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I remember when,.......


rick shaw

Picking up soda bottles for 5 cent ice cream and candy bars from Thrifty. Being able to wander aimlessly for miles without concern.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
How about sneaking out your bedroom window with your friends waiting outside to steal your parents car,...... rolling it down the driveway to take a joy ride from Fremont to San Jose........before I ever smoked pot.


>smoking weed from an apple pipe.
>getting ripped on a Saturday night then coming home to watch Saturday Night Live and afterwards Don Kirshner's Rock Concert while eating a BIG bowl of Lucky Charms.
>Listening to Cheech and Chong on the 'record player' smells like dog shit.
>Aerosmith's "ROCKS" was the album and still is IMO.
> Standing outside the liquor store and waiting for someone who looked cool to buy ya beer.
>Complaining about the seeds in your 35 dollar 5 finger bag of Columbian gold and throwing the damn things away.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Yes, the landrace seeds. Way before C-bo gold & red, I met GI's back from Nam on the base I lived on with my parents. There were a couple of small lakes on base and we would camp out, and get blitzed. We planted some Vietnamese seeds in a small patch. Lo and behold we go out to check the plants on a Saturday morning, they're about three feet tall, and find the local boy scouts camped all around our patch! They never knew!


We would wait for Don Kirshners Rock Concert each weekend for our rock fix. Alcapolco Gold and Panama Red hit the nieghborhood for $30. an oz.

I bet us old stoners threw away a boatload of GREAT genetics back then.
For sure we did, but you have to be honest, these kids nowadays really have brought the THC content of grass up a great deal.

Dude, I just burned part of my mustache while listening to Willie Nelson trying to light this joint that does not want to cooperate


> riding all day on your Schwinn Sting Ray until you got the old skateboard that was a solid piece of wood and metal wheels.
> being 14 and envying the 15 year old guy your buddy knew who sold weed by the oz because he always seemed to have weed, money, and all the girls loved him.
> being 15 and working for 2.65 an hour at Good Humor ice cream plant. Free ice cream though. Great when your a teenage stoner with munchies 24/7.
And if your from the DC area.......
> Listening to:
WGTB out of Georgetown University
98 Rock out of Baltimore
and last but not least,
WHFS out of Bethesda, Md.
all three would rock the house HARD.
> Finding a patch of weed in the woods that would turn out to be ditch weed and after trying to get high on it all you got was a serious headache.


I had a small whiskey jug full of seeds once. Tried growing some out, but our season was just too short for those sativa based strains.

I hear ya.
Grew up in the DC metro region and we would dig up the center of a bamboo patch and grow our plants in there. Never looked like the plants we would see in High Times.
Wonder why? LMAO. It would give ya a buzz, but hell no-one messed with 'homegrown' back then.


May your race always be in your favor
Cars didn't have seat belts, radios had tubes, and TV's were only black and white.


TV's were only black and white.

and had rabbit ears. cable? wtf was cable?
worst part was trying to find the 'spot' so you didn't have to deal with the snow. And once you found it the show would be just about over.