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Yield increasing planting method

little j

hey silverback. just to let you know what is up with my stretchy seedlings. i left them and they seemed to stop growing up and started growing thicker stems, which was good. then they started flowering.???? i dont know. check my thread started today for details on my f!#% éd situation. you also mentioned something about cloning during flowering. im doing that now and it seems to be working. my first time and all. it is interesting to see a clipping about 2 inches tall to have a proportionately big bud and full of hairs in the window sill.

steve green

Whats up peeps :wave:
hey silverback things are going smooth so far,just wanted to drop a line to show where im at. forgive the bad pics.

ive transplanted into a long planter and im actually thinking of transplanting it outside ,due to space restraints im having currently - so i gotta ditch my rubbermaid indoor idea ..for now.
hopefully i will have some more pics i can post when transplanted outside,this idea is facinating to me silverback-cant wait to see some results outdoors-hope you can give me some more tips along the way-but much thanks so far :joint: cheers

steve green

Anghellic said:
How did it end up working out man?
well outdoor plans have been put to a halt..due to unseen probs that popped up.
i see great potential with this planting method,it was growing slow to start -but then growth really picked up.. i only had it resting under one cfl bulb for a temp solution--soon it really grew out--i tied it down Lst Style just to control height-(sorry silverback-i wanted to keep from lst'ng it :( )

now i have it sitting on my balcony-wheather is shity and it doesnt get that much light-but its a monster- its crazy how it grows.
not sure what im gonna do with her-might just leave it on my balcony... eitherway i will be doing this again. i can only imagine the growth and buds this could produce outside in a nice mix in a big hole.. ill try and post a pick of her soon...


Hi steve green, I can tell from the pick youre headed down the right track. Growing that way can turn one plant into a different animal.

Rain delay has effected all of my outdoor activity. My grows are well under way but my forced flowering is behind. I have 2 sadhus set up for either mounding or layering, but after watching them grow for awhile, I worry that they may be too dense and ill be growing a mould magnet. I may shoot for it anyway to have some pics.
Im growing some Cream caramel from sweetseeds and Im looking at roots on 10 clones. They look like good candidates . I may take a few of those and bury them.

It may be that I do what I have done in other years. I can only grow 4 plants without being public enemy no.1, so Ill probably take some clones of Dr. Atomic BBXNL and layer 4 of them, to finish up indoors november and december. It turns 4 plants into a much bigger yield even indoors. I use those 4 gallon tupperware totes from walmart for pots.

There's a guy over at Unleash da green, (De Shadow), who does mound planting, (planting all of the plant in a vertical position and leaving only the tops of the branches sticking out) and has posted some good pics.

Keep rockin steve green. Ill report back later.

steve green

heres some quick pics

once again if i didnt tie her down she would easily be double the height-also this is with almost no care-and under one cfl bulb. shes been outside for 3-4days-breathing well ....

what ya think should i keep her going in this planter (which hold more then i thought) or should i transplant into this BIg round Pot-its huge(NOT PICTURED). for now her home is my balcony .

much thanks silverback-glad to know im on the right path.
the thought of these techniques make me dizzy...

steve green

silverback said:
Rain delay has effected all of my outdoor activity. My grows are well under way but my forced flowering is behind. I have 2 sadhus set up for either mounding or layering, but after watching them grow for awhile, I worry that they may be too dense and ill be growing a mould magnet. I may shoot for it anyway to have some pics.
Im growing some Cream caramel from sweetseeds and Im looking at roots on 10 clones. They look like good candidates . I may take a few of those and bury them.

sorry to hear about the rain messing up plans..im sure it helping others though.
Please Keep us informed= i would love to see some pics if ya manage

and im gonna look into that other thread u mentioned- this is facinating stuff-Ilove this plant. keep me posted- iread all your threads anyway lol
GL Boss :joint:


Hey sg. The planter looks small to me. I would have trouble keeping it fed during flower without salting up the soil significantly. I feel you would definately experience some root binding which, in my view, always results in a harder grow. Roots being restricted somewhat isn't problematic, but too much and grows become difficult. I would step it up if I could.

The rain? well, it kept raining until i was behind and then it stopped. I actually need some now! Aint that the way it goes?


Great idea! I´ll give it a try next year, to late for any elaborate stuff this summer.


Hi HK. Im about to do a couple of plants. In fact, im headed out in the morning to plant them. Except in this case, im going to mound instead of layer. Ill bury the plants completely, vertically and leave only the stems sticking up. The reason for that is that I used these plants for clones and there are lots of branches but the plants are short and not conducive to layering. Its Sadhu. Vertical or mounding does well too and each branch will begin to grow quasi independently.


Active member
Hello all,

I was wondering if this method would work with some of the lower branches.

If I were to plant the growth tip of the lower branch... I presume it would root but I am wondering if this would be benificial to the whole plant or just that branch?



If I understand minds I, yes it will work. If you plant the plant vertically, and bury it just deep enough so that the lower branches are below the soil, then those brances will root and take on a quasi independent behavior, acting as seperate plants to some extent.

steve green

silverback said:
Hi HK. Im about to do a couple of plants. In fact, im headed out in the morning to plant them. Except in this case, im going to mound instead of layer. Ill bury the plants completely, vertically and leave only the stems sticking up. The reason for that is that I used these plants for clones and there are lots of branches but the plants are short and not conducive to layering. Its Sadhu. Vertical or mounding does well too and each branch will begin to grow quasi independently.
nice to hear. ive been looking into mound planting or mounding,also very cool ,makes sense too.Will be trying this aswel.
How do you compare mounding to horizontal planting silverback?
what have u noticed in yield between the two methods?

Oh also i took your advice and transplanted into a BIg Container from the planter she was in.
will hopefully take a pic tommorow. my balcony looks like a jungle-
this year-im a sketchball with no shame .


Hey sg

Mounding is really easier than layering, because the plant doesn't have to be as tall when you plant and there is very little prep for the plant. Its best to pinch the top of a target plant as soon as the seedling has a top and then let it branch, but even at 8" you can have 4 branches to leave sticking out. It's my view in fact, that the earlier or younger the plant is when the mounding is initiated, the quicker the plant responds. For instance, a 16" plant will delay for 2 or 3 weeks before you start seeing independent behavior by the branches. A smaller plant at 8" will start expressing that characteristic within a week sometimes. If planted outdoors however, and given time to get big, it usually requires a bit more pruning and tieing to keep the pieces seperated to the point that you get some air flow, but if started early, its fine. Indoors, mounding can be done in a smaller, yet taller pot, where as the layering as you know, requires some length in pot design.

Where I live however, getting caught with 4 plants means the judge will lecture you on the evils of cannabis and give you a fine . 5 plants means your picture is on the front page of the local paper labeled as "the drug dealer that's financially assisting the terrorist".

If its in one pot, its one plant.

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steve green

true mounding seems much easier, dont have to wait as long and less work
i might test indoor mounding on some small clones i got--very soon
although its hard to stop thinking of the horizontal planting-(Quick pic Below- of the transfer -also i untied her) mounding seems like its worth a try.
could you give me some averages what you yield off both methods? indoor/outdoor

"Where I live however, getting caught with 4 plants means the judge will lecture you on the evils of cannabis and give you a fine . 5 plants means your picture is on the front page of the local paper labeled as "the drug dealer that's financially assisting the terrorist". "

thats shity to hear,its sad that generations of people were brainwashed to hate on cannabis.
hope you stay stafe where your at
makes sense that you would want the most out of one plant-due to restrictions on numbers. still with only doing 4 plants- im sure you come out quite nicely :joint:
peace out bro



Active member
very interesting method, only thing that bothers me is the 2-3 week delay for it to start working right or whatever.

so i take a seed and as it's growing straight up, i cut all branches on one side as it grows.. or wait until it gets 16 inches and then cut off all the branches on that one side?

And when you do plant it, does it contine to grow in legth.. like will it grow longer.. down the trench or does it just root and your left with a 16 inch wide plant with lots of top branches that begin to grow and bush out?

steve green

whodi said:
very interesting method, only thing that bothers me is the 2-3 week delay for it to start working right or whatever.

so i take a seed and as it's growing straight up, i cut all branches on one side as it grows.. or wait until it gets 16 inches and then cut off all the branches on that one side?

And when you do plant it, does it contine to grow in legth.. like will it grow longer.. down the trench or does it just root and your left with a 16 inch wide plant with lots of top branches that begin to grow and bush out?

hey whodi, there is a bigger delay i aggree,i wouldnt say 3weeks though..also i suggest u do this from clone or female seed-im sure you will be pissed if its a male your doing this extra work on.
what i noticed after like1-2 weeks growth exploded -
i do regret not covering more soil on top of her at the start.
next time i will bury them deeper. But no complaints here. i had to tie her down some,due to being sketched about how big shes getting. So far i have 5main stems tied...More big stems seem to be developing everyday.
she keeps getting bigger though
so now i guess im doing Horizontal planting+LST

just a quick update
