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Defoliation: Hi-Yield Technique?

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You said this a few months ago and this is your grow.

Today you are a defoliation expert giving advice.

Gypsy started IC to help people grow. This thread does the opposite.

No you and others that have a theory but never prove anything and are to stuck in your little flat earth where nothing is possible not even growing one plant.

Apparently you must not have ever done this to be a flat world scientist no experience wanted just opinion and a need to censor others from learning.

The pictures were from last month I realize it's buried dozens of pages back and reading isn't a strong point with most in the flat world society nether are full quotes or links there is aways something shady going on like sifte's pictures or fevers numbers or that none of this bikering yet has produced one bit of fact against this coming from people that will never try this again with no EXPERIENCE.

In fact the grow you posted that even if done wrong it still is even with doing nothing imagine if it was done right like the vast majority of people who have tried it and still do it.

Science = Hypothesis + experiments = conclusion

Flat Earth society = Hypothesis = conclusion

Your all missing something very necessary to have a relevant conversation about this it is experience without it you have unfounded opinion with nothing to substantiate it with.


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
In science the burden of proof is on the ones making a claim...

And if you dont like science i guess you should get up from your computer chair, leave everything behind you and find a cave to live in.

EVERYTHING in modern life is thanks to science. Dont knock it!

dont think i am mocking science.

im mocking those who are afraid to use science to disprove the practice of defoliation but also ask for defoliators to provide the proof beyond ancedotal or experience.

quit standing by the science and be the science

i feel by pushing the envelope of what is considered acceptable garden practice further to increase the scope of the known potentials is pretty "pro" science. exploring the possibilities... thru experience. to arrive at my own conclusion.

does using some $5 words mixed in there make it easier for you to swallow?

well dont spit yet....

being a dumbfuck on the cutting edge looking for more is doing more for science than just being a pussy pointing to old science and doing nothing for the furthering of that knowledge.



pretty simple really here look op;s plants day 20 mine day 23 if you can;t see the difference then i suggest you go see a optometrist
cause you are blind

op's Day 20 mine day 23 we will see who kills it :)) :laughing::laughing: enough said

#1 you once again, for the 5th time, didn't answer my questions but continue to post your fine results.

and like I've also said, I don't care how plants look. I grow bud, not leaves, not stems, and not trying to win a fashion show. I get more weight now than I did before. Can't argue that..


lives on planet 4:20
this technique either works or it doesn't

if it does then use it

if it doesn't don't use it

amazing how long folks can keep arguing that it doesn't work and shouldn't work

since our interpretations are based on what we believe and assume, maybe this is where the answer lies

it seems that it has been said many times that this is a technique that works under CERTAIN conditions and circumstances, and NOT all conditions and circumstances

either way, I'm sure that even the folks that don't consider this to be a technique that provides a higher-yield can provide more value if they were a little more open-minded and a little less skeptical

in fact, open-minded skepticism is an effective ways to create break-throughs and insights that are mutually beneficial



Active member
It is best if done in veg like you've done normally wait till 21 days one guy says 5 weeks is better. I'm going to run some experiments with different timing soon but will take months till mine are ready I have to wait till mine are flowered but will cut clones soon.

Doing one plant would be interesting but hard to split and weigh you would be better off doing experiments with two plants or more per group you could have controls some you deleaf at different times some more than others if you have it labeled well with notes & pictures you could find the best times or amounts to do it.

I would be following along as would many others.

Yeah I am going to do it. Weighing each 1/2 at harvest won't be a good indicator for obvious reasons, but I will know if it works by simple looking at the differences and taking sample weights.

Also, I did do it in veg... And there are simple too many tops now:)
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Active member
enlighten i took this last post from the link you provided hahahaha

i know i am year late. but i been up on the defol. thread since it started.

to this day, all the "here's you proof shot's" go like this.

one poster who is not convinced of this technique (any poster not specific) wants to see a finished bud shot of a defoliated plant.

the defoliater guy says "wait till i find the cam" or something to that effect, but they build up the ensuing post like "wait till you see this"

it gets posted.

it looks like shit, more flarfy that ever, or at very best the same or worse

then this happens "well i let these one get away from me" or "they yielded the same" or "my temps" or "something happened out of my control"

so every proof shot has an excuse attached, and we should take this excuse and see past the fuckery and except it as a good yield tech. because all the other times you grew like this were great, but defoliar's failed to capture the result that they liked on cam. but the only result they have is one they make excuses for.

sounds like some straight ol' sucker shit.

pruning lower leaves off and lower budsites, isnt that something called "pruning for single stem plants" like something that has been done since SoG grow methods have been around?

i mean lollipopping, or pruning? wtf, to call it a new method, bananas

what it comes down to is pruning for yield, something all gardeners of all plants have been doing since plants and people intermingled.

grow em short, keep em full, grow em high, keep them tidy, nothing new here.

i mean every grow book tells you plants have a threshold for bud production, if you focus the plants energy to the main lighted areas the resulting bud will be tighter and denser, but this is just plucking off lower branches budsites

pluck off the lower budsites and leave the leafs, thats way more surface area of leaf gets more lumens/micro moles whatever, and they in turn make more food and sugar for the plant. again nothing new here.

no way any one who been around this plant a long time will take defoliation seriously after this. and when i say defoliation, im not talking about the decades old pruning tech. i described above, when i say defoliate, i mean the absolute raping of a plants energy factories, no leaves but bud leaves.

streme defoliation = diminished plant health and yields

there i summed it up for the original posters of both threads

Also i might add???? when people are suggesting skinning a plant the op's first pics are a scrog with quite a bit of leaf on it.
Mis leading people into believing skinning a plant is going to make a difference
then you will see a picture of a plant with just buds hahaha pretty sure chop day hell i even save some time and remove all the leafs night before i chop not a new thing. common practice for many.
Then scroll a few pages and you run into a picture like this hahaha now he seriously skinned this poor girl @ day 20
But wait after that no more pictures of that grow onto next selective picture where is it ??????
This brings me to the next question Quality of a skinned plants buds
can you actually get high from it ??? not talking a 5 min high
cause i can tell you smoking a larfy joint is just that.
Then smoke a nice joint from a dense big nug wipes yea out go figure

again his plants day 20 mine day 23 is there a difference ???? i can easily look in peoples albums and post tons more pics of day 20 comparing them to op;s unmolested :thank you:

so for the new growers looking to yield DO NOT TRY THIS :biggrin:


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Active member
Hey doc, I am slightly biased towards keeping the leaves intact that are healthy, but I'm going to defoliate 1/2 of one of my plants. Just the strain that seems to grow too big and fat of leaves. So what if I might lose a couple grams, but hey I gotta settle it in my own mind. At day 14 going on 15 tonite, so it'll happen this wk


Active member
This is why you should not cut or tear leafs off a plant
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms, generally ranging from 1-2 µm in size that cannot be seen with the unaided eye Plant associated bacteria may be beneficial or detrimental. All plant surfaces have microbes on them (termed epiphytes), and some microbes live inside plants (termed endophytes). Some are residents and some are transient. Bacteria are among the microbes that successively colonize plants as they mature. Individual bacterial cells cannot be seen without the use of a microscope, however, large populations of bacteria become visible as aggregates in liquid, as biofilms on plants, as viscous suspensions plugging plant vessels, or colonies on petri dishes in the laboratory. For beneficial purposes or as pathogens, populations of 106 CFU (colony-forming units/milliliter) or higher are normally required for bacteria to function as biological control agents or cause infectious disease.
Plant pathogenic bacteria cause many serious diseases of plants throughout the world, but fewer than fungi or viruses, and they cause relatively less damage and economic. Most plants, both economic and wild, have innate immunity or resistance to many pathogens. However, many plants can harbor plant pathogens without symptom development (asymptomatic).
Infection of plants by bacteria can occur in multiple ways. Infection is generally considered to be passive, i.e. accidental, although a few cases of plant chemoattractants have been reported. Bacteria can be sucked into a plant through natural plant openings such as stomata, hydathodes or lenticels. They can enter through abrasions or wounds on leaves, stems or roots or through placement by specific feeding insects. The nutrient conditions in plants may be such as to favor multiplication in different plant parts e.g. flowers or roots. Wind-driven rain carrying inoculum can be highly effective. Artificially, bacteria are most commonly introduced into plants by wounding, by pressure-driven aerosols mimicking wind-driven rains, vacuum infiltration, or by seed immersion into inoculum.


Also i might add???? when people are suggesting skinning a plant the op's first pics are a scrog with quite a bit of leaf on it.
Mis leading people into believing skinning a plant is going to make a difference
then you will see a picture of a plant with just buds hahaha pretty sure chop day hell i even save some time and remove all the leafs night before i chop not a new thing. common practice for many.
Then scroll a few pages and you run into a picture like this hahaha now he seriously skinned this poor girl @ day 20
But wait after that no more pictures of that grow onto next selective picture where is it ??????
This brings me to the next question Quality of a skinned plants buds
can you actually get high from it ??? not talking a 5 min high
cause i can tell you smoking a larfy joint is just that.
Then smoke a nice joint from a dense big nug wipes yea out go figure

again his plants day 20 mine day 23 is there a difference ???? i can easily look in peoples albums and post tons more pics of day 20 comparing them to op;s unmolested :thank you:

so for the new growers looking to yield DO NOT TRY THIS :biggrin:

What is your problem?


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Pictures not words guys is how you shut folks down. If you need an example let's say poster one says there is no such thing as a 2 liter cola:

This way if they come back at ya all you gotta do is laugh. To volley back and forth only makes my tagline that much more relevant.

Try To Be Adults Please
Mr Wags


thanks wags..

and there were pictures, but they are gone now. And.. pictures don't show final yield and this method makes good yield, not so much pictures.


This is why you should not cut or tear leafs off a plant
Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms, generally ranging from 1-2 µm in size that cannot be seen with the unaided eye Plant associated bacteria may be beneficial or detrimental. All plant surfaces have microbes on them (termed epiphytes), and some microbes live inside plants (termed endophytes). Some are residents and some are transient. Bacteria are among the microbes that successively colonize plants as they mature. Individual bacterial cells cannot be seen without the use of a microscope, however, large populations of bacteria become visible as aggregates in liquid, as biofilms on plants, as viscous suspensions plugging plant vessels, or colonies on petri dishes in the laboratory. For beneficial purposes or as pathogens, populations of 106 CFU (colony-forming units/milliliter) or higher are normally required for bacteria to function as biological control agents or cause infectious disease.
Plant pathogenic bacteria cause many serious diseases of plants throughout the world, but fewer than fungi or viruses, and they cause relatively less damage and economic. Most plants, both economic and wild, have innate immunity or resistance to many pathogens. However, many plants can harbor plant pathogens without symptom development (asymptomatic).
Infection of plants by bacteria can occur in multiple ways. Infection is generally considered to be passive, i.e. accidental, although a few cases of plant chemoattractants have been reported. Bacteria can be sucked into a plant through natural plant openings such as stomata, hydathodes or lenticels. They can enter through abrasions or wounds on leaves, stems or roots or through placement by specific feeding insects. The nutrient conditions in plants may be such as to favor multiplication in different plant parts e.g. flowers or roots. Wind-driven rain carrying inoculum can be highly effective. Artificially, bacteria are most commonly introduced into plants by wounding, by pressure-driven aerosols mimicking wind-driven rains, vacuum infiltration, or by seed immersion into inoculum.

Maybe you're right.. my plants have been diseased all this time. Maybe you should also stop lollipopping as well so you don't get diseased plants with all that bacteria floating around.


Active member
Pictures not words guys is how you shut folks down. If you need an example let's say poster one says there is no such thing as a 2 liter cola:

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=26684&pictureid=622315&med=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=26684&pictureid=622312&med=1]View Image[/url]

[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=26684&pictureid=622316&med=1]View Image[/url]

This way if they come back at ya all you gotta do is laugh. To volley back and forth only makes my tagline that much more relevant.

Try To Be Adults Please
Mr Wags

Nice nug, what was dry weight, or did you break it apart to prevent mold during dry..


Original Editor of ICMagazine
After reviewing more than 100 pages of posts it seems there will never be agreement between anyone about this technique. So the thread has been closed, and no longer stickied so that it may fall thru the cracks into obscurity.

Further such devoted trolling and fighting in open threads will result in some folks departing this site - such a lack of respect for other members of this site is truly disturbing.
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