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Gorilla Glue #4

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Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
This is my dud ;)(not a real dud).. Not my best run. These 2 plant where from crappy cuts. The 1st ones I took after a 2 month hold on flowering any. They are also the 1st from the revegged mother. I'm OK with how it turned out considering what I started with.



Loc Dog

Hobbies include "drinkin', smokin' weed, and all k
because it doesnt work that way. those two random factoids are not mutually exclusive apparently. im guessing it does fine crawling around on a plant with thc but in a petri dish with thc extract its a different ball game all together. im purely guessing i dont know what that dude is talking about or if he really even exists. they do infect hemp dont they? so. i dunno, i guess its not a big enough of a deterrent? toxicity doesnt stop people from drinking the water in l.a.

You know that I am no expert, but good at troubleshooting problems.

My thought is there is almost know THC in vegging plants. Which is also where clones come from. Maybe the tested plants were close to harvest, and nematodes were long dead.

Would think a plant to be tested, should be in veg, if that statement about THC killing lifecycle.

Just my thought.


Active member
i doubt it does in nature. theres not much thc for them to come into contact with unless they bore into the waxy trichome walls to get to the thc. it would be like saying that how can we stay alive when gasoline is everywhere. its in gas tanks and doesnt really get on us that much. thc is sealed in trichomes.nematodes could crawl right under them.


Just Say Grow
because it doesnt work that way. those two random factoids are not mutually exclusive apparently. im guessing it does fine crawling around on a plant with thc but in a petri dish with thc extract its a different ball game all together. im purely guessing i dont know what that dude is talking about or if he really even exists. they do infect hemp dont they? so. i dunno, i guess its not a big enough of a deterrent? toxicity doesnt stop people from drinking the water in l.a.

na man, every one in la drinks voss and evian...the tap water is only for lawns and washing cars lmfao...you know LA is an arid desert climate, yet you will be harassed by city officials if your grass is not lush and green enough...and this is during a historic drought. Pdx was literally the ONLY place that I've actually enjoyed the tap water, it was like bottled water straight from the tap... and I loved that it was the only municipality in the country that doesn't add fluoride to the water.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
so would some sort of THC pesticide work ?? it would need to be in some sort of fat like milk maybe ? water wont work...


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If its Organic I'm all f or it. I don't like using any type of chem on the plants if I can do it another way.


Active member
unless you consider these videos of them inside dudded cannabis stems evidence. this dude retro was on here trolling anyone who questioned it a couple of months ago. then he threw a temper tantrum and started trolling the opposite. who the f knows what this guy is doing on here but trying to bother people. there is documented proof but no positive lab results. these vids are pretty damn clear, although not enough to claim 100% proof. whatthe215 graciously made these to share with the commuity so people could use the info. he didnt fabricate them. if im not mistaken obsoul33t made some video of microscope images too on ig. storm saw them in his plants first which prompted these guys to go look in the scope. wt215 posted these pretty soon after storm discovered his. retro doesnt like some or all of them or something so hes trolling thier findings to be a pain. hes not interested in the community finding an answer he just wants people to pay attention. well we all see you retro. its cool, we know youre an awesome back up googler.

btw scroll back in this thread and see what how he treats people who question stem nematodes. now hes calling the people who found it liars. pretty rude. curious what his motivation is. he doesnt grow herb and he never saw this happen like this other than when his ass had bms. he thought it was the same thing and chimed in. great. then he alienated and bickered anyone off the thread who had any ideas other than his. he drove this thread into the ground bickering endless with other people who like him self, fancied themselves experts even though theyve never experienced it or even seen it for that matter.

meanwhile the folks who actually were battling diagnosing and subsequently cured them got frustrated and left after getting buried by the nonsense. it almost slipped by unnoticed when they dropped the info youre looking for if you came here for answers.

want a solution thats working for people who had been plauged by this?

quick hint "search this thread " feature. read posts by storm shadow and whatthe215 and youll get the meat of this mystery unfolding from mystery dud to nematode dud and the treatments that worked.

want to feel like never logging on to ic again? search retro and papaducs endless pissing matches.

and heres the videos by wt215.


Active member
i want to say 200 but i dont recall exactly. im pretty sure if you go back to the same date on these videos on this thread and start looking for wt215 posts youll find it easily. he mentioned it in the posts around the time


Active member
he also said they were very hard to find. he couldnt find them but in his sickest mom plants and said it took a while. they are tiny little wriggly things that are see through and live between plant cells. i guess they can be a lil elusive for the lay lab tech. people dedicate thier field to finding these things and theres lots of cool tricks for detecting them. you can float them by raising the density of a maserated stem and water solution with sugar or magsul and then skim them off/ you can filter them. or you can look at plant material from the cortex of the stem at the base of the plant. theres other ways as well.
but the best way in my opinion would be to just send them to nematology lab.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
If WHA215 still has them he needs to send them off for a specific test for them. They will find them if there present. I would like to see if anyone can find them in healthy plants not a gg#4. I'm going to take a look at mine. I have a sweet scope so it should be a issue with the equipment.

I was bustin SS balls earlier. I was going through the dud thread 1 of his post told everyone to STFU he know's 100% its a virus. No one kew what there where talking about lol. So I had to give him shit for that. If everyone would keep the discussion light hearted there would be no need to start personal attacks but there are some that enjoy pushing people buttons. If someone gets out of line continually they just get put on Ignore..


Active member
i think they both got rid of their sickest plants and started using chitosan only to never have them return. or at least thats what i gathered from them in posts and pms. it seems at this point these guys are calling it curable or controllable to the point of no symptoms.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
That's a step in the right direction. If it can be confirmed I see no reason this needs to be a bitching match anymore. Just use some and be done with it... Might not be a bad idea to use some every now and then for plant maintenance..


Active member
there was a lot of claims made including this one that sounded likely. they were really good attempts. the thing is is that all the "wrong" answers are just just part of the work of getting there. people slamming each other and holding it in other peoples face is ignorant. it stifles the progress that being "wrong" makes. we now no we dont need to search viruses.my pathology lab found no known viruses. it also had no phytoplasma present which at the time was what a good number of people thought it was. now they dont. what i did wasnt difficult and required no real expertise aside from bullshitting face to face with lab nerds. really cute lab nerds. it was fun. they did all the hard work once i got up the nerve to go in and submit a sample. the hardest part was tracking down people with duds who hadnt already discarded them. one person was still holding onto a cut tcpk trying to resurrect it and because it was such a special cut hadnt wanted to let it go without a fight. so it was festering away. when i received the cut it easily snapped into pieces and was woody thin stem and small leaved. it looked terrible. the only thing they found was pythium which they were pretty sure wasnt what was causing this.. but again this was before the s.n. announcement and i had just submittted more upper stems and leaves and roots in a little bit of soil. i left out the crown. oops. im not a plant pathologist so i make mistakes,


Active member
That's a step in the right direction. If it can be confirmed I see no reason this needs to be a bitching match anymore. Just use some and be done with it... Might not be a bad idea to use some every now and then for plant maintenance..

absolutely. and if you read the chitosan studies on plants dosed with it youll see it has tremendous benefits beyond duds.
helps lesson the occurrence of many pathogens
all kinds of dampening off and other root diseases.
it increases yields and germination rates in the studies i read.
and its ok for organic.
its kind of a no brainer


Active member
and as far as gg4 goes i dont think its necessarily signifigant to the dud topic per se. it just happens to be one of many plants that has had dudded versions sent out all over the place. it was a good catalyst for discussion. its a bomb ass cut.
seriously one of the nicest plants to roll through my stable in a while.
i just packed a room and a half with it again.


Active member
so yes we still havent confirmed 100% the duds being nematodes but its not because there hasnt been progress made and an answer likely found. it just need the follow up to confirm or disprove the theory that some duds have them. as mikenite69 pointed out, even if they were d.d. it doesnt prove that thats why they dudded unless more duds start showing up positive for it and healthy plants never do. but im going on the assumption that ss and wt215 are on the right track. sure does look like but time will tell. its inevitable that this get sorted out in a lab.
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