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"The Doctor" and a "White Rhino" Baby pictures

"The Doctor" and a "White Rhino" Baby pictures

All is well on the Hill so sez Jack..

A couple baby pictures of a "The Doctor" and round leaf "White Rhino"

With this GH White Rhino, I have to look into that strain to see if she is common.. My first time with both strains.

Anyone experience rounded leaves with WR?

The Doctor The Doctor 6-30-09_post_picture.jpg White Rhino White Rhino 6-30-09 post picture.jpg

Feeding of fish and kelp with some Azomite was done yesterday.

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dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
just curious why you feed them so young. either way they look happy.


just curious why you feed them so young. either way they look happy.

Hey Jay,

Feeding the biologicals actually. Sure I watered the soil blocks a little. It's just to get some liquid materials into the soil and encourage the soil biology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soil_biology
This box went fallow for a long time.

I have my eye on the "compost mix" aggregation, by the biology, of the surface under the light energy. I like the "crusty brownie" effect.. roots should be fine IMO.

It feels good to do this again.. Got to learn what I can while I can.



July 9th update

July 9th update

Hey all is well except for my cross.. It didn't take.

Jay I've fallen back on some old habits. I like top dressing with fresh ground coffee and I also use rice but I added banana chips and sprinkled some washed raw cane sugar.

Some of you will ask WTF but you see I'm feeding the micro-herd and they will make work of it.

I can see everyone in the box left has rooted well. :)


There is a bit of confusion because I fell victim to a M$ update and didn't save that days grow log.
I don't remember if I had two "The Doctors" and two "White Rhino" or one "The Doctors" and three "White Rhino"

So I believe I have two "The Doctors" and two "White Rhino." Seedling growth suggests that is the correct count but the leaf is different between the two "The Doctors" with one narrow and one wide. Maybe one Indica leaning Pheno and one Sativa leaning Pheno? Could I be so lucky??
I'm rolling the dice with "The Doctor" as the GH pheno has went back into the lab after some poor results in the field.. Hell it happens.. Lets hope I have a classic pheno of the desired type!
I'm looking at the same with the White Rhino in that maybe I have one Indica leaning and one Sativa leaning because of the leaf.. It's really early tho; We will see, Literally. The White Rhino is looking very compact and I like that. Short inter-node spacing. I am seeing one round leaf and one pointed so that is an interesting thing.

On to a special guest.. Bubba Kush x OG Kush : I'm already salivating over the thought of Kush in the House. On top of that this is purported to be of high breeding. They are a bit slower but I anticipated that and gave them center box seats.

It's my hope to do the genetics justice.. I'm also debating letting the Kush pollinate everyone if there is a male ~ The rest are females for sure.

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Hey look Mushrooms!

Hey look Mushrooms!

Wow.. I was bummin' because I had some critters show up out of the commercial bag of worm castings and it looked like a critter party in there but not any more.

I had top dressed with banana chips and rice a couple days earlier then sprinkled some washed raw cane sugar and now there are mushrooms poppin'

Quadracer made my day by pointing out this is a good sign of not only bacteria activity but fungus.

So hey I learned something today.. It's okay just don't eat them..


There are another dozen popping up today so as advised I'll leave these alone and let them do their thing.. I hand raked the top soil yesterday in prep for watering.


While I'm here Let me update the eldest of "The Doctor"(s)


By far the "Big Lady" and with this crew, I'm afraid I have to practice growth restrictions on the two "The Doctor"(s) So they stay relative to the light height for the rest.

I hate crushing the stem http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plant_stem but they do repair and it slows upward growth.

Any suggestions on keeping her and her sister as compact as possible? They are lanky girls.



July 14th 2009

July 14th 2009

Sometimes I have a sense it's time to feed and I just have to do it.

Today was a full mix watering..

I will see how it goes.. One Bubba X OG seems to have reacted already.

Here is a group shot.. And yes more mushrooms are coming up with some managing to mature.. Very interesting. It's rewarding.


The Doctor up front is just as old as the rest. It grew an inch yesterday.


Active member
I got the shell off her but she hasn't broken out of what I call the "sack."

A bit late, but I've found the best thing to do when this happens, is to keep moistening that membrane till its soft. I like to apply a drop of water at a time to it with something like a matchstick since it avoids excess moisture on the soil surface which could encourage damping off. Use some spreader together with the water, and it should be soft after 5 or 10 minutes. Then it can be eased off with a fine tool like a needle, not necessarily using the point!


follow your heart
ICMag Donor
those little statues or whatever they are are sweet. I love adding good vibes in a grow room
hey jack, just wondering about your "doctor" babies, i have clones called the Doc don`t know much about them just was told they came from Cali, they have a diesel smell too them finish around 8-9 weeks and leaves will turn purple @ finishing time. Do you think they are one in the same? What do you know about them? been tryin to find out what there linage is... much thanx and your babies are looking good!


hey jack, just wondering about your "doctor" babies, i have clones called the Doc don`t know much about them just was told they came from Cali, they have a diesel smell too them finish around 8-9 weeks and leaves will turn purple @ finishing time. Do you think they are one in the same? What do you know about them? been tryin to find out what there linage is... much thanx and your babies are looking good!

These are a Green House variety. There is a Vendors section way way down the main menu page.

Search for "The Doctor" in there to see all I know.

It's a roll of the dice as to the genetics I have.. Either way I'm alright with it..

I'll give them all the love I can and we will see.

If it turns out good I read there is a "candy" attribute. The Effect is reported to be not so intense so it may well be a great medical genetic.

What I know so far is they make use of soil others can't and grow fast. I assume they develop a kind of root network that creates an early advantage.

I also have a thread down there on this "The Doctor" grow. Pardon the confusion on the second plant but by growth rates it has to be a second "The Doctor"

As far as I know these genetics are rare. It is to be seen if they are the desirable genetics.



those little statues or whatever they are are sweet. I love adding good vibes in a grow room

Yes indeed.. I believe feeling connected to the Earth, and, in this case; the Garden is part of the medical grow process.
I believe that the plants interact with their environment. I am part of that and how I feel may well contribute to the grow. We are all, after all, connected on the Quantum level.

No longer with us due to theft but here is the granddaddy of all my room spirits.




July 17th 2009 Pinching "The Doctor"

July 17th 2009 Pinching "The Doctor"

As I have posted this is the Old Skool "The Doctor" Genetics from Green House seeds.

She is a vigorous plant. I'm impressed and I know she likes it here but I need her to play nice with the rest of the Kids so I have waited patiently to be sure she was ready and the time was right just a few moments ago.

I hate damaging such a looker.. But she is also a big surprise-er..

This is the technique I understand about pinching plants in order to manage growth.
"Grip at one point and work my fingers around the circumference of the stem gently applying pressure enough to crush but do not twist, do not snap. Once done lay it over out of growths way and leave it alone"

This girl was part (very woody) and part not woody ( couldn't find a term ).

Caught her right at the transition and this is an interesting thing.

We shall see...

Worth noting is the stalk is very tough already! Not dainty at all!

The smell of the girl is almost familiar to me.. Kind of reminds me of another strain but the smell radar won't lock on! Oh and there is an essence of pine but it is delicate and fades fast on my fingers,

So she is very interesting. This plant's terpenoids ( I believe that is the correct term ) have a "Fine" quality so far..

Oh and they all are smelling already! That's Organic soil for ya! Flavor and quality from the start!

The Goal of this pinching is to control her height. From all I have seen in person and in photos she will get really lanky. So now I will keep the lower 4 branches and clone the upper 4.

She bent really nice.. Maybe I can train her over? Interesting.. I am going to try and get the top to grow sideways.. I like that idea.. Added a wire I pulled from some duct laying around. Bent and hooked it. I see she has some healing to do. I may have played with it too much.. We shall see.

One thing leads to another.

On the feeding side..

JayKush outed me on how I feed plants. Thanks Jaykush for the "bada Bing"

I lay down a mixture of liquid and solid materials. I do not feed formula products. i don't really measure but am sure to use sense about the proportions on materials I add.
While most Organic Soil members will agree NPK ratings are a chemical rating system there is some value in such a rating for organic materials.
That rating gives us an idea of how much use of a material we can expect IMO. For example 12-8-0 sea bird guano tells me simply that I will be feeding more nitrogen then phosphorus and no potassium in this material that will be come available to the plants through the soil food web.

For me I err on the side of reasonable use. I will use anything I want as long as I feel that it will be decomposed by the bacteria, fungi and whatnot's in my soil.

So I have used Banana chips, ground coffee, Azomite, Oyster Shell, Epsom Salts, Alfalfa, fish emulsion ( non fungal type for me : long story ), liquid kelp, rice, compost leaching's, unsulfured molasses and washed raw cane sugar.

Also as a precaution I added a myco inoculant when I first planted ( thanks guys )

So for a while.. I need only water.. There is food for the web to process.

The conditions in the box are like a hot summers day..

I believe that brings us forward..

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A bit late, but I've found the best thing to do when this happens, is to keep moistening that membrane till its soft. I like to apply a drop of water at a time to it with something like a matchstick since it avoids excess moisture on the soil surface which could encourage damping off. Use some spreader together with the water, and it should be soft after 5 or 10 minutes. Then it can be eased off with a fine tool like a needle, not necessarily using the point!

Thanks neongreen,

I will try that next time! Where I think I went wrong was mixing the blocks without more peat. The seeds needed for it to be easier to get rooted.. So don't over pack the blocks friends, like I did.. Once rooted it can use that leverage to get out of the "sack"

After so long of not growing I have found starting seeds the most challenging part thus far. I get a "D" on that skills test this time!


Active member
There was an interesting thread (which I can't find now) about planting seeds deeper, which should help them get rid of the shell and everything else properly. The only problem is when you have old/weak seeds, but there are ways to help them along like scuffing, kelp pre-soaking, etc. I think starting seeds is a bit of an art in its own right.

You might have to pull her down/over in stages, a bit like I did mine, which was over the course of 2-3 days. Obviously, depending on how pliable she is. Looks like you already have the hang of it there Jack!


There was an interesting thread (which I can't find now) about planting seeds deeper, which should help them get rid of the shell and everything else properly. The only problem is when you have old/weak seeds, but there are ways to help them along like scuffing, kelp pre-soaking, etc. I think starting seeds is a bit of an art in its own right.

You might have to pull her down/over in stages, a bit like I did mine, which was over the course of 2-3 days. Obviously, depending on how pliable she is. Looks like you already have the hang of it there Jack!

How about that luck! I pinched right where she was getting woody..
The stem is already woody-rigid so pulling over slowly wasn't going to be the choice alone. I felt i had "shock" the plant, as well, with pinching and it has had it's desired effect..
There is some trimming by pulling two clones off in the next day or so. Just too much in a small space.
She is over for the count! Nice and easy.. Growin'-ON!

The question is will it support a lot of bud sites? I can let it run a good 18 inches.

It all going alright!


Active member
I think "plant shock" is mostly hype. Obviously if you bend too much in one go, you could damage too much vascular tissue, and disrupt water/nutrient transport, which might be enough to cause some tops to die. I think you'd really have to go OTT with the bending to seriously set back a healthy plant though.


It's doing alright.. It never was "Shocked" that's true.

Lets see if it clones well.. I'll make some cuts "tomorrow."

Added a second wire hook to keep it growing horizontal so it has grown out that much already.


July 19th update

July 19th update

The "family" July 19th 2009.

They are looking very organic.. Their growth quality is very high.



Active member
Agreed. Looking very healthy Jack!

Since you're bending them, why not go all the way and layer them? :wink:

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