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Plants dying overnight


Active member
I have always admired your grow by the way. I hope you get this figured out. It's awful when you don't know the cause.

This plant was a clone when I had the outbreak. I never treated it; recovered on its own.

This is fusarium scarring. Have a good look at your stems. You may have some lesions/slight cracking without the plant exhibiting symptoms yet...
[URL=https://www.icmag.com/ic/picture.php?albumid=73951&pictureid=1770145]View Image[/url]

Thanks for all your knowledge on this . It's helped me here to troubleshoot. Appreciate the admiration on my grows. I have always been able to do very well indoors and outdoors. I'm a by feel grower. I just listen to my gut and the plants. But in situations like this I'm worthless I need you guys that are experienced with these problems. For I've never had them happen until lately. Lol I'm no scientist. I don't know all the deep stuff. I just find something and try to make it work the best I can.

Everyone who chimed in I greatly appreciate your contributing ideas. It really helps to have a discussion on this. What I have learned is air movement, and to be just that much more diligent and clean with all my res changes. And do 3 mills sm-90 and not 2. ( my theory) and smart pots on the next run. More oxygen and air to the roots. Have fans blowing under the canopy through out the stalks ( just put fans in today doing that. ) And my new A/C will allow it to hopefully be less humid while lights on. Or I could turn on one dehumidifier. Right now I can't run a dehumidifier because my AC won't keep up with it when lights are on, its too much. So I'm in the mid 80s with co2 at 1110 1200 ppm. When lights go out 2 of them turn on set at 55 60 humidity . So with all things considered I'll jist have to stay focused and iron this out . I got this.!! I think.. lol :tiphat:
I ran 6 per light in a low pressure aero recirc. system for a long time and would loose one semi regularly from what mushroom described exactly, never lost more than one or 2 on 60-80 so i didnt worry. Would have a healthy root system and healthy plant just a spot of rot near the base in the stem, just above the neoprene plug. Somtimes it was a month old somtimes almost done, never was infectious so i belive it was a derivitive of damping off


Active member
Yes roots look fine fusarium affect the uptake of water and nutrients by blocking Xylem. My roots were perfect. But when I pulled the plant from media the roots stayed behind and the stalk came out clean. The infection is right where the roots meet the stalk. Have a good poke around. If it's fusarium it stinks bad.

So I just went and pulled out the root ball from outside and started braking it up and yes.!! Right where the root meets the stalk it stinks bad. And it's all brown and rotted. So yes this is what it is.!!! I'm just going to be completely anal and clean my res every 3 days now or something.. Fusarium is what this is. You nailed it.


Active member
So I just went and pulled out the root ball from outside and started braking it up and yes.!! Right where the root meets the stalk it stinks bad. And it's all brown and rotted. So yes this is what it is.!!! I'm just going to be completely anal and clean my res every 3 days now or something.. Fusarium is what this is. You nailed it.

That sucks. But glad you know what it is. Rank smelling or what?! Look into the amerliorating effects of Potassium Silicate on Fusarium.
And sanitize everything diligently prior to start up. Also important to let everything dry out before start up. Flush lines. Scrub pots and trays. Good luck!


Active member
I used 10% bleach right at the infection and saved plants. But you are close to harvest so maybe you will make it?
Any strong oxidizer will work.
Bleach at base and pro tekt saved my grow.


Active member
Yes that smelled horrible.. Yes I'm too close to harvest to try anything drastic. I don't think I could ever use bleach.? Dude. That's like the scariest thing I've ever heard. Lol. So pro tekt from dayna grow.? Add to my feed solution.? What rate and what's that help do. I'll go resaerch that potassium silicate on Fusarium now.
I don't clean my lines between grows. I rip them out and make brand new ones.. i tried last run to flush them and all kinds of shit kept coming out. so I decided I'm always just going to make a complete new pipping and drip lines everytime..


Active member
Whats up with your reservoir? Air? Water temps?

Water temps are 64 on a chiller.. Air in the room is in 80s and about 85% humidity with a co2 burner going. 55 humidity at lights out when my dehumidifiers kick on.
I'm sitting here reading that dry weather and low soil moisture encourage this disease.. So I guess I'm not over watering.?


New member
bonjour issak..ne soit pas effrayer d utiliser l eau de javel. tous est dans le dosage. pour info je l utilise de facon reccurente ( 1 fois par semaine a chaque changement de res) car j ai moi aussi affronter le pythium et fusarium, qui sont des ennemis redoutables. si j etais a ta place , je vide le reservoir , je refais un nouveau avec 10ml d eau de javel pour 20 gallons d eau. puis arroser avec ca pendant 4 a 5 jours sans nutrients. puis reprendre l arrosage avec nourriture + javel a demi dose jusqu a la fin (recolte) bonne chance


Active member
A.C.A.B can you translate again.?

Microbe I know you have good info, you nailed it on fist post. I can't understand you're language though. Lol


bonjour issak..ne soit pas effrayer d utiliser l eau de javel. tous est dans le dosage. pour info je l utilise de facon reccurente ( 1 fois par semaine a chaque changement de res) car j ai moi aussi affronter le pythium et fusarium, qui sont des ennemis redoutables. si j etais a ta place , je vide le reservoir , je refais un nouveau avec 10ml d eau de javel pour 20 gallons d eau. puis arroser avec ca pendant 4 a 5 jours sans nutrients. puis reprendre l arrosage avec nourriture + javel a demi dose jusqu a la fin (recolte) bonne chance

basic google translation, basically hes saying use bleach:

Hello issak..neither not scare to use bleach. All is in the dosage. For info I use it recccently (once a week with each change of res) because I have also to face the pythium and fusarium, which are formidable enemies. If I was in your place, I empty the tank, I make a new one with 10ml of bleach for 20 gallons of water. Then water with ca for 4 to 5 days without nutrients. Then resume watering with food + bleach in half dose until the end (harvest) good luck


Still Learning
A.C.A.B can you translate again.?

Microbe I know you have good info, you nailed it on fist post. I can't understand you're language though. Lol
go to google trans late, copy, paste, read.. it would be nice if ICMAG had an onboard translator but that's too complicated..:moon:


is it just me or is this the first case of fusarium in a coco set up? been using coco for a long damn time and i have never seen or read about root rot in coco.


basic google translation, basically hes saying use bleach:

Hello issak..neither not scare to use bleach. All is in the dosage. For info I use it recccently (once a week with each change of res) because I have also to face the pythium and fusarium, which are formidable enemies. If I was in your place, I empty the tank, I make a new one with 10ml of bleach for 20 gallons of water. Then water with ca for 4 to 5 days without nutrients. Then resume watering with food + bleach in half dose until the end (harvest) good luck

Yes the sense is there, except for this sentence "then water with ca for 4 to 5 days without nutrients". ca means "this" (meaning water + bleach) not to confond with Ca (calcium)...


Active member
Yeah It's ODD. I had fusarium in the 1.5" rockwool block the clones started in.

Ok let's do a quick Chemistry lesson.

Bleach is Sodium, Chloride, and an extra oxygen molecule.

It's an oxidiser.

NaCLO in water it splits into Sodium and CLO (hypochlorite)
The hypochlorite kills bacteria with the extra O an turns into Cl (chloride) instantly

Plants can use the Cl it is "food".

The only negative aspect is the sodium forms sodium hydroxide which is toxic to plants in high levels. But this will not be significant in a 10% solution. And we are not drenching any roots. Just the part where it stinks.

I sprayed the top of the media and stem 3 times daily. There were no ill effects. No salt stress(naOH). A 10% solution is a sanitizer not a poison.

Stop thinking of bleach as bleach. Think of it as something that kills bacteria micro organism. While not hurting the macro organism(plant).

This is science. Not bro science. I have a bio chemistry background. And was a pool contractor for 12 years. So I am very familiar with sanitizers. And plants. Nobody wants a wasteland around their pool.

After a couple days with no stress from bleach solution I got quite brave and sprayed every plant in the house. Small clones were fine too. It's a remedy not an everyday thing...

Have you calibrated the temp gauge on the chiller? I find it hard to believe its that cold. Fusarium loves warmth.

There is a product called clear rez. It is Hypochlorous acid. Has the same CLO molecule.

It's $60/gallon but comes with a "put me on plants" Label.

Bleach is $4/gallon. Works the same. But only has my endorsement!!


Well-known member
It`s not root rot Gaius , remember he said the roots were white and healthy ?....It`s "stem rot", or at least that`s what I grew up with it being called on tomato plants that pot so closely emulates....and hey....

What causes it is the most important thing , and growing up on a working farm helped me hone my green thumb long before I ever knew what pot was....anyways.....fusarium wilt.....never knew stem rot had a name....learn somethin new every day.....

Always attacked the weakest "overwatered" with less airflow in middles of the patches plants in warmer , wetter summers....that said.....

I stand by the lower airflow underneath the plants to help prevent this in the future , but it could be the a/c is affecting that zone as well , and I totally understand your chiller usage now with it being where it is plus using bene`s and teas in said rez ......and....

I also stand by it`s possible that area of your tables the affected plants are in has a low spot holding more juice underneath "after" runoff and wicking the juice back into the container where the gas exchange/addition of O2 to roots from the feed sequence gets stalled from stagnant leftover feed and the plant stays too wet between feed cycles with no benefit of O2 to roots .....regardless....

The addition of bleach at any level will most likely kill all beneficial bacteria in your rez , and there goes all the expense of OG Biowar teas out the ass.....now...

for over 20 + yrs SM-90 was in my tanks @ 5 ml per gal start to finish , with potassium silicate @ 5 ml per gal for overall plant heath and stem vigor , then once full coco DTW , Cal/Mag had to be employed @ 5 ml per gal to maintain the strain I was running.....so....

Protekt and Botanicare Silicablast are the right silica supplements to employ , but Silicablast is all I can vouch for....The SM-90 never allowed rootborn critters to proliferate in my coco cuz it encapsulates the eggs and larvae then suffocates em , but the medium should be inoculated pre grow and kept @ 5 ml per gal every rez change , all addbacks as well if not swapping rez`s regularly....aight....

Glad ya figured this out , but the cause is still yet to be determined at this point , so all things come to pass and hopefully all that has been discussed will help prevent this in the future.....

Mycostop as a preventive might kill bene`s too but not sure , so be careful adding anything to your teas ....anyways....

In 10 days it`ll all be over with hopefully no more casualties of war.....Good luck and....

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Active member
Il s'agit de la science. Drôle de savoir comment tout le monde a peur d' utiliser l eau de javel.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!!


Active member
Thank you everyone.!!! Feeling a lot better here knowing the problem. I'm off to go eagerly get pro tekt and silicablast . I'm so close to harvest that I'm going to pass on the 10 mil of bleach per 20 gallon of water and feed with that. 4 to 5 days of no nutes for me right now is not going set well. I need to continue to feed them. So I'm going to bump up to 5 mills sm90. 5 mills pro tekt. What is the rate mushroombrew of bleach per gallon of spray.? You say 10 percent. What's that add up to in milliliters. I might do a top spray like you suggested, but honestly I can barely fit in that room to do anything so I might break some branches if I try that. I think I'm just going to stick with the additives and hope for the best and then the next run just make sure I really really am aware and on this shit..

Of course I'm the first Fusarium in coco. Because I'm in Hawaii in the jungle, and every single thing you can think of is magnified in my environment and everywhere, spores, bugs, mites it's incredible. Before I walk in my room I make sure I shower and put on fresh clothes that have never been outside. It's that bad here . Even petting my dogs I could get RAs or broads. So I'm really no surprised at all that I have this. I'm used to dealing with every problem known to growing. Lol

Maybe I can add a little beach to my feed right now and skip the biowar since I don't have any RAs and it's such a sort time till harvest.? Should I as a preventive.? If so then 10 mill per 20 gallon.? As well as pro tekt and silicablast and sm90. I'm down to try it believe me if it will work with my feed solution. I'm just not down with feeding for 5 days just water and bleach.

Again you guys are awesome. !!! Thank you a ton. This has helped me huge.!!!!