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The U.S. Will Legalize Medical Marijuana This Summer, Says DEA Lawyer


Well-known member
for a concrete medical benefit
remember the very large reduction of prescription opioid deaths when MMJ states are compared wtih illegal states
circa 25% as i recall
if a patented drug with that result? jackpot for the pharma company




Well-known member
Interesting how long has Colorado been a legal state ??? and why are they rated number 1 in opiod overdose deaths in the whole country


a reasonable counterpoint, and can't refute it per se
single studies seldom tell the whole story
on the whole, MMJ and lowered opioid deaths are well correlated
but it's a complex world with many different factors
and there was no mention/implication of cannabis in the link story
opioid deaths are surging in NY, and many places from what i read


Andinismo Hierbatero
OK seems like you poking at me or just being aggressive

In any event, the claims of advocates that “cannabis cures cancer” are nothing more than herbalism infused with the magical thinking of the naturalistic fallacy. Just because it’s “natural” does not make it better. In the case of cannabis for cancer, the only potentially promising way forward is to isolate the active components and figure out which of the hundreds of different cancers in which these components have activity against.

As I said, this post of yours further proves how deeply ignorant you really are about how much scientific knowledge we have on cannabis.


The article was published in 2005 btw, but the results are much earlier.

I could go on and on and refute your every dumb ass claim, but for what? It's impossible to educate an idiot so I'd be wasting my time.

Same goes for resin-troll.

When serious posters want to learn scientific fact, all the idiots come out to ruin the thread, but what else is new?

"All of the compounds synthesized by Kogan inhibited cancer cell growth in cell culture, and one of them was found to markedly reduce the volume of tumors in studies on mice. The cannabinoid quinones were found to act through a rather unique pathway of cancer cell destruction – by specific inhibition of topoisomerase II, an enzyme that participates in cell replication.

“We synthesized the compound, and went into the lab to research what it does to cancer cells and discovered it was able to kill cancer cells in vitro,” said Kogan.
“We then injected cancer cells into mice, they were administered the cannabinoids. We measured the tumor diameters and found that they were half as big as the tumors in the mice in the control group.”

Additionally, the most active compound in the series developed by Kogan, as well as some other cannabinoids, were found by Kogan and Prof. Ruth Galilli of the Hebrew University to have anti-angiogenic properties. Angiogenesis, the process of new blood vessel formation, is crucial for tumor growth, and much effort has been invested by researchers in the development of compounds with anti-angiogenic activity.

“Basically, we found that our compound attacked tumors from two directions. It can kill cancer cells themselves – by inhibiting tan enzyme that participates in cell replication. And from the other sides, we saw that the compound arrested blood cell formation. When someone has a tumor, it needs an oxygen supply and nutrients to grow – with out it, the tumor won’t develop by itself. The compound was able to inhibit these angiogenic properties,” said Kogan.

According to Kogan, the fact that the compounds have anti-cancer properties and are more selective and potent than standard chemotherapy drugs, increases their potential for use in new anti-cancer drugs. Her research was conducted in collaboration with Prof. Michael Schlesinger at the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical School and Prof. Ester Priel at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev."

The amount of new breakthroughs after that first article was published in 2005 is pretty big to say the least.

Stop the anti science bullshit already little trolls.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Everyone should make their points minus the personal insults. Yes that means you !!


ICMag Donor
It will never change it appears to be sorta working now. Your allowed to grow, have so much weed etc

If you think the Government will ever hand over full control. That is just plain crazy. that is what there there for. to have control over you
Like any high powered Figure in the world with power there a god .

So they will have always final say.
like saying you own a company yet give the employees full power of it

I just do not get it i mean shit most countries envy you guys because you can actually grow a set number of plants legally. carry oz in your pocket go to head shops and buy weed.

Yet you nutters still crying and wanting more n more .
I am sorry but it sounds like bunch of spoiled babies its not enough that you can walk around with a 0z of weed you want to walk around with 20 pounds of weed jesus christ ..

Its not about being able to own a gun its about being able to walk downtown with a M60 in one hand and a AR 15 in the other and not worry about the law.

That is how stupid it sounds

I for one hope its always a schedule, its a deterrent.
From people wanting to become the next pablo or the ones using the system to be drug dealers.

Lets see here what people are doing already a person has 12 plant limit sure he has 12 plants at this address and 12 plants at another address what about 12 plants at yet another address lol

This is the shit i am talking about greedy shit heads ruining it for everyone else and yes Sorry that said peson doing that shit deserves 25 years federal time in my books


You haven't the foggiest idea what liberty means do ya?

"Any man willing to trade liberty for security deserves neither!"
Benjamin Franklin

Therefore, you deserve neither liberty nor security!
Now go cry to your master!


ICMag Donor
the dea may not agree that cannabis is in fact medicinal and safe to use, but scientic facts prove the dea's beliefs wrong.

there are clinical trials that have already produced great results and data here in Israel and there are many others going on as we type in this thread; data collected from patients that use all forms of ingestion, from baked goods, tinctures, classic smoking to vapor.

So far, the data collected has shown that the worst side effects are cotton mouth and munchies lol...

you think scientists and medical doctors give a fuck what the dea thinks when scientific proof already exists?

it is not a matter of 'if' at this point, but of when will the unreasonable and unjustifiable scheduling of cannabis under the controlled substance act in the U.S will be no more.

this is our new 'the earth is flat' challenge: anyone who believes cannabis is not highly medicinal and very safe are the modern version of the idiots from the past that believed the earth was flat, they will be considered the same by history.

now that auma passed and access will be greater for people, the facts on cannabis won't be able to be hidden in anti-science obscurantism and restricted access.

Unless these scientists & Doctors dont care about feeding their families...
Their checks come first...
They ABSOLUTELY care what the laws say in reguards to their ability to feed their fams.


Well-known member
The new admin in place looks like they will be pumping steroids into the likes of the DEA.
Only place I ever saw evil give up anything was on the disney hour.



You haven't the foggiest idea what liberty means do ya?

"Any man willing to trade liberty for security deserves neither!"
Benjamin Franklin

Therefore, you deserve neither liberty nor security!
Now go cry to your master!

Wow its typical when someone voices there opinion on any matter they get flamed

passion what does liberty have to do with this thread
why should anyone care about it being a schedule if your state allows you to grow 6 - 12 plants life should be good

Who are the ones really concerned about this federal law ??? could it really be the ones let say growing in Colorado wanting to move there product over one state ??? i think this is what its really about
If you think about .

You actually think your living in the land of the free where the Government has been workin on taking away your freedoms for a very long time.
Or are you blind ???Freedom is never more than one generation from extinction”. We are on the threshold of that being a reality today

Sure my post may piss some people off but there is no need to point me out of the bunch i am just posting my views like it or not i really do not care. its what you would call Liberty or freedom of speech lol

What makes a american drug dealer different then the mexican cartel ?? what there not killing there competition Yet ???
will it come to that well i sure remember hells angels killing rivals
in the drug wars of the past and today's gang banger's doing it on there said streets
Its a epidemic the rise of gangs these days all fueled by drugs guns and prostitution
Everyone tends to look the other way but MJ and hard drugs are in the equation . right ??? so there needs to be laws in place

Just because you grow weed sell your pounds to someone else one can only imagine if we were able to track it where it ends up ..

But with that said why would anyone really worry about wanting it off the scheduled list other then the ones doing some criminal activity
Cause the average Joe growing his limit for his medication wouldn't really give a shit .

Again the ones wanting it being taken off are the ones with the scheme of transportin it from state to state where they can fetch a pretty penny

Personally that is the last thing anyone would want it being taken off at a federal level all that would do is open the doors to places like Mexico , Columbia , and now Cuba to export thousands of tons of MJ

And again choke you out .. with price differences of 50 percent less
And like any walmart in USA what will the average person do ? of course
Example why pay 120 bucks for one pair of jeans Made in USA

when you can get 5 pair for that much ..

All people are doing little do they no is strippin more of there own rights away and not even knowing it :laughing:


Andinismo Hierbatero
Unless these scientists & Doctors dont care about feeding their families...
Their checks come first...
They ABSOLUTELY care what the laws say in reguards to their ability to feed their fams.

I think it is quite the contrary in today's world.

For example, here in Israel, you have many cannabis related high-tech start-ups that have received millions of dollars in grants from the private sector as well as government.

Why? They want to be the first to have the most advanced scientific knowledge that can be applied i.e: technology.

That means from advanced agricultural methods, breeding techniques all the way to forms of injestion etc...

So only the real smart people that actually make breakthroughs create these start-ups and have actual progress to show to get the needed grants for further research and development.

That is all done with complete disregard to any dea schedulling or any single convention act of the Useless Nations.

So it will only be a matter of time until all these facts will be all over our collective faces, and the bureocrats will need to either get on with the program or get left far behind.

Wendull C.

Active member
It will never change it appears to be sorta working now. Your allowed to grow, have so much weed etc

If you think the Government will ever hand over full control. That is just plain crazy. that is what there there for. to have control over you
Like any high powered Figure in the world with power there a god .

So they will have always final say.
like saying you own a company yet give the employees full power of it

I just do not get it i mean shit most countries envy you guys because you can actually grow a set number of plants legally. carry oz in your pocket go to head shops and buy weed.

Yet you nutters still crying and wanting more n more .
I am sorry but it sounds like bunch of spoiled babies its not enough that you can walk around with a 0z of weed you want to walk around with 20 pounds of weed jesus christ ..

Its not about being able to own a gun its about being able to walk downtown with a M60 in one hand and a AR 15 in the other and not worry about the law.

That is how stupid it sounds

I for one hope its always a schedule, its a deterrent.
From people wanting to become the next pablo or the ones using the system to be drug dealers.

Lets see here what people are doing already a person has 12 plant limit sure he has 12 plants at this address and 12 plants at another address what about 12 plants at yet another address lol

This is the shit i am talking about greedy shit heads ruining it for everyone else and yes Sorry that said peson doing that shit deserves 25 years federal time in my books

Your advocating 25 years for pot growing? You are a trip my man, you know a lot of people here could get that sentence for some shit we do , right?:snap out of it:
The U.S. Will Legalize Medical Marijuana This Summer, Says DEA Lawyer --- NO WAY NOT WITH TRUMP, HELL NO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQMkoLN45GE

No way not with Donald Trump's Attorney General pick of Jeff Sessions. Marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug and federally illegal. I predict Donald Trump is going to wreck state legal cannabis industry using federal laws. Jeff Sessions is vehement hater of marijuana. The hypocrisy of Trump, a cocaine user, will not stop Trump using his AG hammer, to set legal cannabis back to the dark age.


New member
The U.S. Will Legalize Medical Marijuana This Summer, Says DEA Lawyer --- NO WAY NOT WITH TRUMP, HELL NO! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQMkoLN45GE

No way not with Donald Trump's Attorney General pick of Jeff Sessions. Marijuana is still a Schedule 1 drug and federally illegal. I predict Donald Trump is going to wreck state legal cannabis industry using federal laws. Jeff Sessions is vehement hater of marijuana. The hypocrisy of Trump, a cocaine user, will not stop Trump using his AG hammer, to set legal cannabis back to the dark age.

It's certainly possible, but far from a certainty. Although Sessions hates cannabis but he'll be expected to cover a lot of ground very quickly on several other (probably much higher priority) issues. Dismantling a burgeoning industry is far more difficult than simply drafting, or rescinding, an administrative order.


Well-known member
... Dismantling a burgeoning industry is far more difficult than simply drafting, or rescinding, an administrative order.

this is the moment
the decision Trump will have to make(or has already made) - is it worth it to escalate a failed war?
i don't see it, at this point that would make him look worse politically, not better
the country has moved on, it's plainly visible
only hoping he sees it that way too