model with around $10million in capital--they've all failed.

Bayer and Monsanto have little to no reason to get into growing--they will either continue to fund lobbyists to delegate all power to pharma (what would have happened if Clinton got elected). If that happened, it would take probably 35 years minimum to get a measly 10 cannabinoids and 17 terpenes past the FDA.

Some in pharma have broken into the industry, mostly in Canada (lots of Purdue Pharma execs) and while they have lobbying power for the LP's, they still fail on an almost impressive level. Their costs per pound are $1500 lol.

While my aforementioned examples are reasons not to worry; the ONE way I would worry is with the large cannabis only companies (Livwell, Native Roots, etc). Also the large edible producers like Dixie, and the consulting groups who lobby states to give them licenses and to implement moratoriums so local small money producers are shut out. They don't care about quality, they bribe testing labs to ignore mold/pesticides/etc. It's a remarkably small number of people, and they are the only people who state politicians listen to when crafting legislation when they legalize.


Active member
Doc... You know... ok...

I'm willing, as an investigator... LOL almost... As a cop.. lol.. As someone who has been an "enforcer"... To give anyone the benefit of the doubt, not try and jump to conclusions, and lead to where the evidence brings me.. As such... You said...

Anyone out there believe "manipulating the genes at these four locations..." is "classical plant breeding"?

Sorry, man--but this all goes back to Etienne De Meijer's research (inventor identified on the patent).
YES, actually, I DO believe that this all involves classical plant breeding (as that is what they are doing, using DeMeijer's research as a template)....... WHat are you trying to construe or so you believe they are doing that is OUTSIDE of CONVENTIONAL plant breeding... HOW in any way are they doing EVIL PEVIL genetic modification (ie. TRUE GMO, the kind that satan loves and you go to hell for if you commit as it is the ULTIMATE sin next to....)

This comment is completely full of WTF man. You can't really get around it. When you are wrong, you are wrong. ITS OKAY TO BE WRONG> NO ONE IS HUMAN<



Especially on the internet (the funny thing is I'm drunk and stoned and that WAS a real fuck up and not me trying.. so yeah.. its ok.. but ya.. you're SO wrong. SO wrong. lol. I'm sorry dude. But you're fucking wrong.

If you don't want to have words crammed down you're throat, don't say them...

or be more clear on the internet.




To the point of being a fucking ludricrous piece of shit of a dick, clear.

Cause if I wanted to insult you, dude. I'd cram it in your butt so hard

SOOO hard.

You couldn't imagine how good it'd feel

So don't worry about it I'm not trying to insult you or be insulting or in any way condescending or whatever :peacock:

But really... Comeon.. You can't say what you said, and then say this

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Again I never said GW Pharma used GMO
... Well, you KINDA did.... LIKE... SUPER KINDA>.. Not like... You know, like outright just saying GW PHARMA USES GMO.... BUT>..! That's what you said.. K. And if that isn't what you meant... WELLL>> A room full of people saw the ghost so you just happened to be blinking or looking away or something cause we all saw a fucking ghost dude.

Don't worry... My comment wasn't trying to pin on you on THAT specific point anyway... I don't really care about it, and you are not the first to really say that or claim that, so it's okay, and its not like my comment about that was specifically aimed at your butthole, more the other quotes about business... Was I using your quotes? I don't really know. I am kinda. Meow. Who cares you know?


Active member
I'd bet half my seeds stash that this guy is in the Industry.
You agree with patenting Nature?!
None of your points are really valid - they just show your bias towards it being ok to rape Nature for profits and limit a patient's acces to natural medicine.
How much did you buy those canna stocks for?



OH NO!!! THIS GUY WORKS FOR PEOPLE!!! HE GROWS AND MAKES MONEY! LOOK OUT!!! (I donno do I?? Hmmmm I've never made a claim one way or the other to work for any canna related company, business, or other ancillary industry. MAYBE I do. MAYBE I don't... UM>.. WHO CARES).. How many people oon this site here worked in a weed store in cali guy? My question is rhetorical since it's quite a few.

dot dot dot.

What the fuck. what that vapid, ridiculous, completely stupid comment is supposed to mean? You hate STORES (you know, the places you go to obtain goods and services.. Like, deodorant :comfort:).

YES I agree with patenting things you create.

Making plants in your basement, yard, laboratory, church, garden, field, greenhouse, EIVL MEGA SINFUL CORPORATION OF EVIL CORPORATE SCIENTISTS TRYING TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD WHERE ARE YOU CAPTAIN PLANET... (plants that can't survive in nature cause you know, life lol)

YES I agree with being able to patent things you create, and work you do. Its called REALITY you momo... No one is patenting maple trees you dumb ass. (you have NO CLUE how patenting works, OBVIOUSLY, so, yeah, you're about to get it ;-D LOL).

Wtf kind of stupid hippy juice are you on?

No one is trying to limit a patient's access to anything BUT YOU!


YOU are the one who, with your fucking bullshit and your anti-science garbage, prevent people from finding real solutions and real cures, and legitimate people look at your stinking smelling scrubby ass and say, WTF.. well that moron doesn't know dick.. CAUSE YOU DON'T!!

So don't come here spewing some anti-science nonsense and pointing fingers guy, you have no clue what you are babbling about!

Did you know the weed college course you took online doesn't count for anything? Oh crap! Did they tell you the best weed is "organic".. Just let those benes do all the work dude!

Oh the best weed is "always organic".. You mean like organic chemistry?? You know "organic", "organic food", "organic products" is a MARKETING term right? And has nothing to do with with anything in reality? OF course you probably don't! Don't worry, you're not alone here.

Soooo, you want to sell some untested, unregulated (snake oil) to people anywhere and say, "OH YEAH MANNNNNN THIS'LL CURE ALL THE PROBLEMS.."" DERP SORRY it doesn't actually work that way, weed isn't a magic cure all and it isn't for everyone, and the medical efficacy and how and why it works isn't worked out in any kind of way, in fact it is a real mess when considering the state of affairs - and it's YOUR fault, people like YOU... Not scientists and researchers like me who are doing the real work trying to figure this plant out, and HOW and WHY it works, and works for some, and not others.

You'd probably be surprised for me to say that there are a fair amount of people who just can't smoke or ingest cannabis, for many reasons, one point being allergies or adverse reactions. WHAT WHAT NO WAY MAN WEEED IS HARMLESS ANYONE CAN SMOKE IT DUHHHH

Uh.. No they can't. And this is coming from probably the biggest pothead and pot advocate in the universe. I smoke more pot than everyone on ICmag combined. K? But weed ain't some fairy hippy magic bullshit and not everyone can do it and it isn't some magic cure all. If it was, people who used it to try and cure cancer wouldn't be fucking dead. People who have used it have seemed to have efficacy against particular cancers, but many, most, still don't, and there are many other things involved with all of this... ARE YOU FIGURING THAT OUT?

No people like me are. And people go to stores so they find clean, tested, reliable products that they need that work. Or not work. At least they can go and try it out and they don't have to deal with dumb shady dealers trying to sling HEYYY MAN THIS IS THE BEST SHIT DON"T GO TO THE GUY DOWN THE STREET OR THE STORE I'VE GOT THE BEST WEED BRO TRUST ME DUDE

k sure, do you have a lab test for that weed you are selling because guess what stores all have to be tested and in spite of what morons will lie about no sorry oops you can't just pay a *legitimate* lab for a test sure you could and you know what keep it up cause eventually you will get caught, the lab will get caught, and you'll both be fucked. You think there isn't any oversight? Legalization is all about oversight.

You have no clue guy. Go some more joints and stop wasting people's time :-D


"rape nature"... as if "nature" is your friend. Go outside without some shirts and pants. Nature is not your friend. NATURE IS TRYING TO RAPE YOU. CONSTANTLY. Are you high? The ants are looking to rape you. The worms. Kill some flies today, because just give it time, they don't care and will eat you inside out. They don't care if you're alive, only that you can't shush them away from crawling in your nose, ears, mouth, everything, and EATING YOU. Nature, freezing, drowning, boiling, etc, your body. Get out of town!

As someone who is a REAL environmentalist, who spent actual time and work and effort to create (rofl lol.. safe, government protected) spaces where YOU! YOU, you dummy, can go, that are protected habitats for many rare and threatened species, lovely areas you can walk through, swim, and pack in and out your fucking trash I hope you better cause I'll be!!!.. You know.. LOL..

Places that are amazing for guys like you to go and cut down trees and set up illegal outdoor grow ops, like so many of yous do in those vast public lands... not that I'm saying I really care since the ACTUAL damage growers do versus the reality is actually very very tiny no matter how some popo or enviro nut will spin it.

But you lala's don't have what I'd like to call a "burner" mentality (ie. leave no trace) when you set up shop in some remote area left that way for you know, rare shit, and leave stuff everywhere, use up water, etc, either, hoping to make wages for a season. BUT ITS PUBLIC LAND MAAAANN... Yeah.. NOT FOR YOU TO SET UP DOPE OPERATIONS ON MAAAAAN to make some bucks. Not saying I'm accusing you, I'm just generalizing for everyone else out there :tiphat:
(and I like weed and weed operations, just as much as I like oil and the benefits of oil. and food and medicine, and all that. There is always some sort of cost, and fuck you nature pay me you rapey nature bitch you're just trying to rape us with your flies and roots that grow into everything. And I'll keep you all nice cause apparently people don't know nature that you're just out there to get them and rape them, so I'll protect them from you and you just try not be killing us all the time k nature? ROFL who am I kidding nature isn't listening to me it isn't a person with a soul and mind thinking about me and you and all of us it just wants to rape and eat us. nature is a cruel, evil monster. like, hm, satan!)

I can't even. I have no words. Oh wait yes I do, they are right there>> TLDR!

You really don't know anything don't talk shit about what you don't know you know ALL my points are 100% spot on but you know point fingers back and forth alllll day who cares yadda yadda don't care you're wrong I'm right convince me and everyone else with something not ludicrous.

Or better

even more ludicrous :peacock:
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Dude, You have no idea what kind of quality weed I an grow.
Also, I didn't say liquor WAS watered down, I said it was LIKE drinking watered down liquor.
And as far as buying corporate food. In this house, we kill or grow what we eat.

Go back to your Corporate closet you climbed out of.


cant re Member
oh but it could. Say Monsanto has proprietary strains of cannabis. Gmo, if you will. They set their sites on you to eliminate you as regional or local competition. They buy some of your bud. Test the DNA and compare it with theirs. If the DNA from theirs is close to yours, I guarantee you you''ll be in court being sued for using genetics where they own the patents. Even if it's plausible that you could win in court, do you have the millions in legal (lawyer) fees to put up the fight?

it's becoming more of a reality than many want to realize.

think how many different farmers are growing particular apple strains or grape eg pinot noir. you cant sue people for growing the same strain as you.
cannabis is a crop and should be subject to the same. you cant really claim ownership of genetics which naturally occurred on the earth.


Active member
A lot of your post is manic and barely comprehensible, but I think I got the gist of it...

You made three points basically, which are:
1. Companies make things that are not evil
2. There are variations in the many different organic certifications and environmental nomenclature in general, and most of them are full of buzzwords and void of legitimacy
3. Cannabis is not perfect

There are hardly any people who disagree with any of these other than I guess 14 year olds who read the sparknotes of Karl Marx and wear rasta shirts every day.

Not scientists and researchers like me who are doing the real work trying to figure this plant out, and HOW and WHY it works, and works for some, and not others.

WOAAAAH MY GOD I APOLOGIZE FOR QUESTIONING YOU *bows* forgive me my lord, it's people like you who have helped implement the brilliant regulatory systems of New York, Illinois, Florida, etc.

Unless you're somebody like Ethan Russo, can you disclose the relevant findings you are responsible for? It's awesome if you actually do perform research, and I don't disagree with many of the points you've made, but with so many ad hominems in your post it leaves a lot up to each reader's interpretation :).

And people go to stores so they find clean, tested, reliable products that they need that work. Or not work. At least they can go and try it out and they don't have to deal with dumb shady dealers trying to sling HEYYY MAN THIS IS THE BEST SHIT DON"T GO TO THE GUY DOWN THE STREET OR THE STORE I'VE GOT THE BEST WEED BRO TRUST ME DUDE

So why are the black markets in CO, WA, OR, CA, etc thriving? And I'm not referring to growers who ship out of state, I'm talking about the locals in each state who are again and again choosing to purchase local untested cannabis.

Do you remember this? http://landing.steephill.com/washington-safety
It's not just in Washington, almost every state is STILL like this.

BUT ITS PUBLIC LAND MAAAANN... Yeah.. NOT FOR YOU TO SET UP DOPE OPERATIONS ON MAAAAAN to make some bucks. Not saying I'm accusing you, I'm just generalizing for everyone else out there

At least you admit you're generalizing, while what you're describing is prevalent in many states-it's not close to the majority of growers.

Lastly.... cannabis stocks are all jokes now lol. GW was the best buy a few years ago, but it's hilariously overpriced. Now's a great time to buy really anything other than them, especially with the upcoming market correction given the increase in interest rates... just don't watch too many Ted Talks and end up investing in the next cannabis version of Theranos with lots of buzzwords like "disruptive" "innovative" "reinventing the industry" :)
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