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Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Germania with hempleafs, could it be sativa, thin leafes.:biggrin:



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Arizona republican,
June 27, 1919
Titled: Marihuana harvest reaped by sheriff

Hundred Years War, the American version. With 2 initiatives on the ballot to legalize in Arizona coming up, I wanted to refresh the history a bit... The war for much of the US started in 1937 but in states like California, Utah, Arizona... The war is 100 years strong...



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Arizona republican, newspaper
March 31, 1920
Titled: Marihuana is cause of half of crimes here, officer says

Why am I not surprised the court allowed this diatribe by an officer in 1920, objection your honor...

early prohibition "since the passing of the saloon"



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The Arizona sentinel, A.T. newspaper
January 12, 1895
Titled: 4th quarterly reports for the territorial prison (in Yuma)

Arizona is actually the first traces of the war on cannabis I can find on record way back in 1895 when AZ was just a Territory... 2 men Charged with smuggling Marihuana inside the walls of the prison, recomended taking all their money or credits and limiting further credits as well as extended time. Also notice length of solitary is going on a month with no end date given...

The Arizona sentinel, January 12, 1895



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"The fiend in his own shape is less hideous than when he rages in the breast of man."

Closer cooperation in the control of the use of marihuana weed is expected to be the outcome of a meeting today between the Canadian Narcotic Control Chief and U.S. Treasury officials... notice the date of 3/24/37

In the photograph, left to right: Col. C.H.L. Sharman, Chief of Canadian Narcotic Control; Harry Anslinger, U.S. Commissioner of Narcotics; and Assistant Secretary of Treasury Stephen B. Gibbons, 3/24/37


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Federal Writers' Project, bar interview
June 14, 1939
titled: Maritime folklore- I'm a reefer man

Franklin D. Roosevelt 1905

As part of New Deal under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, the Federal writers project was funded in part to jump start the arts in America during the great depression. Some interesting reading can be found by these struggling writers.

I'm a reefer man, interview 1939


Cab Calloway - The Reefer Man (Original) 1932



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"At these magical assemblies, the witches never failed to dance; and in their dance they sing these words, 'Har, har, divell divell, dance here dance here, plaie here plaie here, Sabbath, Sabbath.' And whiles they sing and dance, ever one hath a broom in her hand, and holdeth it up aloft."
Reginald Scot's book, The Discoverie of Witchcraft, published in 1584

Pears Soap’s 1899 ad

The intoxicating lore of Witch's tales. Legends long past but with a couple "All though's" to the history to deserve a slow clap from all time travelers alike.

The Witch & her trusty Broomstick, a vehicle to travel the nights skies illustrated for centuries to follow?... Well kind of but the truth is amazingly better then history will let you know...

Finding a way for witch's to gather together with miles in between would sound like a insurmountable feat if it weren't for a witch's trusty broom and some Flying Ointment...

The first mention of such a flying ointment can be found in the only surviving ancient Roman Novel written in Latin to survive the years "The Metamorphoses of Apuleius" which St. Augustine referred to as "The Golden Ass" originally written between 159-180 AD.

"The Metamorphoses of Apuleius"

Lucius Apuleius. From Golden Ass, Book III, Chapter Sixteen (160 AD):

"On a day Fotis came running to me in great fear, and said that her mistress, to work her sorceries on such as she loved, intended the night following to transform herself into a bird, and to fly whither she pleased. Wherefore she willed me privily to prepare myself to see the same. And when midnight came she led me softly into a high chamber, and bid me look through the chink of a door: where first I saw how she put off all her garments, and took out of a certain coffer sundry kinds of boxes, of the which she opened one, and tempered the ointment therein with her fingers, and then rubbed her body therewith from the sole of the foot to the crown of the head, and when she had spoken privily with her self, having the candle in her hand, she shaked parts of her body, and behold, I perceived a plume of feathers did burgen out, her nose waxed crooked and hard, her nails turned into claws, and so she became an owl. Then she cried and screeched like a bird of that kind, and willing to prove her force, moved her self from the ground by little and little, til at last she flew quite away."


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When flying ointment shows back up with the Witch's, the broom adds to the story...

Albert Joseph Pénot, "Départ pour le Sabbat" (1910)

So to all Fly to the meetings on special nights the witches would all brew a special Flying ointment, made from a base like animal fat or beeswax and plants from the Solanaceae family; plants like: belladonna, datura, henbane, and mandrake. Other traditional flying ointment herbs included opium poppy, water hemlock, monkshood, and foxglove, wormwood and even Cannabis.

Hans Baldung-Witches Sabbath- Date 1510

After the "flying ointment" was brewed on the appointed nights they would take off all their cloths, next rubbing the hallucinogenic ointment all over their bodies... not quite enough of a kick, they would coat their broom sticks and well,... use them as a sexual phallic device!

Awesome delivery device attaching both the witch and the broom together in history...

early 1600s illustration of a French witch preparing to fly ointment

"In rifleing the closet of the ladie, they found a pipe of oyntment, wherewith she greased a staffe, upon which she ambled and galloped through thick and thin."
— 1324 investigation of suspected witch Lady Alice Kyteler.

"But the vulgar believe, and the witches confess, that on certain days or nights they anoint a staff and ride on it to the appointed place or anoint themselves under the arms and in other hairy places."
From the 15th century records of Jordanes de Bergamo:

first illustration of witch's on broomsticks in Martin Le Franc's 1440 Defender of Ladies

Ahh but the ultimate story of this tale can be found by the Witch of Savoy, Antoine Rose in 1477, under torture... Antoine's confession is quoted below...

""the Devil, whose name was Robinet, was a dark man who spoke in a hoarse voice. Kissing Robinet's foot in homage, she renounced God and the Christian faith. He put his mark on her, on the little finger of her left hand, and gave her a stick, 18 inches long, and a pot of ointment. She used to smear the ointment on the stick, put it between her legs and say 'Go, in the name of the Devil, go!'"

After her Trial "the Witch of Savoy" Antoine Rose was said to be set free, having confessed, She disappeared that day never to be seen again...

Toast one up for the Witch of Savoy,
"'Go, in the name of the Devil, go!"

Witches going to their Sabbath (1878), by Luis Ricardo Falero
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Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen
Hello, I found some Pictures where I was searching a long time for. found them in the Amsterdamm Hemp Museum.

In these old times the people smoked tobacco, but tobacco was expensive and they put some cheaper, everywhere growing hemp in the pipe also. If they smoked a lot I think they feel something ;-).






The names of the painters you can find in my Album "subtile Jagd"


Pure Vernunft darf niemals siegen

They had Rauchhauser, means smoking houses, early kind of a dutch coffeshop. :) The ordinary people learned smoking hemp from soldiers and sailors.


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From “Be Nobody’s Darling” by Alice Walker:

“Be an outcast;
Be pleased to walk alone, Uncool.
Or line the crowded River beds
With other impetuous Fools.”

Arab Muscle Dancers -Stereoview coverted to anaglyph, 1898, B. W. Kilburn

Arab Muscle Dancers- Half of a stereoview, 1898, B. W. Kilburn


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"Surrender Dorothy"


A 1986 photo shows the Beltway overpass, Mormon Temple in Kensington in the background

Since its dedication in 1974, silhouetting the D.C. landscape with a emerald city esq vision, the Mormon Temple in Kensington has been getting heckled.

Travelers on the Beltway in D.C. are treated to a brilliant heckle that has been going on for well over 3 decades. On the Beltway just as the 3 spires of the temple come into view, the message "Surrender Dorothy" has been painted, covered, painted, covered, painted... for more times then anyone can remember.


1939 Wizard of Oz "Surrender Dorothy" scene over Emerald City

The well picked heckle comes from the awesome Wizard of Oz scene when Dorothy and crew just arrive in Emerald City. The wicked witch shows up over the skies and writes Surrender Dorothy with her broomstick for all to see. Whether the motivations or its intended message have changed remains the mystery.


Montgomery Journal- Oct. 31, 1974

The story can be traced innocently enough with a 1974 class trip to the new mormon temple. When Classmates noticed the resemblance to the emerald city from the walkway a prank was hashed. Returning with their plan, the first Surrender Dorothy was written with newspapers in the chain link of a overpass in October 1974.

The original heckle cleaned up, Artist soon made sure all will Remember that Surrender Dorothy lives on.


Wizard of Oz - Emerald City

After Hours (1985) - Surrender Dorothy Scene


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Why pick on the Mormons you might ask...

In the hundred year war on Cannabis in this country, the Mormons were arguably the first to fire the shots in the war...

In 1890 under pressure from the U.S. Government and in a political move to gain statehood, the Mormon Church outlawed polygamy. Little known, the church continued the practice of polygamy quietly until after statehood in 1904 under pressure again by the national government Church President Joseph F. Smith disavowed polygamy before Congress and issued a "Second Manifesto"...

Well this did not sit well with many "large and small" families alike so a mass Mormon migration was made across the border into Mexico to continue the Polygamist life. After years of trying many did not like their lives down in Mexico so slowly the migration started back to Utah. Coming back these groups brought with them "indian hemp" or "loco weed" shown to them by the indians of mexico...

Wanting to shun these groups coming back, the church started one of the first campaigns against cannabis in the United States...

SALT LAKE TRIBUNE- March 16, 1913
Evil Mexican Plants That Drive You Insane

This escalated until in August 1915 the Mormon Church meeting in Salt Lake City decreed the use of marijuana contrary to the Mormon religion. This was shorly put into state law quietly in October 1915 becoming the first state to outright Ban Cannabis...

THE OGDEN STANDARD, September 25 , 1915

"In fact, the marihuana seems to be nothing less than the loco-weed that causes Insanity to both men and beast. If the devastation of the Drug is so great on this side of the Rio Grande, with our Jails filled with men who have committed crimes while under the influence of the Drug and with our Insane asylums filled with those who have lost their minds through the use of the marihuana. Imagine the terrible effect of its indulgence on the people of Mexico and then ask the question: Where do the Mexican bandits get their nerve to commit their attacks on the Americans and where leaders summon courage to defy the government at Washington DC."- THE OGDEN STANDARD, September 25 , 1915


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I think the only thing right to post following that last post is one titled someone has to put that in your pipe to smoke it :biggrin:

The Hookah Lighter- Jean-Leon Gerome- 1898- oil on canvas


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The grand tradition of the wake and bake. Something magical occurs breathing in the sweet lingering smoke with the light drizzling into the cracks while still comprehending the day ahead.

While I'm not sure if anyone can trace the origins of this grand tradition, this early poem by Club Des Hashischins member Arthur Rimbaud hints at discovering the magic written between 1869-1872...

I guess we all read what we want to read:biggrin:


By Arthur Rimbaud

I embraced the summer dawn.

Nothing was stirring yet on the fronts of the palaces. The water was dead. The crowds of shadows had not yet left the woodland road. I walked, waking vivid warm breaths, and the precious stones looked up, and wings rose without sound.

The first adventure, on the path already full of cool pale gleams, was a flower that told me its name.

I smiled at the blond disheveled waterfall among the fir trees: on the silvered peak I recognized the Goddess.

Then I lifted the veils one by one. In the lane, waving my arms. On the plain where I denounced her to the cock. In the city, she fled among bell-towers and domes, and, running like a beggar across the marble quays, I chased after her.

At the top of the road, near a laurel wood, I surrounded her with her gathered veils, and I felt her vast body a little. Dawn and the child fell down at the foot of the wood.

Waking, it was noon.

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