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How do I find women smokers?


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Nubie Biatch said:

She put it best.Things tend to work themselves out. Just push towards your goals in life and the other pieces will fall into place. Match.com....No Thanks! I like to meet someone in person before I promise to marry them.
I have lost a couple of girls that meant so much too me. It is upsetting, and a little depressing to be lonely, but as it has been said before "it will work itself out" Personally, I am looking for a girl who completes me. I am tired of all girls coming through my life with smiles cause I grew some pot, then use me up and clean out my stash and zip off... Space Cowgirl your right... That is the problem with internet "dating" It is just so easy post pics of a cute model in there and voila... my name is Christine lol... see how easy it is... not saying it doesn`t happen, I would rather play my odds meeting friends/women one on one. Using this as a diagram for how easy the internet can mislead.
Haven't read the whole thread so this might have been suggested already but reggaeconcerts seems to be a place where women in their 30's and up openly smoke over here.


find a girlfriend that you enjoy being with first. Once you grow close, i'm sure she'll be down to toke with you
Canadian Women.....

Canadian Women.....

Through my experience and communicating with people all over the world it seems Canadian women consume more cannabis than in the US and most other countries. Alcohol, pharma, and cocaine are chosen before cannabis which is easier to conceal than the distinct aroma of marijuana!!! Although the press has been reporting a few famous females smoking the herb in the UK!! Maybe a new trend will start, detox with cannabis for your drug addiction! One could only hope!


Elk Woman

I find this topic interesting and I'm amazed you-all can't find stoner women over 30??

Come on: I could round up single/ unattached women smokers in my county by the handful! Of course, we're in California foothills, where the hippest hippies remain, and many women stoners did NOT give up the good herb! Most women who USED to smoke quit because they became mothers, and couldn't keep track of all the details of parenting; many of them remained teetotallers because they wanted to influence their children's good habits without being hypocritical.

In our county, not only do we have lots of women smokers, we also have women growers -- and they're good! Many of them are done with marital relationships, much like you guys who say it's not worth it anymore; but their reasons are they're tired of taking care of men as though they're children. If you want a good woman who's evolved enough to be with you, BE THE SAME! Seems like most guys care more about looks and age than personality and integrity. So you get messed-up relationships over and over, yet never change your M.O. I would suggest if you're looking for a stoner spouse, look for the twinkle in their eyes, an attitude of fun and irreverence and willingness to try something new, and appreciation of your buds while she pulls out hers to share with you. (I'd show you mine...!)

Also, guys, try not to be a pig around her. It's a little thing, but a big turnoff. You want sweetness and kindness, be that for her too. And please show us you have domestic skills; it offends us mightily when you only know how to cook from a can and don't know how to use the toilet brush. My husband can't see spiderwebs, which is too bad since he's 6'6" and can reach the ceiling without a stepladder... But we sure enjoy our daily rips together! And hell yes, pot makes sex SO MUCH more fun!

Some of my tricks to find whether people are green friendly are to casually bring up in conversation that I know someone who grows; or I smoked pot in college; or, I prefer pot to alcohol; if you live in a fairly liberal state, the worst that can happen is she'll won't want to talk to you anymore -- think of the hassle you save! And the best: she might just break out her own stash!

PS -- as a young stoner, I definitely played the "Cute Girl" card and guys laid joints on me all the time; I'm paying back the karma by sharing liberally and often. I think the main issue is not whether she smokes, but whether she's a good human being. You guys settle too easily and then are surprised to find she didn't really love you for yourself. Definitely don't let women that you don't thoroughly trust know that you grow, as there is a major factor in some women's emotional makeup that they will seriously make you suffer and/or hold it over you once they decide they don't like you anymore. None of these types are friends of mine; don't let them become your girlfriend!

My point overall is we're out there; come find us! If we're not your type physically or emotionally but you like us anyway, try it out! Or ask us if we have any friends like us!


This is the money you could be saving if you grow
I met someone from the Chicago Reader. She contacted me, and she was looking for a connection. We made that connection on the 1st date, and again on the second date, so I decided I felt uncomfortable being in a relationship based on drug use.
Elk Woman, that was a great post! I agree 100%!

As a young woman toker and now grower (damn those 1/8's for $50!), it's actually a lil tougher than I imagined finding a good, honest man in my area who likes to smoke. It seems I am the 'stoner' (as they like to call me) out of my small group of friends. Of course, no one knows that I grow and they never will. But I would love to meet a man someday that I can completely trust, that shares my growing and smoking interests and lifestyle! :)

I only have one good friend that will toke up with me often. Other than that I smoke by myself 98% of the time. Being finished with college, it's hard meeting men other than at a bar!

Bud Hi

Active member
I met a cool lady at Walmart, While looking for "Grandma's Molasses"
She was getting a bottle off the shelf, as I got near her. She had that look, when I grabbed a bottle.. I studdered, and said, i like it with hot butter, on pancakes..she said, she don't eat it, but, uses it for plant feed....and walked away,with a smile.
Wish I could turn back time...

Wish I could turn back time...

....yeah, it's hard to find other tokers where I am, especially other women smokers. Then last night, under the influence of more than a little wine (for me, anyway) I opened my big mouth and told the 3 women I was out with that I was gonna grow....had the beans and all. Stupid is as stupid does....hadn't even started my grow box and now probably shouldn't. Well, at least not at my house. They asked me what about my son (he's 13) and I said it would be really stealth....yeah....so stealth, I tell people I hardly know. Sorry if this got off topic, I just had to get it off my chest. I know these other women have tried it, but whatever....it was a really dumb thing on my part. I guess I got a little desperate to have other women to smoke with..... :badday: (hmmmm....was trying to get a smiley in here)


Active member
view2athrill said:
....yeah, it's hard to find other tokers where I am, especially other women smokers. Then last night, under the influence of more than a little wine (for me, anyway) I opened my big mouth and told the 3 women I was out with that I was gonna grow....had the beans and all. Stupid is as stupid does....hadn't even started my grow box and now probably shouldn't. Well, at least not at my house. They asked me what about my son (he's 13) and I said it would be really stealth....yeah....so stealth, I tell people I hardly know. Sorry if this got off topic, I just had to get it off my chest. I know these other women have tried it, but whatever....it was a really dumb thing on my part. I guess I got a little desperate to have other women to smoke with..... :badday: (hmmmm....was trying to get a smiley in here)
been there my self:spank: just tell them you decided it's not worth the risk :joint: it worked 4 me :joint:


New member
this might be flamebait, but here goes..

does it really matter if she smokes or not? i think when most of you guys say you want a stoner chick, you really want a chick with qualities that are closely associated with being a stoner. as in: open minded, free spirited, outdoors-y (the list goes on).

i've had good relationships with girls who weren't stoners. after a while, they'd end up smoking with me on occasion, too. on a side thought, girls that aren't stoners aren't interested in smoking all your weed or telling people you're a grower.
hey Frogger, thanks for the support....I really felt like an idiot. But I think you're right....since they're really not into it, it probably didn't register as much as I feared. Plus, I sent one of the girls an email saying I had another location, which I do, and they don't know about it.

Hard to say exactly why I'd like another woman to smoke with, but probably just the comraderie that comes with it. I had a girlfriend to partake with occasionally, but she's in the boondocks and we dont' really see each other much. So, I guess I'll just party with the guys, for now, until I meet more women into it like me! :joint:


ask them if they wanna smoke with you?? whats so hard about that.. it's a social activity also.. stop making it weird



potheadpixie:search a wonderfull woman ...roll a joint and give it to her .....


Active member
Smoking women...

Smoking women...

My ex girlfriend was a militant non smoker, non drinker, and non eater of "unhealthy" food.

That´s one of the reasons why she now is my ex- girlfriend.

The other side of the spectrum would be a girl that smokes 3 packets of cigs a day, that wouldn´t be too amusing either, but even better than the first version...

I personally prefer to enjoy life.

And because of that I like my sports, my tasty and most of the time healthy food, intelligent conversations, and of course my Marihuana.

But many people out there still think that a healthy, positive lifestyle and MJ don´t go together.

Okay for them, but not for me.



My ex girlfriend was a militant non smoker, non drinker, and non eater of "unhealthy" food.

That´s one of the reasons why she now is my ex- girlfriend.

The other side of the spectrum would be a girl that smokes 3 packets of cigs a day, that wouldn´t be too amusing either, but even better than the first version...

Sorry mate, I may be missing something here .... *scratches head* ..... but why would you prefer somebody who smoked their tits off with cigarettes as opposed to somebody who looked after themselves? You'd prefer a 3-pack-a-day smoker than a non-smoker? What do cigarettes do to a woman other than deteriorate them, their looks, their health, and their life expectancy???

*scratches his head and frowns*
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Active member
in my circle of friends, ALL of the women are heads, and good looking too! My friends and I are a group of live music loving bootie-shaking fools.

If you want to find cool women, meet a girl at a Widespread Panic concert ;)