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Things that just ain't right!


Active member
That's crazy. I live in Australia and I only know one person who owns a gun, and that's for feral animal management.

The gun violence problem is wayyyy overblown by the media... if you added up every mass shooting that ever happened in our country it'd be roughly 1-2000 people in the past several decades. Whilst at the same time EVERY YEAR 1.3 MILLION people die in car crashes, 450 thousand die from tobacco usage, 300,000 from obesity, and 88,000 alcohol-related deaths. Imagine if the news ran a headline every time an alchoholic bought a bottle or a fat dude went through the drive through, and did a big piece on the "epidemic" of deep frier violence.

Everybody has an agenda and the powers that be want a disarmed population. Anti-gun people are uninformed alarmists who didn't pass statistics in high school, otherwise they might understand that guns violence doesn't even crack the top 10 for causes of death in the US, but seems to make the nightly news whenever the political narrative ties into their pussy view of the world


Active member
The gun violence problem is wayyyy overblown by the media... if you added up every mass shooting that ever happened in our country it'd be roughly 1-2000 people in the past several decades. Whilst at the same time EVERY YEAR 1.3 MILLION people die in car crashes, 450 thousand die from tobacco usage, 300,000 from obesity, and 88,000 alcohol-related deaths. Imagine if the news ran a headline every time an alchoholic bought a bottle or a fat dude went through the drive through, and did a big piece on the "epidemic" of deep frier violence.

Everybody has an agenda and the powers that be want a disarmed population. Anti-gun people are uninformed alarmists who didn't pass statistics in high school, otherwise they might understand that guns violence doesn't even crack the top 10 for causes of death in the US, but seems to make the nightly news whenever the political narrative ties into their pussy view of the world

I generally stay out of firearm discussions because there is no convincing those with their minds set to do away with 'evil' firearms. Personally, I'm armed at home and in my vehicle. I don't live in the best neighborhood.

I think the fear and loathing of guns is probably two-fold; 1. These shootings are violent acts as opposed to illnesses and accidents., 2. It's a control issue... Big Brother doesn't want us armed. It's been proven time-after-time, with the lack of firearms, killers resort to some other form of violence... knives, bombs, poison, large vehicles driven into crowds plowing people down, etc. Guns aren't the issue. If a lunatic is hell-bent on killing people he/she has many other ways to do it. The type of gun is insignificant, despite how mass media spins the facts. Large capacity magazines are meaningless because a person can carry thirty ten round magazines and change them so rapidly that they can shoot nearly as quickly as using five sixty round magazines. Magazine change literally takes one second.

The deadliest mass shooting in Texas happened just a few months ago only a few miles from me. I passed right by that church one day before it happened. What most people don't know (and perhaps refuse to acknowledge) is the man who stopped the killer used an 'evil' AR-15 to do so. Will anyone hail the AR-15 as a 'good' firearm because it was, as usual, use for something good? No, they won't. People are too brainwashed.

Okay, back to your regular 'programming'. Feel free to PM all angry messages to prevent further derailment of this thread. I promise I won't reply... please don't be offended when I don't.


The gun violence problem is wayyyy overblown by the media... if you added up every mass shooting that ever happened in our country it'd be roughly 1-2000 people in the past several decades. Whilst at the same time EVERY YEAR 1.3 MILLION people die in car crashes, 450 thousand die from tobacco usage, 300,000 from obesity, and 88,000 alcohol-related deaths. Imagine if the news ran a headline every time an alchoholic bought a bottle or a fat dude went through the drive through, and did a big piece on the "epidemic" of deep frier violence.

Everybody has an agenda and the powers that be want a disarmed population. Anti-gun people are uninformed alarmists who didn't pass statistics in high school, otherwise they might understand that guns violence doesn't even crack the top 10 for causes of death in the US, but seems to make the nightly news whenever the political narrative ties into their pussy view of the world

Re statistics: you know the old saying, "there are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."
Imo, we're just monkeys with nukes and the future isn't looking too rosy. I'd choose a World Government over annihilation any day. Anything to stop us destroying the planet and everything on it. A nuke is just a big friggen gun imo.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Lets get back on topic guys.....

Things that just ain't right

Chopping genital bits off kids, both boys and girls - CURCUMCISION.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Imo, destroying the planet, nukes and monkeys, just ain't right.

Monkeys?......you got a problem with monkeys? .....WHY?


Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Come to think of it, back in 1984 I was at the Monkey Temple in Kathmandu Nepal and some brazen grey gangster of a macaque stole my passport out of my shirt pocket.
He had the audacity to swing right up near the top of the temple with it before he stopped, made eye contact with me, then started to examine it while keeping a sharp eye out for any other monkeys that might take it from him.

The thief was far out of the reach of any of us mere humans, when he decided to tear the passport to bits with his manky teeth......

I had to go to the British embassy and explain this all to the British Consul, who got a good chuckle out of it all, and wait for a week before they would issue me with a new passport. That week I spent mostly on 'Freak Street' sampling the wares of the many hash sellers, and getting to know what quality charas was all about, so in some way that naughty monkey did me a favour.

So I feel your pain.....lol


Active member
How is an assault rifle used for something good?

The term 'assault rifle' is silly. The only differences between an AR-15 and a regular hunting rifle are; 1. It can be easily broken down for maintenance, 2. It's ability (versatility) to be adapted to different scopes, etc., 3. It's ability to take high capacity magazines (a non-issue)., 4. People have been brainwashed to think they 'look scary'.

Remove the rails on which lights, aiming lasers and scopes can be mounted. Paint the thing pink and add a fluffy buttstock. Use ten round magazines. Many people will think they're 'cute'. Media spin... brainwashing. Stop falling for that uninformed silliness.

Regular hunting rifles are extremely similar in every other regard. The term 'assault rifle' is media spin to make many people crap their pants. Making people crap their pants gets them to watch the news (and their commercials) so today's greedy news continues to profit from selling the public nonsense. Because the news tells people to be afraid... they're afraid... and tune in to hear more BS.

It's not as if the typical/common AR-15 is a fully automatic belt-fed .50 caliber machine-gun killing machine. They're not. They're small caliber semi-automatic rifles used by 'sane' people for sport shooting, hunting and home defense, just like any other firearm.

I'm sorry... I'm off the subject now. It's just that when I see nonsense parroted I feel obligated to try and educate away the media brainwashing. I'll not post another reply to those who repeat the same old misinformation.

Parroting media brainwashing spin... just ain't right. ;)


Well-known member
I have never heard that term before.

Either way it ruins families.

that is what LEO calls them. VIOLENCE ruins families. the way some folks talk, i keep expecting to look out my front window & see a bunch of guns going down the street firing themselves at random windows & cars passing by. when a nutjob drives into a crowd of pedestrians, the news folks do NOT print a bold headline calling for the passage of laws restricting auto ownership or confiscation. "we MUST pass a law & do away with the dreaded car lot loophole! private sales must be outlawed! thousands killed, many injured... no one NEEDS an assault auto! but...but...but, what about the CHILDREN?" :biggrin:


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Two descriptions commonly used around here are "duty rifle" or a "force multiplier".

why do the police/media call AR-15s in the publics hands "assault rifles", but THEIR AR-15s are termed "counter-assault rifles"? who kicks in more doors & go in rifles at the ready? LEO or the guys at the gun club ?:laughing:


Active member
Lot's of peeps are afraid that the country could be invaded. Perhaps that is why my old man kept a type 56. His brother was also second in command for our cities police. So there was security issues related to that.

Honestly, someone could cherry pick targets with a .223 rifle. It doesn't have to be full auto. It's not even the body count as much as the psycological factor.

In my experience, criminals have shitty weapons. Most are very stupid people. Some served and know weapons, but I've never seen those with guns. Given my experience with people is limited.


Active member
I guess what isn't right is social exclusion based on bad ideals. How the media portrays everyone being all loving and harmonious unless they violate some social 'norm'.

Break the law and be secluded for ever. That religion, real religious experience is illegal or otherwise unobtainable. Can't eat a mushroom and have a valid mystical experience.

I have had a cop point a gun at my chest over a tiny ass misdemeanor. To me societies BUTT HURT aint't right.


Active member
People telling other people how to live their lives or spend their money just aint right. freedom and happiness for all, amen!


People telling other people how to live their lives or spend their money just aint right. freedom and happiness for all, amen!

Freedom is an illusion. You're subjest to society's rules from the time you wake up until to time you go to sleep. It's just that different society's have different rules and obligations, so we are in fact just subject to differing social conditioning. To confuse social conditioning with freedom is kinda missing the point.


Active member
Freedom is an illusion. You're subjest to society's rules from the time you wake up until to time you go to sleep. It's just that different society's have different rules and obligations, so we are in fact just subject to differing social conditioning. To confuse social conditioning with freedom is kinda missing the point.

To live in a society is to give up some freedoms because you need rules to organize it. To me, if I can speak my mind without fear of government retribution, arm myself to defend my family, and own some land and be more or less left alone that is freedom. What more do you want ?

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