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Hail Hydro!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor

I know it's been awhile, but not a lot new, other than had to cut a few buds off the top cola on the left. It is so dense (no air circulation) that mold took hold. Sprayed a few days with h2o2, but decided to cut those away for air circulation and to stop mold from spreading

Maybe 2 weeks left, so I dumped nutes and replaced with fresh. Hope they finish soon.

2 females in veg tent grown with NPK RAW will replace the 2 grown/bloomed with EH.

The young-uns will bloom with NPK RAW Bloom, as are the 2 @ 2 weeks in bloom are currently

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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Looked back in this thread. Seeds were started on April 10, so not too far beyond normal finish time


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks. This is previous thread. check out Hail Hydro 2.0...

Checking finishing plant this morning, the cube came apart and the entire plant fell over during the night

Nutes in the bottom tent cover. Phew, nutes did not make it to the floor, but will use my small cement mixing tubs from now on.

I planned on making a fresh veg solution (more N) < 350 as the leaves have lost most of their chlorophyll and there's ~ 10 days left

Fortunately, no snapped branches

Babies: none of the seeds popped, so I dropped more seeds directly into the coco pellets


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Growth in hydro is not 2-4X greater. IMO hydro is perhaps up to 50% faster in veg....but who gives a shit anyway I mean a 10 week strain is still going to take 10 weeks whether in hydro or soil. Sure maybe you have up to 30% higher yield in hydro but even that I think is debateable.

So basically you may perhaps gain a week off veg and an increase in yield of say 30% if your lucky....all so you can spend your time and money on ph meters, ec meters and ferts and boosters and oh lets not forget to preventive spray for bugs and PM because your plants are so weak and have no immune system.....yea hydro so 1990's....I can't believe people still stuck there.

where do you get your bad information?

anyway, this thread has been replaced with my new thread Hail Hydro 2.0 New Beginnings


Active member
Hey Petflora,

Great thread, packed with useful info, pictures, experiences. It is plainly obvious you put a lot of solid thought and effort into your setup. Well worth emulating. Like the focus on environmental factors, Rh, DO, TDS, water quality. My experience has been that Hydro most definitely can be a huge improvement over soil. I had to learn this the hard way. It started when I noticed how much of the time plants in soil were too wet or too dry, pH would rise, nutrient lockout set in, burnt leaves, stunted growth. All problems that are easily addressed with Hydro. Anyone growing in soil still can get a taste of the possibilities doing this. Put an air stone and pump into a pail of water and water your plants. You may be surprised at how perky your plants become. Roots cannot drown in Hydro, they can in soil. That's what moved me step by step into flood and drain.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey Petflora,

Great thread, packed with useful info, pictures, experiences. It is plainly obvious you put a lot of solid thought and effort into your setup. Well worth emulating. Like the focus on environmental factors, Rh, DO, TDS, water quality. My experience has been that Hydro most definitely can be a huge improvement over soil. I had to learn this the hard way. It started when I noticed how much of the time plants in soil were too wet or too dry, pH would rise, nutrient lockout set in, burnt leaves, stunted growth. All problems that are easily addressed with Hydro. Anyone growing in soil still can get a taste of the possibilities doing this. Put an air stone and pump into a pail of water and water your plants. You may be surprised at how perky your plants become. Roots cannot drown in Hydro, they can in soil. That's what moved me step by step into flood and drain.

Thanks. This is an old thread. Drop by my Hail Hydro 2.0: New Beginnings


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Show of Hands

Show of Hands

How many of you were certain MY PLANTS WERE GOING TO DIE and THAT the O2Grow would not do anything?

Well, here I am a few weeks AFTER using the O2G EXCLUSIVELY with plants that had suffered severe root rot- TWICE

Note, the roots clump together when pulled from the water BUT new root hairs are obvious. How can that be boyz?????

Obviously the harvest will be pathetic, but that isn't the point AFAIC

What I have here is proof positive that the O2G with ZERO aeration works, helping to resurrect very very sick plants

so SUCK IT those of you gave me BAD advice, and were totally NEGATIVE

Im excited to use it from the get go with my next grow

If you want to follow me you will have to go to another forum as I will not be starting a new thread here

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