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87yr old tasered while reportedly gardening

St. Phatty

Active member
Going off on a tangent ... people talk about the Collapse of the USSA.

How does one measure that ?

What demarcated the collapse of the USSR - they couldn't keep Ukraine in line ? (with the US sending their own proxies into Ukraine, and Israel setting up military sites which I hear Russia bombed ... OK that last part is after 1989.)

Or is it just a case of, the "Victor" gets to write the history books ?

I could not imagine a more corrupt & criminal & make-work organization that the US gov. and all the little governments that support it.

Personally I think 'the year' for the USA might be 2021, based solely on the feeling that the US can't go 3 more years without its broken nature becoming nakedly obvious worldwide.

I can't help but wonder if the 'crack in the US will be at the Oregon-Idaho state lines, after Oregon bans semi-auto's in 2019 or 2020.

They almost had the semi-auto ban on the ballot for 2018, and were fortunately out-maneuvered by the gun rights folks. The gun-grabbers over-reached and tried to do too much, and the gun rights folks got them by arguing that the proposition title was misleading & accurate. By the time the gun-grabbers got that sorted out, there was no time to get 100K signatures.

That puts me in a strange situation where I was a lifelong Democrat until the Democrat party collapsed in 2001, and I also realized that the Democrats I supported (e.g. Bill Clinton) were just a prettier face, like a mural artist decorated Bush41's backside, called it a President, and dumped it at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. (or is it 1-666 Pennsylvania Ave ?)

I know the gun-grabbers are going to try again and again. I think eventually they will succeed in banning semi-auto's, e.g. by strict registration rules.

Of course, Idaho is firmly gun-rights. That puts a very interesting line at the Oregon-Idaho border. Of course, Eastern Oregon is rural & very gun-rights. So the official border might be there at the Idaho state line, but the cultural border is about 50 miles East of Highway 5.

Of course, I will continue to see a connection with the 87 year old Elder.

OF COURSE she needs a semi-auto with armor-piercing bullets - she has to protect herself against young psycho rogue cops !

mack 10

Well-known member
The person who called that in should be flogged in public.
With the stupid piggies.


New member
People should know the other side of a story before creating a report to the police. I feel sorry for the old woman, and the victims.


Well-known member
I hope the lady is ok.he could of easily killed her.does anyone know if there was an update? Gonna have to go to GA again one day but I'm getting the fuck out as soon as I can


I hope the lady is ok.he could of easily killed her.does anyone know if there was an update? Gonna have to go to GA again one day but I'm getting the fuck out as soon as I can

Since it's Georgia I'm betting they actually just ended up hanging her for witchcraft.

To be fair, everyone knows dandelions are the key ingredient for a shapeshifter's potion. Better safe than sorry.


Well-known member
LMAO! They still have chain gangs there.ive met some good people but the majority are fucking thieving meth head pieces of shit.of the 15 years I've lived there I've only got 3 or 4 people I would call friends.i worry about my little sister all the time.
Unless your rich almost all towns suck.Savannah and Marietta can be nice though.but that's about it


Well-known member
Going off on a tangent ... people talk about the Collapse of the USSA.

How does one measure that ?

I've been hearing about this shit all my life. In the 90s my grandma packing away 100s of lbs of dried beans because 'the depression is coming back.' Making America great again? Let's say you're white in Georgia in 1947. Or West Virginia or Mississippi. Is your future all that golden? Let's say you're black in Detroit in 1959. Was your life really all that great? Or Watts or Chicago? In the 1960s the entire south was a slum. I remember going to New York in 1988. It was scary.

People are always talking about the past like it was this amazing wonderful time. Honestly people have it pretty good. My entire life the closest I came to being hungry, my family not being able to afford to feed me, was the 1980s. In I think, 1983 my old man's employer went under. Lost his job. I remember having to eat government process cheese for quite a while. Everyone in the neighborhood was almost poor. It's the closest I can think of to things actually getting bad.

Even so we still ate meat every night. All this talk about how shitty things are is bullshit. When things get shitty you'll hear about it and a lot of people will get shot. If people go back to eating meat once or twice a week you'll hear about it. Can you imagine that? People not being able to afford a Big Mac? Having to eat beans like in the 1930's?

Let them eat cake? When people in this country can't afford beef that's when alarm bells will go off.

St. Phatty

Active member
I wouldn't mind being tased, to see what it's like.

I mini-tased myself once, using an electric fly-swatter.

That was definitely worth the price of admission. Made my friend laugh, and he was going through a divorce.


Getting tazed hurts big time. It's almost unbelievable that one thing stuck in your skin can make your entire body feel like it's on fire. It's like the brain can't even process the amount of pain, and where it's coming from. Serious stuff.

As for the lady who got tazed, serious misjudgment. However the people in this thread saying all three cops should be "executed" are just as sadistic. It was a less than lethal action the cops took. Executing all three cops seems emotional and not needed. American justice is out of control, on both sides. It's become mob rule.


Well-known member
I never said the cops should be "executed".I was more concerned for the old lady.but I've lived in GA and they are some of the worst of the worst fucking pigs.i got no sympathy for what happens to 90% of them.fuck them

St. Phatty

Active member
I never said the cops should be "executed".I was more concerned for the old lady.but I've lived in GA and they are some of the worst of the worst fucking pigs.i got no sympathy for what happens to 90% of them.fuck them

I agree. I see a very one-sided Civil War, with nobody fighting back. If somebody fights back, it's not a surprise.

I have an electrician friend who is the only non-cop in his family.

I have to be very careful what I say around him.

On the other hand, he also lives with chronic pain of some kind. He has been talking about "getting some Kratom". He is being treated for Jaundice.

Got to hold my tongue around him, he's been real nice about helping me with house-fixing stuff at no charge.


Well-known member
I understand.does he have Jaundice from alcohol? I've been thinking of using Kratom as well but I hear it's very easy to build a tolerance.i hope your friend finds some kinda relief.not sure Kratom is the way to go but if he finds relief I'd appreciate it if you let me know if it works.


I never said the cops should be "executed".I was more concerned for the old lady.but I've lived in GA and they are some of the worst of the worst fucking pigs.i got no sympathy for what happens to 90% of them.fuck them

Never said you.........:tiphat:

"It was protocol" is the get out of jail card, just like "I feared for my life". These guys are sadists. There's no way any of them could have possibly been scared of this old lady. They wanted to torture her. Torturers should be EXECUTED. There's no place in a civilized society for such creatures.

He deserves a noose around his neck. This is almost up there with pedophiles. This was a pure act of sadism as there is no legitimate claim of fear here.

St. Phatty

Active member
I understand.does he have Jaundice from alcohol? I've been thinking of using Kratom as well but I hear it's very easy to build a tolerance.i hope your friend finds some kinda relief.not sure Kratom is the way to go but if he finds relief I'd appreciate it if you let me know if it works.

He said 5 of his friends had tried it and they all liked it.

I told him to err on the underside, take a 1/2 pill or less.

Explained how someone could take dried leaves, mix in some Fentanyl, and make something roughly similar - unless you're the one who gets a pocket of Fentanyl that's not thoroughly mixed.

Also told him about a friend's nephew who died of a Toleramide overdose (imodium AD). He was one of those people whose breathing Toleramide affects in medium doses, and he took a large dose. The message being, establish dosing by starting with very low doses.

Will probably try the Kratom myself, and share it with him.