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Please Pray For Me

You need to try and get some help. You need to turn this around and beat it so it doesnt beat you!!

Make the decision , and go into a rehab. Dont let things deteriorate anymore!

Find your inner strength. Good luck!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
just stopping in to say,good luck on staying clean today bro,one day at a time,one hour at a time if you have to.good vibes.


Active member
Well, if you can swing it, and think you really need it, go into a 28 program somewhere, they don't give any type of cure, but it does let you dry out someplace for a month, and kick the worst of the jones, plus get a bunch of sunshine blown up your ass.

Otherwise do it at home, there is no cure, no talk or pill will ever make you forget what it's like using, you just have to say enough, and get through those first few weeks, gets easier after that.

Good luck brother

Start lifting weights when you quit, within days, that and all the weeds you can cram into yourself helps take the edge off.

terry the trich

Active member
You thought about using iboga or ibogaine to get you through the addiction? It seems to be an effective way to get over it. I think it sort of resets the mind and body in some way, so that you forget that you were addicted to the drug or at least forget about the cravings..

Your gonna get off of this and your lifes gonna be back in your control in no time. Your a lot stronger than you think (especially with people supporting you at this trying time).

I hope you have complete control very soon and you definately have support here from the people that have replied to your thread. If you are finding it real difficult get on here and type.. You will get through this mate.

Use drugs, dont let drugs use you. Peace brother.


CARE giver

Sour Bubble Connoisseur
I would pray for you but I'm not religous. But I wish you the best of luck. The mind is capable of amazing things. You'll get through this and you should rejoice when you do. Stay away from this awful drug.

Do only things that make you happy for the next couple weeks. Maybe smoking some ganja would help :). And once again I wish you the best of luck with your situation.
You thought about using iboga or ibogaine to get you through the addiction? It seems to be an effective way to get over it. I think it sort of resets the mind and body in some way, so that you forget that you were addicted to the drug or at least forget about the cravings..

Your gonna get off of this and your lifes gonna be back in your control in no time. Your a lot stronger than you think (especially with people supporting you at this trying time).

I hope you have complete control very soon and you definately have support here from the people that have replied to your thread. If you are finding it real difficult get on here and type.. You will get through this mate.

Use drugs, dont let drugs use you. Peace brother.

I've heard many testimonies that this drug really does work. Maybe look into this if nothing else works.


Remember you are never alone in this. Keep friends & family as close as you can. Lot's of people, even complete strangers are keeping your thoughts close to their hearts.


I would say join a methadone program and get stabilzed so you can work. You can taper off later. I've done suboxone too but its not satisfying, but it is the easiest to taper off. As a junkie I have to ask why dilaudid? Its the most expensive shortest lasting, decent rush but not worth buying least bang for your buck compared to the rest...

If you go cold turkey weed will help with early nausea but nothing else. Use it to combat the depression after you kick

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
6yrs clean myself this Oct 28th :jump:
Do yourself a BIG favor and do NOT start taking methadone, that's just government made H and not government imported H. Also forget the Suboxone. Why trade one addiction for another in either case ?
You wanna talk sometime feel free to PM me, I'm here much of the time :yes: Prayer sent out for ya :friends:


Freedom Fighter
I was a heroin addict for 18 years...been off it since '96--
IMO, you need to do what you did here, at home!!
Tell all your Family, and all your friends exactly what you are doing, and that you want to stop but can't seem to alone--
Let them know you will be needing support, and if possible, to keep yourself surrounded, and not alone!! "Alone" is the worse thing for an addict who is trying to beat a substance!!
Good luck bro...I have faith in you--
Positive Vibes your way!!
Oh...and most important...anybody who you use with or buy from, needs to be OUT of your life!!


New member
never too late!!!!

never too late!!!!

I was a heroin addict for 18 years...been off it since '96--
IMO, you need to do what you did here, at home!!
Tell all your Family, and all your friends exactly what you are doing, and that you want to stop but can't seem to alone--
Let them know you will be needing support, and if possible, to keep yourself surrounded, and not alone!! "Alone" is the worse thing for an addict who is trying to beat a substance!!
Good luck bro...I have faith in you--
Positive Vibes your way!!
Oh...and most important...anybody who you use with or buy from, needs to be OUT of your life!!

I fully agree with kali:tiphat:

I am in the uk, was a heroin addict for 4 years from the age of 17 onwards.

lost a lot of good friends along the way. i never ever thought i would get clean, i was resigned to the fact that i would be chasing the dragon until the day i die.

one day, got up from sleep rattling and thought, SCREW THIS!!!

went to my mums place, got the whole family together and told them the score, i wanted to come off it and all that. I had family and friends constantly around me for the first 7-8 days, once the cramps and pain had gone away and the mind games started, my brain was constantly telling me that i wanted to get buzzing with heroin.

that was the time when my friends who stood by me forced me to go with them to the gym, cinema and just out and about. if my friends were not there, i wasnt allowed to go out of my house on my own, LIKE A VIRTUAL PRISON!!!

i look back at it now and know that i would not here if it wasnt for my friends and family. as kali says, get your friends and family involved, the physical pain of withdrawal is the easy bit, its the mind games and staying off it is the hard bit, with support you will get there brother.

i still wake up in the mornings, look in the mirror and cant help but smile. I been clean now for 10 years:laughing:

dont give up the fight brother.



Active member
HerbGlaze, we are all pulling for you. I am sending you all the positive energy I have. I know you can do this. You know it too. You did it before! And this time you also have the benefit of hindsight, looking back on your past, the first time you quit, going thru everything without knowing for sure that it was even possible. This time, you do not have to wonder if you really have it in you to quit. YOU DO!


I wish I had the right words for you bro, I quit cold turkey many yrs ago ('89) and as you know the feeling, desire & drive to quit must come from within which is what I'm hearing from you now.

stay away from liquor as it will weaken your willpower to say no. stay far away from anyone that shares your bad habits. lean on your family and sober friends for spiritual support.


Hang in there bro, cold turkey is rough, i know from experience, the hardest thing i've ever had to do was battle the opiate addiction, i've been clean off and on for a couple years, its so hard to keep your head up and be being than your addiction, its a day to day battle as i'm sure you know, i hope the best for you and will keep you in my thoughts. If you ever need to talk to someone that has gone through the same thing and is still battleing cravings to this day i'm and here and wouldn't mind hearing another persons views on it all.

Stay strong and keep positive, as hard as it is, it's the only way.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production
Herb, man that's hard, but you've taken the right first step. You brought this into the light. Live in the light from now on man. No more secrets. No more lies. You've got to own up to what's up. Tell everyone around you what's going on. Leave no place to hide. Stop right now associating with anyone who has anything to do with the drug or any opiate derivative. You said it's got you by the balls. But it hasn't. Don't forget this. You told us you want to stop. You're still in control of your life. CHOOSE LIFE. Everyone who loves you wants you here tomorrow. I want you here tomorrow. It's a rough road ahead, but you got this. You did it before. And you are not alone. Many of us here have been where you are today, and you've still got family that hasn't pushed you away. They're dying for you to let them in. Let them in. There's still a place in your heart that is pure and clean. Find this place and go there everyday, every hour, every minute, if you have to. Then share this place with those around you. You'll be surprised how quickly the darkness fades and the light invades.

I was never into opiates, but I know coke like few others. It had me by the balls too. I was 100 lbs when I went into treatment. My internal organs were shutting down on me. But I got clean, and lived to find a place of happiness again. You will too. I know you can too. Today I'm almost 14 years clean. Living in the light. I've got nothing but love for you man, and I'm so proud of you for taking this step. You got this, today and everyday.

A couple simple things to do everyday, my 12 steps to success:

1) Get up, get out of bed, and make your bed.
2) Eat, and eat things that are healthy.
3) Drink lots of fluids.
4) Exercise when you can.
5) No more lies. Be honest
6) Be positive, Smile, laugh, and be happy. Even when you don't feel like it. ( You soon will)
7) Tell your family you love them, and let them tell you in return. (Believe it when they tell you)
8) Believe in yourself, and forgive yourself
9) Don't use hard drugs
10) Don't use hard drugs
11) Don't use hard drugs
12) Don't use hard drugs

I believe you can do it. Now just do it.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
Its going to get worse before it gets better. It is not going to be easy. It is going to be something that eats at you for the rest of your life. You are always going to want it. You have made the first step, realizing you truly have a problem and that its ruining your life. The next part is hard, you are going to have to change your life. Every "trigger" you find, cut it out of your life or reprogram your brain, not an easy task. It is worth it though, this is your life we are talking about. All your hopes and dreams, all your parents hopes for you, everything anyone ever saw in you, every possibility which you can ever achieve, this is what you are fighting for. You are in my thoughts man, I wouldn't wish your struggle on anyone but you know there will always be support here for you.


swap ur habit to hashish or somthing ese really powerful.. if you smoke enough hash in one day, u will be passed out by 6pm, and u will wake up at 4 am the next day, start smoking all day and pass out at 5 pm again... only to wake up at 4 am the next day and start smoking, become massively addicted to weed, weed kings over all the other crap, smoke a lot and eat even more man.. EAT A LOT.. then run 10 mile runs/ hikes every day.. u will be champ bro
the difference between a stoner and hard drug addict, the stoner should be able to handle their shit,
Lost family to drugs. I would hate to see your family lose you to drugs. Do what you must to stop. Maybe a rehab? Get some help. Please.

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