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Hydroformer's 4kw 4 Trees grow


Active member
awesome man, I really wanna go 1 plant/light. Thinkin about just copying this for my two 4kw flower rooms.

couple questions..

How much T5 wattage did each plant get in veg?

Any idea on how a bubba would do? This cut has done real well for me horizontal but i dunno if it would do so well vert.

here she is, lil under 2 months HPS veg and tons of topping, 7 gal pots

^ Those are some healthy looking ladies you have there 215!

My plants received about 130w each, 10 under 1300w of t5. I now have 4 under the same wattage.

Your bubba looks great! If you train it through a cage you should be able to get colas 360* in a vert set up, not just on the top with horizontal.

I had hoped my grape ape would've gotten a lot taller
than it did during the first few weeks of flower. By the time these are done I'll have some 4+ month g/a vegers that will really fill the space nicely.



Nice pic of your chicken prowling around, i always thought a chicken would be real good at clearing up all the bottom/popcorn on the bottom of a tree like that. I have been feeding males to ours and they seem to love it
Thanks Dr.

Thanks 13
Lol.. that would be great if they did, they seem to be more interested in finding little bugs. I fed them mj seed last year and they gobbled those up!

