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Yayyy! My first colloidal silver generator (photo)


New member
Thanks so much to you and GK for all this great info...it got me going the right direction even though I decided to buy one of these units...it works great and I use it for med purposes too...it is brainless
silverpuppy com
Or if you google "Australian Colloidal Silver Generators" they have a great deal of information including some pics of other generators and some really great FAQ's
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I had my first succesful polination from a reversed CS female.

Took 2 clones, put one in flowering like a week before the other. Started spraying the one clone with 10 PPM CS solution (5-8 hours at 9 volts 800ma) like 5 days before it went into flower. (2 times a day till 3 weeks into flowering) Took like 3 weeks to have pollen sacks on the clone, broke them off manually then let them dry for a couple days then spread on the other clone with a paint brush. (then I killed the CS clone) All the pistols I rubbed withered and browned so I should have many selfed seeds soon.

Some of the leaves on the clone had grey residue from the CS solution, but the plant never really looked unhealthy..

Pollen sacks might have gotten more agressive if I kept the clone going, had other female going that I did not want to polinate so I actually like the fact that it is not as agressive in the sacks it produced. No walking in a day late with a sack that released all over the place.

The sacks that did develop I would guess were around 35% the pollen that I normally see in a normal male plant sack. (Which I think is even good for better control)


thanks a lot PhenoMenal and all people who contributed to this thread :smile:

I'm not into the feminising thing but I want to self the Katsu's bubba kush clone

just got my .999 silver wire, some alligator clips and made some Colloidal Silver ,it's so easy :D

let's the spraying begin

many good vibes



chimei said:
I had my first succesful polination from a reversed CS female.

Took 2 clones, put one in flowering like a week before the other. Started spraying the one clone with 10 PPM CS solution (5-8 hours at 9 volts 800ma) like 5 days before it went into flower. (2 times a day till 3 weeks into flowering) Took like 3 weeks to have pollen sacks on the clone, broke them off manually then let them dry for a couple days then spread on the other clone with a paint brush. (then I killed the CS clone) All the pistols I rubbed withered and browned so I should have many selfed seeds soon.

Some of the leaves on the clone had grey residue from the CS solution, but the plant never really looked unhealthy..

Pollen sacks might have gotten more agressive if I kept the clone going, had other female going that I did not want to polinate so I actually like the fact that it is not as agressive in the sacks it produced. No walking in a day late with a sack that released all over the place.

The sacks that did develop I would guess were around 35% the pollen that I normally see in a normal male plant sack. (Which I think is even good for better control)

As a follow up, the pollen I did produce via CS was not viable. All the pistols where applied withered after application (like normal pollen after application) but 38 days later there were no seeds.

I will try again in the future.

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
chimei said:
As a follow up, the pollen I did produce via CS was not viable. All the pistols where applied withered after application (like normal pollen after application) but 38 days later there were no seeds.

I will try again in the future.

Why do you suppose it failed? Do you think you didn't let the pollen mature enough?


Mr Celsius said:
Why do you suppose it failed? Do you think you didn't let the pollen mature enough?

I really don't know. In my experience with non CS induced pollen, any pollen in the sack left to fall on it's own or opening a sack close to when it would drop has always produced seed for me.

I am guessing it was just a fluke. I will be trying again in the future.

I also had 4 new seeds turn out to be all male at the same time so my luck has not been good the last month+.

steve green

Well its about time i tried this.
got myself some silver wire.
9 volt plug
and picked up a lt of distilled water.(only used half)
just took 2 photos, i hope nobody minds me putting them here.
It took me 5minutes to make.

and another,you can see the silver wire...easily attached to the charger wires.

I will be spraying 6 Godbud females .hopefuly it all works out.
Just had to stop in and give some MORE props to Phenomenal :wave:
for introducing me to this. I do prefer starting from seeds,so this method would make things alot easier for me.Now time to make some seeds!!
this thread is still one of my favrites so far. Ill report back here my experience if thats cool. Once again. thnks.

oh yea quick Q
how long can we store these female seeds? and the collidial silver water?(not that one would need to*its so easy to make* just curious.
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steve green



well i have yet to see anything happen from the collidial silver spray i made and used. going into the fourth week of flowering.
i still think its a great idea, i just couldnt get it to work. :badday:

what i think i did wrong was spray them a little late-(second week of flowering) not sure though ..but thats what im thinking. Hopefully some others can chime in to help.
im not giving up on this technique ,I really wanna get this down.


Originally Posted by chimei
As a follow up, the pollen I did produce via CS was not viable. All the pistols where applied withered after application (like normal pollen after application) but 38 days later there were no seeds.

what i think i did wrong was spray them a little late-(second week of flowering) not sure though

From what I gathered reading the first couple of posts by phenomenal, he said and I quote, (without quoting lol) "you have to start spraying before you put them into 12/12 and continue to spray every few days". This is what I am guessing you also didn't do chimei? It sounds like there were already pistils out when you started spraying, and there shouldn't be before 12/12......

I can't wait to try this man, it would be such a cool way to send genetics instead of relying on shipped cuts which are risky and delicate.


Crazy X Seeds Breeder
Heres a pic of my 7.5v 300ma converted phone charger and 28g of .999 silver wire i got of ebay for £2.75.



Whether you use silver wire or silver coins doesn't matter as long as its pure silver (.999%), all that matters is reaching a strong enough PPM in the end. (Distilled water is pretty much 0 ppm, you want to get it to the point where it's at least over 15ppm from the silver - you will see the water have a silvery sheen on its surface)

And yes, you should start spraying BEFORE you flick it over to 12/12

You may find that you'll need to manually harvest and extract the pollen yourself, as it may not open and release itself as easily as regular pollen does. That's what I had to do, but I still had great success with it and got about 50 seeds from the one or two stems that I pollenated

I also harvested an Apollo 11 a couple weeks after the C99, and ended up finding 1 single seed in it ..... the only pollen in the chamber was the feminised C99 pollen, so I think this bean is a feminised C99 x A11 .... bonus! :smile:
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New member
This was a good thread for sure, going to try this myself as this guide is most excellent, I was using cs for anti bacterial purposes in a few h20 applications (none of them are for consumable purposes, I mainly used CS to keep Tygon water filled tubing from developing growth and bacteria in the closed loop h20 system, but since switched to tubing that is made out of silver and does the same things)

Hopefully I won't end up like the blue dude in my quest to make my own fems. Here's the story about the blue smurf dude that turned himself blue from ingesting a bit to much cs :nono:

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Active member
so no one knows how much water someone should use and how long that batch stays good for?

does anyone just make 1 nice batch and use that the whole time or do you keep making more batches for as long as you need?

say i want to make enough to fill my spray bottle and use that through the whole process...will it stay good for them few weeks? or do i have to make smaller batches every few days?

i suppose the more water you use the longer you want to keep the generator plugged in or no?

do you store the mixture at room temp or in the fridge for best results? i read in the thread in the dark is the best and seen pheno mention he keeps his in the fridge.

so you start spraying a week or so before 12/12? how long do you keep spraying? until you see male flowers or longer?

i ask these questions because i seen other people asked some of these without an answer and i'm kinda curious myself.

nice thread


It stays good for a month or so. Make sure your spray bottle isn't clear, if it is just wrap it in a paper bag or something like that. Can be stored at room temp.
Basically light messes it up, so keep it dark. Use a green lazer beam to check the amount of silver in the water, works good, you should see one steady unbroken milky line through your solution.
Hope that answers some of your questions.
P.S. My friend drinks the stuff daily, so I'm just going by his research and techniques. He's been into it for a few years.


How much water do you need?
You don't need to use much water at all, and the less water you use the more concentrated your CS solution will be for the time spent making it. Remember you are simply foliar spraying the plant with a mist of spray, you're not giving it a "drink" as such, and spraying doesnt require much liquid at all. I would say half a soda pop can worth of distilled water would be more than enough for 1-2 plants.

How long does it last?
I don't know. Light may effect it (many chemical solutions are stored in lightproof containers afterall, and we all know that silver has many uses in photography so my guess is that yes light would affect/degrade the CS solution), I'm not sure. But colloidal silver isn't a food, it is silver atoms electrically suspended in water, so I have a feeling it may last for quite some time given appropriate storage. The expiry date of colloidal silver from pharmacies/drugmarts should give an indication.

This snippet may give some clues:
A true silver colloid, which consists of silver particles and not silver ions, does not require glass bottles and are typically shipped and stored in PET plastic. PET stands for polyethylene terephthalate, a form of polyester. PET is commonly used to package soft drinks, water, and fruit juice. PET plastic bottles are the single most prevalent beverage bottle produced in the world today. High quality products do not require a glass bottle to remain stable.

Many products which are advertised as being colloidal silver are actually ionic silver solutions which must be stored in glass. Ionic silver will potentially interact with plastic containers and cause the solution to deteriorate over time. It is generally the lower quality products that require a glass bottle to remain stable.
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Expiration on Colloidal Silver ??

Expiration on Colloidal Silver ??

Dear Phenamenal,

Tell me, this Colloidal Silver, once it is made... how long will the effect of the silver last on that water? Can I use the same water weeks after... ? or must I make a new supply???

Thank you

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
I sprayed my plants twice a day for 3 days straight and balls started shooting 3 weeks later. I don't know if the pollen is viable yet, but it produces male flowers with no problems. I just used a 9 volt battery attached to 999 silver.