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Freedom 35


Active member
welcome back. you went on a long strange trip and they redecorated while you were gone.
that rozay looks nice - how'sit smoke?


hi guys, im sorry to keep being a tease, i keep coming in here to reminisce and miss yall so much so i cant help but share im still here. still trying. still in a transitional stage but still coming back. still spittin hot fire.

still doing my best.

lost 80+ of the harem i believe but still got a couple good ones and ill get back to where i want. or close enough hopefully. fuck. im coming up on 17 years or 18 growing this plant and its getting hard to keep going when its such a struggle. markets are fucked, commercial junk is raining from the sky... ugh. whatever. i will make it work.
i will be back
miss u dorks <3