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Muscadine Mash in the Welding Booth...



Thx gents! Did I mention how fucking excited I am? Oh yeah and I forgot to note...I've got four clones rooted! Soooo, its off to the races again...I'm gonna veg these out spread the love a little and go for it again...Plus very soon here I'll be getting some pics of my cuts of the Mash in a hydro set up. Not my set up, but a close freind who does it up right as well.
Peat~ Ya say 70 days eh? That gives me an ETA of Dec. 10th give or take a few. Nice, it will be some good Xmas cheer comin....Peace and shine on.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Garden shots look stellar brother...Real uniform plants...Still smelling like grapes in there?


Jagged plants man, they like you a lot...found a couple of male flowers on a few of the plants, the congo and mexi are near done, so they will be down this weekend...i think the pollen has touched the virginity of the younger gals...bit bummed.:nono:


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Had to relocate my newly renovated veg area cause my den REEKS yo! One broke out of flower late last week and is growing like a weed. I think 1 o 2 left is trying to break as well :woohoo: All look stellar!
Thanks for the info Peat! :bow: Did the different phenomes smoke any differently?
Excited as well! Lookin forward to some hydro pix. Got any plans to remedy your power problem?
Stay safe n high Bro :joint:


Did the different phenomes smoke any differently?

There are slight differences.
With one, or two, that differ more.

Some are a little more "hashy", than sweet.
And, can be a little more "stoney"

I prefer the sweeter ones. They're plenty potent, too.
Well balanced. But more uplifting, than stoney. :abduct:


Thank you all for stoppin by! I'll be updating this on Mon. with pics so now worries everything is filling up nicely in there!



Active member
Evertyhign's looking great Weld!! You're doing those ladies up right!! I like you're style man, and it looks like they're diggin it too!!

Keep up the good work and you'll have grape smoke for the holidays!!

- SubN


Careful, I just had my bullshit meter recalibrated
Man oh Man! And they still got over a month to go! Those are some really great pix Bro. Gots me so stoked I nearly forgot about that Fuckin Farve stompin all over my boys again yesterday :mad: I really hate loosing to the Vikings!
Stay safe n high Bro & have a safe trip :rasta:


Thx guys, I'm headin to the left coast tonight, to sample some wares, do some trimmin and making some BHO!!! I'll be back next week with a hell of an update on the Mash girls with a few pics from the trip...Til then I bid you all farewell for now....Peace and chicken grease!